Coalition urges £150 million raised through adding VAT to fees to go to pupils in Scotland with support needs

  • Use funding from adding VAT to private school fees to support pupils with additional support needs (ASN) in state schools
  • Concerns raised over impact of adding VAT for those with ASN, with increased movement of pupils into an under-resourced state sector
  • Near doubling in the number of pupils in state schools with additional support needs since 2013

The Scottish Children’s Services Coalition (SCSC), an alliance of leading providers of specialist care and education to vulnerable children and young people, has called on the Scottish Government to use funding from adding VAT onto private school fees to increase support to those with ASN in state schools.

The UK Labour Government reiterated its manifesto commitment to increase VAT on school fees – at the standard rate of 20 per cent – in the recent King’s Speech. This could potentially boost Scottish Government education spend by £150 million (although it should be noted that this figure does not take account of pupils leaving the independent sector and thereby not contributing).

In addition, the SCSC has raised concerns over the impact that potential displacement of those with ASN from private schools into the state sector will have.

A high percentage of children in private education, estimated at around 9,000, have ASN, and many will have their learning disrupted, by being forced to leave their school, causing them significant problems.

Local authorities will also have to accommodate more pupils in already under-resourced schools and be required to increase funding to support these.

There has been a near doubling (96.8 per cent) between 2013 and 2023 in the number of pupils identified with ASN in state schools, from 131,593 to 259,036, amounting to 123,628 individuals. This includes those with mental health problems, learning disability, autism and dyslexia, and currentlyrepresents more than a third of all pupils (36.7 per cent).

However, this comes against a background of spending cuts and reductions in specialist support.

The Scottish Government’s annual teacher census, for example, indicates that between 2013 and 2023 the number of ASN teachers (publicly funded primary, secondary, special and centrally employed) has fallen from 3,290 to 2,898, a decrease of 392 teachers, representing a cut of 11.9 per cent.1

A spokesperson for the SCSC commented: “We would urge that any additional funding that comes through adding VAT to private school fees is used to support those with ASN in our state schools, giving those who need it the care and support that they need, and supporting closing the educational attainment gap.

“However, we would urge caution when it comes to adding VAT on fees for those with ASN, as this will have a potential major impact.

“Many of these will be forced to leave school, with their learning disrupted and further exacerbating pressures on an already over-stretched state sector, which is having difficulty coping, and brings further costs to local authorities.

“Clarification is needed from the Scottish Government as to how it intends to address the issue of adding VAT to fees for those with pupils with ASN.”

1 Scottish Government, Pupil Census 2023 supplementary statistics, 19th March 2024, table 1.5.

Available at: (accessed 12th December 2023).

2 Scottish Government, Teacher census 2023 supplementary statistics, 19th March 2024, table 6.7. Available at: (accessed 19th March 2024).

DFN celebrates decade of improving disability employment in Edinburgh

The DFN Charitable Foundation (DFN Foundation) is celebrating 10 years of tackling complex societal problems and delivering transformative outcomes for unheard voices in the UK and further afield. 

The DFN Foundation was set up in 2014 by David Forbes-Nixon OBE with a focus on working across four key pillars: education, employability, healthcare and wildlife conservation.  

Over the past decade, DFN Foundation has achieved incredible results in all these areas including setting up a school for pupils with special educational needs at Undershaw and establishing an employability charity, DFN Project SEARCH, which helps get young people with a learning disability and/or autism into jobs. 

Further work across the pillars has seen the UK charity supporting a Myeloma Research Programme improving survival rates in myeloma patients with high-risk myeloma and ensuring the survival of the British butterfly, through its work with the Big Butterfly Count.  

Founder and Chairman, David Forbes-Nixon said: “I was inspired to set up the DFN Foundation, to honour two of my personal heroes: my son Charlie who has learning and physical disabilities; and my mother who died of multiple myeloma. Over the past decade, our work has strived to create a better world in their legacy and for generations to come.

The DFN Foundation has achieved a milestone of 10 years’ operating as an industry leading Strategic Commissioning Charity, partnering with the best-in-class charities or setting up its own to deliver the best results for some of the most pressing challenges facing society.  

Founded in 2014, the DFN Foundation has strived to make a difference by bringing together the right talent, operating with a business mindset, and staying laser focused on specific goals. 

