Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre
Thursday 15 October 7 – 9pm
Free soup and sandwiches!
It really doesn’t seem like a year since the last consultation, but here we are again …
Edinburgh residents are being asked for their views on how the Council spends and saves money as part of public engagement on proposals for the 2016-20 budget.
This year people will also get the chance to contribute ideas of their own on how city services are provided, using the online ‘Your City, Your Say’ dialogue page.
The web page will form part of a ten-week engagement period, beginning today, allowing the public to feed back on proposals for the Council’s 2016-20 budget, which aim to address an overall shortfall of £126m.
People will be able to submit suggestions and views on topical issues, creating solutions to challenges and ideas for better serving the public and saving money. Users can also rate and comment on others’ posts, helping the Council to gather opinion on where it should invest in future.
If successful, the resource will be extended after the budget is set, crowdsourcing public opinions on different matters on an ongoing basis.
A new online planner will also seek views on how the Council should deliver services, including the way parking is charged and how the Council works with voluntary and third party organisations.
By prioritising some services using the planner, the public can see how this impacts on other services, and how saving in one area can allow additional spending in another.
Councillor Alasdair Rankin, Finance Convener, said: “We really want to hear how people want the Council to invest and save money – your views will always help us to deliver services in a way that will benefit and improve lives.
“By doing things differently and introducing our new online engagement tools, we’re making it easier than ever for people to contribute their views and ideas, and to understand the different challenges there are in setting the budget.”
Councillor Bill Cook, Finance Vice Convener, added: “Everything you say will be taken into account when we draw up the final budget proposals to be put to the Council in early 2016, so we are extremely interested in hearing your views. Whether it’s via the planner, ideas forum, survey, phone, letter, email or social media we welcome all feedback.”
At a meeting of the Finance & Resources Committee on Thursday 24 September, councillors approved a report on the draft budget, along with a set of budget proposals for public engagement over the coming months.
The full budget proposals, the budget planner and forum tools can be accessed at
You can have your say by:
You can do this by:
Friday 9 October, 9.30am – 12.30pm, EVOC Office
We would be delighted if you join EVOC’s Fairer Scotland thinkSpace and hear speakers from the Scottish Government and the Third Sector consider the questions in the current consultation:
We invite you to bring two other stakeholders from your organisation, e.g. service users and/or trustees.
Robin McAlpine of the Common Weal will be speaking on People Power plus we have facilitators confirmed from Citizens Advice Scotland, Crisis Edinburgh and One Parent Family Scotland. Ella Simpson, EVOC’s Director will be leading the discussions on what we can do in Edinburgh and how we can feed back into the consultation process.
You can book places at:
View the Fairer Scotland thinkSpace Programme.
REMINDER: Voluntary Sector Forum
The October meeting of Forth and Inverleith VSF was brought forward as the meeting was scheduled to take place during the school holidays.
The new date is Tuesday 6 October 1-3pm, at Pilton Community Health Project.
Consultation launched to give fans greater voice
A consultation into the best ways of increasing supporter involvement in football clubs is being launched today.
The Scottish Government is launching the exercise to inform potential future legislation to protect the rights of football fans. The consultation, which will run until 15 January next year, seeks to gather the views of supporters and other stakeholders involved in the game.
Respondents will be asked to consider a number of different options that could be included in future legislation. These include a right to influence the way the club is run, to govern the club or to bid for ownership when it comes up for sale. The final option is to introduce a right to buy, where fans would have a right to buy their football club.
The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill was passed by the Scottish Parliament in June 2015. As part of the final legislation, the Scottish Government gave an undertaking to consult on a range of different options to enhance supporter involvement in football clubs.
Jamie Hepburn, Minister for Sport, Health Improvement and Mental Health, said: “I believe that football clubs are stronger when supporters are involved in the way they are run. The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring that fans have the chance to be involved wherever possible.
“It’s important to increase supporter involvement, but we also need to consider the long term stability of our clubs. We must make sure that whichever option we pursue does not result in any unintended consequences.
“This consultation is about gathering a wide range of views so we can decide the best way to achieve this. I want to hear from fans, supporters’ organisations, players and the clubs themselves – anyone who cares about this great game.”
