Public Health Scotland supports retaining uplift to Universal credit

Public Health Scotland supports retaining the £20 a week uplift to universal credit and working tax credits, brought in by the UK Government in April 2020, to help create a Scotland where everybody thrives.

The social security top-up payment was introduced in April 2020 to help low-income households deal with the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and is due to expire in October.

The evidence is becoming stronger that increasing the incomes of the poorest, including by increasing means-tested benefits, can help narrow the gap in life expectancy and improve mental health and wellbeing.

All of those families affected claiming working tax credits are already in employment, as are 35% of people claiming universal credit. Another 31% of people claiming universal credit have health problems or caring responsibilities which compromise their ability to secure and retain jobs. Therefore, focusing on getting people into work, in itself, will not be sufficient.

Martin Taulbut, Public Health Intelligence Adviser at Public Health Scotland said: “People with higher incomes are healthier and live longer. Experiencing material hardship can have a profound direct impact on health by affecting our ability to buy the goods and services that support good health and underpin healthy life expectancy. 

“The increase in value of universal credit and tax credits has reduced poverty, protecting the physical and mental health of low-income families and supporting working-age adults’ ability to find and keep good work. Decreasing the value of means-tested benefits is likely to result in a decline in the (already poor) health of the unemployed and low-income families, particularly after the experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“As well as enabling families to live healthier lives now, action taken to improve and protect the health of children from early in life pays dividends for decades. By embedding health and wellbeing into policy decisions across areas of economy, employment and mental health, Scotland has an opportunity to make real progress on national outcomes.”

“Daughter of furlough”?

TUC calls for permanent short-time working scheme to protect jobs in times of economic crisis and change

  • TUC says government must build on the success of furlough – and set up a permanent scheme to deal with big disruptions to jobs in the future, like the transition to net zero, future pandemics and technological change 
  • Periods of industrial change have too often been mismanaged and led to increased inequality – a short-time working scheme would help prevent this, says TUC 
  • Union body warns of job losses amid abrupt end to furlough scheme 

The TUC is calling on the government to establish a permanent short-time working scheme as “a post pandemic legacy” to help protect working people through periods of future economic change. 

The TUC says the furlough scheme, while far from perfect, is one of the major successes of government policy during the pandemic, protecting millions of jobs and livelihoods. 

On the back of the success of the furlough scheme, the union body is urging government to build on furlough – “not throw away its good work” – with a permanent short-time working scheme to make the labour market more resilient in times of change and crisis.  

The union body adds that because of the UK transition to net zero and the increased uptake of new technology, this is “hugely relevant”.   

Case for a short-time working scheme 

In a new report, Beyond furlough: why the UK needs a permanent short-time work scheme, the TUC says the case for a short-time working scheme is clear, citing significant benefits for workers, firms and government. The union body says for workers, a short-time working scheme would: 

  • reduce the risk of workers losing their jobs in times of crisis  
  • protect workers’ incomes – particularly as short-time working schemes are usually more generous than unemployment benefits.  
  • prevent widening inequalities – protecting women, disabled workers and BME workers who tend to lose their jobs first in a recession due to structural discrimination   

And for the government, it would: 

  • protect against long-term unemployment, and the subsequent devastating impacts on communities 
  • help stabilise the economy, and encourage a faster economic recovery as workers continue to spend their wages 
  • save money, as the cost of furlough schemes is often below the cost of unemployment benefits, particularly where costs are shared with employers. 

For employers, the TUC says that such a scheme would produce significant savings on redundancy, training and hiring costs, as they enable firms to keep skilled workers on their books. 

The union body points out that the UK is an anomaly among developed nations in having no permanent short-time working scheme to deal with periods of industrial disruption and weak demand.  

In the OECD, 23 countries had short-time working schemes in place before the coronavirus pandemic, including in Germany, Japan and many US states. 

Turbulent times ahead 

The TUC predicts that the UK economy is likely to face significant risks in the future – be it from climate change and the transition to net zero, new technologies such as AI, new variants or another pandemic. All could cause unpredictable and widespread disruption in the labour market – causing big spikes in unemployment and business failure.  

The TUC cites failed attempts to manage industrial change in the past, which “left communities abandoned” and played a major role in the widespread regional inequality we see today.  

The union body says that if the government is serious about levelling up, it will put in place a permanent short-time working scheme to prevent inequalities spiralling – adding that a short-time working scheme could play a vital role in achieving a ‘just transition’ to net zero.   

Criteria for accessing scheme 

The TUC says the scheme should be governed by a tripartite panel bringing together unions, business and government, which should be tasked with designing the criteria for the new scheme. 

