Free training courses for community councillors

The Improvement Service and the Open University (OU) in Scotland are working together to offer all community council volunteers the opportunity to upskill and reskill using OU courses.

Throughout the pandemic the Improvement Service’s Community Councils (CCs) project supported by Scottish Government has been trying to find ways to support CCs as they adapt to new ways of working and the OU was one of the organisations we reached out to and asked how they could help.

We asked Scotland’s CCs what skills they would find helpful to have or improve on and we are delighted to present these free online courses which the OU have tailored to suit the needs of Scottish CCs.

Many CCs have fully embraced the digital journey during the pandemic and there are courses here to help you continue that journey such as using Microsoft Teams and succeeding in a digital world. In addition to digital skills there are also courses on a range of other topics that community councillors have suggested including finance, fundraising, community and business skills.

These courses are totally free – all community councillors have to do is register for a free account and then you can begin your learning journey with the OU.

The OU has many courses to choose from but if you would like to suggest additional topics for training not covered that would benefit CCs in Scotland please let us know by e-mail:

So what are you waiting for? Brush up on your skills or learn some brand new ones with the OU, just click on the link below to begin your journey:

EACC event to discuss capital’s public spaces

The Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC) will be holding a special meeting entitled Events in the New Green Edinburgh — the Public Spaces Management Plan (PSMP) Exercise, this Thursday 10 December at 7pm by Zoom.

Registration is by Eventbrite at:

The City of Edinburgh has just launched an extensive stakeholder consultation about “how Edinburgh manages its public outside space for events, filming and festivals . . based around key principles/guidelines that will apply across the whole of Edinburgh.”

Leading our discussion on the Public Spaces Management Plan will be: 

Cliff Hague, Emeritus Professor of Planning and Spatial Development at Heriot-Watt University, Chair of the Cockburn Association: Pitfalls and potholes: managing Edinburgh’s public spaces 

Mariana Trusson, former Chair of the Edinburgh Sustainable Development Partnership (ESDP): Environmental protection, carbon neutrality and sustainability: events and festivals in public spaces 

This will be followed by a contribution by a leading City of Edinburgh councillor or official.

Jim Scanlon (Leith Links Community Council) and another community councillor will talk about local issues with the PSMP.

This meeting is open to the public, but priority will be given to questions from community councillors. 

The meeting will be recorded and may be published later. Please note that by joining the meeting you are giving your consent for the meeting to be recorded.

Simon Holledge
Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC)
EACC Secretary

EACC meeting cancelled

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils will now meet in October

We are sorry to notify CC members that we have decided to cancel the next meeting due to be held on Thursday 24th September 2020.

Unfortunately, due to holidays and other issues, we have not been able to tie up with speakers nor obtain sufficient information on current issues to make a meeting worthwhile for those representatives who normally attend. 

We are planning to hold a virtual meeting on Thursday 22nd October 2020 with a full agenda of items raised by representatives. It would still be helpful if issues of concern raised at CC meetings were notified to the Secretary in order that we can circulate relevant information to attendees.

We still proposed to hold an AGM on Thursday 19th November 2020.

We apologise for the late cancellation of next Thursday’s meeting.      

Kind regards

John Tibbitt

Chair, Edinburgh Association of Community Councils

Community council to meet again via Zoom

Hi everyone,
This is to advise that our regular meeting of the West Pilton West Granton Community Council on 2 June at 7 pm will go ahead.
Given the current COVID-19 restrictions, however, and in line with CEC guidance, we will be holding the meeting remotely, via Zoom.
Contact Peter for registration details: –
As Zoom places a 45 minute limit, our meeting will be for essential business.  A draft agenda is below:
1. Welcome – Lana
*2. Proposal to provide funding to community newsletter – Willie
*3. Current position with chequebook – Peter
4. Living with Covid-19
    a. Police Report – Sarah
    b. Community Food Support – Willie/ Peter
5. AOB & DONM – Lana
Peter Faassen de Heer
Secretary, West Pilton West Granton Community Council

Meeting to discuss community response to Coronavirus pandemic

North Edinburgh activists are to meet tomorrow to formulate a community response to tackling problems caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The meeting will take place in West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre at 2.30pm.

Meeting organiser Willie Black said: “We have already seen communities coming together to do what they can to help their neighbours and our more vulnerable residents, and  the purpose of tomorrow’s meeting is to co-ordinate this community response to make sure no person is being missed or left out.

“By working together and pooling our resources we can better respond to the challenges posed to our community by this pandemic.”

Local voluntary sector organisations, food banks, community centre representatives, council officers, community councils and local elected politicians have all been invited to attended.

What can you do to help? Why not attend the meeting and find out!


West Pilton & West Granton Community Council meets tomorrow



West Pilton & West Granton Community Council meets tomorrow night for the first ‘normal’ business meeting since the Autum community council elections.

See below for Tuesday’s Agenda

Continue reading West Pilton & West Granton Community Council meets tomorrow

Leith Links playpark transformed

Kids of all ages are in for a treat at the brand new Leith Links play park, which was formally opened on Friday, becoming one of the Capital’s largest play spaces.

Leith links

A parkour unit, a Rolli trampoline for wheelchair users, a natural play area and oodles of great new play equipment chosen by the local community have allbeen installed in the north Edinburgh park.

Continue reading Leith Links playpark transformed

Induction session choice for community councillors

The city council has organised induction sessions for newly-appointed Community Councillors:

Congratulations on your appointment as a community council member. The Council values the commitment and input of community councils and we look forward to working in partnership with you.

The CC elections attracted a high proportion of new members and I am delighted to invite new members to a community council induction session. If spaces remain then this will be opened up to returning CC members. I’d also like to make you aware that support materials are available on the council website.

The induction session aims to provide an introduction to the roles and responsibilities of community councils and community councillors, such as their statutory responsibilities in terms of planning, licensing and community planning.

The same session will be held on the following dates:

Saturday 9 November, City Chambers, High Street from 10 am until 12.30.

Wednesday 13 November, City Chambers, High Street from 6.00 pm – 8.40

Please respond to  if you are a new member and would like to attend on either of the above dates by Friday 1 November 2019. 

Please let us know of anything you need to help you take part eg large print, disabled access requirements, hearing loop etc.

There will be opportunities at the induction for networking and discussion and putting forward your ideas for future training and support.

Ross Murray

Governance Officer, Strategy & Communications Division CEC