The DFN Foundation was initially focused on improving Disability Employment, Special Needs Education and Healthcare, with these issues all affecting Founder and Chairman, David Forbes-Nixon on a personal level.  

David said: “At the start, I wanted the DFN Foundation to focus on the two main causes that I was passionate about: supporting education and employment opportunities for young disabled people; and finding a cure for multiple myeloma.  

“However, as we grew, we broadened our scope and we looked to take on some of the most pressing social challenges that often struggle to attract mainstream support because they are viewed as risky, difficult or simply impossible. 

“In order to achieve this, I assembled a high-quality board of trustees for the DFN Foundation and we agreed to focus on education, employment, healthcare and wildlife conservation alongside establishing four main goals for the first 10 years. “ 

Highlights for the DFN Foundation over the past decade include establishing a world class special needs school at Undershaw, and positively influencing best practice around disability employment through a separate employability charity, DFN Project SEARCH. 

DFN Project SEARCH was founded in 2018 by David Forbes-Nixon to ensure that young people with special educational needs and learning disabilities receive high quality work-related learning and improved access to long-term paid employment.  

70% of DFN Project SEARCH graduates achieve jobs, and 60% achieve full-time permanent roles, compared to the national average of 4.8% of people with a learning disability who are known to local authorities. Moreover, DFN Project SEARCH has got 2,200 young adults with a learning disability and/or autism into jobs so far. 

DFN Foundation’s work in healthcare has looked to improve survival rates of myeloma and advance cures through strategic funding of high-quality research which will benefit patients to live longer lives.  

As part of this funding, clinical trials of Optimum MUK9 saw 75% of the sample group in the trials still in remission 36 months after starting treatment: this makes it the most successful privately funded UK myeloma clinical trials ever. 

The DFN Foundation’s effort to improve wildlife conservation have seen it look to ensure the survival of the British butterfly, through increasing awareness and sponsoring the Big Butterfly Count, a UK-wide citizen science survey. 

David said: “On our tenth anniversary year, I think it is important that we take stock and look back on all the incredible achievements that we have had as a Foundation but also look forward to the next stage in our growth.  

“As part of this, we want to continue to support Undershaw so it becomes a world class special needs school rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted across all categories and commit additional financial support to DFN Project SEARCH to help get 20,000 young disabled people into jobs by 2034.  

“We also want to support securing a route to market for OPTIMUM (MUKnine) clinical trials so that as many myeloma patients as possible can benefit from this pioneering set of drug therapies and share results globally through publications and presentations by Dr Kaiser.  

“The DFN Foundation will continue our work in partnership with The Pangolin Project to ensure survival of the Giant Ground Pangolin in the Nyekweri Ecosystem in Kenya.   

“Finally, we want to make sure that the DFN Foundation has a lasting impact and as part of our policy work we will launch the DFN Scholars programme and continue to work with Disability Employment Charter and the Centre of Social Justice and lobby policymakers in Parliament with a goal of reducing the disability employment gap.” 

Excellent International Baccalaureate Diploma results from Fettes College

On Saturday 6th July, the worldwide International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) results were released, bringing excellent news for the members of the Fettes College Upper Sixth Form who have been following the IB pathway for the past two years. 

The school is incredibly proud of the achievements of this talented group of students who scored an impressive average score of 38 points – the best results at Fettes College since 2018. This is compared to a global average of 30 points.

Almost a third of all Fettes candidates gained 40 points or more, with 56% gaining or exceeding a score of 38 points. Four of our students deserve a special mention – two achieving 43 points, one achieving an outstanding 44 points and another, taking the diploma over three years, scoring an exceptional (maximum) 45 points.

The Fettes College IB class of 2024 leave Fettes for distinguished universities across the world such as British Columbia, Harvard, Amsterdam, as well as Oxford (English), Cambridge (Classics), LSE, Edinburgh and St Andrews.

Jonathan Marchant, Deputy Head (Academic) said: “The IB continues to flourish at Fettes. I could not be prouder of the achievements of the IB class of 2024.

“They have shown impressive industry, curiosity and creativity and can now enjoy the fruits of their labour.”

The Head, Helen Harrison, said “Our IB results are testament to a great deal of hard work from our students and superb support from our dedicated staff who maximise the opportunities for students to learn. 

“Our IB students are ready for the next exciting stage in their lives, and we wish them well as they head out to make their mark on the world.”