In designing the scheme, the TUC says the panel should take into account best practice from existing global schemes. The union body has set out the following conditions which it says must be in place for accessing a short-time working scheme: 

  • Workers should continue to receive at least 80 per cent of their wages for any time on the scheme, with a guarantee that no-one will fall below the minimum wage for their normal working hours 
  • Any worker working less than 90 per cent of their normal working hours must be offered funded training. 
  • Firms must set out a plan for fair pay and decent jobs 
  • Firms should put in place an agreement with their workers, either through a recognised union or through consultation mechanisms. 
  • Firms must demonstrate a reduction in demand – which can include restructuring     
  • Firms should commit to paying their corporation tax in the UK, and not pay out dividends while using the scheme. 
  • The scheme should ensure full flexibility in working hours. 
  • There should be time limits on the use of the scheme, with extension possible in limited circumstances. 

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: “Everyone deserves dignity and security at work. The pandemic shows how an unexpected economic shock can wreak havoc on jobs and livelihoods with little warning. 

“In a changing and unpredictable world – as we battle climate change and new technologies emerge – a permanent short-time working scheme would help make our labour market more resilient and protect jobs and livelihoods.  

“Too often in the past, periods of economic and industrial change have been badly mismanaged – increasing inequalities and leaving working people and whole communities abandoned.  

“Setting up a ‘daughter of furlough’ to provide certainty to workers and firms through future industrial change would be a fitting pandemic legacy. 

“Furlough has been a lifeline for millions of working people during the pandemic. Now is the time for the government to build on the success of furlough with a short-time working scheme – not throw away its good work.” 

Furlough warning 

The call for a permanent short-time working scheme comes exactly six weeks before the furlough scheme is set to end – the date at which employers are legally obliged to start consulting on planned redundancies with their staff.  

The TUC is warning the abrupt end to the furlough scheme will cause unnecessary job losses and may harm the country’s economic recovery. 

Recently, aviation unions have also been raising concerns about the sudden end to the furlough scheme and the loss of jobs in the sector. 

On the ending of the furlough scheme, Frances said: “The jobs market is still fragile, with more than a million people still on furlough. 

“An abrupt and premature end to the furlough scheme will needlessly cost jobs and harm our economic recovery.  

“Instead of pulling the rug out from under the feet of businesses and workers, the chancellor must extend the furlough scheme for as long as is needed to protect jobs and livelihoods.” 

Captain Martin Chalk, Acting General Secretary of BALPA said:  “The UK aviation sector is the only industry to remain effectively in a lockdown.  

“It employs about one million workers directly and ONS statistics show that 57% of remaining employees in air transport companies remain on furlough.  

“The scale of jobs at risk of redundancy when the furlough scheme ends is self-evident, yet the footprint of aviation must not be missed – one in four constituencies has over 1,000 people employed directly by aviation companies.  

“If the Chancellor chooses not to extend furlough, the effects will be felt by workers, communities and businesses right across the country.” 

Diana Holland, Unite Assistant General Secretary, said: “Aviation is crucial to the UK’s economic recovery. It needs furlough support to continue while Covid restrictions apply.

“Airports and aviation support thousands of jobs. Without support all are at high risk.” 

– The full report Beyond furlough: why the UK needs a permanent short-time work scheme is here:

First Minister to meet trades unions to discuss fair recovery

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and representatives from Scotland’s trades unions led by STUC General Secretary Rozanne Foyer will meet later today (Thursday 12 August) to discuss key issues affecting workers as Scotland recovers from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Matters such as the need for the UK Government to extend the furlough scheme and reverse plans for damaging cuts to Universal Credit that will see households lose out on over £1,000 per year are on the agenda, as well as discussions on how to ensure workers’ needs are protected as Scotland’s economy undergoes transformation to net zero.

The Scottish Government has written to the UK Government on seven occasions to call for the £20-per-week uplift to Universal Credit to be made permanent and extended to legacy benefits.

Analysis from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation indicates that cutting Universal Credit at the end of September will pull 500,000 people across the UK, including 200,000 children, into poverty.

Speaking ahead of her biannual meeting with the STUC, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “We are committed to a just transition to net zero, making sure we don’t leave individuals or communities behind – and we must ensure we incorporate the same fairness as we emerge from the pandemic to deliver greater, greener and fairer prosperity as the economy recovers.

“Partnership with unions is key to making sure that workers are represented as part of that process, therefore communication and collaboration between unions and Government is absolutely essential.

“How we emerge from the pandemic – and support workers and employers through that economic recovery – will not only be crucial to safeguarding the livelihoods of people hit hardest by the impacts of COVID, but will inform our work as we plan for a just transition to a net zero economy.

“As economic activity is restored, businesses and workers will still require support from the furlough schemes as they move through recovery. Our focus is on helping them to doing this.

