Council’s care staff feel ‘overworked, over-pressured, unsupported and disbelieved’

Under pressure: City care workers issue distress call

A UNISON survey of the city council’s Health and Social Care workers has concluded that they feel ‘overworked, over-pressured, unsupported and disbelieved’. The report says many care staff are taking on more work than they can safely manage. Continue reading Council’s care staff feel ‘overworked, over-pressured, unsupported and disbelieved’

Caring in the City: New Edinburgh Hub for Family Carers


Today – 24 November 2017 – is national Carers’ Rights Day and VOCAL, a charity that supports unpaid carers, is using the day to highlight the development of a new Edinburgh Carers’ Hub and launch an appeal for £100,000 to prepare for its opening in spring of next year. Continue reading Caring in the City: New Edinburgh Hub for Family Carers

£8bn spent on integration – but what’s been delivered? asks Holyrood Committee

In a report intended to influence the Scottish Government’s health and sport budget, the Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee are critical about lack of progress by Integration Authorities (IAs). Between them IAs are responsible for spending over £8bn yet the Committee reports they are unable to identify what that money has achieved. Continue reading £8bn spent on integration – but what’s been delivered? asks Holyrood Committee

Partnership Centre no more: it’s now Pennywell All Care Centre!

 Pennywell All Care Centre group photo website.png

A £12.1 million health centre in Edinburgh is set to bring increased health and social care services under a new name. North West Edinburgh Partnership Centre will now be known as Pennywell All Care Centre following a renaming competition at Craigroyston Community High School. Continue reading Partnership Centre no more: it’s now Pennywell All Care Centre!

Two hundred pupils complete SESAP education programme

Hospitality and Tourism Academy graduates

Two hundred school pupils from across Edinburgh, the Lothians and the Borders are celebrating after completing a pioneering academies programme to boost their education and employment prospects. Continue reading Two hundred pupils complete SESAP education programme

Health and Social Care: engagement must be more than a tick box exercise

elderly and young hands

Engaging with the public and stakeholders must not be a ‘tick box’ exercise for Health and social care Integration Authorities (IAs), says the Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee. Continue reading Health and Social Care: engagement must be more than a tick box exercise

New support and companionship service launches in Edinburgh

A new premium alternative for those who require support or companionship but want to live independently in their own homes has launched in Edinburgh. Continue reading New support and companionship service launches in Edinburgh

Lothian social care overspend shows need for funds, say Greens

Alison Johnstone, Health and Social Care spokesperson for the Scottish Greens and MSP for Lothian, said NHS Lothian’s overspend on care services of £1m a month highlights the need to raise more funds to meet the growing demand for social care services. Continue reading Lothian social care overspend shows need for funds, say Greens