The consultation paper can be downloaded here:
Draft Action Plan is now out for consultation
Edinburgh residents’ views are now being sought on a raft of measures aimed to help improve parking in the city.
A public consultation is under way on the draft Parking Action Plan, which is intended to develop a cohesive vision of parking in Edinburgh, encouraging active travel and supporting the city’s economy while safeguarding residents’ spaces.
Proposals for the plan, approved by the Transport and Environment Committee in August, are based on consultation with the public and take into account the priorities of those living in the city.
Transport Convener, Councillor Lesley Hinds, said: “We’ve been evaluating parking in Edinburgh over the last few months, studying the use of city centre parking by residents, shoppers and visitors to see where the most demand for spaces is. We’ve really listened to the public to create the new Parking Action Plan, and have responded to their concerns.
“This is about relieving demand for residents’ parking as well as promoting sustainable travel into the city centre. Our proposals would reduce the negative impact of uncontrolled parking, encouraging parking turnover near local businesses and helping to encourage active travel and use of public transport.
The draft Parking Action Plan (above), which affects the Controlled Parking Zone, was drawn up following a series of information gathering exercises, including interviews with drivers and pedestrians, vehicle counts on key streets and internal workshops.
Amongst the findings it was shown that, when parking is uncontrolled on a Sunday, people stay for a long time, reducing the turnover of business for shops, making it harder for residents to find spaces and impacting on traffic. It also indicates that parking pressures in the evenings are similar, if not greater than during the controlled hours.
In addition, of 535 drivers interviewed on a Sunday, 43% said they would travel by public transport, walk or cycle if they were making the same journey during the week, while 42% indicated that free parking was not important to their decision to visit the city centre that day.
Craighall Centre Health & Social Care event
The three month public consultation on the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership’s draft Strategic Plan and Joint Strategic Needs Assessment ends on 31 October and the Strategic Planning Group, which is overseeing the consultation, is keen to hear from citizens, communities and stakeholders.
The city council is inviting local community groups, organisations and individuals to participate in and give their views on the integration of health and social care services and has organised a number of events across the city to enable you to find out what’s been proposed and have your say.
The local event takes place at Craighall Centre, 210 Ferry Road on Monday 28 September from 1 – 2.30pm (note change of time).
There is a web link included in the flier so people can access to view the plan:
Have your say on Drylaw Skatepark
Wednesday 9 September, 5 – 6.30pm
Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre
Have your say on the future of George Street
Edinburgh residents are being invited to help shape the future of one of the city’s best-known streets. An open day to be held tomorrow will offer an opportunity to meet the designers working on a long-term vision for George Street.
Participants can give their views on a year-long trial in the street, which has seen the introduction of a dedicated two-way cycle lane and a one-way system for general traffic and buses.
They will also be invited to contribute ideas and opinions on a permanent layout, with the drop-in session featuring four themes for George Street: A Civic Place, A Place for Living, A Place for Enterprise and A Place for Movement.
Transport Convener, Councillor Lesley Hinds, said: “Throughout this trial we have involved the public to ensure changes take into account the users of the street, and I think that’s reflected in the positive feedback we’ve received along the way.
“Now, as the trial draws to a close, we want to include those who live, work and travel on George Street to help us decide its future, and that’s why it’s so important that people come along to our open day to give their views on a long term plan.
“Making the city centre a great place to be is about striking a balance between work and leisure, practicality and atmosphere – and I think that by working together we can achieve that.”
Throughout the trial, regular ‘stakeholder engagement’ and on-street interviews with passers-by (approximately 100 per month) have gathered feedback from the public.
Amongst the findings were the importance of cycling facilities to the future of the street to respondents, the need for George Street to be accessible to all and the preference for symmetry in any long-term designs.
Ironside Farrar have been appointed until October 2015 to turn the information gathered into design principles, which will be presented with the concluding report on the George Street Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) to Committee in November.
The George Street ETRO finishes on 6 September, when the street’s layout will revert to that of pre-September 2014, when the trial began. This means both sides of carriageway will be open and the cycle lane removed, as will all marquees and decking. An interim cycle facility will then be introduced, as approved by Transport and Environment Committee on 2 June.
The open day will be held at the Roxburghe Hotel
on Thursday 13 August, from 3pm to 7pm.