“Not all of the levers are in our hands however, and clarity is urgently needed from the UK Government on whether it will reverse its plans for harmful welfare cuts, extend furlough, and protect jobs as restrictions ease and the economy recovers.

“If not we must see the detail on what support will be put in place to ensure those hit hardest by the economic impacts of COVID aren’t left out in the cold.”

STUC General Secretary Rozanne Foyer said: “We are meeting the First Minister at a critical moment. Our focus is on building a recovery from COVID that creates a more equitable Scotland with fair work as a driver of economic transformation and sustainable economic growth. To achieve this and to bring about a just transition we need to create well-paid, unionised, green jobs in the public and private sectors.

“Our priorities include public sector pay, transport and a future Scottish National Care Service and we look forward to raising these issues with the First Minister.

“We share the Scottish Government’s call for an extension of the furlough scheme, for the £20-per-week uplift to Universal Credit to be made permanent and for the devolution of further borrowing powers to drive a fair recovery.”

Chancellor: ‘Inspiring’ Scots get back to work after furlough

Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak yesterday praised the “inspiring” people and businesses of Scotland during a visit to meet those supported by the UK Government’s £352 billion Plan for Jobs.

Rishi Sunak travelled to Fife, Edinburgh and Glasgow where he visited several businesses that have returned workers from furlough, held a roundtable of Scottish business leaders and saw how Scotland is creating jobs and leading our green recovery.

Around one in three jobs in Scotland have been supported by the UK Government’s support package and more than 90,000 Scottish businesses received more than £4.1 billion in loans since the start of the pandemic.

The Chancellor’s visit came as new figures released yesterday show that the number of people in Scotland on furlough has halved in the last three months, with just 141,500 jobs still furloughed.


Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak said: “It’s been inspiring to hear stories of people and businesses in Scotland that are now starting to feel the weight of the pandemic lifting off them as they get back to work – our Plan for Jobs is working and it’s great to see people succeeding after a year of uncertainty.

“It’s been a challenging time but the UK Government has delivered one of the most generous packages of support in the world, protecting one in three Scottish jobs.  

“Scotland will be key in ensuring the UK’s economic success – creating jobs, powering our growth and driving a green recovery by hosting COP26 later this year.”

During the visit, the Chancellor toured the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult Turbine in Leven, Fife. The turbine is the leading technology innovation and research centre for offshore renewable energy.

He met SMEs who have used the turbine for development and have benefitted from UK Government funding for green ventures.

The Chancellor highlighted the important contributions Scotland makes to the UK, including towards the UK’s Net Zero transition and climate change leadership on the world stage, ahead of the COP26 Glasgow conference in November.

He also conducted a roundtable with Scottish businesses in the retail banking sector at the new Queen Elizabeth hub in Edinburgh, where he thanked them for their role in responding to the pandemic, keeping call centres and banks open for vulnerable customers, and distributing many of the UK Government business support schemes.

The Chancellor went on to see preparations for the International Festival and the Fringe. The UK Government gave £1m of funding to Edinburgh Festivals this year, to help the festival promote itself digitally to a bigger audience.

He visited a number of small businesses including Liggy’s Cake Company, which was supported through the furlough scheme and is now hiring new staff.

He also visited Dynamic Earth, an award-winning visitor centre in Edinburgh dedicated to educating people about the earth and environmental issues, and met with several staff who have returned from furlough and met a group of children taking part in the centre’s outdoor activities.


  • Almost three million people have moved off furlough since March, according to latest data
  • More than half a million people left the scheme in the month of June alone, with fewer than two million people now remaining on furlough
  • Chancellor welcomes new data while meeting furloughed employees on a visit to Scotland

ALMOST three million people have moved off the furlough scheme since March as the economy began to bounce back and businesses reopened, according to new statistics.

Figures published yesterday which cover up until the end of June, show the fewest number of people on furlough since the scheme launched in March 2020, down from a peak of nearly nine million at the height of the pandemic in May last year.

1.9 million people remained on the scheme by the end of June, more than half a million fewer than the 2.4 million at the end of May.

The Business Insights and Conditions survey (BICS) shows numbers may have fallen even further – with estimates that between 1.1 and 1.6 million people are still on furlough.

It comes as the Chancellor visited Scotland where he has hailed the economic strength of the union and where the Government’s Plan for Jobs has supported businesses and families during the pandemic.

Ahead of meeting Scottish businesses and individuals in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Fife, where he talked to employees who have returned from furlough, Rishi Sunak welcomed the statistics.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak said: “It’s fantastic to see businesses across the UK open, employees returning to work and the numbers of furloughed jobs falling to their lowest levels since the scheme began.

“I’m proud our Plan for Jobs is working and our support will continue in the months ahead.”

