Paddle-Out at Porty!

Protesters to take to the water at Portobello beach as sewage backlash intensifies

Thousands of protesters will take to coasts and rivers across the UK today to protest against the state of the nation’s waterways. The protests have been coordinated by Surfers Against Sewage (SAS), who are calling for an end to the sewage discharges plaguing the UK’s rivers and seas, as sewage overflows continue to have a devastating impact on ecological and human health.

Over 30 protests are set to take place at local beaches and rivers, spanning locations from Edinburgh to Cornwall. Flagship protests are taking place at West Pier in Brighton and at Gyllyngvase Beach in Falmouth, with Olympian and keen paddle-boarder Dame Kelly Holmes set to join protesters on the south coast.

Edinburgh protestors will gather on Portobello beach at 10.30am.

Charlie Allanson-Oddy, founding member of the Porty Water Collective and SAS regional representative, who is helping to organise the Portobello protest, said: “Walking the beaches in Portobello, the reality of sewage scandal is clear with thousands of baby wipes washed up weekly.

Testing has repeatedly found dangerous levels of E.coli and chloroforms in the Figgate Burn, a freshwater source that runs through Scotland’s capital. Unlike England and Wales, Scottish Water is publicly owned: however they continue to ignore us.

“We are united in protest in Edinburgh to raise awareness of the shocking pollution of our waterways and demand change. Sewage dumping in our waters must stop.”

Giles Bristow, CEO of Surfers Against Sewage, said: “Once again, the public face a grim choice this summer – risk swallowing shit or forgo a dip in the water.

“This year offers an opportunity to turn our collective anger into action and end the sewage scandal, with panicked politicians in listening mode, desperate to ride the waves of popular sentiment.

“A general election is imminent, and the public are out on the beachfronts and riverbanks making it clear that the issue of sewage pollution is at the top of the agenda. Ahead of the election, all parties need to show people genuine and quantifiable commitments to eliminate sewage pollution, or suffer the consequences.”

This year is a huge opportunity for action on sewage pollution. Water quality is predicted to be a core issue influencing voters in the next general election, which must happen before January 2025.

Meanwhile, in June, regulator Ofwat – whose role is to challenge and scrutinise water companies to ensure they deliver safe and reliable water to people and protect the environment – will deliver recommendations on water companies’ investment plans for the next five years (2025 – 2030). 

Water companies have proposed plans for £11 billion in investment for reducing sewage discharges for this period, with customer bills increasing in tandem – a move that has sparked outrage among the public, particularly in the context of the profits paid out to water company bosses and shareholders year on year.

According to analysis by the Financial Times, water companies in England and Wales paid out £2.5bn in dividends in the two financial years since 2021 and a total of more than £78bn in dividends in the 33 years since privatisation.

Giles Bristow added: “Thousands are protesting on the water this weekend to let politicians, regulators and water companies know that the public aren’t going to let them wriggle out of demands for clean seas and rivers.

“We’re calling for plans that are ambitious enough to end sewage pollution in high-priority nature sites and the waters we surf, swim and paddle in by 2030, putting people and nature before profit. We won’t tolerate this broken system any longer.

Sunrise at Barafundle Bay, Pembrokeshire national park, Wales

Double Gold medal-winning Olympian Dame Kelly Holmes, who will be paddling out with protesters in Brighton, said:I love nothing more than getting out into the open water on my paddle-board – it does wonders for my mental health, and there’s such a sense of community amongst those who use our wild waterways for sport and recreation.

“But this incredibly special pastime has been tainted for all of us by the persistent risk of getting sick from pollution. The poor state of our rivers and seas is shocking and infuriating.

“Whole generations are being deprived of the right to safely enjoy the benefits that blue spaces offer. Our waterways are for us and should be here to enjoy as they are so important for our collective health and wellbeing. Events costing thousands are getting cancelled. To see our rivers and seas being treated so appallingly by those responsible for looking after them is nothing short of a national scandal.

“I’m paddling out with Surfers Against Sewage and thousands of water-lovers across the country because I’m passionate about our waterways, I’m angry about what’s being done to them, and I want the polluters and those in power to hear our demands to end sewage pollution now.”

In 2023, there were 584,001 recorded discharges across England, Scotland and Wales – a 51% increase on the previous year – with sewage released into waterways for a total of 12,966,322 hours.

