Elderly woman fends off knife-wielding robber in Silverknowes

87 year old sees off attacker with her mobility stick


Police are appealing for witnesses after a man wielding a knife attempted to rob an 87-year-old woman on a Silverknowes footpath yesterday afternoon. The incident happened between 4.30 – 4.45pm as the woman was making her way home.

As the woman  walked on the public footpath linking Silverknowes Hill with Silverknowes Road a man approached her from behind. He said something, which the woman was unable to understand – but she turned to find he was wielding a knife.

The assailant demanded the woman’s purse but she refused – and then bravely warded off the would-be robber by waving her mobility stick at him. The man left empty-handed aand made off in the direction of Silverknowes Hill before being lost from sight.

The woman made her way home and raised the alarm with the police, who are now appealing for witnesses to the incident.

The suspect is described as white, around 6ft tall, with a thin face. He was wearing a dark hooded top with the hood up.

Detective Inspector John Kavanagh of Police Scotland said: “I am very keen to hear from anyone who has any information which might help with our ongoing investigation.

“Thankfully, the woman was unhurt but it goes without saying that we take a zero tolerance approach towards such despicable crimes.

“The incident was carried out during daylight hours and I would hope that someone may have seen the suspect in the area and can provide us with important information. Likewise, I would ask anyone who was using public transport in Silverknowes around the time of this crime to come forward if they remember seeing the man.

“We are keen to ensure that he is arrested as quickly as possible and those with relevant information can call police on 101 or, alternatively information can be passed anonymously through the registered charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Cameron: ‘a national coalition to challenge and speak out against extremism”

Prime Minister hosts first meeting of new Community Engagement Forum today

10 Downing Street

The Prime Minister will today host the first meeting of the new Community Engagement Forum to discuss countering extremism. He will announce that for the first time, police forces in England and Wales will be asked to record anti-Muslim hate crimes as a specific category in the recorded crime statistics, bringing them in line with reporting of anti-Semitic attacks.

In 2013-14 police recorded crime statistics showed religious hate crimes increased by 45% and race hate crime by 4%. New statistics being published by the Home Office this morning are expected to show further rises. Creating a separate category will enable police, prosecutors, local authorities and the communities they serve to have a better understanding of the prevalence of anti-Muslim hate crime and allocate resources accordingly. It will provide the first accurate picture of the extent of anti-Muslim hate crime in England and Wales.

The Prime Minister will also say that new funding will be made available for the security of all faith establishments, including mosques.

This issue will be covered at today’s meeting in Downing Street, which the Prime Minister announced he would convene in his speech in Birmingham earlier this year. The Forum will principally discuss the themes and objectives of the forthcoming counter-extremism strategy including mobilising a national coalition to challenge and speak out against extremism in all its forms. It will also consider what more government can do across the board to help support young British Muslims to reach their full potential.

Prime Minister David Cameron said:

As I said last week, I want this government to be as bold in delivering social reform as we have been in economic – and a big social problem we need to tackle to rebuild Britain as an even greater country is extremism.

We all have a role to play in confronting extremism. That’s why I have invited important Muslim and non-Muslim figures to join the new Community Engagement Forum so I can hear directly about their work in our communities, the challenges they face and so that they can be part of our one nation strategy to defeat it.

I want to build a national coalition to challenge and speak out against extremists and the poison they peddle. I want British Muslims to know we will back them to stand against those who spread hate and to counter the narrative which says Muslims do not feel British. And I want police to take more action against those who persecute others simply because of their religion.

Home Secretary Theresa May said:

Hate crime has no place in Britain and I am determined to make further progress to ensure we can eradicate this deplorable act.

Working with police to provide a breakdown in religious-based hate crime data will help forces to build community trust, target their resources and enable the public to hold them to account.

Our counter-extremism strategy will be published later this month and will introduce a wide range of measures to defeat all forms of extremism. These will empower communities to confront extremist ideologies, and build more cohesive communities where everyone feels able to succeed.

The Forum will initially include around 30 multi-faith representatives from across the country and is an opportunity for the Prime Minister to hear directly from those taking a leading role challenging extremism in our communities. They will also be consulted on how best to improve the security of faith institutions and their recommendations will be considered as part of the wider work of the Prime Minister’s Extremism Taskforce.

Be Dog Smart!

Be Safe Around Dogs: free dog safety workshops

be dog smart


My name is Rachel and I’m the Education and Community Officer for Dogs Trust in Edinburgh. My role is to provide FREE workshops that teach children, young people and families about responsibility and safety around dogs.

I am currently offering community groups fun and interactive workshops from our ‘Be Dog Smart’ safety initiative and I would like to take this opportunity to tell you more.

