The Prentice Centre needs YOU


NEDAC, Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre, Pilton Retreat, Granton Youth Centre … and now The Prentice Centre is the latest community organisation fighting for survival.





The Prentice Centre is under threat of closure. Please come along to the public meeting and let local politicians know how you feel. All welcome.

West Granton Community Trust really needs community support – get along to the meeting if you can. See poster (below) for details.



Adios, Andy!

Farewell to CAN’s Andy Dalzell – one helluva guy!


Friends and colleagues joined Community Action North development worker Andy Dalzell for leaving drinks in The Baillie in Stockbridge last night. The big guy from Philadelphia worked in North Edinburgh for only a few short months – but the genial giant has left his mark. Continue reading Adios, Andy!

News from Trinity Community Council


1602 ebulletin 1.1

waterfront hotel

This month, as well as discussing how we communicate with residents, we again include news of some developments to east and west of us – in particular the hotel proposed to be built next to Ocean Terminal (above).  Continue reading News from Trinity Community Council

Community conference plans a way forward


More than sixty local people braved rain, sleet and snow to attend the North Edinburgh Community Conference on Saturday. The Conference agreed that doing nothing is not an option and established Action Groups to address the challenges facing our community. Continue reading Community conference plans a way forward

CAN you handle it? Double-header this weekend!

It’s all happening in Muirhouse this weekend with a Shopping Centre event on Friday followed by the North Edinburgh Community Conference this Saturday!

All welcome – both events are FREE!

wishingcomm conference

What next for our community?


Saturday 13 February 

Craigroyston Community High Schoolcomm conferenceNorth Edinburgh is facing tough times. Services are being cut, good jobs are hard to come by and some of our projects are struggling to survive.

But maybe it’s not all doom and gloom. Our community has some great resources, and chief among these is our people: the activists and the volunteers, young and old.

This important conference will discuss what our community needs – and work out how, together, we can get where we want to be.

We believe the people who know best are the people who live here. North Edinburgh needs YOUR ideas – come along and help us to map out a positive future for our community.


Lunch provided.

Free creche available but MUST be booked in advance.

For further information call Andy or Dave at CAN on 315 6405 or email

Forth Neighbourhood Partnership meets today

Forth NP logoForth Neighbourhood Partnership Public Meeting

Wednesday 3 February at 2pm

West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre

Come along and hear about:

West Pilton Park improvement plans

The Neighbourhood Environment Programme Fund (NEPs)

Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden group

All welcome

FNP3FebFlyer (1)

For further information contact Jim Pattison:
telephone 529 5082 or email

Save Canonmills hopes smashed by Reporter’s wrecking ball

Canonmills campaigners ‘devastated’ by reporter’s decision – but the fight goes on

Canonmills Bridge

The Scottish Government’s Environment and Appeals Division has found in favour of an appeal to demolish buildings on Canonmills Bridge. The decision to allow the appeal overturns a decision made by city ouncillors last summer and paves the way for a controversial new development which protesters says will dwarf surrounding buildings in the popular conservation area (writes Dave Pickering).

Edinburgh North & Leith MSP Malcolm Chisholm called the decision ‘unbelievable’.

The traditional single-storey building by Canonmills Bridge has become a popular social hub and campaigners argued that it’s demolition and the subsequent redevelopment would ‘destroy the harmonious character of the area’. They maintain that the proposed new building clearly would not preserve or enhance the conservation area – a key planning consideration.

The Save Canonmills Bridge campaigners fought an energetic campaign against the demolition last year, and their hard work was rewarded in August when the single-storey building at the centre of the planning application was granted a reprieve by the city’s planning committee.

However developers Glovart Holdings Ltd launched an appeal against the decision in November, and today the Save Canonmills Bridge team received the news they had been dreading: that Glovart’s appeal had been upheld – and that the demolition will go ahead.

It’s a bitter blow for the campaigners who worked so hard – and a kick in teeth for the thousands who signed petitions and supported the battle. However campaign leader Jan Anderson, who launched an online petition which attracted nearly 5000 signatures, vows that the fight will go on.

She said: “The Reporter has concurred with the owners and developers, rather than the unanimous planning committee and 7,000+ signatories we gathered – demolition of 1-6 Canonmills Bridge has been approved.

“The Reporter states: ‘the demolition of the building would comply with the development plan.’ It is ‘atypical‘ and ‘peripheral to the conservation area.’ Demolition is approved subject to conditions.’ This ain’t over yet.”

The reporter’s decision is final, but Save Canonmills Bridge campaigners may have one last throw of the dice. They could choose to petition the Court of Session – but their appeal would have to be made on a point of law. The group has six weeks to make that decision.

Edinburgh North and Leith MP Dierdre Brock said: “This is a very disappointing decision. The fantastic local campaign to save 1-6 Canonmills Bridge demonstrated the strength of feeling against demolition.

“The planned development is an inappropriate size for the site, and will close down the sense of space in this central hub area of Canonmills.

“It’s very sad that a building with such character will be bulldozed for a bland housing block. I’ll continue to support the campaign as they consider whether there are any further avenues to halt this decision.”



Granton Youth Centre: Community Meeting


We are holding a short community meeting on Tuesday 2nd February from 5.30pm in the Main Hall at GYC to raise awareness and discuss issues and concerns regarding the City of Edinburgh Council Revenue Grant budget cuts and finances moving forward for GYC.

Young people, volunteers, staff and the wider community have been invited to attend and we warmly invite yourself.  The purpose of this meeting is as follows:-

1.       Information regarding City of Edinburgh Council Budget Cuts

2.       Impact on GYC’s work, services and staff.

3.       How you can continue to support GYC in 2016/2017

4.       Contacting Edinburgh Council on behalf of GYC, to raise concerns

We sincerely hope you can come along and offer any input on the evening.

If you are able to attend we would appreciate it if you can please let us know by return email.

cid:image033.jpg@01D0F088.7CB96E10   0131 467 5854

cid:image035.jpg@01D0F088.7CB96E10  Granton Youth Centre, 3-11 West Granton Road, Edinburgh EH5 1HG