Illegal tobacco factory smashed

One of Scotland’s biggest ever illegal tobacco factories has been dismantled after a raid in West Lothian. 

The state-of-the-art factory, capable of evading millions of pounds of duty per year, was uncovered in an operation by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and Police Scotland. 

The sophisticated set up included expensive machinery and insulation to hide noise and smells. 

Four tonnes of tobacco was recovered, worth an estimated £1 million in unpaid duty. Suspected counterfeit tobacco pouches were also found and seized. 

Joe Hendry, Assistant Director, Fraud Investigation Service, HMRC, said: “This was one of the largest and most sophisticated tobacco factories we have ever uncovered in Scotland.

“We will continue to work with our law enforcement partners to target anyone we suspect as being involved in the illicit tobacco trade. 

“The illicit tobacco trade steals money from our vital public services, undercuts legitimate businesses and can fund other crimes that harm our communities.

“We encourage anyone with information about the illegal sale of tobacco or alcohol to report it to HMRC online.”  

Detective Sergeant John Irvine, Police Scotland, said: “We will continue to work closely with our partners to disrupt, detect and deter anyone involved in the illicit trade of illegal or counterfeit cigarettes and tobacco.

“We know that due to perceived higher profit margins, criminals can turn to the illicit trade in tobacco, which in turn can lead to other forms of criminality.   

“If you have any information or concerns about illegal or counterfeit cigarettes or tobacco within the local community, please get in touch with HMRC or Police Scotland. Alternatively calls can be made to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where anonymity can be maintained.”

Five people have been arrested and charged. Investigations are ongoing.

Appeal to trace vehicle following attempted murder of police officer

Detectives in Edinburgh are appealing for information to help trace a car involved in the attempted murder of a police motorcyclist two days after it failed to stop for officers at another incident.

The vehicle involved is described as a black Audi A1 (K3 OXK).

Around 4.50pm on Monday, 9 January, 2023, it was flagged down by officers on Ravenswood Avenue in connection with a suspected road traffic offence. As officers tried to engage with the male driver, the car sped from the scene in the direction of Walter Scott Avenue, causing one constable to need to jump to safety.

On Wednesday, 11 January, at around 4.15pm, the same car was seen by motorcycle officers in the Lindsay Road area of the city. On being signalled to stop in the Bathfield area, the driver drove directly at the officers, injuring one in the collision, before heading in the Granton direction.

The driver of the vehicle is described as being a white man, aged 18-22, slim build, with short brown curly hair. At the time of the first incident, there was a passenger described as a white man, of a similar age.

Detective Inspector Gordon Couper, from Corstorphine CID, said: “Violence against our people is not tolerated and we can be incredibly thankful that none of the officers involved in these two incidents were seriously injured as a result of this individual’s unacceptable and dangerous actions.

“We are appealing for anyone with information to come forward. If you witnessed these incidents, were driving in the areas at the times in question, or believe you’ve seen the vehicle involved, please come forward and contact police on 101, quoting incident 1853 of 17 January, 2023.”

Crimestoppers: Survey reveals one in six children face unwanted sexual harassment from the age of 10

A major new survey and report, commissioned by the charity Crimestoppers, has shed light on general attitudes to sexual harassment and the age at which victims are targeted.

Of those that responded, around one in six people who answered said their first experience of sexual harassment in a public place happened when they were aged just 10 or even younger.

Whilst 1,800 people participated in the survey, none of the questions were mandatory. This means that respondent numbers per question are lower than overall participant numbers. Due to the sensitivity of the subject matter, the University recommended using optional questions to encourage more people to take part.

Key findings are:

  • Around one in six participants’ (16.8%) first experience occurred when they were aged 10 or younger (3.7% aged 0-5, 13.1% aged 6-10)
  • 30.9% of participants first encountered unwanted sexual behaviour between the ages of 14-16
  • Almost the same percentage (29%) first experienced unwanted approaches between 11-13 years

These shocking findings demonstrate that the majority encountered sexual harassment for the first time during adolescence or childhood. Shockingly, the survey also found that 10% of women said they had been raped with 23% saying they had been `forced’ to have sex.

The report, by the University of Suffolk and commissioned by Crimestoppers, follows the impact of the #MeToo movement against sexual abuse and harassment. Crimestoppers has also launched a national campaign today to challenge attitudes and encourage reporting on those responsible.

