Equalities & Engagement: free training with Living in Harmony

Living in Harmony logo

Would you like to:

  • Understand and discuss the fundamental aspects of the Equality Act 2010? And be able examine your responsibilities relating to it?
  • Increase your understanding of issues facing minority ethnic groups in the area?
  • Learn how to talk about controversial issues and dispel the myths about immigration?

Living in Harmony, supported by Pilton Community Health Project and in partnership with the Edinburgh and Lothian’s Equality Council (ELREC), is offering free training sessions on equalities and engagement. 

Dates for 2016:

Friday 22 January 9.30am -1pm

Friday 25 March 9.30am – 1pm 

All sessions will be held at Pilton Community Health Project.

These sessions are FREE and available to all workers in North Edinburgh. 

Call 0131 551 1671 or email admin@pchp.org.uk to book a place.


Breaking down barriers

ELREC wants your views

people talking 2

ELREC (Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council) has launched a project, funded by the Scottish government, that aims to increasing representation of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities in public life and the democratic process in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

The first step of the project is to identify the barriers which limit the participation by conducting a survey which will be then used to plan & design the next phase. We would like to request that you to complete the survey online; it will take around 15-20 minutes.

Your view is really important in order to determine further steps to be taken.

Please find the survey link here: www.surveymonkey.com/r/elrec

If you would like a hardcopy of the survey by post please get in touch. For any inquiries, please contact me by email: mrahman@elrec.org.uk  or telephone 0131 556 0441. For more information see the project brochure by clicking here.


Thank you in advance for helping us with this project.

Mizan Rahman

Equality Engagement Officer

Edinburgh and Lothian Regional Equality Council (ELREC)

14 Forth Street, Edinburgh EH1 3LH

Tel: 0131 556 0441

Email: mrahman@elrec.org.uk

| www.elrec.org.uk

ELREC logo

ELREC appeal: Pedal for Nepal


Dear Friends / Colleagues,

Help us to raise funds for Nepal Earthquake victims. Please donate via gofundme http://www.gofundme.com/ELREC4NEPAL or at ELREC. No donation is too small.

On the 25th of April 2015 a powerful earthquake killed more than 8500 people and destroyed many homes, roads and historical monuments. Nepal has declared a state of emergency. The earthquake has left hundreds of thousands of families homeless and without access to drinking water, and reliable and safe food supply.

It is heart-breaking to think what these people are going through after losing their loved ones, their homes and their villages. These are very difficult times for Nepal. Nepal is one of the least developed countries in the world with a very high level of poverty. The people of Nepal need all the help they can get to overcome this terrible disaster.

To support Nepali victims, come join us on Sunday 9 August to raise funds for Nepal. We will cycle along the Water of Leith from the city centre to Balerno and cycle back to the centre.

Please let us know if you will be joining the cycle ride or whether you will be at the meeting and starting point to give your support. Many people have already indicated their intention to cycle the route.

Please wear appropriate clothing, bring your own bicycle, water and snacks. If you don’t have a bike, let us know: we might be able to help.

When: Sunday 9 August from 2pm to 5pm

Where: Meet and startat the junction of Saunders Street and Deanhaugh Street, Stockbridge: EH3 6TU. See route Map (below).

Our goal is to raise £5,000

We welcome all donations whether you are able to cycle with us or not.

ALL FUNDS RAISED WILL BE DONATED to Nepal Scotland Association (http://www.nepalscotlandassociation.org/).

ELREC will provide you with feedback on the use of the funds in Nepal. The funds will help to re-build homes for the victims in villages such of Nuwakot and Gorkha where there is acute poverty.

Thank you in advance for all of your generous donations to help the people of Nepal.

For further information, please contact ELREC by email: admin@elrec.org.uk  or by phone on 0131 556 0441.

Foysol Choudhury MBE
Chair, Edinburgh and Lothians Regional Equality Council

cycle route map

Pohela Boishakh পহেলা বৈশাখ,

North Edinburgh’s Bangladeshis celebrate New Year


North Edinburgh’s Bangladeshi residents held an event to celebrate the Bengali New Year 1422 at Granton Parish Church on Boswall Parkway this afternoon.

Edinburgh & Lothian Regional Equality Council (ELREC) is supporting the local residents group and they are plan to initiate various engagement activities with the local services and the wider community over the coming months.

Leith Academy event to celebrate LGBT History Month

LGBT History Month 2015 Invite jpg

Edinburgh and Lothian Regional Equality Council, LGBT Youth Scotland and Leith Academy in collaboration with Lothian LGBT Development Group are jointly hosting an event to celebrate LGBT History Month 2015.

