Home Working: TUC advice

The TUC has published new advice on home working. The move follows the prime minister’s call this week for people to work at home during the coronavirus outbreak if they can …

More than 1.7 million people already work from home on a regular basis in the UK, but millions of people are likely to be home working for the first time this week, the TUC says.

The union body says it is vital that staff have access to safe working conditions in their own home. It says workers should also take regular breaks and follow their usual working hours if possible. The TUC adds that it is important to keep in contact with colleagues – by email, Skype, phone and chat for example – to avoid the mental health effects of isolation.

The TUC is calling for protection of those unable to take the work from home option, especially frontline workers in public services.

TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady said: “It’s essential for those people who can work from home to do so during the coronavirus outbreak. It’s important to have a safe place to work and to keep in regular contact with colleagues. 

“But not everyone has the option of working from home, especially those running our vital public services at this difficult time.”

She added: “The rest of us working from home, not making unnecessary journeys and avoiding social contact will help keep them safe. And no one should be left out of pocket because they can’t get into their workplace or work from home.”

Costs that should be covered by the employer could include paying for necessary work equipment or improved wi-fi provision.

What is Social Distancing?

This guidance is for everyone. It advises on social distancing measures we should all be taking to reduce social interaction between people in order to reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).

It is intended for use in situations where people are living in their own homes, with or without additional support from friends, family and carers. If you live in a residential care setting guidance is available.

We are advising those who are at increased risk of severe illness from coronavirus (COVID-19) to be particularly stringent in following social distancing measures.

This group includes those who are:

Note: there are some clinical conditions which put people at even higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19. If you are in this category, next week the NHS in England will directly contact you with advice the more stringent measures you should take in order to keep yourself and others safe. For now, you should rigorously follow the social distancing advice in full, outlined below.

People falling into this group are those who may be at particular risk due to complex health problems such as:

  • people who have received an organ transplant and remain on ongoing immunosuppression medication
  • people with cancer who are undergoing active chemotherapy or radiotherapy
  • people with cancers of the blood or bone marrow such as leukaemia who are at any stage of treatment
  • people with severe chest conditions such as cystic fibrosis or severe asthma (requiring hospital admissions or courses of steroid tablets)
  • people with severe diseases of body systems, such as severe kidney disease (dialysis)

What is social distancing?

Social distancing measures are steps you can take to reduce the social interaction between people. This will help reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).

They are:

  1. Avoid contact with someone who is displaying symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19). These symptoms include high temperature and/or new and continuous cough
  2. Avoid non-essential use of public transport, varying your travel times to avoid rush hour, when possible
  3. Work from home, where possible. Your employer should support you to do this. Please refer to employer guidance for more information
  4. Avoid large gatherings, and gatherings in smaller public spaces such as pubs, cinemas, restaurants, theatres, bars, clubs
  5. Avoid gatherings with friends and family. Keep in touch using remote technology such as phone, internet, and social media
  6. Use telephone or online services to contact your GP or other essential services

Everyone should be trying to follow these measures as much as is pragmatic.

We strongly advise you to follow the above measures as much as you can and to significantly limit your face-to-face interaction with friends and family if possible, particularly if you:

  • are over 70
  • have an underlying health condition
  • are pregnant

This advice is likely to be in place for some weeks.

Handwashing and respiratory hygiene

There are general principles you can follow to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, including:

  • washing your hands more often – with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitiser when you get home or into work, when you blow your nose, sneeze or cough, eat or handle food
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • avoid close contact with people who have symptoms
  • cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in a bin and wash your hands
  • clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in the home

What should you do if you develop symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)

The same guidance applies to the general population and those at increased risk of severe illness form coronavirus (COVID-19). If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 (high temperature and/or new and continuous cough), self-isolate at home for 7 days. You can find the full guidance at stay at home.

How can I get assistance with foods and medicines if I am reducing my social contacts?

