Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership
Monday 16 November 6.30 – 8.30pm, Blackhall Library
All welcome – for further information call 0131 529 5050 or email
Holyrood reception marks ETF’s special year
Edinburgh Tenants Federation (ETF) celebrated their 25th Anniversary with a Parliamentary Reception hosted by MSP Sarah Boyack on Wednesday evening.
Edinburgh Tenants Federation, which has a membership of over 40 tenants and residents groups across the city, was congratulated on its 25th Anniversary by the MSP.
ETF members old and new joined in the celebrations along with representatives from the Tenants Information Service, Blackwood Homes and Care, the International Association for Community Development (IACD), Shakti Women’s Aid and Inverkeithing Community Initiative. MSPs Gordon MacDonald and Alison Johnstone also joined the celebrations.
The event featured contributions from Sarah Boyack MSP, Convenor Betty Stevenson and Vice Convenor Maud Wylie, who said that the success of ETF could not have been achieved without the determination and commitment of the tenant volunteers. Councillor Cammy Day talked of the work that Edinburgh City Council and ETF have collaborated on over the years, in particular the successful tenant-led inspections.
Sarah Boyack MSP said: “The work of the Federation over the years has been fantastic. It has been great to see the work that has been done supporting tenants with mental ill health and campaigning for fairer rents. I was very encouraged to hear that the Federation are already working with the Syrian community in helping the refugees coming to settle in to the city.”
ETF Convener Betty Stevenson said: “Thanks to Sarah for hosting this event for us; it was wonderful to see so many people supporting the work of the Federation. Thanks to all those who have been involved over the years, here’s to the next 25!”
Thursday was the final day of ETF’s Parliamentary Exhibition and Housing Minister Margaret Burgess (above) was among the MSPs and staff to view photos and news stories dating back to the 1980’s and the Federation’s formation in October 1990.
Blackhall Library, Monday 16 November, 6.30-8.30pm
The next meeting of the Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership is focused on PERFORMANCE – why not come along and join us for a cuppa and hear how the Inverleith Neighbourhood and its key partners are doing?
Also, hear what you told us from the recent Edinburgh People’s Survey and what progress we are making towards the Community’s key priorities, as highlighted in our local community plan.
Please let us know if you require any assistance to attend or take part e.g. large print, disabled access requirements, travel arrangements, hearing loop etc.
Elaine Lennon, Partnership Development Officer
Tel: 0131 529 5270
Nominations now open for Edinburgh Award
The search has begun for the ninth recipient of the Edinburgh Award, a way for Edinburgh citizens to pay a lasting tribute to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the city through their achievements. Continue reading Who is Edinburgh’s outstanding ambassador?
Living in Harmony Group meets tomorrow evening
It was fantastic to see so many people at the Positively Diverse event at the beginning of October. There was some great feedback, including how helpful it was to hear from residents themselves about their experiences (writes Hannah Kitchen).
We have been looking through people’s postcards, notes and feedback and are keen to help you follow up on some of the things you were inspired to do at the event.
Living in Harmony Forum, Wednesday 28 October, 5-7pm at Pilton Community Health Project
The Living in Harmony forum is a space for residents and workers in North Edinburgh to work and learn together in order to make services more accessible for people from BME communities, and to put on activities that increase friendship and understanding between people in the area.
On Wednesday we will be meeting to carry on some of the conversations we started at the Positively Diverse event. I’m attaching a draft agenda. Please contact me if there are any items you would like to add.
We would love to see you there. Please reply to this email to tell me if you are able to come. We can arrange free crèche places for anyone who needs them, but need 24 hours’ notice to do this.
Hannah Kitchen
Development Worker, Living in Harmony,
Pilton Community Health Project, 73 Boswall Parkway, Edinburgh, EH5 2PW
Telephone 0131 551 1671
Like us on Facebook for regular updates
Leith Neighbourhood Partnership will soon invite local community projects to apply for funding from a pot of more than £22,000 as part of one of the longest running participatory budgeting projects in the UK.
Now in its sixth year, £eith Decides allows groups to apply for grants of up to £1,000 each, to be spent on projects that benefit the local community.
This year’s application period is open from 11am this Saturday (24 October) until 5pm on Wednesday 18 November. A Steering Group made up of local people considers all applications to make sure that they meet the criteria.
A special event will then take place in February 2016, at which members of the public will get the chance to talk to applicants and learn about their projects. Local people aged eight and over who live, work, study or volunteer in Leith are then invited to vote on which projects they would most like to see receive the money.
The Citadel Arts Group, a charity which works with older people to express their creativity through living memory and drama projects has had repeat success with £eith Decides and is a great example of what the funding can do for community groups. They first approached £eith Decides in 2012 for funding to help four pupils from St Mary’s Primary perform a community play on healthy eating written by one of the their older members.
Liz Hare from Citadel Arts Group said: “We have benefited greatly from £eith Decides, both in terms of the funding and also the networking on the voting days which has created two great projects. We have twice successfully applied to £eith Decides for funding to continue the club and enable the young people to perform at Leith Festival in 2014 and 2015. We are thankful to £eith Decides and the people of Leith, not just for the money but also for the chances to network and grow our group in exciting new directions.”
Potential applicants are invited to an information session at 11am on Saturday 24 October at McDonald Road Library, where advice will be available on eligibility criteria and how to apply.