LGBT History Month: Education and Equality

Thursday 26 February 2015, 5.30 – 8pm

Leith Academy , 20 Academy Park, Edinburgh, EH6 8JQ

LGBT History Month takes place in Scotland every February. It is an opportunity to celebrate Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) lives and culture by exploring our own and others’ histories in an LGBT context. It is also an opportunity for learning, discussion and debate around the continued journey for complete LGBT inclusion.


The theme for LGBT History Month 2015 is Education, and this evening will be an opportunity to hear how improved equalities can support pupils and students to achieve.

This year’s celebration will bring together communities to increase awareness of different identities and cultures. It will feature keynote speakers, multicultural performances, dances and live music. It will appeal to teachers, students, professionals and community members.

Can you please share the invitation to friends and family who might be interested in attending the event?

The event is FREE – you can book online via



For further information contact:

Nigel Chipps

Youth and Community Development Officer (Edinburgh and The Lothians), LGBT Youth Scotland

E-mail: nigel.chipps@lgbtyouth.org.uk

Lottery cash to support victims of honour abuse

Jarek JarozA unique project supporting victims of honour abuse within Edinburgh’s black and minority ethnic communities is to receive £786,814 from the Big Lottery Fund, it was announced today.

Over four years, the Bright Choices project, will support 130 families across Edinburgh affected by honour abuse – which are violent crimes thought justified to protect or restore the ‘honour’ of a family.

Developed in consultation with Police Scotland, the project is a new partnership between Sacro, Edinburgh and Lothians Regional Equality Council and Multi-Cultural Family Base.

In a recent survey of 300 Edinburgh residents, carried out by Edinburgh and Lothians Regional Equality Council, 63% of people stated that honour abuse was a part of their family’s belief system while 52% said that “honour” would prevent them reporting a crime to the police.

In Edinburgh and the Lothians, a sharp rise in honour abuse has been identified both by the Police and by local voluntary organisations. Lothian & Borders Police dealt with 41 such incidents in 2012, compared with 31 in the previous two years, although only seven of these resulted in charges being made, an indication of the difficulties and sensitivities involved in investigating such cases. Reported incidents, however, are widely accepted as being only a fraction of the actual levels of abuse occurring within communities.

Through this partnership project, each organisation will play its only distinct role in raising awareness of the impact of honour abuse within communities, as well as providing counselling and mediation for families and therapeutic play for children.

Sacro’s Ian McDonough said: “We will use restorative and mediation approaches to dealing with individual cases which have not resulted in formal action such as criminal prosecution but present indications that honour abuse is an actual or potential issue. Restorative approaches focus on repairing harm done to individuals and relationships by assisting people who have caused harm to acknowledge this and make amends and assisting those harmed to have reparation made to them.”

Steve Gowenlock from Multi-Cultural Family Base, said: ‘We will offer one-to-one support using a counselling skills approach with the aim of helping an individual to make informed choices about their options. Family and group work for children, young people or adults will be offered aimed at improving family communication and functioning while play based approaches will be used with children.”

Edinburgh and Lothians Regional Equality Council’s Ekta Marwaha added: “Our role within this project will be to provide community engagement and an extensive outreach strategy. As an organisation our focus will be to raise awareness, provide initial advice, liaise with and provide training for professionals, community groups and organisations on the impact of ‘honour abuse’ and highlight the best methodologies for intervention.”

Announcing today’s award, Big Lottery Fund Scotland Chair Maureen McGinn, said: “This project represents a new approach to helping black and minority ethnic families affected by honour abuse. At the Big Lottery Fund we are keen to support such an intervention which brings together the skills, experience and knowledge of a range of partner organisations. Working in partnership, they’ll engage with, and support families at as early a stage possible whilst raising awareness and tackling this complex subject matter head on.”


SACRO is just one of 11 groups receiving funding, totalling £6,599,118, from the Big Lottery Fund’s Investing in Communities fund. Vulnerable older people, young carers and people facing barriers to work are amongst thousands of Scots to benefit from the latest Big Lottery Fund awards.

The other groups receiving funding today are:

Albyn Housing Society Limited £857,950

This project will provide financial advice to 2,500 tenants living in rural areas. It will work in partnership with Lochalsh and Skye Housing Association, Lochaber Housing Association, Cairn Housing Association and Pentland Housing Association.

Cothrom Limited £503,635

This project will grow and diversify the organisation ‘ReStore’ training service and social enterprise on South Uist. ReStore delivers training and personal development through local community recycling and reuse activities.

CSV £343,682

This project will support vulnerable and isolated elderly people living in the Forth Valley helping them maintain their independence in their home. Volunteers will provide a handyman service, a health and safety DIY house check, befriending and support in attending social events.

DEAP Limited £548,494

This project will provide practical and emotional support to care experienced young people, aged between 15 and 25, living in Dundee. It will offer a range of activities aimed at helping them to live independently while improving their chances of gaining employment or continuing in education.