Of the 11 water companies with monitoring in place, United Utilities was the worst offender, reporting 97,537 discharges in 2023. Yorkshire Water and Severn Trent Water were hot on its heels, reporting 77,761 and 60,253 discharges respectively. SAS analysis has found that Welsh Water had a total of 108,860 discharges, although this is not directly comparable to England due to differing methods of reporting.

Paddle-outs will be taking place in the majority of water company catchments this weekend – including Scottish Water, where there were 15,289 spills last year, and Northern Ireland Water, where discharge figures are unavailable due to a lack of monitoring.

The Environment Agency boasts that 100% of storm overflows in England are now fitted with monitoring devices. However, analysis of this year’s Event Duration Monitoring (EDM) data by SAS has revealed that EDM monitors at 1,930 storm overflows, 13.3% of the total monitored overflows, are operating at less than 90% capacity – which means the discharge figures for England in 2023 are an underestimate.

Sally McGee, Tynemouth protest organiser and SAS supporter, said: “Every surfer across the UK knows that they run the risk of getting sick if they surf. Many beaches on the beautiful coast around Tynemouth are subject to the discharge of raw sewage immediately after or during storms.

“You can smell and taste the difference in the water. It’s really upsetting and feels like we are going backwards in time.

“As a surfer, I believe we have a beautiful relationship with the ocean – we see it in all its glory, and we see it suffer. Up here, we share the ocean with bottlenose dolphins and common seals, whilst fulmar birds fly above us.

“When I surf and the water is brown from pollution as untreated sewage leaves the Tyne, I can only imagine how marine life endures it. We can choose if we surf, but it’s their everyday habitat.

“We are protesting in Tynemouth because we are outraged that water companies and our politicians have allowed this to happen. They have a vital role in society and are abusing their position. They must stop the greed, invest and do better. We demand an end to sewage discharges in our bathing waters by 2030.”

SAS is calling for an end to sewage discharges into all bathing waters and high-priority nature sites by 2030.

Community Energy Generation Growth Fund: £1.5 million to support community projects

A fund to help community groups across Scotland set up renewable energy generation projects has opened for applications.

The £1.5 million Community Energy Generation Growth Fund will support local communities installing wind turbines and solar panels or developing other types of renewable energy generation, such as hydro, to meet local needs. 

Community groups will also be able to earn money from their projects by, for example, allowing them to sell excess energy generated.

The fund forms part of the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES), which, to date, has awarded more than £65 million in funding to over 900 renewable energy projects across the country.  

The pilot scheme runs until March 2025 and will inform longer-term support for community-owned energy generation projects through CARES.

Net Zero Secretary Màiri McAllan said: “Scotland is fast becoming a renewable energy powerhouse, with enormous benefits for our people, economy and environment.  

“Scotland’s communities must be at the heart of this journey. I am determined to ensure they can lead and benefit from this era defining transition.

“This fund will support the creation of locally owned energy projects which can reduce energy costs, generate revenue and help drive Scotland’s transition to net zero.”

Chris Morris manager at fund administrator, Local Energy Scotland said: “We are excited to support this fund and we know that there are communities across Scotland who are developing renewable energy projects who can accelerate their projects with this funding. 

“This fund can help communities to realise their ambitions and Local Energy Scotland can help identify the best opportunities and prioritise next steps.”

More information about Community Energy Generation Growth (CEGG) Fund and details on how to apply

CARES funding streams include:

  • Let’s Do Net Zero: Community Buildings Fund – which provides a rolling programme of support to communities, charities, and faith organisations to decarbonise their buildings and reduce energy bills.
  • Community Heat Development Programme – which works with community organisations and groups of householders to help develop ideas for locally generated, low and zero carbon heat projects.

Local Scottish Green MSP hails “life-changing” impact of Free Bus Travel for young people in Edinburgh

Lorna Slater, the local Scottish Green MSP for Lothian Region has hailed the transformative impact of free bus travel for everyone under 22 in Edinburgh.

New figures, published by the Scottish Government, show that over 85,314 young people in the capital city are already benefiting from the scheme, allowing them to travel anywhere in Scotland.

This groundbreaking initiative was secured through negotiations between the Scottish Greens and the Scottish Government. Scotland is the only country in the UK that offers free bus travel for all young people under 22.