‘We want to know what really matters to people and their families when thinking about the future, and what support they need to lead healthier lives.’ – Health Secretary Shona Robison
The conversation on the long term future of health and social care services in Scotland began at an event held in Dundee yesterday.
Representatives from the Scottish Government, NHS, care sector, charities, patient groups and the third sector came together this morning in a café conversation-style event hosted by national third sector health and social care organisation, the ALLIANCE.
It is the first in a series of events and discussions which will be held around the country between August 2015 and April 2016.
Opening the event, Health Secretary Shona Robison called on people from across the country to get involved. She also announced the launch of the Creating a Healthier Scotland website, giving people the opportunity to follow the conversation and contribute to the debate as it progresses.
Ms Robison said: “Earlier this year I announced my intention to hold a national conversation about the future of our health and social care services. I want to seek agreement on how to make more progress in improving the health of the population, and on how our NHS and social care systems should develop by 2030 to continue supporting everyone to live well.
“We want to know what really matters to people and their families when thinking about the future, and what support they need to lead healthier lives.
“The NHS is a treasured institution and holds a special place in this country’s heart. Nearly every single person has used or had some experience of the NHS in their lifetime and so it is absolutely right that we involve as many people as we can in the discussion about where the NHS will go in the next ten to fifteen years and beyond.
“There will be many opportunities for people to get involved, and tell us what matters over the coming months.
“We have made some real progress in recent years – cutting waiting times, vastly reducing superbug infections in our hospitals and bringing together health and social care through legislation for the first time ever to deliver fully joined up services for people in Scotland.
“We have also taken steps to address immediate challenges – like investing £100 million to tackle delayed discharge, recruiting record levels of staff, investing more than £12billion in a financial year for the first time ever and setting out a new plan for emergency care.
“Our vision for 2020 – that people should live longer healthier lives at home or in homely settings remains the right course to set. But our approach to health and social care between now and 2030 cannot simply remain the same as we face increasing challenges and pressures and we must start discussing and planning for that now.
“Most importantly, I want to ensure that as far as possible the outcome of the national conversation is turned into a practical reality. This isn’t about producing just another vision – we want to take these views and put them into practice as quickly as we can.
“Today marks the beginning of this conversation and I’m pleased to be here in Dundee to listen to a wide range of stakeholders, professionals and patients of the NHS.”
Ian Welsh, Chief Executive of the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE) said: “The ALLIANCE welcomes the national conversation on the future of health and social care in Scotland. This provides us with an opportunity to engage with people across the country who use support and services in defining priorities for improving Scotland’s health and wellbeing. We look forward to working with our members to generate a substantial contribution to this process and support creative discussions about what keeps people well.”
The national debate will focus around three broad questions:
Find out more on the Creating Healthier Scotland website:
Contribute to the debate via post and email, or by joining the discussion on the blog, Twitter, orFacebook page.
Community Council to hold mobile meetings!
Sometimes it’s not too easy to get people to attend meetings, so West Pilton West Granton community councillors have come up with a plan: if residents can’t always come to meetings, we’ll take the meetings to them!
Community council members will be meeting local residents in their own back-greens tomorrow to discuss community ideas for environmental improvements.
They have leafletted the stairs in the blocks they will be visiting in West Pilton Gardens, West Pilton Avenue and Ferry Road Avenue (the section to Pennywell Road) and you may also have spotted the eye-catching mobile noticeboard outside the North Local Office in West Pilton Gardens earlier this week.
West Pilton West Granton community council chairman Willie Black explained: “Money has been made available to improve the environment of the backgreens, so we are inviting residents to share their views on what should be done.
The backgreen meetings will give the folk who live here to join us and their neighbours to chat and decide on how the money should be spent, not just in the backgreen but across the area.”
The backgreen meetings will take place on Sunday at 11am (West Pilton Gardens/Avenue) and 1pm ( West Pilton Avenue/Ferry Road Avenue).
There will be an update on the proposed local environmental improvements at next week’s Community Council meeting. Also on the agenda is the new bin collection and recycling arrangements.
The cleanliness of local streets and green spaces and problems with fly tipping remains a concern for local residents and council officers will attend the meeting to explain how the new arrangements will work.
The meeting will be held in West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre on Tuesday at 7pm. All welcome.