Community council concern over bank branch closure

Trinity CC met on 11 May. Here are the main points:


RBS Goldenacre closure

This long-established branch has been scheduled for closure by RBS. We have expressed our very strong reservations about the impact on local businesses and the wider community but also about the underlying commercial logic. We sincerely hope that RBS will consider these points and have asked for a spokesperson to come to our next meeting.

Walkabout – Saturday 25 April

This identified a number of priorities for CEC spending:
– patching potholes in Netherby Rd, Lennox Row
– attend to puddle at Boswall Rd/Netherby Rd junction
– consider yellow lines for various sections of Boswall Rd
– some minor repairs to Wardie Steps
– clarifying ownership around Wardie Bay as initial step towards strengthening the sea wall, upgrading existing steps, cleaning up the beach and installing litter bins.
– better lighting in Walkway tunnel near L Granton Rd
– more litter bins in pathway between Newhaven Rd and Trinity Academy, and in Victoria Park.
– handrail down the steep part of Laverockbank Road.


127 Trinity Road – Application to develop garage site

The previous application has been withdrawn and resubmitted. This follows a significant number of objections mainly concerning overdevelopment with few objecting to residential development in principle. Indeed some of the adjoining residents in Lower Granton Road would favour development as they expect it to improve their environment and drainage in particular.

Other concerns include difficult access particularly for emergency services and bin lorries, restricted parking provision, remediation of the former fuel tanks/potential for contamination, removal of trees from a site within the conservation area, a proposed height which would overlook some existing properties.

Craighall Road – West Side

The developer has undertaken to move quickly to tidy up this development site.

134B Newhaven Road – Change of Use

After several attempts, permission has been granted by CEC to change the annexe to the former nursing home at 134B Newhaven Road to residential use.


Waterfront Developments

We remain concerned about the traffic and infrastructure impacts of what appears to be patchwork developments at Granton Harbour and along the Waterfront generally. We believe it is essential that we understand what exactly is envisaged by the different owners and what planning consents are still valid. Cllrs Jackson and Redpath are pursuing this on our behalf and we hope that Cllr Hinds will be able to attend our June meeting to discuss and advise.


The recent spate of house break-ins appears to be subsiding: two further arrests have been made. Thieves are now targetting garden sheds. Hinges have been removed and hasps forced so Police advice is to use an alarm if there’s something valuable in your shed. Other options include gravel around the shed and motion activated lighting. You can find more information here police security advice or through a Neighbourhood Watch if you have set that up.


New Street Lighting

While more energy efficient, the new LED streetlights have a number of problems. The beam is narrow and the overall effect inadequate. Further installation is on hold in some streets and under review in over 100 streets where they have already been installed. Trialling of different intensity settings is also being done to see if that makes sufficient difference. It is unfortunate that no notice had been given of the installation plans.

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils

The EACC exists as a means through which all Edinburgh’s community councils can act collectively, among other things via the Edinburgh Partnership including CEC, NHS Lothian, emergency services and business. For various reasons it has been fairly quiet of late but new office bearers were elected on 21st May and we look forward to a reinvigorated EACC making a positive difference for all our communities.


Public Toilet Closures

The CEC consultation on the criteria for closing public toilets has now closed and the results will be published on the CEC website from Friday 5 June. We are not hopeful that any outside the city centre will be spared though it is possible that some may be taken over by Lothian Buses for the use of their staff only.


A number of trees have been chopped down, notwithstanding the legal protection afforded to them by conservation area status. To help address the general ignorance, including the possibility of substantial fines, an informative article will be placed in Trinity Spotlight.


This will take place on Monday 8 June 2015 in the New Hall of Wardie Parish Church, Primrose Bank Road, 7.00pm. As well as the Annual General Meeting we hope to confirm:

  • An RBS spokesperson to address the various concerns we have about the Goldenacre closure. Come and have your own say.
  • Cllr Lesley Hinds to provide an update on Granton Harbour and traffic planning across north Edinburgh.

