Choudhury: Avoiding a Pet Crisis across Edinburgh & The Lothians

Responding after hearing of Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home in Seafield facing the cost crisis that is set to put it on its knees, Foysul CHoudhury MSP said: “I was very concerned of hearing the struggles that The Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home (EDCH) is currently facing with the rising costs-of-living.

“CEO Lindsay Fyffe-Jardine reached out to me at the end of last year to make me aware of the significant challenges the Pet Home has been going through due the cost-of-living crisis.

“Just last November, the Pet home received next year’s annual electricity and gas costs showing an increase by 205% and 576% respectively – equating to £130K of unanticipated funding that Ms Fyffe-Jardine will desperately need to find. This is an addition to £200K needed to cover increased supplier costs.

“These increases are just unsustainable in addition to coping with the increase of pet owners having to give up their cats and dogs. Lindsay informed me that the phone calls are increasing 7 days a week and the human foodbanks they are supporting with pet food, blankets and leads will increase to 70+ – equating to supporting now 2,600 families across the Lothians, Fife, Falkirk and The Borders.

I met Lindsay and her amazing team shortly after I got elected in 2021 when I visited the EDCH in Seafield. The Team worked tirelessly during Covid to cope with exponential rehoming when people were losing their jobs, no longer being able to afford them, people going to care homes, having to go to a homeless shelter or other owner’s hardship. This is only set to get worse.

“The energy and cost increases are just exasperating an already struggling pet home, and animal charities like EDCH do not have the option to turn the lights and heating off. They have pets who need their care and rehabilitation as well as staff who need them to care for them while they carry out their mission both on the Home’s site and right across East and Central Scotland.

“EDCH has been working to exhaustion point to avoid a major pet crisis, keeping our communities together, making sure our pets are cared for and assuring owners can keep their pets to avoid the trauma of losing their beloved pet. We all know how our pets play a central part within our family lives, they give many who would find themselves completely lonely and isolated company and a reason to live for.

“In the past months, I have raised questions to the Scottish Government regarding the impacts of the cost crisis on pet ownership and will continue to do so this year. I will be visiting one of EDCH foodbank partners in Granton, run by the Salvation Army tomorrow to raise more awareness, find out more on their needs in the year ahead and how I can support them.

“I will continue to raise awareness in 2023 of this pet crisis that is just on our doorstep and I look forward to visiting the foodbank at Granton Salvation Army and meeting Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home passionate team again.

“Our local animal shelters need our support and we need to see practical action beyond donations to ensure the survival of this 140-year old animal shelter to keep our animals safe and sheltered, and avoid painful separation from their owners.”

“If you are able to donate, EDCH have a winter appeal where donations can be made on Donate – Edinburgh Dog & Cat Home (”.

Emergency! Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre faces summer closure

Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre faces closure this summer unless £70,000 can to found to meet essential running costs.

Drylaw Community Association chair Alex Dale told a meeting of Drylaw Telford Community Council that please for council support have fallen on deaf ears and that the Centre is gearing up for another ‘Save DNC’ campaign – the second in four years.

With restricted opening and restrictions imposed during the Covid-19 pandemic, membership has fallen and efforts to re-engage with the local community were thwarted by lockdown.

The Centre continues to operate a number of groups and activities but these will be put in jeopardy if core funding for running costs cannot be found. The deadline is seriously tight – Alex said Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre will close in June or July if no financial support is forthcoming.

Drylaw Telford Community Council, who recently resumed their monthly meetings in the Neighbourhood Centre, agreed to submit a letter of support at last night’s meeting.

Voluntary Sector Forum meets on Monday

Forth & Inverleith Voluntary Sector Forum meeting will take place on:

Monday 18th March, 9.30 – 11.30am

at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

Among agenda items to be discussed will be the possible withdrawal of EVOC’s  support of the city’s Voluntary Sector Forums.

There will also be an update on the ongoing funding crisis faced by local projects.


Closure-threatened Kindred launches fundraising appeal


An Edinburgh based charity that has helped to transform the lives of children with disabilities and other complex needs by supporting their families for over 25 years has launched a major fundraising appeal to prevent its doors from closing. Led by parents of children with disabilities, Kindred delivers an invaluable service for families of severely ill and/or disabled children in Scotland, providing help, support and advocacy in stressful situations where parents often don’t know where to turn. Continue reading Closure-threatened Kindred launches fundraising appeal