Ask family, friends and neighbours to support you and use online services. If this is not possible, then the public sector, business, charities, and the general public are gearing up to help those advised to stay at home. It is important to speak to others and ask them to help you to make arrangements for the delivery of food, medicines and essential services and supplies, and look after your physical and mental health and wellbeing.

If you receive support from health and social care organisations, for example, if you have care provided for you through the local authority or health care system, this will continue as normal. Your health or social care provider will be asked to take additional precautions to make sure that you are protected. The advice for formal carers is included in the Home care provision.

What should you do if you have hospital and GP appointments during this period?

We advise everyone to access medical assistance remotely, wherever possible. However, if you have a scheduled hospital or other medical appointment during this period, talk to your GP or clinician to ensure you continue to receive the care you need and consider whether appointments can be postponed.

What is the advice for visitors including those who are providing care for you?

You should contact your regular social visitors such as friends and family to let them know that you are reducing social contacts and that they should not visit you during this time unless they are providing essential care for you. Essential care includes things like help with washing, dressing, or preparing meals.

If you receive regular health or social care from an organisation, either through your local authority or paid for by yourself, inform your care providers that you are reducing social contacts and agree on a plan for continuing your care.

If you receive essential care from friends or family members, speak to your carers about extra precautions they can take to keep you safe. You may find this guidance on Home care provision useful.

It is also a good idea to speak to your carers about what happens if one of them becomes unwell. If you need help with care but you’re not sure who to contact, or if you do not have family or friends who can help you, you can contact your local council who should be able to help you.

What is the advice if I live with a vulnerable person?

If you live in a house with a vulnerable person refer to our household guidance.

How do you look after your mental wellbeing?

Understandably, you may find that social distancing can be boring or frustrating. You may find your mood and feelings are affected and you may feel low, worried or have problems sleeping and you might miss being outside with other people.

At times like these, it can be easy to fall into unhealthy patterns of behaviour which in turn can make you feel worse. There are simple things you can do that may help, to stay mentally and physically active during this time such as:

  • look for ideas of exercises you can do at home on the NHS website
  • spend time doing things you enjoy – this might include reading, cooking, other indoor hobbies or listening to the radio or watching TV programmes
  • try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, drink enough water, exercise regularly, and try to avoid smoking, alcohol and drugs
  • keep your windows open to let in fresh air, get some natural sunlight if you can, or get outside into the garden

You can also go for a walk outdoors if you stay more than 2 metres from others.

Further information on looking after your mental health during this time is available.

What steps can you take to stay connected with family and friends during this time?

Draw on support you might have through your friends, family and other networks during this time. Try to stay in touch with those around you over the phone, by post, or online. Let people know how you would like to stay in touch and build that into your routine. This is also important in looking after your mental wellbeing and you may find it helpful to talk to them about how you are feeling.

Remember it is OK to share your concerns with others you trust and in doing so you may end up providing support to them too. Or you can use a NHS recommended helpline.

Advice for informal carers

If you are caring for someone who is vulnerable, there are some simple steps that you can take to protect them and to reduce their risk at the current time.

Ensure you follow advice on good hygiene such as:

  • wash your hands on arrival and often, using soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser
  • cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
  • put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
  • do not visit if you are unwell and make alternative arrangements for their care
  • provide information on who they should call if they feel unwell, how to use NHS 111 online coronavirus service and leave the number for NHS 111 prominently displayed
  • find out about different sources of support that could be used and access further advice on creating a contingency plan is available from Carers UK
  • look after your own well-being and physical health during this time. Further information on this is available here

Summary of advice

Summary of advice on social distancing broken down into action to be taken and group of people it relates to.

* if one member of your family or household has a new continuous cough or high temperature
** if you live alone and you have a new continuous cough or high temperature
*** for example cinema, theatre, pubs, bars, restaurants, clubs
**** for example via telephone or internet
1 such as anyone instructed to get a flu jab each year

Supermarkets pledge to work together to feed the country

The UK government is temporarily relaxing elements of competition law as part of a package of measures to allow supermarkets to work together to feed the nation.

