Preventing violence against women: we all have a part to play

Everyone has a role in stopping fundamental violations of human rights against women and girls Equalities Secretary, Angela Constance will tell parliament today. Continue reading Preventing violence against women: we all have a part to play

Equally Safe: strategy to address violence against women expanded

A strategy to prevent and eradicate violence against women and girls is to be expanded and backed by more than £1 million of additional funding. The Equally Safe delivery plan includes measures to teach school children the importance of consent and healthy relationships and will see Rape Crisis Scotland’s sexual violence prevention programme rolled out across a further 11 local authorities.  Continue reading Equally Safe: strategy to address violence against women expanded

SFRS appoints new Deputy Assistant Chief Officer for the East of Scotland

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service has appointed a new senior officer for the East of Scotland. Alasdair Perry has been a firefighter for more than 20 years and has spearheaded the drive to transform the SFRS to respond to new threats such as weather-related flooding, and Alasdair has vowed to protect communities from modern risks. Continue reading SFRS appoints new Deputy Assistant Chief Officer for the East of Scotland

Woman police officer seriously injured by firework in Muirhouse

Police in Edinburgh are condemning attacks on emergency services over the weekend – and Muirhouse hit the headlines for the wrong reasons once again as a woman police officer suffered burns in an incident there. Continue reading Woman police officer seriously injured by firework in Muirhouse

Attacks on firefighters blight Guy Fawkes celebrations

Scotland was once again marred by a number of attacks on firefighters in various locations across the country last night. Crews were faced with missiles and fireworks being thrown at them on a reported 11 occasions as they worked tirelessly to keep people safe on Bonfire Night.

Continue reading Attacks on firefighters blight Guy Fawkes celebrations

Fire chief condemns attacks on firefighters

Attacks on firefighters who are working hard to protect communities during Bonfire season will not be tolerated, says a top fire chief. Assistant Chief Officer (ACO) Lewis Ramsay hit out after crews were last year targeted by missiles and fireworks in the course of their duties. Continue reading Fire chief condemns attacks on firefighters