Over 137 million free bus journeys have been taken across the country, allowing young people to travel for work or education, or simply to visit friends and family.

Ms Slater said: “The free bus travel scheme for under 22s has been transformative, and in some cases life-changing, for young people in Edinburgh.

“Allowing young people to access school, work or leisure for free is helping to support them and their families through a Tory cost-of-living crisis which has hit everyone in Scotland.

“The scheme has opened up huge opportunities for young people across our communities, creating exciting new chapters and helping them to explore the country and develop crucial skills for the future.

“Transport is Scotland’s largest source of carbon emissions. Encouraging people to use public transport rather than take the car is a huge boost for our environment and will reduce the number of cars on our roads.

“Over 85,000 young people in Edinburgh have already signed-up for their free pass, and I urge all those who have not yet registered to do so today at”

Discover the magic of trees with Dobbies Edinburgh store

Garden Centre to host themed children’s workshop in May

Dobbies, the UK’s leading garden centre, is inviting children aged four to 10 to a free workshop in its Edinburgh store in May to learn more about trees and how to protect them.

‘Love Your Trees’ is the theme of next month’s Little Seedlings Club, taking place on Sunday 5 May, ahead of Love Your Tree Day on 16 May.

Dobbies’ Little Seedlings Club provides interactive learning activities that allow children in Edinburgh to understand, explore, and connect with plants, wildlife and the environment around them.

During May’s workshop, children will learn about the most common trees in the UK, including the Alder, Beech and English Oak, and discover the value of trees and learn how to nurture and protect them.

They will delve into the anatomy of trees, exploring their different parts and understanding their fascinating lifecycle, from seedling to plant, as well as the difference between deciduous and evergreen varieties and how they change through the seasons. To add to the fun, there will be a special tree-themed 3D craft activity.

Dobbies’ colleague Liz Clare-Savage, who is involved in the delivery of the Little Seedlings Club, is looking forward to welcoming children along to May’s workshop. She said: “Our Little Seedlings Club is very popular with kids in Edinburgh, and we’re thrilled to introduce them to the wonders of trees.

“Learning about and encouraging the planting of new trees is a fantastic way to give back to nature and support our wildlife. Little Seedlings Club is not just about learning, it’s about fostering a lifelong connection with nature and having a great time.”

For more information about Dobbies’ Little Seedlings Club May session or to make a booking, visit

Local heating installer kicks off his new business with £500 birthday present

A lucky Edinburgh heating and plumbing installer who launched his own business less than three months ago has won £500 from smart thermostat company tado°.

Ryan Beattie, 35, struck out on his own and started his company Thermatek in February after an 18-year career in the industry because he wanted to offer his customers tailor-made options that included smart heating and were more environmentally-friendly.

He also joined tado°’s Professional programme for installers and within two weeks had won the £500 giveaway prize on offer to celebrate the scheme’s first year in operation.

Installers were entered into the prize draw whenever they bought tado° products from participating partners and a delighted Ryan said: “I’m very happy because starting a new business is very stressful and so this is a nice little boost as I’m starting out.

“It’s not that common for a product to give back like this so it is nice to feel valued.”

It has been a busy time for Ryan after his wife Sally gave birth to the couple’s son Rowan nine months ago.

He started working for his father Stevie installing heating systems in Belfast straight from school before moving to Edinburgh and continuing in the industry. However he felt a desire for more autonomy to offer customers with products he trusted and used himself that saved them money and were also better for the environment.

“I want to be at the pointy end of the industry,” Ryan explained. “I want to provide people with the most modern and cutting edge technology that is also better for the environment.

“I am not a complete green warrior but there is only one planet and we all have to do our bit.

“The companies I have worked for have had a more traditional view on heating systems but I can now offer to customers the best possible products that are tried and tested and can take my time. If you get it right it makes people happier, they tell their friends and you grow more work that way.”

tado°’s £500 giveaway was to celebrate its Professional programme’s first full year of operation, which saw the number of installers grow by 600 per cent. As well as being a loyalty scheme that offers rewards, tado° Professional gives installers support through training, phone support and extended warranties to help grow their businesses.

tado° Professional is growing in 2024 across the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, France and Spain and European Channel Director (Installer) John Steven said the programme is working towards improved lead generation to pair more consumers with professional installers within their locale.