The move allows retailers to share data with each other on stock levels, cooperate to keep shops open, or share distribution depots and delivery vans. It would also allow retailers to pool staff with one another to help meet demand.

The Environment Secretary George Eustice confirmed elements of the law would be temporarily waived in a meeting this afternoon with chief executives from the UK’s leading supermarkets and food industry representatives.

The government has also temporarily relaxed rules around drivers’ hours, so retailers can deliver more food to stores, and is waiving the 5p plastic bag charge for online purchases to speed up deliveries.

The support for supermarkets comes as the government and retailers continue to urge people to shop considerately and look out for their friends, family and neighbours.

Environment Secretary George Eustice said: “We’ve listened to the powerful arguments of our leading supermarkets and will do whatever it takes to help them feed the nation.

“By relaxing elements of competition laws temporarily, our retailers can work together on their contingency plans and share the resources they need with each other during these unprecedented circumstances.

“We welcome the measures supermarkets are already taking to keep shelves stocked and supply chains resilient, and will continue to support them with their response to coronavirus.

Business Secretary Alok Sharma said: “In these extraordinary and challenging times it is important that we remove barriers to our supermarkets working together to serve customers, particularly those who are elderly, ill or vulnerable in all parts of the UK.

“The temporary relaxation of competition law for the food sector will allow supermarkets to cooperate with each other to keep their shops staffed, their shelves stocked, and the nation fed.

“I am clear that we will continue to do whatever it takes to support business through this extremely difficult period.”

Andrew Opie, Director of Food & Sustainability at the British Retail Consortium, said: “We welcome this important decision by the government to give retailers greater flexibility to work together to tackle the challenges posed by coronavirus.

“Retailers have been working hard to ensure shelves are stocked and this is an exceptional step taken by government to help retailers and their suppliers cope with problems that might be caused by widescale absences across the supply chain.

“This is a short term measure, in the spirit of working together, and will allow retailers to agree common specifications for products to bolster food production, and co-ordinate certain operations to ensure customers anywhere in the UK have access to the essential items they need.”

Legislation will be laid shortly to amend elements of the Competition Act 1998, which prevents certain types of anti-competitive behaviour. It can be relaxed in exceptional circumstances.

This will be a specific, temporary relaxation to enable retailers to work together for the sole purpose of feeding the nation during these unprecedented circumstances. It will not allow any activity that does not meet this requirement.

The announcement comes as the government confirmed yesterday it would temporarily relax drivers’ hours rules to allow supermarket delivery drivers to meet the increased demand for home deliveries.

The change to GB drivers’ hours rules, which will come into effect today (Friday 20 March), will mean delivery drivers are able to work slightly longer hours – helping supermarkets offer additional delivery slots, which is particularly important for vulnerable people and those staying at home during the COVID-19 outbreak. It will also provide extra capacity if drivers are unwell.

The move comes after the Government temporarily relaxed the EU drivers’ hours rules for store deliveries, helping move food and other essentials more quickly so that shelves can be stocked-up.

Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps said: “We know supermarkets have seen unprecedented demand in light of COVID-19. We’re relaxing the GB drivers’ hours rules so that supermarkets can complete more home deliveries – which is especially important for vulnerable people at this time.

“But driver welfare is of course key and we will be working closely with employers to make sure the safety of their drivers and other people on the road is protected.”

On his call with retailers today, the Environment Secretary also confirmed the government will temporarily relax the single-use carrier bag charge for online deliveries in England, to speed up deliveries and minimise any cross-contamination from reusing crates. This will come into force on Saturday 21 March. The charge remains in-place for in-store purchases.

This follows a series of measures the government has introduced to support the food industry’s response to coronavirus, including working with local authorities to extend the hours that deliveries can be made to supermarkets to ensure stores are replenished quickly and extending drivers’ hours to speed up deliveries.

The UK’s food supply chain remains resilient and the Environment Secretary continues to meet regularly with representatives of the food industry to ensure people can get the food and groceries they need.