Figure 17: Age at first experience of unwanted sexual behaviours or interactions in public spaces [P29]

In a clear message to the culprits, fewer than 1% of victims said they felt flattered, attractive or desired after their most recent harassment experience. [P33].

Strikingly, around 78% of female participants spoke of experiencing unwanted questions about their sex life, and two thirds experienced staring (leering) and comments on their clothes, body or appearance. [P23, Figure 10]. The research found that respondents change their behaviour or activities to avoid a repeat incident, with nearly 10% (9.8%) shunning outdoor areas where they had previously encountered unwanted sexual behaviours.

Figure 10: Lifetime prevalence of unwanted sexual behaviours in public spaces: female participants [P23]

More than a third (38%) have been followed and nearly a quarter (23%) have witnessed flashing/genital exposure. Whilst the largest group of perpetrators were strangers, they were closely followed by classmates during their younger years, then acquaintances and colleagues in later life.

Lydia Patsalides, VAWG (Violence Against Women and Girls) sexual violence lead at the charity Crimestoppers, said: “This research confirms that all forms of sexual harassment begin at a shockingly early age, which is completely unacceptable.

“It raises the question to those men involved: would you accept this behaviour towards those closest to you, such as a partner, female friend, or your daughter? Crimestoppers is taking its part in the conversation as these normalised behaviours, can escalate, with some perpetrators going on to commit the most serious of crimes such as rape and child abuse.

“We know this is a difficult and complex area and won’t be solved with one study. However, it’s important that we have a frank and realistic discussion, and we must all play our part in helping change behaviour and think seriously about how sexual harassment affects others.”

Mick Duthie, Director of Operations at the charity Crimestoppers, said: “As a father of two daughters, and an ex-police officer who dealt with the tragic circumstances of violence against women and girls, I totally understand the impact unwanted sexual behaviour has on victims.

“It’s important that we all understand the issue and take steps to educate ourselves on what is and is not appropriate. Our research shows that a large number of very young girls are being targeted, and therefore we must all ensure we take positive steps to protect them.”

Dr Katherine Allen from the University of Suffolk said: “In a post #MeToo era, these findings are shocking but unsurprising. Our survey underscores that sexual harassment is common, perpetrated across a range of public spaces, and remains highly gendered, disproportionately impacting women and girls and limiting their ability to exercise everyday freedoms.

“Chiming with national and international studies, our research suggests that women and girls are subject to unwanted sexualised behaviours from an early age, and overwhelmingly experience these behaviours as intrusive, uncomfortable and intimidating.”

Survey participant comment: “I think a lot of the time, perpetrators are completely oblivious to how their actions are making the other person feel.

“Being sexually harassed makes me feel genuinely scared for my safety, and scared to anger the person in case they get violent.”

Crimestoppers is a standalone charity that is independent of the police and takes crime information whilst guaranteeing total anonymity.

By never asking for or storing personal details, it encourages people to come forward who might otherwise stay silent. The process means no courts, no witness statements and no comeback.

If you know a work colleague/friend/relative or neighbour who is involved in any criminal aspect of sexual harassment – please tell our charity. 

To pass on crime information completely anonymously, visit our website and fill in the simple and secure anonymous online form. Alternatively, call Crimestoppers’ UK Contact Centre, which is open 24/7, 365 days a year, on freephone 0800 555 111.

Please note: Computer IP addresses are never traced, and no-one will ever know you contacted Crimestoppers. For telephone calls, there is no number display, no 1471 facility and calls have never been traced.

Three jailed over county lines activity between London and Edinburgh

Three men have been jailed after pleading guilty to running a county drug line between London and Edinburgh.

Michael Orguns, 24, Harrison Kimpembe, 27 and Kalil Nuur, 20, all from London were sentenced at the High Court in Glasgow today (Friday, 13 January).

They had previously pleaded guilty to drug supply offences in connection with £130,000 worth of heroin and crack cocaine recovered in Edinburgh between 6 April and the October, 2021.

Michael Orguns

Orguns (above), who was recognised by the court as being in control of the drug line and principal member of the group, was sentenced to five years and three months.

Kimpembe (above) was sentenced to five years and Nuur sentenced to three years and nine months imprisonment.

It followed an investigation by the specialist Edinburgh County Lines Unit.