Fettes College offers both the International Baccalaureate and A Level pathways in the Sixth Form, with the A Level results released in August.

Edinburgh students challenged by Scottish charity to share ideas on the future of energy, medicine and science

  • Scottish Charity, TechFest, is encouraging Edinburgh students aged between 16-18 to participate in its global essay competition, STEM Next, to share their cutting-edge ideas on the future of industries across energy, medicine and science.   
  • Techfest is transforming STEM education and delivering a new generation of talent. STEM Next is back this year to encourage young people across the world to consider their future under three categories: Energy in Action, Medicine & Life Sciences, and Chemistry & Biological Sciences.  
  • The competition is aligned with the CREST Awards and grounded in STEM, allowing students direct access to industry professionals as part of their essay research. STEM Next has a registration deadline of June 21.   
  • Sarah Chew, Managing Director of TechFest, said: “STEM Next allows students to develop meta-skills that will benefit them for their entire careers, whilst they consider the future of key industries they’re preparing to lead.” 

TechFest is challenging Edinburgh students to compete against other young people across the world in STEM Next, an essay competition that encourages entrants to discuss the future of the industries across energy, medicine and science.     

TechFest is a charity focused on making STEM education more engaging and inclusive in schools throughout the country whilst helping to connect STEM to various sectors. STEM Next is a collaboration with various partners including: Airswift, CNOOC International, Ocean Winds and Thistle Wind Partners. 

The competition is a solo digital project that requires independent research and writing, and is open to students aged 16 – 18 across the world.  

Entrants are invited to submit an essay between 1000-3000 words that addresses one of the provided essay questions, with three categories available: Energy in Action, Medicine & Life Sciences and Chemistry & Biological Sciences. 

In addition to developing their researching and writing skills, STEM Next also connects young people with industry professionals to learn first-hand about their chosen industry.   

TechFest will make introductions that will provide entrants with valuable career insight alongside shaping their interviewing skills as part of the research requirements.  

Sarah Chew, Managing Director of TechFest, said: ”STEM Next is a challenge grounded in STEM that has been developed in collaboration with industry and education to deliver the future workforce. 

“The competition’s interviewing aspect provides industry with a great opportunity to connect with young people and attract the best and brightest talent who will be the next generation of industry leaders.” 

The Aberdeen-based charity is still looking for industry professionals to volunteer their time for these interviews and is calling for anyone with expertise or work experience in Energy, Life Sciences, Medicine, Chemistry, Psychology, Neuroscience, Space Science or Biological Sciences.  

Sarah added: “We are still keen for anyone who has the time to engage with these young people to sign-up as these early industry relationships can help forge a spark that will inspire a new wave of problem solvers and decision makers in STEM.“ 

Ruth Cameron, Managed Services Director EMEA at Airswift, said: “STEM Next is creating the next skilled workforce that will help to solve current and future problems across industries.

“This partnership perfectly ties into one our objectives at Airswift of transforming lives through the provision of international workforce solutions for STEM industries.” 

Victoria Allan, Buzzard Onshore Mechanical Support Engineer at CNOOC, said: “At CNOOC, we are focused on delivering safe and sustainable energy for all.

“As we see this shift being adopted across the energy industry, we need bold and practical ideas from young people during this vital transition period and look forward to seeing the world’s best ideas from this year’s entrants.”  

Roger McMichael, Stakeholder Manager at Ocean Winds, said: “Ocean Winds is leading the global energy transition into a greener future, and we believe there is no better insight into this challenge than from the fresh perspective of young people.“ 

Kirsty Macaulay, Stakeholder Engagement Manager at Thistle Wind Partners, said: “As an Edinburgh-based organisation focused on offshore wind development, we are excited to see a range of thought-provoking ideas from Scottish young people. Our nation has a strong heritage for innovation and shaping the modern world.” 

Young people competing in the STEM Next competition are eligible for CREST Awards. It also provides an opportunity for students to add additional achievements to their UCAS application.  

Moreover, the 1st place winners in each category will be awarded £200 of Amazon vouchers. 2nd place winners in each category will be awarded £100 of Amazon vouchers, and 3rd place winners in each category will be awarded £50 worth of Amazon vouchers.  

The deadline to register interest for STEM Next 2024 is June 21, with the project launching on June 17.  Students and volunteers can register for STEM Next via the TechFest website:

Revised schoolday timings at CCHS

From Monday, our school day timings will change slightly and this is detailed below.

