Renewable energy comes to town

Edinburgh renewable energy project to receive funding


Communities from inner city Glasgow to western Harris are set to benefit from £500,000 in funding for demonstrator projects designed to encourage the use and local ownership of renewable energy.

A third of the 23 projects are specifically focussed on town and city areas, building on the already established trend for community ownership of renewable energy sources in more rural areas.

Energy Minister Fergus Ewing announced in June that community and locally owned energy capacity in Scotland could generate enough electricity to power approximately 100,000 domestic households.

This is the second allocation made from the Scottish Government’s Local Energy Challenge Fund, which confirms Scotland’s position as a global leader in renewables and low carbon development. Each project has received funding of up to £25,000 for feasibility work and, if successful, may be able to compete for significant capital support.

The 23 projects include Edinburgh-based UrbanLink. Led by ChangeWorks, the UrbanLink project will identify opportunities to install new hardware in 1000 households, including modern electrical and thermal energy domestic storage.

Other successful applicants include:

• Large Scale ASHP District Heating Exemplar: This project will provide an example of off-grid district heating to Glasgow Housing Association multi-storey blocks built in 1971 in South Glasgow. It will use a large scale Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP), an alternative to electric or gas heating.

• Heat from the Street: This Linlithgow project will use heat pump and solar panel technology to capture heat from the local waste water system and distribute it to town centre buildings.

Mr Ewing said: “The Scottish Government is defining a distinctive approach to Scotland’s future energy provision; putting communities at the heart of decisions about their local energy system; and empowering them to take an economic stake in new developments.

“Community ownership gives communities more control over their own energy and will help us tackle challenges like grid constraints and fuel poverty – while at the same time sparking economic revival.

“Onshore wind is our most successful technology for community benefits, but it is by no means the only game in town. I am excited by the breadth and depth of the work this funding will support and am equally pleased that the projects will explore the potential for ownership of renewable technologies to support all of the communities in Scotland, be they in Gala or Glasgow.”

Laura Campbell, Challenge Fund Project Manager, said: “Local Energy Scotland is delighted to be able to provide support through the Local Energy Challenge Fund to these 23 innovative and aspirational projects. We are looking forward to working with the projects over the next year to develop their proposals further. It’s exciting to think that these projects have the potential shape the future of Scotland’s local energy economies and act as demonstrators for other communities.”

Granton Campus: proud to be green

Friday 3 July is Solar Independence Day

Granton Solar PV

Edinburgh College will open the doors of Granton Campus on Friday to showcase its green credentials as part of Solar Independence Day celebrations.

Visitors can see the campus’ rooftop solar panel installation and find out how solar photovoltaics could work for them. While the open day is aimed at owners and managers of commercial premises, members of the public are welcome to come along and talk to clean energy experts from iPower Energy.

Social enterprise iPower Energy has organised the event in collaboration with the college’s Institute of Construction & Building Crafts as part of a national two day solar energy celebration led by the Solar Trade Association.

There will also be an optional tour on the college’s electric minibus to view the onsite electric vehicle charging point and visit the Forthside Training Centre, where construction students are taught the practical skills for their chosen trade.

The event will take place on Friday 3 July at Edinburgh College Granton Campus, 350 West Granton Road, Edinburgh, EH5 1QE, from 9.30am – 3.30pm. To book a visit, please contact Alistair Roberts, iPower Energy community renewables manager at

The solar panels at Granton Campus are just one aspect of Edinburgh College’s green credentials across its four campuses. Solar panels also feature at Midlothian Campus in a 5 acre solar meadow site with 2,560 solar panels, that generate the equivalent energy to take the campus off grid. The college runs and researches a fleet of electric vehicles, including cars, the minibus and an eco-travel buggy, which effectively save 6.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year. The recently opened Elemis & Wella Hair and Beauty Academy at Granton Campus features a fuel cell and LED lights, which cut down the salon’s environmental impact while also reducing the running costs.