Detective Sergeant David Wright said: “We welcome the conviction of these three men and this significant recovery of controlled drugs and subsequent conviction sends a strong message to those who deal drugs in our communities.

“We are committed to identifying and disrupting the supply chains which bring drugs into Edinburgh and we worked closely with our colleagues in the Metropolitan Police to identify those involved.”

“The county lines model shows crime does not respect borders and we are committed to identifying and bringing offenders such as Kimpembe, Orguns and Nuur to justice, wherever in the country they are based.

“Intelligence is the lifeblood of investigations such as this. Communities should not have to tolerate the damage caused by drugs and I would urge anyone with information which can help us deal with those responsible to pass this on.”

“If anyone has any concerns regarding the abuse of controlled drugs, or anyone who may be involved in the supply of controlled drugs, they are urged to contact Police on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

Attempted murder in West Pilton

POLICE are appealing for information after the attempted murder of a 28-year-old man in North Edinburgh on Thursday, 5 January, 2023.

Around 10.10pm, officers were called to a report of a man having been assaulted in West Pilton Terrace.

He was taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh where he was treated for his injuries.

Officers are keen to speak to anyone who may have seen two vehicles, a dark coloured VW Golf and a blue Ford Focus ST, which were in the area at the time of the incident.

A blue Ford Focus ST was discovered burnt out at Fyles Farm, Tranent on Saturday, 7 January, 2023 and a dark coloured VW Golf was found burnt out at Howe Dean Path, Braid Hills, Edinburgh on Saturday, 7 January, 2023.

Officers believe these two vehicles may be linked to the incident.

Detective Chief Inspector Mark Petrie said: “Extensive enquiries are ongoing to trace those responsible and we are appealing to anyone who witnessed the incident, or may have information, to come forward.

“We believe this was a targeted attack and we do not believe there was any risk to the wider public. I am also keen to hear from anyone who recognises the vehicles and may have information about their movements.

“I would ask anyone with potential dashcam footage, private CCTV, or doorbell footage of these two vehicles, to contact officers as it could be helpful for our enquiries.

“Anyone with any information is asked to contact 101 quoting incident number 3414 of 5 January, 2023. Alternatively, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be given anonymously.”

Police appeal following targeted attack in Gilmerton

Detectives are appealing for information following an assault in Edinburgh on Saturday (7 January 2023).

Around 8.35pm, a 36-year-old man was approached by a man, who attempted to strike him with a weapon. The attack took place in Cumnor Crescent.

Extensive enquiries are ongoing to help trace the man responsible.

The suspect is described as white, in his mid to late teens, around 5ft 6in tall and of skinny build. He was wearing a tracksuit, with a black balaclava, black gloves, and possibly a black body warmer.

Following the assault the suspect was seen entering a brown Mitsubishi Outlander which drove off towards Glenvarloch Crescent.

Enquiries have revealed the vehicle was stolen from Brighouse Park Close in the early hours of Saturday, 7 January, 2023.

A brown Mitsubishi Outlander was discovered on fire in Foxglove Close, Edinburgh, at around 12.10am on Monday, 9 January, 2023.

The vehicle is quite distinctive with roof bars and a tow bar at the rear.

Police are keen to speak to anyone who might have information to help trace those responsible.

Detective Inspector Kevin Tait, from Edinburgh CID, said: “Thankfully the man was not injured but it is vital we trace those responsible.

“This appears to have been a targeted attack and we do not believe there was any risk to the wider public.

“A brown Mitsubishi Outlander was discovered on fire in Foxglove Close, Edinburgh, and we believe it may be linked to the incident.

“I would like to hear from anyone who recognises the vehicle and may have information about its movements over the past few days.

“We’re also keen to hear from anyone with potential dashcam footage or private CCTV, as it could prove vital to our enquiries.”

Anyone with any information is asked to contact 101 quoting incident number 3142 of 7 January, 2023.

Alternatively, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be given anonymously.

Police appeal following serious assault and robbery on Ferry Road

Police in Edinburgh have released images of a man that they wish to speak to as they believe he may have information that can assist with an investigation into a serious assault and robbery.

The incident took place around 10.15 pm on Thursday 10th November 2022, on Ferry Road. The victim, a 46-year-old man, was assaulted and robbed, resulting in serious injuries.

The male shown in the images is described as being a white male, in his late teens to early 20’s, around 5ft 8 to 5ft 10 inches in height, slim build, shaved dark hair and was wearing a black t-shirt, light grey jogging bottoms and light coloured trainers.