The figures also show a striking fall in the number of young people on furlough, who for the first time ever, no longer have the highest take-up of the scheme.

In the last three months, younger people have moved off the scheme twice as fast as all other age brackets, with almost 600,000 under 25s moving off the scheme.

Jobs in sectors including hospitality and retail are now also moving off the scheme the fastest, – with more than a million coming off the scheme in the last three months.

This decline means those in hospitality and retail no longer make up the majority of all those on furlough.

Furlough was extended until the end of September to allow for businesses to adjust beyond the end of the roadmap and to bring people back to work.

Starting on 1st August, the employer contribution to furlough costs will increase to 20% and that contribution level will continue until the scheme ends at the end of September.

The Government’s Plan for Jobs continues and is still in place to provide support, including Kickstart, traineeships and more work coaches to help people find jobs.

The government says this ‘is is the right thing to do’ to reduce long term economic scarring in the labour market and our ongoing Plan for Jobs means that we will continue to support people as the economy recovers.

Chancellor hails Scotland’s pivotal role in future of UK economy

  • The Chancellor will visit Scotland today (29 July 2021) to meet people and firms supported by the UK Government’s Plan for Jobs throughout the pandemic.
  • In advance of the trip, Rishi Sunak hailed the economic strength of the Union and said Scotland’s “innovation and ingenuity” would be key in powering the UK’s future global economy;
  • He will meet firms in sectors ranging from tech to tourism and see how Scotland is helping drive the UK’s transition to net zero ahead of the COP26 summit in Glasgow later this year.

The Chancellor has hailed the economic strength of the union ahead of a visit to Scotland where he will see first hand how the UK Government’s Plan for Jobs has supported businesses and families during the pandemic.

Rishi Sunak will meet Scottish businesses and individuals in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Fife to discuss how they are recovering from the crisis and find out more about the ways Scottish firms are creating jobs and playing a key role in the UK’s green recovery.

Ahead of the visit, he hailed the economic strength of the union and said Scotland’s “innovation and ingenuity” would be key in powering the UK’s future global economy.

Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak said: “We’ve come through this pandemic as one United Kingdom – with our Plan for Jobs supporting one in three jobs and tens of thousands of businesses across Scotland.

“Thanks to the strength of our Union we’ve deployed the fastest vaccination rollout in Europe and our economy is rebounding faster than expected.

“It’s vital this continues, and Scotland’s innovation and ingenuity will be key in creating jobs, powering our growth and driving a green recovery.”

Since the start of the pandemic the UK government has delivered one of the world’s most generous packages to support, create and protect jobs across the UK.

In Scotland one in three jobs have been supported through the pandemic, over 900,000 people in Scotland were furloughed, more than 90,000 businesses have received loans and £1,535 billion has been paid in self-employment support.

People in Scotland are benefitting from the UK Government’s Plan for Jobs – the Kickstart scheme is already helping thousands of 16-24-year-olds into work, Job Entry Targeted Support (JETS) Scotland is providing up to six months of targeted support and 13,500 new Work Coaches have been recruited across Great Britain to give tailored support to people out of work.

On today’s visit, the Chancellor will travel to a number of businesses – both small and large – to meet business owners and furloughed employees who have returned to work after their jobs were protected through the UK-wide scheme.

With just under 100 days until the COP26 summit in Glasgow, he will also see how Scotland is harnessing the power of offshore wind, a sector which supports 2,800 jobs in Scotland and is key in helping the whole of the UK reach our climate goals.

The Chancellor will also meet representatives of Scotland’s financial services sector to thank them for keeping call centres and branches open over the pandemic as well as distributing billions of pounds through UK government loan schemes.

He will discuss his vision for the future of financial services – a sector which accounts for 153,000 jobs in Scotland (financial and professional related services).

He will also see how Scotland’s culture sector is preparing for the summer ahead, as it looks forward to welcoming back locals and tourists who wish to revel in Scotland’s rich cultural heritage.

Recruitment campaign launched to support Scottish tourism industry

Get involved in Scotland’s new recruitment campaign to support the tourism industry

In partnership with Scottish Government, the Scottish Tourism Alliance has launched a new campaign to address the current staffing crisis within Scotland’s tourism industry, a crisis caused by the impact of Covid-19 and the workforce shortage resulting from Brexit.

The aim of the campaign is to support your business in recruiting talent for the diverse range of positions which are currently available and to inspire young people to play an important role in the recovery of Scotland’s valuable tourism and hospitality industry, by choosing a job within the sector.

The initiative, funded by the Scottish Government and supported by a range of organisations and charities, will run from July 5 to August 15 and is supported by the Scottish Tourism Alliance, Skills Development Scotland, Springboard, HIT Scotland, VisitScotland, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and South of Scotland Enterprise.

