Challenge funding aims to narrow the gap in education

£100 million to help drive up standards in poorer communities

Education stock

A new Scottish Attainment Challenge, backed by an Attainment Scotland Fund of more than £100 million over four years, has been announced by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. The Challenge aims to drive forward improvements on educational outcomes in Scotland’s most disadvantaged communities.

The four-year Attainment Scotland Fund will be targeted initially at schools in the local authorities with the biggest concentrations of households in deprived areas. It will focus on improving literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing in primary schools in these areas, with the clear objective being to give all primary-school age pupils – regardless of background – the best start in life.

The Scottish Attainment Challenge will draw on the experience of the London Challenge which helped transform school performance in the city, and other international experiences.

The first tranche of funding will see £20 million made available this year to support children and young people in a number of Scotland’s most disadvantaged communities to achieve their potential.

This year’s initial funding was announced in the Deputy First Minister’s budget last week.

Complementing the Scottish Government’s existing work to address attainment inequality, schools in these areas will benefit from greater access to expertise and resources – such as additional teachers, materials for classrooms or resource to develop new out of school activities.

National and local partners will work together to identify the specific work that can be implemented successfully in classrooms and which will have a significant impact on the attainment of children from deprived communities.

A bespoke improvement plan, appropriate to local circumstances, will be agreed for each school or cluster of schools. This will include an agreement to gather, in a proportionate way, the data that will be required to measure the impact of the interventions supported.

Announcing the fund during a visit to Dundee, the First Minister said: “Education is both key to the future of Scotland’s children and an investment in the future of Scotland’s economic health. We know school education in Scotland is getting better, with record exam results and a record number of school leavers in work, education or training.

“While we are proud of what has been achieved, we have long recognised attainment as being an important area where improvement is needed and initiatives such as our Raising Attainment For All Programme are already starting to make a positive impact.

“But we know that much more needs to be done as too many of our young people have life chances narrowed by circumstances out of their control. The establishment of the Scottish Attainment Challenge, backed by the Attainment Scotland Fund, signals how strongly we are committed to righting that wrong.

“As I have seen today in Dundee, great things are already happening in schools across Scotland. By providing greater access to funding, expertise and resources, schools will have more opportunity to offer the creative and innovative teaching that helps our young people succeed.

“It is important we learn not just from good practice here in Scotland, but also from elsewhere in the UK and overseas, to find ways of working that have the greatest impact. I have been particularly impressed with the results of the London Challenge in transforming school performance in that city and so, while not all of it will be appropriate to Scottish circumstances, we will draw heavily on it in developing our own Attainment Challenge.

“We must do all we can within the powers and resources we have to narrow the gap and drive up standards at all levels. We want each child to enjoy an education that encourages them to be the best they can be and it is imperative they are given the tools now that will help them unlock the door to a successful future.”

Power to the Pupils!

Broughton S2 group looks at local democracy

PttP4As S2 pupils at Broughton High School we undertook an inter-disciplinary learning (IDL) course as part of our S2 elective subject choice called ‘Power to the Pupils’ which was run by Callum and Stephan from Community Learning & Development (CLD).

The course – called Power to the Pupils – has been great as it has had a local focus which has allowed us to gather and identify issues that directly affect us as young people growing in the north Edinburgh area. We had great debates and positive discussion and of course great fun as well deciding which were there most important topics that we could address!

Our top issues were:

  1. Negative stereotypes given for young people need to be challenged
  2. Cyber Bullying
  3. Free bus passes for all young people
  4. Reduce the amount of bullying/name calling in Edinburgh
  5. Reduce the cost of bus travel of young people
  6. Young People should have more of a choice in the curriculum
  7. Young People are unable to use some words (e.g. due to PC issues/double standards/they’re inflammatory etc.)
  8. Dog fouling in the streets/parks which young people use
  9. Young people not having a vote
  10. Edinburgh should have a theme park like M&Ds
  11. Cinema prices are too expensive.

PttP3Since coming to ‘power to the pupils’ we have been involved in some trips out to places like the City Chambers (above)and the ‘main cooncil headquarters’ where we learned about democracy, how decisions are made and who makes them on our behalf.

We even got to meet a real councillor – Nigel Bagshaw, who represents the Green Party in this area (Inverleith ward) in Edinburgh. He was really great! He listened to our concerns and he also gave us some fantastic advice on how we could take our issues forward. We also saw lots of famous people in some of the paintings that are hanging on the walls in the council building.