Detective Constable Chris Docherty, from Edinburgh CID, said: “This incident was highly distressing for the victim and we’re eager to trace the man pictured. The male victim in this incident sustained a serious injury and was treated at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

“I am asking that the male pictured in the images to make contact with police in order that further enquiries can be conducted. I am also asking members of the public that if they recognise this individual to contact police.”

“Anyone with information should call police on 101, quoting incident 3719 of 10 November 2022. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, if you wish to remain anonymous.”

Ferry Road
Ferry Road
Ferry Road

Police appeal following serious assault outside Omni Centre


POLICE in Edinburgh are appealing for information following the serious assault of a man in Leith Street.

The assault took place around 7.45 pm on Thursday, 29 December 2022, at a bus stop outside the Omni Centre.

The 41-year-old victim was approached by two male youths and seriously assaulted. He was taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh for treatment and later discharged.

Detective Constable Gary Lipscombe, from Edinburgh CID, said: “We are keen to trace these two males, who ran off down past the Omni Centre in the direction of Leith Walk. They ran past a group of people.

“They are described as being in their late teens, wearing black tracksuits and white trainers.

“Our enquiries so far have established the area was busy at the time of the assault and witnessed by members of the public at the nearby bus stop. There was also a long traffic queue; motorists may have seen the assault or captured it on dash-cam.

“I would appeal to anyone who was in the area and has any information to call Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident 3075 of Thursday, 29 December 2022. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 if you wish to remain anonymous.”

Bike Register app gives police new tool to identify lost and stolen bicycles

Police Scotland has a new tool at its disposal to assist in investigating bike thefts and returning lost and stolen cycles to their rightful owners.

Since early December, all frontline officers have been able to upload the Bike Register database app to their mobile devices, providing them with a comprehensive list of all bikes registered throughout the country.

The app allows any police officer the opportunity to run the VIN number of any bike they locate to establish who the real owner is.

Police Scotland and Bike Register have worked together for several years and policing teams across the country have undertaken bike marking and registration events across Scotland where they encourage cyclists to register their bikes on the database.

With New Year coming up, anyone who purchases or receives a new bike, either for recreation, fitness or commuting, is urged to ensure they upload their details to the Bike Register database to help ensure police can return it in the event of it becoming lost or being stolen.

Sergeant Carly Bryce from Police Scotland’s Acquisitive Crime Team said: “Our partnership with Bike Register has been really successful over the years, allowing us to help the public mark and register their bikes, but up until recently whenever we came across a potentially lost or stolen cycle, we would have to contact Bike Register directly and get them to check if the bike was on the database.

“Thanks to the development of the app for police mobile devices, we can instantaneously carry out a check ourselves and if the bike is registered and found to be in the possession of someone who is not the owner, we can respond swiftly and appropriately.

“We know that bikes are an expensive commodity and the last thing anyone wants to think about it their valued present, training equipment or mode of transport being lost or stolen, but should such an issue arise, it’s really important that the bike is registered on the database.

“You can do so by visiting”

Serious assault at Stenhouse Cross

POLICE are appealing for information following a serious assault in Edinburgh.

The incident happened around 10.10pm on Monday (19 Decembe, 2022) on Stenhouse Cross. A 21-year-old man was taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh for treatment to serious injuries.

Three vehicles, a dark coloured grey saloon, a white Ford Transit van and a dark coloured Mercedes Vito van are linked to the incident. All three vehicles were driving east on Stenhouse Drive prior to the incident and continued in the direction of Gorgie Road following the assault.

As part of their enquiries into the incident, officers are also seeking information on the Ford Transit Van found burnt out on Torduff Road around 8am on Tuesday, 20 December, which officers believe to be linked to the assault.

Detective Inspector Kevin Tait of Edinburgh CID said: “Our enquiries are ongoing and we are appealing to anyone who may have information in relation to the assault at Stenhouse Cross or who may have seen the vehicles before or after, particularly in the Gorgie Road and Stenhouse area, to come forward.

“We are also keen to speak to anyone who may have seen a Ford Transit van with roof ladders in and around the Torduff Road area in the early hours of this morning and in particular drivers who may have dash-cam footage.

“Anyone with information is asked to contact 101 quoting incident 3568 of Monday, 19 December, 2022.”