Do you have a view on how we might do things better? Come to the AGM on Monday 8 June at 7 pm in Wardie Parish Church – and tell us!

Anyone in Trinity can subscribe to the bulletin by emailing

Or drop us a line and tell us what you think could be better.

Change on the agenda at Community Council AGM



Councillor Maureen Child, Convener of the Communities and Neighbourhoods Committee, is guest speaker at West Pilton West Granton Community Council’s annual general meeting next month.

Her theme, appropriately enough, is ‘The Changing Role of Community Councils’.

The meeting will take place in West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre on Tuesday 2 June at 7pm. All welcome.

For further information contact W Black (Secretary) on 07515686421, email

Community Council agm poster note 2 6 15

Small grants available in Inverleith


Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership’s small community grants fund is available again this year to support small, one-off projects. Proposed projects should show how they help progress one of our four key priorities and any group that is constituted and has a bank account can apply.

We have £26301 to allocated this year and welcome applications now for our meeting on 25 May. Other applications can be assessed and decided at future meetings.

Please click here for guidance and application form.


The Centipede’s back!

There IS such a thing as a free lunch!



Open Lunch Meeting
Tuesday 28 April, 12 noon
North Edinburgh Arts

An informal (free!) lunch to chat about your ideas about how we can make use of the brownfield sites until the houses are built on them. We would love to see you there! Open to all.

Do you remember the wishing tree in 2014?

We asked local residents to tell us what they want to see happen in the area. Now with the endorsement of the City of Edinburgh Council, we are helping to make some of the wishes come true!

This is the start of a wide range of community activity across the brown field sites in Muirhouse. In partnership with the council, we are looking for ideas for temporary activities that brighten up the community until the houses get built.

Community Gardens are a great way to:

Improve health and wellbeing
Grow your own food
Meet new people
Socialise with friends
Learn new skills
Have fun and relax

And now you have the chance to create your own community garden with Centipede Project, then as part of the development of the empty sites by the City of Edinburgh Council. This includes the land near Pennywell Gardens and Muirhouse Avenue until the new houses get built.

How can you be involved?

Attend our free open lunch to share your ideas!

Tuesday 28 April
North Edinburgh Arts

Get in touch if you’re interested in being involved:

Telephone: 0131 315 2151 (ask for Joanne)
In Person: We are based in North Edinburgh Arts

Download our leaflets with all upcoming events here and here.


City Chambers advice event for gala organisers


Councillor Gavin Barrie, Convenor of the Licensing Regulatory Committee would like to extend an invitation to a meeting on Wednesday, 29 April 2015 from 6pm – 7.30pm in the European Room at City Chambers.

There have been many queries from organisers so this evening should provide lots of useful information for those of you who are thinking of organising a Community Event or Gala Day.

Councillor Maureen Child will join us to sit on the panel for the Question & Answer session along with Catherine Scanlin, Licensing Manager and Gordon Hunter, Licensing Policy & Project Officer.

6pm Coffee
6.15pm Introduction from Councillor Barrie
6.25pm Presentation from the Licensing Service
6.45pm Questions and Answer Session
7.15pm Closing remarks

Could you please confirm your attendance by emailing   

Please let us know if you require any assistance to attend or take part e.g. large print, disabled access requirements, travel arrangements, hearing loop, etc. We look forward to meeting you all!

Fiveways to have a wheely good weekend!

It’s all happening on our local cycle paths on Sunday

Launch poster 26 04 2015

Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust is running an event on the cycle paths in North Edinburgh this coming Sunday (writes ELGT’s Mark Sydenham).

Over the past few months we have been working at Fiveways Junction on some landscaping improvements to make Fiveways a landmark on the cycle paths.

Volunteers from Pilton Equalities Project and MYDG have been hard at work carrying out some woodland management and undergrowth clearance in the surrounding woodlands, opening the area up and cutting back overhanging ivy and branches to make the paths brighter and safer.