How can you help?

As part of the campaign all tourism businesses in Scotland are asked to list your vacancies, part-time and permanent on all levels (FREE) on the Careerscope jobs portal. The jobs will then be available to all Careerscope users and those with profiles will be matched to suitable advertisements. 

How can you get involved?

As well as making sure your current vacancies are listed on the Careerscope portal, all tourism and hospitality businesses are asked to get involved by sharing the campaign on your own social channels with the hashtag #DoWhatYouLove.

To support businesses there are a range of resources available for use on your digital channels and you can download the Recruitment Campaign Toolkit here.

Investor confidence returning, says new research

Confidence levels are up, Millennials make their mark and interest in ethical investing hits new highs

Confidence levels amongst UK investors have risen 20 points (62 – 82) in the last 12 months according to new research amongst 1100 UK investors (£10k+).

The Investor Index, now in its second year, is conducted jointly by London-based communications agency AML Group and research agency The Nursery Research and Planning and was launched in April 2020 to assess the immediate impact of Covid 19 on investors and the UK investment marketplace.

The first report of its kind to provide an objective overview of the industry based on hard data,the study was welcomed as a barometer of post-Covid investor behaviours.

“57% of UK investors have changed their investment strategy since the pandemic started”

One year on, and still in the grip of the pandemic, the 2021 study has revealed some significant changes and ‘recalibrations’ amongst investors.

Confidence returns – but not to pre-pandemic levels

Over the past 12 months, confidence levels have risen most amongst older investors (55+) up 30 points (54 – 84), investors that are retired up 27 points (57 – 84), those that use financial advisers up 31 points (65 – 96) and investors with a portfolio of £200k+ – up 38 points (55 – 93).

The study has also revealed a disparity in gender confidence levels – with men indicating a 25 point rise over the last 12 months (61- 86) compared to a rise in confidence levels of just 10 points among female investors (65 – 75).

However whilst the results are cause for some degree of optimism – investor confidence levels are still 18 points down from pre-Covid levels.

Gen Z/Millennials Vs Baby Boomers – the emerging generational divide

10% of UK investors have started investing since the pandemic began – and of those new investors three-quarters (74%) are under 35s.

It’s a changing landscape with the younger investor bringing different attitudes and priorities to the investor table.

89% of under 35s have changed their investment strategy over the last year vs. 31% of 55+ investors. Younger investors are also increasingly looking to ESG products – with 27% including responsible investments in their portfolio compared to only 4% of investors aged 55 and older. Younger investors are also more focused on the long game – with 30% looking to longer term investments compared to 8% of investors 55+.

When it comes to investment decisions, younger investors are increasingly turning to family (40%), banks (30%) and friends (27%) for advice.

It’s a gift – investors demonstrate a change of attitude

57% of UK investors have changed their investment strategy since the pandemic started – with a focus on products offering ‘long term growth’ (46%) over ‘short term growth’ (30%).

Investors are increasingly concerned about their children’s financial security. 70% of investors are aware of the £3,000 wealth transfer allowance with 38% having given £500 or more over the last 12 months – with children the biggest recipients (72%). Indeed the average amount gifted in 2020 was £8087 compared to £5421 pre pandemic (2019) – a 49% increase and a clear indicator of the want for investors to safeguard futures for loved ones.

How invested is the UK investor in Responsible Investing?

Investors feel that ethical/socially responsible financial products are more important now than at the same time last year – up 9 percentage points (23% – 32%) with three in ten of those surveyed stating that they believe that these products will be more important in the future – up six percentage points (24% – 30%).

However despite investors acknowledging the importance of ESG/RI there is a continuing perception, despite contrary evidence, that it carries a performance penalty with investors ‘prioritising financial security over wider ethical considerations’ – up five percentage points (23% – 28%).

Younger investors look to DIY platforms

Since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, four in ten investors under 35 (39%) have invested more with DIY platforms – compared to just 14% of 55+. And while the younger investor has indicated a ‘happy to do it myself’ attitude regarding financial planning and investments they are less confident when it comes to their feelings about the industry. Just under one-third of under 35s (29%) are confident markets will bounce back compared to more than half (52%) of investors aged 55+.

Perhaps predictably, younger investors are more tapped into trends and news stories connected to investing.

39% of under 35s cited an awareness of the growth in DIY platforms with 44% familiar with the story around Reddit users driving up the share price of Game Stop and 31% aware of the rise in silver prices. Investors aged 55+ recorded significantly lower awareness across all trends.