A Message from Her Majesty The Queen

As Philip and I arrive at Windsor today, we know that many individuals and families across the United Kingdom, and around the world, are entering a period of great concern and uncertainty.

We are all being advised to change our normal routines and regular patterns of life for the greater good of the communities we live in and, in particular, to protect the most vulnerable within them.

At times such as these, I am reminded that our nation’s history has been forged by people and communities coming together to work as one, concentrating our combined efforts with a focus on the common goal.

We are enormously thankful for the expertise and commitment of our scientists, medical practitioners and emergency and public services; but now more than any time in our recent past, we all have a vitally important part to play as individuals – today and in the coming days, weeks and months.

Many of us will need to find new ways of staying in touch with each other and making sure that loved ones are safe. I am certain we are up to that challenge. You can be assured that my family and I stand ready to play our part.


Schools: Exams CANCELLED

  • Exams will not go ahead
  • Teaching, learning and support can continue with local flexibility.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney has updated Parliament on the decision to close schools and confirmed that:

  • the exam diet will not go ahead this year. The Scottish Qualifications Authority will put in place a certification model using coursework, teacher assessment of estimated grades and prior attainment
  • local authorities are taking measures to protect vulnerable children who rely on schools for hot meals or a safe and supportive environment
  • children of key workers will have continuing access to learning or childcare

Mr Swinney said: “My priorities are to ensure the health and wellbeing of our children, young people and staff, and to maintain teaching and learning wherever this is possible, guided by the advice of the Chief Medical Officer and public health experts.

“Teaching, learning and support will continue – albeit in different ways for different groups of children. For the majority, this will be through distance learning and online learning, with different forms of on-going contact with teachers rather than in-school, face-to-face. Teachers and other staff who are well will continue to be working.

“For vulnerable children and those who have parents or carers employed as key workers, local authorities are developing approaches to support them. We will not cut adrift vulnerable young people who often rely on school life for hot meals or for a safe, nurturing and supportive environment.

“Parents are not expected to be a teacher or to recreate the school day – your school will be giving you some resources and suggestions as your first port of call.

“It is a measure of the gravity of the challenge we now face that the exams will not go ahead this year. With the support of the wider education system, a credible certification model can be put in place in the that can command confidence in the absence of the exam diet – to ensure that young people in our schools and colleges who through no fault of their own are unable to sit exams, are not disadvantaged.”

The Deputy First Minister’s statement in full.

Council leader Adam McVey said: “Obviously the health and safety of young people and all the staff working in our schools is paramount and we fully support the Scottish Government’s decision.

“Our dedicated school staff have been planning in depth for such a scenario and a huge amount of work has gone into preparing online resources so pupils’ learning and teaching can continue.

“There will be a particular focus of pupils sitting exams in the coming months and we make sure we liaise closely with the Scottish Qualifications Authority and follow their guidelines.

“We realise that this will cause inconvenience but hope parents, carers and our young people will understand the reasons for taking these steps and fully support this decision.

“I’ve been so proud of the amazing resilience shown by everyone working in our schools – teachers, support assistants, cleaners and catering staff – they have demonstrated tremendous dedication in keeping our schools open during these recent challenging weeks.

“As a Council, we’re determined to do everything we can to protect our communities especially the most vulnerable in our society. We’ve been working on plans to continue to support our young people who currently get Free School Meals during school closures and more details will be announced later in the week.”

Yesterday, teaching union The EIS has welcomed the announcement by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon that Scotland’s schools and nurseries will close from Friday of this week.

The EIS has been engaged in discussions with the Scottish government, local authorities and other relevant bodies in recent weeks, as concern over the spread of coronavirus / COVID19 has increased.

EIS General Secretary Larry Flanagan said, “The EIS had a series of constructive discussions with the Scottish Government about the need to make a decision to close schools. 

“The escalation of the situation, and the change to government advice earlier this week, led the EIS to the view that school closures were now an absolute necessity. Subsequently, the First Minister has announced, this afternoon, that all schools and nurseries will close by the end of the day this Friday.

