Community Council elections: don’t leave it too late!


Do you want to play your part in making your community a better place to live? If so, get your skates on … community councils are recruiting NOW and the  closing date for nominations is NEXT MONDAY (30 September.) Continue reading Community Council elections: don’t leave it too late!

Community Council elections: nominations open tomorrow

Nominations for Edinburgh’s Community Councils will open tomorrow (Monday 9 September) and people passionate about their local area are being encouraged to apply.

Community Councils give residents the opportunity to influence what happens in their part of the city with members playing an active role in a wide range of activities, including commenting on planning and licensing applications, taking part in community campaigns and working with others to improve the local area. Continue reading Community Council elections: nominations open tomorrow

Youth issues top the agenda at tomorrow’s community council meeting

Tuesday 3 September at 7pm – West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre
Please find attached an agenda for Tuesday’s Community Council meeting at the West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre, starting at 7pm.  I also attach the Minutes from the September meeting.
I’m delighted that Alan Hosie has accepted an invitation to attend to talk about youth work, especially given the concerns that exist in the community about youth crime.  Willie and I are therefore keen for all attending to hear more about the latest situation and what we positively can do together to address this.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.  If you cannot make it and would like to tender your apologies, please let me know by 5pm on Tuesday.

 Peter Faassen de Heer

Secretary, West Pilton West Granton Community Council

Leith community councils demolish Drum’s Leith Walk appeal

Leith’s community councils are urging city planners to reject Drum Property Group’s appeal against the decision to reject contoversial plans for Stead’s Place on Leith Walk.  Continue reading Leith community councils demolish Drum’s Leith Walk appeal

West Pilton West Granton Community Council meets tonight

West Pilton West Granton Community Council: all welcome

You are invited to attend our next meeting on Tuesday 4 June at 7pm in the West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre and I attach the agenda for the meeting.


Peter Faassen de Heer
Secretary, West Pilton West Granton Community Council

Communities in community planning: now it’s Neighbourhood Networks

In the link below, you will find an invitation to the first gathering of the Inverleith Neighbourhood Network on Thursday 30th May. The networks are being established to support the Edinburgh Partnership’s approach to Community Planning. Continue reading Communities in community planning: now it’s Neighbourhood Networks

Community councillors invited to Waterfront event tomorrow

Local community councillors have been invited to attend a Waterfront consultation meeting at Edinburgh College’s Granton Campus tomorrow. Continue reading Community councillors invited to Waterfront event tomorrow