Top 10 nine findings:

1. Investor confidence levels (overall index score) – 82 (up 20 points)

2. Confidence levels amongst men – 86 (up 25 points)

3. Confidence levels amongst women – 75 (up 10 points)

4. Confidence levels amongst under 35s – 74 (up 4 points)

5. Percentage of investors who have increased amounts invested since Covid-19 – 36%

6. Changed Investment strategy since the start of the pandemic – 57%

7. Ethical products considered more important now – 32% (up 9 percentage points)

8. Percentage of all new investors (in the last 12 months) that are women – 63%

9. Under 35s who have increased DIY investments since Covid – 39%

METHODOLOGY: 1,100 nationally representative interviews were conducted online in April 2021 from an adult sample with £10,000+ of investments. Respondents were recruited from Dynata’s online access panels. 7 in-depth interviews were conducted with a mix of IFAs and Wealth Managers – also in April 2021.

Scottish Business confidence soars to highest levels in UK

Bank of Scotland’s Business Barometer for June 2021 shows:

  • Scottish business confidence leaps 27 points to 42% – the highest in the UK
  • Net balance of 18% of businesses in the country expect to increase staff levels over the next 12 months
  • UK business confidence remains steady at 33% with all regions and nations reporting a net positive reading for the third consecutive month

Business confidence in Scotland rose 27 points during June to 42%, according to the latest Business Barometer from Bank of Scotland Commercial Banking. This is the sharpest rise in overall confidence this year and means Scotland has the highest levels of optimism anywhere in the UK.

Companies in Scotland reported higher confidence in their own business prospects month-on-month, up 32 points at 42%.  When taken alongside their optimism in the economy, up 24 points to 43%, this gives a headline confidence reading of 42%.

The Business Barometer questions 1,200 businesses monthly and provides early signals about UK economic trends both regionally and nationwide.

When it comes to jobs, a net balance of 18% of Scottish businesses expect to increase staff levels over the next year, up ten points on last month and the third consecutive month the reading has increased.

Overall UK business confidence remained steady month-on-month at 33%. Firms reported a small increase in their business prospects, up two points to 30%, the highest reading since September 2020. Confidence in the economy dipped marginally by two points to 36%.

Across the UK all regions and nations reported positive confidence readings for the third consecutive month. Businesses in Scotland, London (up 17 points to 41%) and the East of England (up ten points to 36%) reported the highest increases in confidence.

While confidence remained positive, firms in eight regions reported a month-on-month drop. The biggest decreases were in Yorkshire and Humber (down 14 points to 30%), the West Midlands (down 12 points to 29%), the North West (down nine points to 29%) and East Midlands (down nine points to 31%).

Fraser Sime, regional director for Scotland at Bank of Scotland Commercial Banking, said: “Business confidence in Scotland rose again in June as firms across the country slowly but surely returned to normal trading. It also positive to see that more firms are now planning to hire new staff this year – another clear indicator that the country is on the path to recovery.

“Despite this, the well-trailed postponement to the easing of lockdown restrictions will have dampened spirits, especially for those in the country’s tourism and hospitality sector and is another sign that we are not out of the woods yet.

“We’ll continue to stand by Scottish business and support firms through the coming months as we look to build back better.”

Differences in confidence between the UK’s regions and nations narrowed this month (chart 5). There were sizeable increases in Scotland (up 27 points to 42%), London (up 17 points to 41%) and the East of England (up 10 points to 36%).

Along with the South West (36%), these were the most confident parts of the country. The largest falls, albeit from previously elevated levels, happened in Yorkshire and the Humber (down 14 points to 30%) and the East Midlands (down 9 points to 31%). There were smaller declines in the South East (down 6 points to 31%), Wales (down 6 points to 31%) and Northern Ireland (down 6 points to 11%).

The majority of responses were given before the various UK governments formally announced the delay to the removal of all limits on social contact, which was originally expected to happen on 21st June in England and close to that date in other parts of the UK.

However, it is likely that anticipation of the delay may have had a small negative impact in confidence particularly in the retail sector (down eight points to 36%) while manufacturing also fell (down 18 points to 35%).

Despite this, confidence remains at historically high levels across the broad industry sectors – in part due to services increasing by five points (31%) to its highest level in more than three years and construction remaining steady at 35%.

Paul Gordon, Managing Director for SME and Mid Corporates, Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking, said: “Despite a fall in business confidence in eight of the UK’s nations and regions from the highs of last month, the differences are narrowing.

“It’s pleasing to see such significant improvements in a number of regions, in particular Scotland and London, with both reporting strong increases in confidence. We can be optimistic that the increase in confidence in the services sector, as well as the overall historically high levels across the broad industry sectors, bodes well for businesses as we remain by their side on their road to recovery.”