Alistair Roberts, Community Renewables Manager at iPower said “We are delighted to be collaborating with Edinburgh College and the STA to showcase solar PV on a commercial rooftop. There is so much potential in Scotland for rooftop solar to get energy bills down and cut carbon emissions, and a range of funding options available. It always helps to be able to see an operational installation.”

Paul Barwell, CEO of the Solar Trade Association, said: “These Solar Independence Day open days are a great way to showcase how versatile this technology is. We’ve got everything from a housing estate in Northumberland to a stately home in Aberdeenshire, a community solar farm in Hampshire to a waste facility in Berkshire, all generating clean, green, home-grown energy.”

Can you #MakeThingsLast ?

Drive to encourage Scots to repair, re-use and recycle


Scotland’s Environment Secretary Richard Lochhead has challenged members of the public to #MakeThingsLast with the launch of a social media engagement campaign to promote repairing, reusing and remanufacturing as part of a wider circular economy drive.

Following on from the success of the 5p single-use carrier bag charge, the Cabinet Secretary wants to know what the public believe could be the next big thing to help reduce waste and #MakeThingsLast.

Launching the campaign in Edinburgh today, Mr Lochhead said: “I wonder how many people realise that by simply hiring a kilt or a dress to attend a wedding, they are already helping to keep valuable materials circulating around our economy.

“A circular economy is where we keep products in use for as long as possible; and reused, refurbished or taken apart to make new products at the end of their initial life.

“How often do you buy new clothes for a special event that only get worn once? How many DIYers buy expensive power tools for a single task then leave them to gather dust in the garden shed? How many parents resort to buying brand new toys when something gets broken rather than repairing it?

“That’s why we’re here today – to ask people to take up our #MakeThingsLast challenge and think of ways in which they can contribute towards a more circular economy for Scotland.

“There are so many innovations to help us make better use of our resources, save money and support local jobs. For example in Edinburgh there is a tool library where you can rent out a power tool for work around the house, and then return it when you’ve finished. In Glasgow there’s a studio that offers 3-D printing, which could be the future when it comes to repairing broken toys or household items.”

Action to create a more circular economy starts with product design, which influences how products are manufactured and used – as well as how long they last and scope for repair, reuse and recycling. Combining these approaches helps to keep products in use for longer – making better use of the material, labour, energy and capital that went into their production.

Mr Lochhead added: “Scotland is already recognised internationally as a leader in the movement towards becoming a circular economy. Our Scottish Institute for Remanufacture, is the first of its kind in Europe and one of only four in the world alongside New York, Singapore and Beijing. And we are exploring the opportunities for a deposit return system in Scotland. But the new ideas will come from the public and from our entrepreneurs.”

“Creating a more circular economy is good for the environment, good for the economy and like our action on climate change, a moral imperative – it will create jobs in our communities, improve our quality of life, and just makes good sense.”

Iain Gulland, Chief Executive of Zero Waste Scotland said: “The #MakeThingsLast campaign is about engaging everyone in Scotland in finding a solution to a common problem we all share – how do we end our throwaway culture and make the most of what we already have?

“As part of the campaign, Zero Waste Scotland plans showcase some great examples from around the country, including 3D printing and tool sharing libraries, which have the potential to transform our society. We want you to share your views on these ideas, tell us your own, and get involved in the conversation. Keep up-to-date with the latest from this four-week campaign on Zero Waste Scotland’s Facebook page, or on Twitter using #MakeThingsLast.

“At the end of this campaign, your views could contribute to the development of a roadmap towards a circular economy in Scotland. This could see Scotland adopt more game changing policies and initiatives – like our recent adoption of a charge for single-use carrier bag. These changes will help shape our future society, ensuring it’s sustainable for generations to come.”

To find out more visit

Sainsbury’s in Edinburgh trials cooking oil recycling banks


Sainsbury’s stores across Edinburgh are trialling recycling banks for cooking oils. The trail launched on 20 May with the aim to encourage customers to recycle, whilst also saving their kitchen sink from blockages often caused when oils are poured down the drain.