We will no longer have tutor and pupils will start lessons at 8.30am. Break time will be 10.10-10.30am and lunch time will be 1.00-1.40pm. School still finishes at 3.20pm.

Thank you to all our parents and carers for supporting this and helping to ensure pupils are on time for school 💙💛

Letter: Education must be at heart of general election campaign

Dear editor

For too long, our children’s education has been sidelined and underfunded. The general election is a critical moment for politicians of all parties to change this.

Parents and teachers will be expecting politicians to explain how they will solve the growing crises in education – affecting everything from crumbling, unsafe school buildings, to the worst teacher recruitment and retention crisis in a generation, and special educational needs provision – where there is a huge and increasing mismatch between children’s needs and the resources available for schools to support them.

School leaders and their staff nevertheless do everything in their power to ensure children receive the best possible education. But it is becoming harder to shield pupils from the impact of these problems.

NAHT’s election manifesto for England sets out solutions to the crises facing our schools which have been informed by dedicated school leaders who know better than anyone what is needed.

We are calling for immediate practical steps – including urgent plans to invest in school buildings, help for schools to support children with special educational needs, and the school workforce.

A series of pay rises are needed for teachers and school leaders over the course of the next parliament to restore the value of pay following years of real-terms cuts and once again make teaching a competitive graduate career.

All candidates and political parties must prioritise education in this election campaign, and heed these proposed solutions – committing the funding to deliver them and help ensure all children receive the education they deserve.

Doing so is not only vital for children’s learning and social development, it will also set them up for a happy and productive adulthood in which they contribute to the country’s future economic prosperity.

Paul Whiteman,

general secretary of school leaders’ union NAHT

Edinburgh pupils pilot new qualification – the International Sustainability Diploma

  1. Scottish Government funding has allowed the Diploma to be credit-rated at SCQF Level 6, equivalent to a Scottish Higher
  2. The innovative one-year diploma is offered by the Futures Institute at Dollar Academy (FIDA), which also provides young people from across Scotland with unique opportunities to tackle projects based on real world challenges

The Futures Institute at Dollar Academy has launched a new qualification – the International Sustainability Diploma. Open to learners across Scotland and beyond, the Diploma will be piloted in a number of schools in the 2024/25 session ahead of a wider launch in 2025/26.

The Diploma programme offers a different style of learning and teaching, aligned with the recommendations of the Hayward Review (2023). Rooted in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and co-designed with experts from industry and universities, students learn through developing solutions to real-world problems.

Students who complete the programme will receive a qualification worth 24 SCQF points at Level 6 (equivalent to one Higher). This carries UCAS points, enabling progression to further and higher education, as well as international recognition.

In addition to building students’ knowledge and understanding of the complex social, environmental, economic and political aspects of sustainability, the Diploma develops important skills such as independent research, problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration and communication. Entrepreneurship is a golden thread that runs throughout the programme, and this element is co-delivered with the University of Stirling.

Instead of examinations, students build a portfolio of work and have opportunities to present this throughout the year. Students begin by exploring the concepts of sustainability through the UN SDGs and create a social media campaign to raise awareness of an SDG of their choosing.

They also undertake a ‘design sprint’ challenge to learn the principles of Design Thinking – a method for solving problems that puts the user at the centre of the process, and involves adapting solutions in response to research, testing and feedback.

They will then go on to choose three ‘Global Challenge’ projects from a range of options, each rooted in the SDGs – for instance, designing a new wave-powered method for water desalination, an app to support people experiencing climate anxiety, or a monument to make a statement about modern slavery.

In each case, students research the issue and the needs of their target users or audience, generate ideas, and, through a process of feedback and testing, develop and refine their solution.  Students have the opportunity to build and develop their skills as they move from one project to the next.

Finally, students learn about the crucial role of business and social enterprise in achieving the SDGs. They select one of their three project outcomes to develop further as a business or social enterprise, working with the Enterprise Team from the University of Stirling. Students present their proposal and have the opportunity to receive feedback from entrepreneurs.

The Diploma is offered by the Futures Institute at Dollar Academy, which began in 2021 as a pioneering initiative to tackle three fundamental challenges in education – providing equitable access and closing the poverty related attainment gap; finding compelling alternatives to traditional teaching and exam systems; and addressing sustainability. 