Hann-Ju Ho, Senior Economist, Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking, said: “A fifth consecutive monthly increase in trading prospects and employment expectations highlights the resilience of UK businesses as they continue to recover from the challenges presented by the pandemic.

“Although we must now wait slightly longer for the last remaining COVID-19 restrictions to ease, it’s an encouraging sign that firms continue to have strong overall confidence in the outlook for the UK economy, as well as their expectations for their own growth prospects.”

Extra £14.5 billion for Scotland since start of Covid-19 pandemic

Scotland has benefitted from £14.5 billion of UK government funding to the devolved administrations, figures released today by the Treasury show.

The annual publication of the Block Grant Transparency shows that since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic the Scottish Government has received an additional £14.5 billion, the Welsh Government an additional £8.6 billion and the Northern Ireland Executive an additional £5.0 billion.

This funding has enabled the Scottish Government to provide support to individuals, businesses and public services across Scotland in response to Covid-19 and will continue to support the recovery through 2021-22.

This comes as part of the unprecedented package of support for the whole of the UK throughout the pandemic, with £352 billion spent right across the UK on Covid-19 measures.

In Scotland this included protecting more than 900,000 jobs through the furlough scheme, £294 million in self-employment support, help for businesses and the procurement of vaccines.

Chief Secretary to the Treasury Steve Barclay said: “The UK government is fully committed to strengthening the Union and making sure Scotland has the funding needed to get through this pandemic, with £14.5 billion of additional spending over the last year.

“We’ve protected more than a million Scottish jobs and businesses with furlough and support schemes, our vaccine rollout is unlocking the economy, and our Plan for Jobs is levelling up opportunity and helping us build back better across the UK.”

Scottish Secretary Alister Jack said: “From the very start of the pandemic, the UK Government has taken unprecedented action to help people and businesses right across the country.

“That includes our furlough scheme, support for self-employed people, help for businesses, and the hugely successful UK-wide vaccine programmes.

“On top of this direct support, the UK Government has provided an additional £14.5 billion of funding for the Scottish Government. 

“This extensive support, which now enables us to look towards recovery, shows how Scotland benefits from being part of a strong United Kingdom. Never has the value of the Union been more important or more apparent.”

The UK government’s Plan for Jobs is helping to support, create and protect jobs across the UK.

The Kickstart scheme is already helping thousands of 16-24 year-olds into work, JETS Scotland is providing up to six months of targeted support and 13,500 new Work Coaches have been recruited to give tailored support to people out of work.

City Centre at heart of heart of capital recovery plans

Muirhouse Community Hub and Granton gasholder put forward for Levelling Up funding

As Edinburgh’s economy faces the biggest challenge for more than a generation, the City of Edinburgh Council looks to forge a strong and sustainable recovery for Scotland’s Capital.

The Council has brought together key partners, stakeholders and business leaders to review the Edinburgh Economic Strategy to develop a refreshed approach that focuses on the city’s strengths, continued investment and collaboration, while responding to new pressures arising from both the pandemic and Brexit, and the long-term challenges identified in the 2018 Edinburgh Economy Strategy.

Agreed at yesterday’s Policy & Sustainability committee the report outlines key priorities, while also highlighting the importance of the city centre to Edinburgh’s long-term economic success – as a magnet for visitors, cultural activity, investment and innovation.

As part of the initial work that’s been done so far with key partners a series of actions have been proposed that the Council and other city stakeholder need to undertake to support the delivery of a strong economic recovery for Edinburgh.

These actions fall under five priorities which are:

  1. helping businesses to manage, adapt and innovate
  2. promote access to fair work and opportunities for progression
  3. lead a just transition to a net carbon zero economy
  4. create vibrant places for businesses and people; and
  5. maintain Edinburgh’s place as a global economy.

Focusing on specific actions needed to revive the economy of the city’s historic centre, The City Centre Recovery Plan has been developed as an accompaniment to the refresh of the city-wide Edinburgh Economy Strategy.

This plan proposes two core priorities for the Council and its partners over the next few years:

  • ‘support the city centre to adapt and thrive’ by taking action to provide high impact support to businesses of all sectors, as well as tailored, targeted support to businesses in areas or in sectors under specific pressure.
  • ‘build momentum for long term recovery’ by delivering strong programmes of promotion and marketing the city centre, as well as taking the steps needed to help people safely return to work in the area. Meanwhile look to enhance and repurpose the city centre to make sure it meets the post-pandemic needs of residents, businesses and visitors.

This will be underpinned by some of the largest and most significant retail, commercial, and tourism developments seen in any UK city centre.

It is hoped that these major investments will provide a catalyst for recovery of Edinburgh’s city centre, creating new job opportunities and building momentum needed to drive up footfall and turnover to the benefit of all businesses in the area.