In partnership with Olleco, Scottish Water and Zero Waste Scotland, customers can simply deposit household cooking waste including vegetable oil, animal fat and lard in a plastic bottle at the recycling banks located in Sainsbury’s car parks. From there the oils are collected by Olleco and taken to their recycling plant to be made into biodiesel.

Paul Crewe, Head of Sustainability at Sainsbury’s, said: “Cooking oils probably aren’t the first thing you’d think of recycling however it’s a great way of keeping your drains clear and putting waste to a good use. This is an exciting trial that adds to the recycling our customers already get involved in, including clothing, and even Christmas cards! The recycling banks are really easy to use so we hope customers across Edinburgh and the surrounding area get involved in the trial.”

The trial has been welcomed by Scottish Water, as this links to their Cycle campaign which aims to highlight simple steps to prevent blocked pipes.

Teddy Bears gather to have their say!

If you go down to West Pilton Park this Saturday you’re sure of a big surprise …


Because from 11.30am to 2.30pm a group of teddy bears (and their people!) will gather to picnic, have fun and talk about how to make the park more friendly and welcoming. There will be sand-pits, giant twister and yarn bombing – all you need to do is bring your picnic!

This is the first in a series of events organised by West Pilton Park Action Group. The group, which includes both local people and organisations, has come together to make West Pilton Park feel and look more friendly and welcoming.

Sara Martin, a resident who lives alongside the park and helped set up the group. said: “I regularly use the park and I think it needs some friends! It could be a really good park but we need to make that happen ourselves. We want local people to get involved in creating idea’s for the park’s future”.

MY Adventure’s Kevin Malcolm agrees. The 24-year-old local resident said: “This area is an estate but I want it to be a community. This project could help do that”.

Future events planned include a Bark in the Park dog event, a tea dance and a barbecue! And keep your diary free on Saturday 13 June – there will be a sporting event featuring football with Spartans, a fantastic cycle obstacle course run by MY Adventure and Kabo boxing sessions plus much, much more …

“The aim of the events is to increase the number of people using the park positively, and while they are doing that to ask them how they would like the park to be used in the future”, explained Clare Symonds of Pilton Community Health Project, one of the partners in the park project.

West Pilton PArk Action Goup will be working with Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust, Forth Neighbourhood Partnership and the city council to try to create a better park for local people. Like to get involved?

  • Contact West Pilton Park Action Group through our Facebook Page 
  • By phoning Lianne on 551 1671
  • Contact us through any of the project partners: Pilton Community Health Project, North Edinburgh News, North Edinburgh Time Bank, West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre, MY adventure and Spartans.

West Pilton Park Action Group


The future’s bright … the future’s co-operative!

City council to launch first community -owned energy initiative


Community-owned solar panels are to be installed in 25 Council buildings throughout Edinburgh, it was announced today (Monday 25 May).

The Council will work in partnership with the Edinburgh Community Solar Co-operative (ECSC) – supported by Energy4All  – to deliver the initiative, which is believed to be the largest community-owned urban renewable energy project in the UK.

Buildings such as schools, leisure and community centres will be chosen to host the solar technology, which is expected to deliver significant environmental and social benefits.

The energy generated by the installations will help to make future cost savings while reducing the capital’s carbon emissions by an estimated 855 tonnes a year.

Buildings that are chosen to participate will benefit from cheaper electricity from the solar panels, resulting in substantial savings. Any surplus energy will be sold to the National Grid and profits made by the project will be reinvested locally through a newly-created Community Benefit Fund.

Vice Convener of Transport and Environment, Councillor Adam McVey, said: “This is fantastic news for Edinburgh and will bring long term environmental, social and economic benefits.

“Community energy co-operatives allow local people to play a part in building a greener, more sustainable environment whilst raising awareness more generally about the importance of being energy efficient.

“We are aiming to meet our target of reducing Edinburgh’s carbon emissions by 42% by 2020 and this project is an important step towards us achieving this.”

Shares will be offered to organisations or individuals who want to invest in the initiative, with priority allocation given to Edinburgh residents. Anyone interested in becoming members of the Co-op can register their interest via the ECSC’s website.

Members of the Co-op will receive annual interest on their investment (capped at five percent increasing with RPI), with any surplus profit invested in the Community Benefit fund.