Royston Wardieburn Community Centre have been working on a six week project on the cycle paths with one of their groups, which has included learning about the paths and their history, and planting some fruit bushes.

Inv Quest Drylaw 26 April 2015

This coming Sunday, we are inviting everyone to come along and take part. We have fruit and other bushes to plant, as well as other activities. We will have prizes and goodies to give away too!.

To win one of the prizes, we have a little quiz/treasure hunt – to get the questions, turn up to either the Crewe Toll bridge (over Ferry Road) or King George V Park (Canonmills) between 1pm and 1.30pm and then search out the answers on your way to Fiveways (make sure you get there by 1.30!).

Or just come along to Fiveways and join in the activities between 1pm and 4pm.

There is more information here:

and we will be putting more things up on our Facebook page too


We hope to see some of you on Sunday!

Mark Sydenham, Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust

Telephone 445 4025

More power to the people

Government beefs up Community Empowerment Bill to encourage community participation in decision-making


More community involvement in the decisions of public bodies will strengthen democracy, according to  Community Empowerment Minister Marco Biagi .

A change to the Community Empowerment Bill, agreed by the Local Government and Regeneration Committee last week, encourages public bodies to promote and facilitate participation with people and communities in decision making and budget setting.

The move follows huge participation in last year’s independence referendum.
Ministers will also have powers to require public bodies to engage if they fail to do so.

Speaking at the Community Development Alliance Scotland conference in Glasgow earlier this week, Mr Biagi said: “Involving people and communities in decision-making unquestionably makes for better decisions.

“As the referendum demonstrated, people will get involved when they understand the issues at stake and know that they can make a difference. It’s my job to ensure that enthusiasm continues and make it clear that people know their voice matters.

“Participation is about more than consulting, it is about empowering communities to shape decisions and have a say on how ideas are delivered.

“18 Scottish councils have taken up the Government’s offer of training and support for participatory budgeting projects, giving communities the chance to have their say on local budgets. That helps build community capacity while ensuring the public sector understands local needs and priorities and can target budgets more effectively to improve services.

“More participation brings fresh perspectives, strengthens democracy and will help build a fairer Scotland.”

Fiona Garven, Chair of Community Development Alliance Scotland said: “CDAS welcomes the changes to the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill which will pave the way for communities to be involved in meaningful decisions about how public money is spent.

“We are encouraged that the legislation will also require processes to be put in place to support communities and community organisations to engage with public bodies to raise awareness of local issues and to contribute to more effective shaping and delivery of local services.

“Such support will be important to encourage the involvement of a diverse range of communities in local democratic processes and achieve a rebalance of power across all sections of Scottish society.”

Community Chat Cafe opens next week

communiyt chat cafeThe Community Chat Cafe invites you to share food, language and culture. Join us for our free, friendly, sociable lunches and practice your English – all welcome!

Wednesday 25 February

Wednesday 11 March

Wednesday 25 March

12.30 – 2pm at Pilton Community Health Project, Boswall Parkway

A creche is available but must be booked by calling Rachel: on 07891 525663 or Julie on 07958 540 438.

chat cafe poster

Community Chat Cafe is organised by the Living in Harmony Group and North Edinburgh Timebank


TRIM: just a minute …


From the board at Tenants and Residents In Muirhouse please find attached our Minutes for Meeting on 10 February 2015 (below).

10.2.15 TRIM MINS

Tenants & Residents In Muirhouse (TRIM)

Website –
Find us on Facebook
Also on Twitter –

Trinity CC talks parking tonight


Trinity Community Council meets tonight at St Serf’s Church at 7pm. The main item for discussion is local parking.

  • Is it really a problem in Trinity or simply confined to a few streets?
  • If it is a problem, what might be done about it?
  • More yellow lines?
  • The introduction of a Priority Parking Area in some or all of Trinity?
  • Should we mount a survey of residents through Trinity Spotlight?

Local residents are invited to come along and have their say tonight


visit for more information