Offering real-world challenges in the form of workshops, skills-based courses, design challenges and competitions, over 600 pupils and 80 teachers from across Scotland, and further afield, have registered on FIDA’s online platform and have benefited from free access to FIDA resources. FIDA’s online content has been viewed over 75,000 times.

Ian Munro, Rector of Dollar Academy and FIDA founder, said, “Over the past year we have been working with universities, colleges and industry to deliver the FIDA Sustainability Diploma and we are thrilled to launch the accredited course to young people across the country.

“The Diploma allows learners to collaborate, to problem solve, to manage time and resources, and showcase the skills that will be useful for the challenges they will face beyond school. It is an ambitious qualification in terms of design, content and delivery, that will enable our youngsters to be a real force for good in an ever-changing world.”

FIDA secured Scottish Government funding to support the credit-rating of the Diploma onto the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). The team worked closely with Glasgow Clyde College, the credit-rating body, to ensure that the learning programme meets the robust criteria for a qualification at Level 6.

Cabinet Secretary for Education, Jenny Gilruth said, “The Scottish Government is committed to developing a system of qualifications and assessment that ensures pupils are well-equipped to tackle future challenges as they progress through education.

“Young people are facing a range of global challenges, including the climate emergency, which is why we have supported Dollar Academy to gain accreditation of its sustainability diploma, as part of the implementation of our Learning for Sustainability Action Plan.

“I am pleased that vitally important education resources such as these can be accessed for free by pupils across the country.”

One of the schools piloting the qualification in 2024/25 is Inverness Royal Academy. Depute Rector Morven Neil said: “This is possibly one of the most important courses we could offer our pupils and we are delighted to be part of this pilot. 

“The world is grappling with the urgent need for sustainable solutions and our current generation of school pupils are extremely aware of this.  This surge in interest among school pupils is indicative of a generation that is deeply committed to safeguarding the planet’s future.

“They’re not just passive observers; they are seeking knowledge, solutions, and ways to reduce their ecological impact.  This Diploma will allow our students to be prepared for future career sectors, policy and personal challenges in a world that faces a climate crisis.”

Other schools participating in the pilot are Speyside High School, Alloa Academy, Braes High School (Falkirk); Clifton Hall School (Edinburgh); and Dollar Academy.

You can find out more about FIDA here:

Lothian MSP raises concerns at Holyrood about the drop in number of Music Teachers in Primary Schools

Scottish Conservative and Unionist MSP for Lothian Miles Briggs has criticised the Scottish government on what he calls its ‘shameful’ record regarding the reduction of specialist music teachers in primary schools across Scotland.

It comes following a question asked by Mr. Briggs in the Scottish Parliament on Thursday afternoon about the impact on children and young people of the decline.

In Lothian local authorities, there are 4 teachers in Edinburgh City and 2 in West Lothian, while East Lothian and Midlothian have none between them.

In 2013, there were 5 in Edinburgh City, 5 in West Lothian and 0 in both East Lothian and Midlothian.

There are only 37 teachers for 32 local authorities in Scotland, down from 98 in 2008 – the first year in which the SNP was in power in Scotland – and down from 108 in 2011, when the SNP formed a majority government.

The reduction in specialist music teachers at primary schools threatens to extend the gap in opportunities between state and private education.

Mr. Briggs called on the Scottish government to put aside its pursuit of independence and focus on more pressing matters.

Lothian MSP Mr. Briggs said: “This is another example of the SNP government’s mismanagement of a sector, this time regarding specialist music teachers in primary schools.

“For a country with such a rich musical tradition as Scotland to have just 37 specialist music teachers for primary schools across the country is shameful and something the Scottish government should be embarrassed about.

“In my own region of Lothian, there are just 6 – down from 10 a decade ago – and with none in East Lothian or Midlothian at all.

“No doubt, however, the SNP’s spin doctors will be pinning the blame on Westminster and informing us of how an independent Scotland would be the sound of music.

“They have let down the country, they have let down the voters, and now they have let down the children.

“Young people and children are the ones that will suffer from this continued reduction in specialist teachers and it is high time the SNP focused on the proper demands of the country and stopped prioritising their independence dream.”

Breaking new ground for replacement Liberton High School

The next major phase for the replacement Liberton High School has been marked by a special groundbreaking event on the site yesterday (Tuesday 30 April).