These include:

  • the £1billion St James Quarter development opening this month;
  • Diageo’s investment in whisky tourism culminating in Johnnie Walker Princes Street opening later this summer;
  • a £40 million repair of North Bridge;
  •  the National Galleries of Scotland £22 million refurbishment project;
  • new uses on the way for key buildings such as the former BHS, Debenham’s shops, and the iconic Jenner’s department store
  • and in the west end of the city, the Edinburgh’s Haymarket project delivering a £350m development transforming the long-neglected brownfield site.

The new frameworks proposed for both the Economic Strategy and the City Centre Recovery Plan will now go through a consultation period with our citizen’s and partners from this month. Following this the final documents will be published in November this year.

Both reports will also look to deliver on the Council’s broader approach to recovery from the pandemic and meet its core priorities to end poverty, become a net zero city, and ensure wellbeing and equalities are enhanced for all.

Welcoming the update on the new frameworks, Council Leader, Adam McVey, said: “Recent indicators like city centre footfall and investments bringing opportunities for people in the Capital show Edinburgh in a strong position for a successful recovery.

“Oxford Economics suggested that Edinburgh is the most resilient economy in Scotland, driven by our digital connectivity and the diversity of our economy. But the challenges for businesses of Covid-19 and Brexit can’t be underestimated.

“By channelling our strengths, we can overcome the challenges and continue to make our City a greener and fairer place to live, work and do business.  Key growth sectors like data-driven innovation and strong sectors like technology, finance and business tourism are all collectively working together as a city to build a bright future for Edinburgh with opportunities for all our residents.

“I’d like to thank our partners and stakeholders for their support and insights in getting our next Economic Strategy to this stage. Through this next phase of wider engagement with the City we will have a robust plan of actions to support businesses, protect and create jobs and continue to make progress.

Depute Leader, Cammy Day, said: “A strong recovery for Edinburgh’s economy as a whole requires a strong and vibrant city centre and by developing The City Centre Recovery Plan, in tandem with the refreshed Economic Strategy, we’re making sure that this vital area of our city continues to thrive.

“In parallel with the development of the priorities we’ve set out, we have also committed to delivering many innovative and regenerative schemes across the city that are at the heart of our communities.

“We agreed on six key projects to be put forward for UK Government Levelling Up Funding including the Granton Waterfront, the North Edinburgh Art’s MacMillan Hub in Pennywell, Wester Hailes and other key priority programme for the city. I’m hopeful that we’ll be successful in our bids for this funding and look forward to seeing these projects benefiting our citizens in future years.”

Funding regeneration

Alongside this, as part of the city’s wider ambitions for the economy, the need to help fund and deliver key regeneration and infrastructure projects was also on the agenda at Thursday’s Policy & Sustainability Committee. 

Six projects were agreed and will now be put forward for the 2021/22 funding round of the new UK Levelling Up Fund.

The Levelling Up Fund was announced by UK Government at the 2020 Spending Review as a £4.8bn package of funding to provide capital investment in local infrastructure projects over four years, from 2021-22 to 2024-25.

All Scottish Local Authorities will receive a flat amount of £125,000 in capacity funding to support bid development. This funding is expected to be made available in late June 2021.

The six projects are:

  • North Edinburgh Arts – a proposed new creative and community hub at MacMillan Square in Pennywell;
  • Granton Gas Holder – restoring the gas holder structure and remediating the wider site, forming a key catalyst to delivering phase one of the wider waterfront regeneration programme;
  • Wester Hailes Regeneration – a comprehensive, phased regeneration plan for the next 10 to 15 years and will incorporate the aspirations as set out by the community in the Local Place Plan;
  • Inch Park Regeneration – a proposed project for the development of a sports and community hub in Inch Park;
  • Craigmillar Town Centre Regenerations – a regeneration plan for the area to complete years of housing led investment to deliver wide ranging community led improvements;
  • City-wide active travel – building on the vision and objectives set out in the City Mobility Plan, the active travel investment programme will deliver on of the UK’s most ambitious safe, attractive and coherent walking, cycling and wheeling networks.

Building international partnerships

Taking an international perspective and continuing to build relationships across the globe to attract investment and strategic links will be an important part in growing Edinburgh’s economy.

How Edinburgh maximises its global connections and partnerships was set out in an updated Edinburgh International Framework, developed in collaboration with members of the Edinburgh International Group.

Refreshed in response to changing context and challenges arising from the Covid-19 pandemic and the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, as well as new developments in city wide priorities, the approach ensures international activity promotes the Capital’s equality and diversity objectives.

As part of the new framework, Councillors also agreed that the Council will support the University of Edinburgh in joining the World Innovative Cities Co-operation Organisation to develop civic links and support innovative collaborations with partner cities.