DEAP Limited £457,874

This project delivered in Arbroath, Brechin, Montrose and Forfar will address barriers to effective job seeking and entering employment. The project will provide support to improve job seeking skills including training for online job seeking, taster placements and job brokering.

The Ecology Centre £920,849

This group will be able to relocate their existing centre to a new sustainable building. Once complete the centre will continue to provide much needed education space, meeting rooms and office space for local organisations.

ENABLE Scotland £309,939

This project will support children who are yet to receive a diagnosis for their condition, or who have recently been diagnosed. The project will also support families to adjust and develop ways of coping and come to terms with a diagnosis.

Fife Young Carers  £531,721

This project will support young carers to cope with the demands of their school work and their caring role. It will also help them to make positive choices about their futures when they leave school.

The Machan Trust £481,127

This project will provide breakfast clubs and an after school/weekend play and sports activity programmes for children aged five to nine. Families will also benefit from healthy eating workshops.

North Glasgow Housing Association Ltd £857,033

This project, run in partnership with Greater Easterhouse Money Advice Project, will improve financial skills, develop knowledge of key financial products, and provide participants with a personal financial plan. Group sessions will focus on topics such as welfare reform, budgeting, and affordable credit.

Website: www.biglotteryfund.org.uk
Twitter: @BIGScotland #biglf
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BigLotteryFundScotlandGoes to different website

Celebrate Africa at Craigroyston


We are pleased to invite you to the CELEBRATING AFRICA event on Saturday 21 June at Craigroyston Community High School on Pennywell Road.

The event aims to provide a unique opportunity showcasing African heritage and culture by the African community groups who live/ work across Edinburgh & the Lothians. Themes for the event are participation, heritage, culture and sports.

There will be live African music, dance, cultural performances, stalls, workshops and children activities at the event. Popular traditional food will be cooked on site and served by members of the African community groups.

As Scotland hosts the Glasgow 2014, we are proud to welcome participating African nations and celebrate their heritage. The event is supported by the Big Lottery – Celebrate fund. Please find about stall booking & for interested community groups and volunteers who wish to participate at http://elrecafricacelebration.wordpress.com/ .

This is a free event but places are limited. If you wish to attend the event please register online at:


For more information about the event please contact Mizan Rahman e-mail: mrahman@elrec.org.uk or call 0131 556 0441.

We very much look forward to welcoming you at this celebration.

Mona Adhikari

Manager, Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council

Tel: 0131 556 0441 | Fax: 0131 556 8577 | email: MAdhikari@elrec.org.uk | www.elrec.org.uk


Living in Harmony update

harmony1Pilton Community Health Project’s Anita Aggarwal gives an update on a key local initiative:

Since the closure of Community Organisation for Racial Equality (CORE), PCHP, Community Learning and Development (CLD) and Edinburgh Lothian Regional Equalities Council (ELREC) have been working together to try to minimise the impact of the loss of this important organisation.

The City of Edinburgh Council commissioned a report which examined the ongoing needs of BME communities in the area.  This highlighted the difficulties people have integrating with the local population, as well as a host of other issues.

You’ll find that report here:  Living in harmony 13

At this point it was felt important to involve other agencies and more local people in this process, and so we pulled together an action planning session on 31 May.

Over 30 people attended this event, representing a wide range of local people and organisations.  At this event we identified actions to be taken and many committed to take these forward.

These actions are recorded in this document:  action plan 31.5.13 final

If you weren’t able to be at the event and have ideas about how you or your organisations can contribute please add them in to the plan.  This document is an aid to action, not a fixed strategy document to sit on a shelf and get dusty!

We agreed to come back to discuss next steps at another meeting, when we will look at what progress is being made and how we resource some of the ideas on the action plan.

The next meeting will take place at the

Spartans Community Football Academy on Friday 19 July from 10 – 12.

This meeting is open to anyone – please contact me on 0131 551 1671 if you need crèche.

Anita Aggarwal


Craigroyston to host Africa Day celebrations

A consortium of African community organisations, Southern Agenda and Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council (ELREC) with the support of the City of Edinburgh Council are organising the


  on Saturday 25 May

at Craigroyston Community High School

67 Pennywell Road, Edinburgh EH4 4NL.

The event has twin themes of

African Union @ 50


Exploring the voice of the African Diaspora Child.

The event is FREE and open to all – African food and refreshments will be served at the event. Places are limited and we request you to please confirm your attendance at the earliest by registering at


Please contact us for any further information:

Telephone 0131 556 0441

Fax 0131 556 8577

Email: admin@elrec.org.uk

Please also let us know in advance of any special requirements you may have, and we look forward to your participation in the event.

Best regards

Arun Gopinath (Manager, Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council) 14 Forth Street, Edinburgh EH1 3LH