He said: “It was a fantastic first year for tado° Professional. It’s been reported recently tradespeople saw their turnover take a hit in 2023 and so we wanted to do something for tado° Professional’s first birthday that gave something back to our installers.

“We couldn’t be happier that someone like Ryan has won – he is an installer who is not only ambitious about starting his own business but at the same time wants to deliver the best possible heating products that are easy for customers to use whilst cutting their energy bills without compromising on comfort.

“That, and his desire to do what he can for the environment, perfectly aligns with tado°’s mission and values.”

Ryan hasn’t decided what he will use the £500-worth of reward points on but said he was likely to choose something that helps his business continue to grow.

He added: “There are rewards schemes out there but it’s nice with tado° Professional to get back something for using a product, especially if you like it, and that benefits the business in ways that are not just financial.

“There is that support from tado° and it is nice to feel valued.”

Ryan was a tado° customer before he launched Thermatek. He said: “I wanted the nursery to be a constant temperature and tado° was the easiest way to achieve that.

“When I first started installing tado° it was more the techy people who wanted it but it has become a little more mainstream.

“I know some heating brands and controllers can be incredibly complicated and that can switch people off but the best thing about tado° is that it all happens in the background for them.

“Not all customers want a smart thermostat but when you explain it to them and that there is a way to set it up so it is simple to use while also saving money and energy there is a lot more interest.”

Installers can sign up to the tado° Professional rewards programme at:

HARK! Earth in Common and Aurora Engine announce new Soundwalk

Launches Sunday 26 May 2 – 4pm at Earth in Common, Leith Links

  • Announcing a new collaboration between Earth in Common and Deborah Shaw (Aurora Engine), supported by the National Lottery Community Fund’s Together for Our Planet Fund 
  • Highlights include environmental songs from Karine Polwart, works from Tinderbox Sparks Orchestra, stories from Edinburgh’s Gaelic community and Scottish International Storytelling Centre, poems from Ash Dickinson and Alec Finlay, folksong from Kirsty Law, sonic works from Siôn Parkinson and Aurora Engine, incorporating political themes of land rights, references to highland clearances and the Edinburgh housing crisis as local rents continue to increase 

Coinciding with Earth Day, a new soundwalk at Earth in Common has been announced, with an upcoming launch event scheduled from 2 – 4pm on Sunday 26th May 2024, with live performances and a guided tour of the new installation with Deborah Shaw. 

Tickets are now on sale for the launch event with various price options available. Book now: 

Environmental organisation Earth In Common presents HARK!, an immersive soundwalk nestled within the grounds of Leith Community Croft.

This unique experience will offer a tapestry of compositions, soundscapes, poetry and stories, curated by composer and sonic artist Deborah Shaw (Aurora Engine), supported by Together for Our Planet fund.

HARK! aims to foster a deeper connection to nature and reflect Earth In Common’s values regarding crofting, land and the intrinsic relationship between arts and the environment. 

Alongside the pastoral, is the political, with themes of land rights, references to highland clearances and the Edinburgh housing crisis as local rents continue to increase. Some works explore the effects on communities, raising the importance of nature access in urban landscapes which the Croft provides. 

Visitors will be able to access recordings through their electronic devices, and experience sonic folk tales, haunting choral compositions and immersive soundscapes featuring the collected sounds from nature and wildlife. 

HARK! contributors include renowned musician Karine Polwart with a brand new song composed for the croft, “Earth In Common” inspired by her passion for nature and environmental causes. Tinderbox Orchestra will present “ICE” from their Sparks collective a piece composed in response to an ice installation at Dynamic Earth. 

There will be pieces from Edinburgh’s Gaelic communitya story from Donald Smith, Director of Scottish International Storytelling Centre, and a haunting choral from Earth In Common’s own climate choir and a song from folk singer Kirsty Law

Poet Ash Dickinson will be featured with poem ‘Fox Fishing’ about declining nature, and Alec FInlay’s words from their Push the Boat Out Poetry festival commission ‘Manifesto for Urban Crofts’ will also play as part of the soundwalk.

Sonic works will include pieces from Siôn Parkinson, composer and sound artist currently an AHRC Research Fellow at RBGE with ‘Pastoral blah’, curator Deborah Shaw (Aurora Engine) with a sound work about land rights and pieces inspired by birdsong. 