Head Teacher Alison Humphreys was joined by current high school pupils and primary school pupils who will be educated at the new school. They were joined by Education Convener Cllr Joan Griffiths, Jenny Gilruth, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills at the Scottish Government, and Hector MacAulay, from contractors Balfour Beatty as Managing Director of their regional business in Scotland.

The construction of the school is due to be completed by early 2026 and has been funded from the Scottish Government’s Learning Estate Investment Programme and the City of Edinburgh Council.

Once pupils and staff have moved into the new building, the second phase will be the demolition of the old school which is due to be completed within a year.

The plans for the school, which will have capacity for 1,200 pupils, will consist of a variety of inspirational and inclusive spaces for learning.  Classrooms, studios, workshops and science labs will connect and work with shared collaborative areas and breakout spaces, providing learners with more personalisation and choice over their learning environment. 

Sports facilities include a floodlit multi use games area, basketball court and athletics facilities. The current tennis and beach volleyball courts and mountain bike trail will be retained as will the sports block.

A new fitness suite and dance studio will be provided to complement the existing sports facilities. There will also be outdoor learning spaces and a grassed amphitheatre.

A key part of the new school will be the community campus features as it will include non-educational facilities such as a café, library and flexible workspaces.

The school will also be constructed to Passivhaus standards designed to meet the city-wide aspirations for our schools to be as energy efficient as possible in response to the climate emergency and net zero targets.

The building has been designed to be energy efficient and will utilise high-performance windows and doors, and mechanical ventilation with heat recovery to reduce carbon emissions, improve indoor air quality and decrease heating bills.

Councillor Joan Griffiths, Education, Children and Families Convener at the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “It was great to join pupils at the groundbreaking event for the replacement Liberton High School yesterday.

“Our new school campuses are innovatively and sustainably designed so they are inspirational places for learning for the next generation of young people creating a vibrant and thriving learning environment.

“The Liberton Community Campus is a really exciting project which provides an amazing opportunity to create a community lifelong learning and sports hub to replace the existing school. This means public services can be co-located with links to active travel networks, green infrastructure and public transport networks.

“Our Community Hub vision for the building to be ‘more than a school’ aligns with our 20 Minute Neighbourhood Strategy – to localise and co-locate services, making them more accessible for communities and to improve the experiences and outcomes for everyone.

“This is all part of the Council’s plan to support the wellbeing of everyone and end poverty and isolation in Edinburgh.”

Jenny Gilruth, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, said: “The Liberton Community Campus is another example of the Scottish Government working together with local authorities to provide learning environments which are both modern and state-of-the art.

“The Scottish Government will invest over £21 million in the Campus and I am grateful to the Council for providing me with the opportunity to get a glimpse of how our support will be of significant benefit to pupils and their families in the local area.

“Right across the country, we are continuing to invest in Scotland’s schools through the £2 billion Learning Estate Investment Programme. Thanks to direct investment from the Scottish Government, the quality of our school estate has improved from 61% of schools in good or satisfactory condition in 2007, to 90.7% in 2023.

“We will continue to work with local authorities, who own school buildings, to drive improvements across the school estate.”

“Many of our future pupils are currently at these primary schools, so it was very important to us that they played a part in the special event yesterday to celebrate the work on the site.”

Alison Humphreys, Headteacher at Liberton High School, said: The Liberton High School community, and our wider learning community including Craigour Park, Gilmerton, Liberton and Prestonfield Primary Schools, are very excited about the creation of our new Liberton Community Campus.

“Many of our future pupils are currently at these primary schools, so it was very important to us that they played a part in the special event yesterday to celebrate the work on the site.

“In addition to a new secondary school with state-of-the-art facilities for learning, the building will also include a community library, community cafe, partner agency spaces and community fitness facilities.

“This is something that we are really looking forward to as it will bring so many opportunities for the wider public to use the space as a hub for accessing supports, learning, and fitness, and for socialising too.”

Hector MacAulay MBE, Managing Director of Balfour Beatty’s regional business in Scotland, said: “It was an honour to join with colleagues and pupils from Liberton High School today to mark this important occasion.

“As we embark on the next phase of the project with construction now underway, we remain committed to delivering a modern, safe and sustainable learning estate that will enhance and support communities and improve the lives of families in the local area.”