After visiting the city chambers we realised we should lobby on a more local level so we had a visit to the local Neighbourhood Partnership office based in North Edinburgh (above).

We raised several concerns that we had identified as being important to us. Negative stereotypes of young people, dog fouling in public spaces were just a couple of subjects we raised. The staff were great they listened all our questions and gave us some really positive feedback. They agreed that they were very important issues that needed tackling and gave us brilliant advice on methods to take our campaigns forward which was good.

We have learned some great new techniques and various methods to make our voices heard. Having the opportunity to access politicians with our issues by lobbying council officials as well as on a more local level with the North Edinburgh Neighbourhood Partnership has been fantastic and we all hope we have influenced them in a positive way.

The course has allowed us to learn new skills which will help us in the future there has also been lots of great discussion, debates which was interesting and above all it was great fun!

Here are some quotes from members of our group:

“The stuff we have learned will be useful in the future” – Harry Hunter S2

“Visiting the city chambers was really interesting it is a very old building with lots of traditions and history” – Simran Singh(S2)

“We hope we can make a difference and change people’s opinions of young people” – Chloe Carr (S2)

“It has been an amazing course and interesting” – Gabriella Borges (S2)

“I have made new friends as well as learnt some new skills” – Kyle Crooks (S2)

Power to the Pupils!

More cracking news from Craigie!

Positive Inspection Report for Learning Community around Craigroyston Community High School

Craigroyston HSThe ‘Learning Community’ surrounding Craigroyston  High  School was inspected by Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Education  at the same time as the High School and also  received a very positive report. 

The inspection looked at services provided by  Community Learning and Development and partners in the voluntary and public sector . Areas highlighted were:

  • Strong focus on prevention and support for families and children.
  • Breadth and range of voluntary sector contribution to the learning community.
  • Total Craigroyston  having a positive impact on partnership working across the area and improving outcomes for learners.
  • Improvement in key indicators such as attainment, children’s and young people’s literacy and numeracy, positive destinations and reducing school exclusions.
  • Increasing number of opportunities delivered by local people that are creating positive role models.

Inspectors  particularly noted the range and strength  of partnership work.  The full report can be found  at:

and a link will be put on the Total Craigroyston blog.

I tell you, you wait ages and ages for a positive report to come along and then two come along at once! Congratulations, again!

Excel-lent computer course at Craigroyston!

Confident Computing Course at Craigroyston

keyboard (3)

Whether you are an absolute beginner or you just want to brush up on your computing skills, this course will give you the skills you need to progress to the next level! There will be a focus on Excel and how to improve the way you use Excel as a database or for keeping records or creating reports.

Where: Craigroyston Community High School

When: Wednesday mornings, 10.30am – 12.30pm, starting now.

More info: or call 0131 477 7801

Interested in finding other Adult Education classes? Take a look at

Congratulations, Craigie!

Craigroyston Celebrates ‘Very Good’ Inspection


All at Craigroyston Community High School were delighted to read their recently published Inspection report.

The school was inspected by Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools in November 2014. The Inspection found the following key strengths:

  • A shared vision which focusses on securing positive destinations for all young people
  • Strong engagement of partners in the development and delivery of the curriculum
  • Coordinated and high quality support for young people and their families
  • Staff and partners leading developments to improve the quality of young people’s learning
  • Young people who are increasingly ambitious for the future

The Inspectors also noted that they found innovative practice at the school in partnership working and the school’s approach to developing a curriculum that focusses on employment.  This innovative will be shared across Scotland as highly effective practice.

The full report can be read on the school’s website

and at 

or click on links below

CCHS report

CCHS evidence report

cchs logo

Higher and Higher: Ms Constance comes to Craigie!

Minister welcomes increase in provisional entries for Highers


Education Secretary Angela Constance called in at Craigroyston Community High School this morning and welcomed news that a record number of students will be sitting Highers this year.

Ms Constance was welcomed to Craigroyston by senior students Donna Cheyne, Joe Dudgeon, John Gallacher and Rebecca Morton before meeting staff and pupils to hear about the progress being made in introducing new qualifications as part of Curriculum for Excellence.

The introduction of new qualifications is progressing well, with provisional entries for Highers indicating a record high number will be sat this year.

The figure, which follows on from last year’s record number of passes at Higher, was welcomed by the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning during her Craigroyston  visit.


New Highers have been introduced this year, alongside the existing Higher qualifications for this year only. School departments are able to use this flexibility to phase in the new qualifications in the way that best serves the interests of the pupils. From the 2015/6 school year onwards, all pupils will be studying the new Highers.