“This decision will be welcomed by our members, who have expressed growing concern in recent days over potential increased risk to the health of pupils, staff, their families and the wider community.”

“As the First Minister highlighted, there is a clear need for arrangements to be put in place  to deal with a range of important issues: including providing alternative arrangements for pupils in receipt of free school meals; appropriate provision and support for pupils taking SQA exams; and suitable arrangement for pupils of parents who are critical workers, such as those employed in the NHS or the emergency services.

“On the issue of supporting home learning during this period, a number of Councils are looking at online learning solutions which may offer some provision, although they most certainly should not be seen as a panacea – ensuring equitable access for students is just one challenge.”

“We have written, also, to Education Scotland to suggest that rather than every Council or school reinventing the wheel in terms of providing learning activities while schools are closed, some national provision would be helpful, perhaps even utilising broadcast channels to engage as many young people as possible.”

Mr Flanagan added: “The EIS welcomes the First Minister’s announcement and will now seek to engage both nationally and locally about appropriate working arrangements for teachers, in order that young people and their families can receive as much educational support as practicable during this challenging period.”

BPS offers advice to schools, parents and carers to help children through the uncertainty of school closures

The British Psychological Society’s Division of Educational and Child Psychology (DECP) has published tips for schools, parents and carers dealing with the unprecedented school closures.

This follows the announcement that schools in the UK will close for all bar a small number of children from Friday 20 March.

Being out of school for what is an open-ended period, with restricted access to their usual social spaces, is likely to be difficult for many young people.

But schools, parents and carers can take steps now to manage this difficult period, look out for signs of stress in young people, and meet their needs over the coming months.

Tips for schools:

  • Make plans to keep in contact with some children. Some children need a consistent relationship with an adult in school, and will benefit from consistency, reassurance and connection of key adults at school keeping them in mind.
  • Make time to talk during this week’s timetable. Create the opportunity for children to talk about their thoughts and feelings ahead of the final day of school, which can help to normalise feelings of worry and concern.
  • Schools should be mindful that providing a full timetable for parents and carers to administer at home won’t be possible, and could cause heightened stress and conflict in homes.
  • Online learning is not a suitable approach for the youngest children. Schools should consider how to share expertise on play-based learning with parents and carers.
  • Psychological wellbeing is paramount during this period, due to the general situation and possibility of a family member or friend being ill. This may mean that focusing on wellbeing and mental health is vital.
  • Some will choose not to send their children to school for the rest of this week due to concerns and anxieties about the current situation. Schools should consider how to maintain strong relationships with these parents and carers.
  • Schools should support parents and carers to address their children’s concerns and signpost them to the DECP’s advice on talking to children about coronavirus.

Tips for parents and carers:

  • Stress and anxiety in such an unusual and unpredictable situation is normal.
  • Children can sometimes believe that they are responsible for events that are beyond their control – reassure them that it is the adults’ job to keep them safe.
  • Friendships are key to maintaining resilience for children, so help them to maintain these relationships through phone calls, online communication, and writing letters.
  • Normalise the experience for young people by reassuring them that there are lots of other people in the same situation right now.
  • Having a routine and structure helps children to feel secure in uncertain times, and involving them in creating this structure, perhaps visually, can be particularly helpful.
  • Don’t put too much pressure on doing academic work. Parents and carers aren’t teachers, and it is important to also spend time building relationships, enjoying shared activities and reassuring children.
  • Restrict access to rolling news coverage. While it’s important to keep up to date, constant exposure to news can be overwhelming for both adults and children.
  • Young people may be concerned about the announcement that exams will not go ahead as planned. Acknowledge the uncertainty, but reassure them that a plan is being put together to make sure that everyone gets the qualification that they have worked towards.
  • Play is fundamental to the wellbeing and development of children of all ages, and a great way to reduce stress in adults.

You can access the full list of tips for schools, parents and carers, alongside the DECP’s position on the government announcement, on the BPS website.