As participants navigate the Croft with a provided map on their smartphones, they are invited to immerse themselves in the sounds and music at their own pace. A visit to the charming farm shop/café can enhance the experience, allowing for leisurely exploration of the works on display. 

Deborah Shaw, HARK! curator, said: “I wanted to create a magical world that invites audiences to leisurely experience music while immersing themselves in nature.

“HARK! facilitates this journey, inviting listeners to tune into music, sounds, poetry and stories while also sparking conversations about land rights, climate and current housing issues”. 

Alec Finlay, featured artist in HARK!, said: “I was inspired by Leith Urban Croft, which was conceived by Evie Murray, and is a contemporary twist on the traditional allotment, with an attempt to encourage a more communal approach, as well as broadening the social activities, helping with wellbeing, and giving young people an experience of nature and nurture.

“Some of the growing plots are run by schools. There’s a wee cafe, they sell produce, and are developing a visitor centre. It’s used by parents and toddlers … I think in terms of pandemic culture and climate breakdown, every park and green space should have an urban croft.

“It aligns with the idea of a ‘culture of recuperation’, which I’ve been thinking about for the past few years, and more specifically, with a project I did in Glasgow, with the Walking Library, exploring ideas of urban rewilding.” 

Evie Murray, Earth in Common’s Founder and CEO said, “The Soundwalk project embodies Earth in Common’s ethos and builds on all we have achieved over the last decade.

“Leith Community Croft is an established hub for social, cultural and environmental regeneration. The Soundwalk enhances our identity at a crucial time for Earth in Common, when we are recovering from disruption caused by a major capital building project and our reserves are running low.

“If people like our work, they can visit the ‘Soil-idarity’ page on our website to learn how they can help us survive and thrive.” 

Ban on wet wipes containing plastic

Protecting the environment and reducing marine litter

The supply and sale of wet wipes containing plastic will be banned across the UK following overwhelming support during public consultation, with 95% of respondents agreeing or strongly agreeing with the proposals.

Measures have been set out in a joint response by all four UK nations published today (Monday April 22), including a transition period for businesses to help them prepare.

Scottish Ministers will introduce regulations by the end of 2024 with the ban due to come into force 18 months later.

Wet wipes containing plastic do not biodegrade in the natural environment and persist for many years, which may cause harm to wildlife and the environment, and are a source of unsightly litter and of microplastic pollution.

Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity Lorna Slater said: “I am delighted to confirm today that the Scottish Government will ban wet wipes containing plastic.

“These items are a problematic source of marine litter and are a threat to the health of our environment and wildlife. This ban delivers on an important commitment made in our Marine Litter Strategy and builds on previous actions to ban unnecessary single-use plastic items such as plastic-stemmed cotton buds and plastic straws and cutlery.

“These policies are all proof of the progress Scotland is making toward protecting our environment, and all contribute to our journey toward a circular economy.”

Plastic-free wet wipes are readily available and several retailers have already stopped selling wet wipes containing plastic.   

An 18-month transition period will commence when legislation is passed to allow businesses time to prepare. Following consultation with industry, the ban will not include the manufacture of these products, in line with other recent single-use plastic bans.

However, the governments of all four UK nations will continue to encourage manufacturers to move to a position where all their wet wipes are plastic free.   

The joint response also sets out exemptions to ensure that wet wipes containing plastic remain available where there is no viable alternative – such as for medical disinfectant purposes.

For the period 2015 to 2020, an average of 20 wet wipes were found per 100m of beach surveyed across the UK according to Defra Beach Litter Monitoring Data.

Climate Change 2030 Targets – Focusing on the “How” of Policymaking

On Thursday, the Scottish Government announced the 2030 climate change target is “out of reach”. So, what went wrong (writes Fraser of Allander Institute’s JAMES ALLAN)?

In 2022, we undertook research commissioned by ClimateXChange for the Joint Budget Review between the Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament on matters related to climate change.

Our remit focused on how budgetary and policy decisions are made rather than individual policies themselves. This required us to piece together through many interviews how civil servants were developing policy in practice, how decisions were being made and challenged internally and what information was flowing to Ministers and Parliament.

The culmination was a number of recommendations, one of which was for a “Net Zero Assessment” of policies as they are being developed. The basic principle is simple – if your policy is likely to have significant positive or negative impacts on greenhouse gas emissions, you need to roughly estimate the emissions that policy is likely to create. In most cases, this isn’t hugely difficult and some parts of government were already applying fairly rigorous assessments. But for many areas, these were patchily applied at best or seemingly sidestepped at worst.