With nearly 9 million dogs in the UK, it is vital that all children and indeed adults too are educated and informed about interacting safely with them. Be Dog Smart workshops educates children on how to behave around dogs, how to meet a dog correctly and what to do if scared of dogs.

For more information please visit http://learnwithdogstrust.org.uk/free-learning-resources/Community-Education/be-dog-smart/index.html.

Workshops last approx. 45mins and suitable for age 5+ and for parents/guardians.
There is no cost and you may book as many as you like!

If you would like to arrange for me to visit your group, or simply require more information, please email me at rachel.bliss@dogstrust.org.uk or call 0792 065 8660.

Fire safety message taken to Edinburgh Mela

Thousands see fire safety displays at city music and dance festival


City firefighters joined revellers at the Edinburgh Mela over the weekend to raise awareness of the support available to help the public prevent fires and the tragedies they cause.

Thousands of people enjoyed live music at Leith Links on Saturday and Sunday, making the annual festival an ideal opportunity for Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) crews to share potentially life-saving information.

Watch Manager Steve Scott said: “Our community action teams and crews from Marionville and McDonald Road Fire stations had two great days of engagement with the public.

“We had more than 1,200 people visit the SFRS Mobile Museum and they loved getting dressed-up in fire kit and getting selfies. It’s popular with young and old alike but of course the main drive is making our communities safer.

“All these visitors saw displays that make you very aware of common hazards within the home as well as the steps you can take to prevent them causing a potentially devastating fire.”


The SFRS crews offered free home fire safety visits, which involve local firefighters helping householders identify hazards and taking simple steps to address them.

With early warning known to be vital if a fire does happen, the SFRS crews also check smoke alarms are working and even provide and install the devices if they are found to be needed.

Free home fire safety visits are available from SFRS by calling the freephone number 0800 073 1999, by texting ‘FIRE’ to 80800 or by filling in an online form at www.firescotland.gov.uk.

Watch Manager Scott added: “We would much rather take 20 minutes to help someone stay safe than attend a fire that could have been prevented.

“Fire in the home is devastating. Even where no-one is seriously hurt, the loss of cherished possessions, the financial impact and the emotional trauma can all be horrific for those involved.

“We want to hear from anyone who thinks they or someone they know could benefit from some friendly, expert advice and support from their local crews.”

Pictures: Edinburgh Mela


#StrongerNorth starts spreading the news!

#StrongerNorth produces first newsletter


The #StrongerNorth team has produced their first of what could become a regular community newsletter.

#StrongerNorth came into being last autumn  following a series of incidents in West Pilton which culminated in the attempted murder of a Chinese takeaway shop owner.

Since then, a range of partners have been working together to bring new energy to tackling anti-social behaviour and encouraging safe communities in West Pilton and Muirhouse.

Keeping local residents informed about what’s being done to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour is important, and the #StrongerNorth team’s first newsletter is an attempt to improve communications with the community. If feedback is positive, the newsletter could become a regular feature.

See below for a copy of the #StrongerNorth newsletter:

StrongerNorth newsletter


Police Scotland launch annual Festival safety campaign

Love it or loathe it, you just can’t ignore it … yes, it’s Festival time in Edinburgh, and Police Scotland have launched their annual safety campaign



We have today launched our annual campaign to keep people safe during the Festival.

In the coming weeks, hundreds of thousands of visitors are set to join the Capital’s local residents to enjoy a month of artistic performances and events, culminating in the fireworks display at the end of August.

To ensure the Festival is a secure and welcoming environment for tourists and locals alike, police will have a high-visibility presence throughout the city centre to offer a range of useful advice aimed at preventing the public being targeted by criminals.

All of this information will be available on the Police Scotland website or by following Edinburgh Division’s Facebook and Twitter pages.

Chief Superintendent Mark Williams, Divisional Commander for the City of Edinburgh said: “The Edinburgh Festival is a fantastic spectacle and results in worldwide attention for the city. We will be doing everything we can to prevent crime happening in the first place and I would appeal to the public to help us in that effort.

“By taking a number of simple steps, visitors and locals can ensure their experience of the Festival is memorable for all the right reasons.

“Remember to always keep an eye on your valuables when you’re out enjoying the sights and events within Edinburgh and never leave any belongings unattended. If you are enjoying the nightlife then please make sure you drink responsibly and have a plan to get home.

“This year, for the first time, we have helpful advice for tourists and visitors on-line that they can access before they arrive in the city, so that they can equip themselves with all the information they need to safeguard themselves against opportunistic criminals.

“I would ask that anyone planning on visiting Edinburgh in the coming weeks to visit our tourist and visitors advice page on the Police Scotland website.”

Community Safety Leader, Councillor Cammy Day, said: “Our environmental wardens will be working closely with Police Scotland in the city centre over the Festival period to help keep people safe and offer reassurance through a high visibility presence. I would encourage people to do their bit too, by acting responsibly and taking time to look at the latest safety advice.