Extra funding to help communities affected by Coronavirus

An additional £350 million will go to those most affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell announced yesterday.

The funding will be made available to councils, charities, businesses and community groups and designed to be flexible, cutting down on red tape to enable them to respond swiftly and according to local need for people impacted economically or through reduced contact with society, including anyone struggling to access food.

Ms Campbell said allowing a high level of flexibility was the best way to ensure they were most effective: “This pandemic will disrupt lives like never before and cause financial hardship and negatively impact on our wellbeing.

“Be assured, however, that protecting and supporting people during these unparalleled times is the absolute focus of this government.

“Our funding package will be focused on delivery, not bureaucracy or red tape. Local authorities, local businesses, community groups and the third sector know and understand the support needs of their communities the best. Where people and organisations have solutions or ideas, I want to hear them.”

“Unless we work with local partners the impact of our investment will not be felt by those that need it most. So my message today is – if we can help you to help the people of Scotland then we will.”

The emergency funding package will be allocated to existing funding streams through several new funds, with the £95 million package direct to local authorities made up of:

£50 million in Barnett consequentials from the UK Government’s hardship fund is being passed direct to local authorities to support their own local resilience, support and hardship plans.

£45 million will be added to the existing Scottish Welfare Fund which makes Community Grants and Crisis Grants available to those in immediate need. This more than doubles the current £35.5 million fund, which is administered by local authorities. They will be given more flexibility in how it is used to ensure they can fully support people in financial crisis, including workers in the ‘gig economy’.

In addition:

  • a £70 million Food Fund will help organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors address issues of food insecurity, especially for older people, and families who may not be able to rely on free school meals
  • a £50 million Wellbeing Fund will help charities and others who require additional capacity to work with at-risk people who may be worst affected by the crisis, including homeless people and those experiencing fuel poverty
  • a £40 million Supporting Communities Fund will be used to support the rapidly growing and inspiring community efforts at a local level which will be vital to national resilience, including supporting people at risk because of age, isolation, carers, homeless people and asylum seekers and signposting people to sources of help such as applying for benefits
  • £50 million will go to meet an anticipated increase in applications for the existing Council Tax Reduction Scheme and Scottish social security benefits
  • £20 million will be allocated to a Third Sector Resilience Fund, to help ensure the health and continued viability of the third sector organisations affected by cash flow and other problems, which have a key role to play in our national response
  • £25 million will be kept in reserve to allow swift and flexible responses to rapidly changing circumstances

Tackling loneliness during COVID-19 outbreak

Age Scotland is encouraging people to look out for older friends, neighbours and relatives who may be staying home due to concerns over coronavirus.

Older people are more likely to be affected by the virus, especially if they have underlying health conditions. Some members of vulnerable groups are choosing to limit their social contacts, while many regular events and meetings have been cancelled across Scotland.

Age Scotland is recommending that everyone follow NHS guidelines, but has warned that older people could be at increased risk of loneliness and isolation if they choose to stay at home, missing out on regular social occasions.

Many older people may also need help with practical tasks, such as ordering groceries or caring for pets.

The charity is sharing tips on how to help people stay connected while minimising the risk of infection.

Brian Sloan, Chief Executive of Age Scotland, said: “We know that older people and those with underlying health conditions may feel more vulnerable during the coronavirus outbreak and as a result they might choose not to go out and socialise as much as they would normally.

“At this stage the NHS and Scottish Government advice is to stay at home only if you have the symptoms of coronavirus, including a fever and a cough.

“We would urge people who are well and have had no contact with others from high risk parts of the world to think about older people in their community who might be feeling anxious and alone.

“Some older people will be having fewer visits from family who live further afield, because they are unable to travel, so a friendly call or knock on the door could make a huge difference to their day.

“Being a good neighbour by checking in with vulnerable older people to offer to pop to the shops for them or pick up medication will go a long way to reducing loneliness and isolation. It will also help bring communities together at a challenging time for everyone.