The total figure of 217,976 provisional Higher entries this year (across S5 and S6, and including both new and existing Highers) is five per cent up on the corresponding figure from this time last year. This figure comprises 120,557 provisional entries for new Highers, and 97,419 provisional entries for existing Highers.


Ms Constance said: “The ongoing reform of our education system is preparing our young people for the world of work and further and higher education. Scottish education now offers more flexible learning opportunities for our young people and new National qualifications, which were introduced at the beginning of the 2013/14 school year, are now well established.

“In August last year we saw a substantial increase in the number of both Higher entries and Higher passes. I am very pleased that we are again seeing a substantial interest in provisional entries for Higher. It is very positive to see greater numbers of young people aspiring to higher levels of qualifications in our schools.


“This shows that ambition, more than ever, is alive and well in classrooms across Scotland, in no small part thanks to the work of teachers who continue to do an excellent job. This bodes well for Scotland’s economic future.

“We know from provisional entry data from the Scottish Qualifications Authority that significant numbers of those pupils taking Highers this year have been studying the new Highers. We listened to schools who requested flexibility, and we acted. I have seen today how schools are making good use of this flexibility, to phase in the new qualifications in a sensible way.”

Give it a try? Game On with Edinburgh Rugby

gameon2Edinburgh Rugby’s Game On project has now been running for two years and the project is now beginning to expand and seeks new partners to work alongside.

Game On aims to help young people aged 16 to 19 who are not currently in employment, education or training to find their way in life, to get into a training programme, find a job or apprenticeship or return to education.

The participants will learn new skills both on and off the field; on the field participants will take part in introductory rugby sessions at BT Murrayfield Stadium, the home of Edinburgh Rugby and the Scotland team. Throughout the rugby sessions the core values of Scottish Rugby will form the backbone of the content, aiming to instil the values of Respect, Leadership, Achievement, Engagement & Enjoyment.

Our expertise are the values of the sport, both on and off the field. Encouraging teamwork, confidence, increased activity and the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle (both physically and mentally).

Some of the topics cover throughout our sessions are:

  • Goal Setting
  • Drugs and Alcohol awareness,
  • Nutrition and Hydration,
  • Interview Practise(s)
  • Rugby’s core values
  • Learning to coach and the different principles of fitness along with the basics of how to train them.

Meeting the professional players who play for the team is also a very inspiring experience for the young people.

If you feel that working with Edinburgh Rugby would benefit your programme, in any way from one off sessions to weekly sessions please get in touch, we can come to you or use our magnificent home at BT Murrayfield stadium.

Mark Coull (Edinburgh Rugby – Game On Project Development Officer)

Telephone 0131 346 5076 | Mob: 079 682 505 30 | |

Woodworking for adults at Craigroyston

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Relief Carving and Letter Cutting Course

Thursdays, 2 – 4pm, FREE

Craigroyston Community High School (CDT Department)

29th January
5th February
12th February
26th February
5th March

Come and learn a new technique with North Edinburgh Grows Artist-in-residence Natalie Taylor.

This five week course will introduce you to the main elements of letter cutting into ‘dressed’ or sheet wood/planks.

Simple starting techniques will introduce cutting into the wood, leading into carving shapes and letters in relief. Please note this is not a 3-D carving class.

  • A course of five structured sessions.
  • For anyone aged 16 years and over.
  • Creche is available at NEA, must book in advance.
  • No experience required. All materials and tools supplied. Please bring an old shirt or apron.
  • £5 returnable deposit on booking.

Places are limited. Book now: 0131 315 2151 /

Follow all of North Edinburgh Grows’ activities on their blog:

Signup for NEC’s Childcare Academy


We are now recruiting  for the new Childcare Academy, which starts on Monday 23 February. 

Please see the attached poster and standard information.

February 2015 CA Publicity Poster 18

Childcare Academy Standard Information

Audrey O’Neill, Training Administrator

North Edinburgh Childcare

18b Ferry Road Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 4BL

 Tel:  0131 311 6931  Fax:  0131 315 4420

College Information Days next week


Edinburgh College is holding course information days this month for potential students to find out more about courses starting in August and get on track for successful futures. 

Anyone interested in finding out more about studying at the college to get on the career ladder, continue with studies or learn new skills is invited to come and talk to staff from across the curriculum.

The information days are on Tuesday 27 January from 2pm -6.30pm at Sighthill Campus and on Wednesday 29 January from 2 – 6.30pm at Milton Road Campus.

Each event will have information about all curriculum areas.