Community Conference: now it’s time for action

Action Groups formed based on community priorities


Five new Action Groups have been formed following last month’s community conference at Craigroyston Community High School.

The conference, organised by Community Action North and Granton Improvement Society supported by Craigroyston High School’s Community Centre, gave local people an opportunity to identify the main issues affecting the area. Participants then worked in small groups to look in detail at these topics and went on to form Action Groups to work with others to find short, medium and longer term solutions to the area’s problems.

The Action Groups are:

  • Big Picture (Economy, Employment & Decision Making)
  • Community Spaces & Environment
  • Crime & Community Safety
  • Housing
  • Youth

More than fifty local people took part in the event and it’s hoped that many more with attend a follow up event in the autumn.

A spokesperson for the conference organisers said: “The weather on the day was really dreadfully so we were delighted that so many people made the effort to attend. There was a lot of enthusiasm and many ideas were generated at the conference and the Action Groups will now take these ideas forward and plan the way ahead. There are lots of changes happening in the area just now and it’s important that local people are involved and have a say in the decisions that affect their lives.”

If you would like to be involved in the Action Groups or want more information about CAN, email

Community Conference Report

Still time to make a difference in Muirhouse Salvesen


Nominations are still open for seven places on Muirhouse Salvesen Community Council, but time is running out – nominations close on Wednesday 30 March, so don’t leave it too late! Continue reading Still time to make a difference in Muirhouse Salvesen

Towards a Community Manifesto: More Power for Local Communities?

Lesley Hinds extends an invitation to a community- focussed follow-up discussion for Northern Edinburgh and Leith

Leith foot of the walk

Last December some people living and working in Northern Edinburgh and Leith participated in an Open Space community event which explored how local communities might benefit from or influence the direction of the changes the Scottish Parliament additional powers will allow. Continue reading Towards a Community Manifesto: More Power for Local Communities?

All welcome at multicultural celebration

Event Poster

I am delighted to invite you to an exciting MULTICULTURAL ECO CELEBRATION on Saturday 19 March from 2 – 6pm at St Thomas of Aquin’s High School in Chalmers Street (writes Adil Ibrahim). 

This Eco family-friendly event is centred on the theme of the Environment, Climate Change, Food Growing and Energy Efficiency. The festivity aims to bring diverse communities together for the protection of nature.   Fun and informative activities will be held at the event including:

• Raffle
• Upcycling workshop
• Kid’s corner and story telling
• Grow your own workshop
• Dr Bike – free bike repairs
• Fashion show
• Cookery Demos
• And more!
The event will also be an opportunity for people to book a free Energy Advice home visit, join a Grow Your Own group or an Environmental Discussion group. Complimentary organic and local food and refreshment will be provided. There will also be free Vita Coco products.

Capacity is limited to 300

If you have any access/dietary requirement or any questions please email:

All are welcome. We particularly welcome the involvement of individuals, families, groups, and organizations from diverse communities to contribute to the success of this event.

Please circulate this invitation to your friends and contacts as well as on social media

Please note this community event is a joint venture between The Welcoming, 
ELREC (Edinburgh and Lothians Regional Equality Council),  MECOPP, Tweeddale Youth Action, NKS and Chain Reaction.

We look forward to seeing you at the event!


Get together, make a difference on International Women’s Day

 IWD rwcc

I am writing to  invite you to this year’s International Women’s Day event which takes place next Tuesday (8 March) in Royston/Wardieburn Community Centre, Pilton Drive North. We have decided to combine this year’s event with our third Getting Together Making a Difference event.

As you will see from the leaflet there will be films, poetry, music, stories, discussion and food – all the ingredients  for a nice  get together with friends and neighbours!   We have organised a  crèche for pre-school children to allow as many women as possible to take part.  Please book a crèche place in advance as the crèche is likely to be very busy  (tel 552 5700 or 551 1671).

Registration is at 10am  in the reception area and we will be starting at 10.15  in room F34 upstairs.  Lunch will be served at 1pm.