“This is an opportunity to see the best of Scotland, to help and look out for another. Let’s start by supporting older family, friends and neighbours.”

Age Scotland’s 10 top tips:

• Stay in regular touch with older friends, relatives and neighbours by phone, email or video calls

• Don’t forget snail mail – everyone loves getting letters and postcards, or just a note through the door

• Check if someone needs repeat medication picking up

• If someone is self-isolating, offer to pick up groceries or other essentials and leave them on the doorstep

• Find out if someone would like help to set up an online delivery, or do it on their behalf

• Make sure the person has plenty of entertainment such as books, magazines or puzzles

• Consider if you can offer help with pets

• Try agreeing to watch the same TV programme and calling for a chat about it afterwards

• Encourage people to stay active if they are self-isolating – whether that’s moving around the house or a walk away from crowded areas

• Find out the services available in your area from local councils, charities and other organisations.

People can also call the Age Scotland helpline for advice or a friendly chat on 0800 12 44 222.

The most recent NHS advice on coronavirus can be found here.

Sailors’ Society suspends port activity

International maritime charity Sailors’ Society is offering virtual chaplaincy to seafarers as it suspends its port activities in response to the coronavirus. 

The charity, which operates in 90 ports around the world including Southampton, Portbury and Avonmouth, Leith, Tilbury, Invergordon, Dundee and Montrose, Greenock and South Wales, is pausing port activities for an initial period of two weeks, in the light of the increased spread of the virus and the World Health Organization (WHO) activating an international state of emergency.

Chaplains will instead be available online using social media and digital technology to provide advice, support and arrange practical help for crews. The charity is sharing mental health advice for seafarers and is setting up a special Facebook group for seafarers concerned about the impact of the virus on their health and livelihoods. 

Sailors’ Society’s COO Sandra Welch said: “Our chaplains usually meet 1,000 seafarers a day in ports across the globe. As this crisis has unfolded, we have been closely following health advice in the ports where we operate and offering virtual chaplaincy to quarantined seafarers. 

This suspension is last thing we want to be doing – especially today, Sailors’ Society’s 202nd birthday. But we need to put the health of our staff and the crews we serve first.

If you are a seafarer struggling at this time, you are not alone. We know this is a particularly distressing and unsettling time for many of you and we are still very much here for you, even if we can’t be with you physically.

In the past two centuries, we have supported seafarers through many crises, including two world wars. Our dedicated and driven chaplaincy team will do whatever it takes to support you through this crisis today.

You can reach our chaplains via our website and we hope our new Facebook group will become a place where you can share encouragement and advice with one other too.”

A special coronavirus section of the Sailors’ Society website can be accessed at https://www.sailors-society.org/coronavirus, with health information, advice for seafarers on how to manage their mental health in light of the pandemic and contact details for chaplains and the new Facebook group.

Community Centres and Libraries to close from tonight

The city council has taken the decision to close all public libraries and community centres by 10pm tonight.

Parts of the City Chambers will also be shut. For library users, there will be no additional fines from Friday 20 March until further notice.

Services including eBooks, audiobooks, magazines and newspapers will be available online. For all the information you need to get started, please visit https://yourlibrary.edinburgh.gov.uk

Advice hubs will be set up in different parts of the city to provide advice and support to citizens. We will share further details as soon as we can.

The planning and building standards helpdesk will be closed until further notice. You can still view and comment on planning applications at https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/planning-building/planning-online-services and email the team at planning@edinburgh.gov.uk


All our community-based Adult Learning classes have been cancelled until further notice. This includes; ESOL (English for speakers of other languages), Family Learning, Outlook, all Literacy/Numeracy classes including those for deaf learners and English classes for Syrian refugees.

All our Active School extra curricular clubs have been cancelled until further notice.

All organised events due to be hosted in our parks have been cancelled until the end of April.

The Council’s Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee, scheduled for Thursday 19 March at the City Chambers, has been cancelled.

Choices for City Plan drop-in event, scheduled for Thursday 19 March at St Brides Community Centre, has been cancelled.