In the areas where civil servants seemed less likely to routinely produce emissions estimates, it became apparent that these were often not being asked for by those approving projects. Approval without challenge beyond the financial cost led into a cultural view that some processes were optional.

It was encouraging to see that the climate change action policy package announced alongside the 2030 target statement reinforced earlier commitments to introduce a Net Zero Assessment.

Dropping targets can be disappointing but the Scottish Government now has the opportunity to take stock and refocus efforts where immediate progress is critical. Setting targets is not enough to meet them. Nor is it enough to have genuine ambition to reduce emissions – which we regularly encountered in our interviews. Both of these cannot create change that outweighs a system of processes and practice that gravitate towards the status quo.

But this also means that it is not simply enough to add a process like a Net Zero Assessment and assume that policymaking in practice will suddenly start following expected processes. A Net Zero Assessment must be sufficiently embedded within practices so that incentives and norms within Government act as a support rather than a counterweight. This isn’t easy – governments are having to grapple with this challenge globally.

But first and foremost, this means ensuring that a challenge function is in place and that challenge function has sufficient clout. The results of net zero assessments must be asked for, they must have taken place early enough in a project before too much momentum has built up, and there must be a degree of centralisation in this challenge function so that lagging policy areas are identified and supported.

This is the “how” of policy, rather than the “what” of policy. Is it the only step the Scottish Government will need to take to hit 2045 targets?

No – not by a long shot. Many difficult decisions lie ahead. But you cannot make and deliver on effective decisions without good evidence and robust processes. Significant and immediate focus now on the “how” of policy must be seen as a non-negotiable requirement if the Government wishes to make substantial further progress on its 2045 climate targets.

The introduction of a Net Zero Assessment will be a big step forward for the Scottish Government and will demonstrate global leadership on climate change processes. But don’t forget that the challenge function is just as important as the process itself.

I want to end this article with the concluding remarks from our report to the Joint Budget Review, which refers to the methodology within a Net Zero Assessment as an “individual level carbon assessment”.

These parting comments seem as relevant now as they were when published in December 2022:

A key emissions reduction target looms in 2030. While eight years away, many of the decisions the Government makes today are deciding its level of emissions in 2030. Missing this target substantially raises the risk of missing Scotland’s 2045 net zero target and results in challenging economic headwinds in the 2030s.

Our recommendations therefore cannot be left for years down the road, when the outcome of Scotland’s progress, determined by decisions taken now, becomes inevitable.

It is critical that the Scottish Government creates an environment of continuous improvement in policymaking processes. This environment can develop the processes that will ultimately help deliver the required outcomes in the short, medium and long-term.

Therefore, we conclude this report with a clear message that the mistakes of the past cannot be repeated.

In 2008, a project to explore a methodology for a high-level carbon assessment was undertaken. This resulted in the Carbon Assessment published annually alongside the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget.

It was widely recognised at the time that this was a limited tool, and that the critical next step in achieving carbon reductions was the development of individual-level carbon assessments, running in a parallel project. 

It appears, from what we have seen, that this project was never taken forward. Fourteen years have now passed. This work cannot wait any longer to be seriously implemented.

Some of these recommendations will be challenging to implement – Government-wide change is never simple. But nor are these recommendations untested on an international stage. 

The Scottish Government will need ambition, it will need the courage to embrace change, and it will need to treat a declared global climate emergency as just that – an emergency.

Letter to MSPs advocates the benefits of therapeutic horticulture

Gardening and horticulture cross-party group advocates for health and wellbeing benefits of therapeutic horticulture

Members of the Scottish Gardening and Horticulture Cross-Party Group (CPG) have written a joint letter to three Ministers advocating for the health benefits of horticulture and gardening in healthcare settings.

The letter emphasises the role of environmental horticulture in enhancing health outcomes and urges policymakers to provide sustained funding for therapeutic horticulture initiatives. 

The letter was sent following a set of visits and a meeting facilitated by the charity Trellis and the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA), where MSPs and their staff saw firsthand how therapeutic horticulture fosters health and well-being among communities.  

The Ministers contacted were Minister Neil Gray MSP, Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care, Minister Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport and Minister Jim Fairlie MSP, Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity. 