Councillor Maureen Child, Convener of the Communities and Neighbourhoods Committee at the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “£eith Decides continues to be exceedingly popular. Twenty five projects received awards in 2015 supporting a range of activities including English classes, art workshops, purchase of sports equipment, and the delivery of outdoor activities.
“As it is now in its sixth year, it has been fantastic to see the results from past recipients. All these worthwhile projects that have benefited from the scheme have made a difference to people in the community.
“February’s public event, which will be held as part of the process, will give community groups the opportunity to raise awareness about their work too. Neighbourhood Partnership events like this are valued by people who welcome the opportunity to make decisions about the area in which they live.”
For up-to-date information about £eith Decides visit the Facebook page –
Trinity CC met on 12 October. Here are the main points:
Police Report
Few can be unaware of the recent spate of housebreakings with 12 attempted and 6 actual break-ins in the last month. One was successfully detected and police hope that this will help resolve others. Police presence has been increased but the fact remains that with darker nights and Christmas approaching, the next 3 months are likely to see an increase in burglaries from homes and garages. Bikes and cars are favourite targets. Think security! There’s plenty we can do to help ourselves. Check out
You can also request an individual Home Assessment by phoning 101.
Particularly disturbing was the robbery of A&A Newsagents convenience store at the corner of S Trinity Rd and E Trinity Rd. This is still under investigation and if you have any knowledge of anything unusual whatsoever on that day, the police would be delighted to hear from you. Happily, Joe seems to be fully recovered from his ordeal. We send our best wishes.
Aside from robberies there was a suspicious incident in Victoria Park when a child was approached and there has also been a rash of incidents across North Edinburgh involving youths on motorbikes, notably on the cycle paths and Granton Road.
Second Waterfront Regeneration Conference
This took place on 30 September chaired by Cllr Day, bringing together landowners, developers, CEC staff, residents and their representatives, including Trinity CC. With 5 separate developments in the area bounded by Marine Drive, W Granton Rd and Granton Square, Trinity’s immediate interest is in Granton Harbour but what happens to the west will also affect us. It is clear that extensive development will take place. Our interest is to encourage that to be sensitive to the surrounding area and its history as well as delivering high quality living space and improving amenity. Some highlights:
The developer has ambitious plans for Granton Harbour but has challenges getting them off the drawing board. Trinity CC will continue to watch closely to see that delivery lives up to promises and that the impact on local traffic is considered.
EDI/Waterfront Edinburgh Ltd planning 550 homes and 9000sq ft of commercial space on some land remaining in WEL ownership.
A development strategy for North Shore, West Harbour Road and Lower Strand is being prepared.
Retail and leisure complex planned for an area known as Madelvic 9
Plans in hand to use Madelvic House as a community arts hub.
National Galleries/Museums progressing plans for a national collections facility some of which will be open to the public.
The future of the gasometer still under discussion. Decontamination estimated at £10 – £15M. Retention will restrict nearby development as a safe “fall zone” would be required.
Plans for the area around Caroline House, including the Mediaeval Garden and the putative “Granton-by-the-sea” are under review.
Want to help regeneration?
Idea 1: Exhibition called “Made in Granton” at Madelvic House on 24 October (11am. – 2.30pm) (above) focusing on local manufacturing history and looking for ideas about how to use the building as an arts hub. Why not go along and contribute?
Idea 2: Granton Improvement Society are bidding for Lottery funding to develop their plans. An easy way to help is simply to go online and “like” their Facebook page.
Consultation on the Major Issues for this closed on 30 September. Trinity CC submitted a detailed response to all 27 Questions but our main themes were:
Goldenacre Planters
It had been hoped that RBS might sponsor planters in recognition of the years when the Goldenacre branch was open but this now appears to be receding. But we have located some second hand planters from CEC Parks Dept and now hope to set up maintenance arrangements using local volunteers. Would you be interested? Do get in touch if so.
Planning Matters
The application to sell cars from 144 Newhaven Rd has been resurrected and we have resurrected our objections. A CEC hearing was scheduled but the applicant was not present, asking instead through his solicitor that the hearing be postponed. This was granted but only after we had given our time and evidence. We are very concerned about the implications that this raises for how planning applications are conducted. Next hearing is scheduled for 13 November.
Application for a house + annexe at 7a Boswall Road withdrawn.
Chargeable Parking Hours
CEC has initiated a consultation on extending parking charges into late evening and over weekends. Will this affect you? Give your views direct at:
Want to know more about St Columba’s?
Hospice will have an Open Day on 30 October (10am – 4pm) – see below.
Much more at our next meeting on
Monday 9 November at 7 pm in Wardie Parish Church, Primrose Bank Road.
Open to all. Come along and give us your thoughts. We need to know them so that we can represent them!
Did you find this bulletin useful or informative? If so, why not show it to a neighbour? Anyone in Trinity can subscribe to the bulletin simply by emailing or drop us a line and tell us what you think could be better.
Drylaw Telford CC to discuss No Cold Callers zones
Drylaw Telford Community Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 28 October at 7pm in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre.
Among items to be discussed is the possible setting up of a No Cold Caller Zone in Drylaw Telford. Do you think that would be a good idea? Come along and share your views – all welcome!
Agenda and Minutes of the previous meeting can be found below:
DTCC Minutes September 2015 (Draft)