The panels will also be a useful resource for educational projects to help engage pupils with environmental themes such as renewable energy. Each device will come with a real-time display of electricity generation which will be displayed on the buildings and accessible to pupils online.

Dr Richard Dixon, Chair of the ECSC, said: “2015 is an important year for climate change, with the world’s nations supposed to agree new global targets in Paris at the end of the year.  Around the world local people are creating their own solutions to climate change by investing in local renewable energy schemes.

“The Edinburgh scheme is a winner all round because it will reduce climate emissions and provide cheap energy for schools and other Council buildings.  Local people will also get a decent return on any money they choose to invest.”

Work is currently underway to identify suitable sites for the solar panels and the chosen locations will be announced at a later date.

To register interest in the scheme and receive further information about the share offer, go to

Granton Improvement Society to argue for green space too

‘This morning is another chance for the City of Edinburgh to show they value the environment and the wishes of the people of North Edinburgh’ – GIS secretary Barbara Robertson


North Edinburgh will be well represented at today’s Planning Committee meeting. As well as the aforementioned Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden delegation there will be a deputation from Granon Improvement Society too!

GIS secretary Barbara Robertson said: “Granton Improvement Society have a deputation to the Planning committee this morning to get them to agree to the designation of the Walled Garden area as Green Space being adopted as part of the Local Development Plan going forward.

“The project for a Garden Festival on that site, originally designated in the Llewllyn Davis Master plan as green space in 2002/3, has been developed by GIS over many years (see for more information).

“We have been doing all we can to prevent the building of houses on this historic site and allow the GIS to make our visionary project come alive. This morning is another chance for the City of Edinburgh to show they value the environment and the wishes of the people of North Edinburgh.”


Walled Garden: growing hope

B-list boost for Friends campaign


A deputation representing The Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden will attend today’s Planning Committee meeting with renewed optimism thanks to an imminent report from Historic Scotland.

Friends group organiser Kirsty Sutherland explained: “Just two days before our Friends Group deputation to the City Chambers we learned from Historic Scotland that they have almost completed the review of Granton Castle Walled Garden – and the great news is that they want to upgrade its status to B-listed!

“We hope this groundbreaking news will help convince the city council’s planning committee members to support our Friends Group aim of safeguarding this historic garden from a luxury housing development.”

The recent Historic Environment Act and planning guidelines issued for Historic Gardens and Designed Landscapes in Edinburgh all recognise the significant contribution heritage landscapes & greenspaces make to our communities sense of place, cultural identity & understanding of history.

Friends Group members and supporters feel that one of the oldest walled gardens in Scotland deserves to be safeguarded, cherished and restored.

Kirsty added: “We’re really excited by the Historic Scotland news – I’m bubbling over! It’s a bit like David and Goliath, trying to stop a multi-million pound business from building houses in the garden.We’d like to thank everyone for their support – the more people that speak up and send in a wee message of support, the better.”

Deputation Letter to Planning Committee 14 May

Have your say on Drylaw Telford’s green spaces

Nature in your Neighbourhood: see what’s being planned


Drylaw Telford Community Council has initiated a consultation on the area’s green spaces.

The city council has recently signed up to Edinburgh Living Landscape, a partnership project that will ‘create, restore and connect green areas of the city to make attractive and biodiverse landscapes’ (see below).


Drylaw Telford CC chairman Alex Dale said: “As a community council we have been asked to consult residents on the open green spaces and let them know what the city council’s Parks & Greenspace team plan to do in the local area.

“In Drylaw they are proposing ‘relaxed mowing’ of some highlighted areas: this means that they will leave these areas to allow grass to grow, only mowing a perimeter border. On bigger areas, they also propose regular cuts where there is a desired path line.

“If there is community support, the project planners will to look at creating areas of wild flower meadows in the future on some of these area. To that end we will have display boards in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre from 11th May until the 25th, and we hope local folk will come and have a look and comment on the proposals.”

DTCC Notice on Living Landscapes (2)

CEC Living Landscapes project