The Gardening and Horticulture CPG highlights the potential of horticulture and gardening as a policy solution to bolster patient recovery and mental health while enhancing healthcare professionals’ welfare. The group also emphasises the economic benefits of Social and Therapeutic Horticulture (STH) projects, including reduced healthcare service utilisation and medication dependency. 

To address the critical need for standardised training and professionalisation within the field, Trellis Scotland is collaborating with educational institutions to develop the first accredited course in Social and Therapeutic Horticulture in Scotland.

Additionally, Trellis is spearheading the establishment of the UK Association for Social and Therapeutic Horticulture to uphold quality standards and provide essential support for practitioners in the field. 

The letter’s signatories also invite policymakers to participate in World Therapeutic Horticulture Day on 18 May 2024, which will precede a week of activities dedicated to highlighting STH’s benefits.

The letter expresses gratitude for the Scottish Government’s past support but emphasises the need for sustained funding to safeguard the continuity and expansion of essential initiatives in therapeutic horticulture. 

Stan Green, who represents the HTA in Scotland, commented: “We are delighted by the reaction and engagement The HTA continues to have at Holyrood.

“This reflects the substantial progress regarding the profile of Environmental Horticulture, and a recognition of the role it has benefiting all in the health sector, whether general wellbeing or treating people with severe illness or in need of social support.” 

The full letter is attached: 

Meadows to George Street project moves forward

“Edinburgh is a city with big ambitions” – Cllr Scott Arthur

A ‘major milestone’ in the Meadows to George Street project was reached yesterday (April 19) as the statutory orders needed to progress to the construction stage are advertised.

This follows extensive consultation throughout the project and in 2019, engagement showed 78% overall support for the project.

Meadows to George Street is a key project within Edinburgh’s City Centre Transformation, and the Our Future Streets approach of the City Mobility Plan, which was approved by members in February 2024.

The scheme will improve cycling, walking, accessibility, and public spaces in some of Edinburgh’s busiest and most recognisable streets: from Teviot Place along Forrest Road before crossing George IV Bridge, The Mound, Hanover Street and finishing at George Street.

It will create a welcoming outdoor space with new high-quality cycling and walking facilities. These will include segregated cycleways, wider pavements, and pedestrian priority areas, which will make it easier for people to safely walk, wheel, and cycle as part of their everyday journeys.

The project is central to Edinburgh’s City Centre Transformation plan and will integrate with the George Street and First New Town project at Hanover Street, and from there connect to the west of the city via the City Centre West to East Link (CCWEL), which officially opened last month and to the north via Leith Walk. These also run alongside our Roseburn to Union Canal active travel project.  

Full details of the Meadows to George Street project, including designs and previous public engagement are available on the project website.

The council will also be engaging with local residents, businesses and community representatives through a programme of door-to-door distribution, email, workshops, drop-in events, and information packs. 

Financial contributions to this project by the Council are match funded by the Scottish Government, Transport Scotland funds Places for Everyone through Sustrans Scotland.  

Transport and Environment Convener, Councillor Scott Arthur said:I’m delighted that we’ve reached this significant stage in the Meadows to George Street project. This is a really important part of our wider plans to transform our city centre into one which enables our residents to enjoy a safe, connected, and sustainable place to live, work and spend time in. 

“We’re keen to get on and deliver the changes proposed so it’s important that we take the time to re-engage with those along the route and take them along with us on this exciting journey. We understand the impact these projects can have on the local community, in particular businesses, and we will be working closely with them throughout to support them and ensure the benefits are maximised.

“Edinburgh is a city with big ambitions. Through schemes such as this we’re sending a clear signal as to the sort of Capital we’re aspiring to be.

“From reaching net zero by 2030, to enhancing our already excellent public transport networks and making sure our residents are at the heart of everything we do, I’m really excited to see what the future holds.”

Karen McGregor, Scotland Director for Sustrans said:This is a hugely exciting time to be in Edinburgh, and a massive achievement within the context of active travel.

“The all-new walking, wheeling and cycling links Meadows to George Street is set to deliver will absolutely transform everyday journeys for thousands of people living and working in the city, not to mention those visiting every year.

“We’d like to thank the whole community for their continuing involvement and support, and for the clear ambition they have shown in pushing this project forward.”