I would be grateful if you would  forward  the leaflet  to any local  women  you know who might be interested in joining us.


Lynn McCabe (on behalf of the planning group)

YOU choose: £2 million for Community Choices fund

‘ we are putting our money where our mouth is on Community Empowerment’ – Marco Biagi

Leith Decides particpants

A programme which is giving people the power to make decisions directly on spending in their areas will be rolled out to even more communities through a new £2 million investment. Continue reading YOU choose: £2 million for Community Choices fund

Groundswell Rising: the fracking truth?




Communities invited to screening of American documentary

Community campaigners are inviting local people to view a documentary highlighting first-hand accounts of the effects of fracking in the United States.

Hands Over Our Scotland has helped organise a local screening of the film ‘Groundswell Rising’, featuring the testimonies of people in towns across America who have to live side-by-side with the fracking industry.

The film will be shown on Friday 4 March from 7 to 9:30pm at North Edinburgh Arts.

Dr Richard Dixon, Director of Friends of the Earth Scotland will introduce the film. He will be joined by Prof Andrew Watterson, Director of the Centre for Public Health and Population Health Research, and Head of the Occupational and Environmental Health Research Group, School of Health Sciences, University of Stirling for discussion after the screening.

Dr Richard Dixon said: “Scotland has to learn from the communities that have already had to live with fracking. Seeing the reality of having this dirty industry as a neighbour should persuade anyone that it’s not something we want here. For the sake of the climate and local people, fracking and unconventional fossil fuels are the last thing Scotland needs.”

Maria Montinaro, of Hands Over Our Scotland, who is accompanying the producer on a tour of UK, said: “This film shows the reality of what it means to live beside fracking operations, including the daily struggle of ordinary people to protect their children’s air and water.

“Their testimonies show what is potentially in store for communities around the Forth if our government allows big fossil fuel companies to go ahead with their plans. The first duty of any government is to protect its citizens. We call upon our Scottish Government to put the health and wellbeing of Scottish communities first –  banning this industry .”

Groundswell Rising has been praised by critics. LA Weekly said it ‘balances grim facts and expert analysis with scenes of ordinary people pushing back’, while Hollywood Reporter said it ‘delivers its arguments with a canny mixture of facts and emotion’.

Executive producer Mark Lichty will speak at the first screening at the University of Edinburgh. Mark is an attorney and former CEO of Bustin Industrial Products. Having been in manufacturing for many years, he is deeply concerned about the safety issues not being addressed by the oil and gas industry.

He said: “I’m really looking forward to meeting people of Edinburgh. The film shows how an industry rich with political connections managed to slip into a position of almost untouchable power and how at-risk communities have come together to fight back.

“Groundswell Rising is a documentary told by those who are living it, with honesty, passion and a sincere desire to protect our children and the world we leave them. I hope that Groundswell Rising will inspire people and politicians in Scotland to ban risky gas extraction once and for all.”

The Groundswell Rising screening at North Edinburgh Arts is part of a tour across central Scotland being organised by campaign group Hands Over Our Scotland.

Full screening details are available at

Groundswell Rising flyer_23.2.16 (2)

Talking travel at Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership


Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership meets next Monday (29 February) at 6.30pm in Stockbridge Library.

As well as usual Neighbourhood Partnership business (including small grants fun applications and Neighbourhood Environment Programme proposals) we will be discussing travelling in and around Inverleith.

We hope that you can join us to discuss existing services and help identify any gaps in transport links, and hear more about park and ride, transport apps and all things transport!

Elaine Lennon, Partnership Development Officer

Follow us on twitter @north_team and check out our web pages

Tierney Award for Eileen Brash


Congratulations to Eileen Brash, who was chosen to be the recipient of the annual Thomas Tierney Award for Good Citizenship at last night’s Drylaw Telford Community Council  meeting.

Eileen is a founding member and office-bearer of Easter Drylaw Residents Association (EDRA), the group which has campaigned to raise awareness on local issues including 20mph zones and dog-fouling.

Eileen will receive her award at the community council’s next meeting on 30 March.