“Edinburgh is a safe city and we want to maintain this, ensuring that visitors enjoying the Festival have the best possible experience of the city.”

Safety advice ahead of Hibs Rangers clash


Police in Edinburgh will have a  robust policing operation present today to keep the public safe during the first round of the Petrofac Training Cup between Hibernian and Rangers – and fans have been warned to behave or face the consequences.

Thousands of spectators are expected at Easter Road for this afternoon’s game – which kicks off at 12.30pm – and a significant police presence will be in place to identify anyone in possession of alcohol, fireworks or flares.

Anti-social drinking in the surrounding streets will also not be tolerated and officers will be enforcing the Edinburgh by-law in this regard. In addition, police will be assisting stewards to carry out searches outside the ground to prevent illegal or prohibited items being smuggled in, including explosive or combustible materials.

Fans from both sides are urged to ensure their behaviour during the match does not put themselves or others in danger.

Chief Inspector Bob Paris said: “This is a significant fixture for both clubs and we want all supporters to enjoy the day.

“Police will be patrolling around the stadium with a focus on stopping anti-social street drinking and fans will be subject to searches as a condition of entry to the ground. Drinking on board a supporters bus to and from the match is also an offence and officers will be checking all coaches coming to the match.

“Police Scotland is committed to keeping people safe and while the behaviour of the vast majority of Hibs and Rangers fans is exemplary, the reckless conduct of a small minority could place others in danger.

“Anyone found to be in possession of these items, or any other objects that are not permitted within the stadium, will be refused entry and may face further police action.”

Police seek witnesses following Cramond assaults

cramond waterfall

Police are appealing for witnesses after two teenage girls were indecently assaulted last week. The incident happened around 5pm on Friday 3 July at the Cramond Waterfall.

Both of the 13-year-old victims had been in the area when a male approached and assaulted the pair before walking off towards Cramond Beach.

The girls then reported the matter to police, who had been following a positive line of investigation but are now asking for the public’s assistance to help trace the suspect.

He is described as being potentially of Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi ethnicity, around 25-years-old with a large build, short dark hair and a full beard. He was wearing a white polo shirt, black dress trousers and black shoes.

Detective Sergeant David Brady from Edinburgh’s Public Protection Unit said: “This was a distressing experience for the young girls and we have been pursuing various lines of investigation over the past week to identify the suspect.

“However, we have so far been unable to establish who he is and I am keen to hear from anyone with information that can assist with our inquiry. In particular, we would like to speak with anyone who was walking between the Cramond Waterfall and Cramond Beach last Friday evening and may have seen this male.

“Similarly, anyone with any further information in relation to these assaults is also asked to come forward.”

Those with information can contact Police Scotland on 101 or  Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

RNLI urges: Respect the Water

Over 200 people die accidentally each year in British and Irish waters – and more than half of those who drowned didn’t even plan to get wet …


The RNLI has launched a drowning prevention campaign which aims to reduce deaths by 50%. The ‘Respect the Water’ campaign coincides with the release of figures showing that 24 people died in Scotland’s coastal waters last year.

Over the past five years, an average of 35 people have drowned in Scotland and RNLI aims to halve the number of drownings by 2024.

Most of the deaths – almost a quarter – occurred when people slipped and fell into the water while walking and running. Other causes include people at work (14%), diving (13%), swimming and/or deliberately jumping into the sea (9%) and angling (6%).

RNLI lifeboat crews in Scotland saved 51 lives in 2014, and the charity has highlighted dangers which can be more common in Scotland.

After falling in, people can experience cold water shock or the effects of strong currents under the surface. There are also problems with slippery rocks, sudden waves or unstable ground.

RNLI coastal safety manager for Scotland Michael Avril said: “We want people to enjoy the water but to make sure they respect it.
“Around 35 lives are lost around Scotland’s coast each year but many of these losses could be avoided if people acknowledge the dangers and follow some basic safety advice.”

RNLI’s ‘Respect the Water’ campaign includes two films which will be shown in cinemas throughout the UK.





Three people rescued from Cramond Island

It happens every summer, as predictable as rain stopping play at Wimbledon. Yes, it’s the peak season for people getting stranded on Cramond Island …


Three people were rescued by lifeboat after being cut off by rising tides in the Firth of Forth yesterday.

Coastguards received a call shortly after 2pm from a man on Cramond Island who thought he had broken his leg.

Two members of the Queensferry lifeboat were dropped off to search for him, and when the causeway linking the island to the mainland then became flooded by tidal waters two other people also had to be brought to safety.

HM Coastguard’s Jonathan Mustard said: “This was a well co-ordinated response to this incident. All those involved regularly carry out training for this sort of incident and the way this was handled today shows why that training matters.”