Lifeline for threatened projects? It’s too soon to celebrate

The North Edinburgh Save Our Services campaign are holding an Action Meeting on Wednesday evening – and there may be some good news at last for the six local community projects whose Health and Social Care funding was slashed by the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board last December. Continue reading Lifeline for threatened projects? It’s too soon to celebrate

West Pilton West Granton CC to meet on Tuesday

I am inviting you to attend the next meeting of the West Pilton West Granton Community Council at 7pm on Tuesday 5th February at the West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre.
We have a number of important issues to discuss including the campaign to Save Our Services (above), the latest on the Waterfront Development and local housing improvement schemes.
I attach a copy of the meeting agenda for your interest and hope that you will be able to join us.
Kind regards
Peter Faassen de Heer
Secretary, West Pilton West Granton Community Council


Community Council cancelled: activists speaking at tonight’s Localities meeting

Tonight’s Drylaw Telford Community Council meeting has been cancelled as all Inverleith councillors will be attending another meeting – North West Locality Committee is meeting tonight at 6.30pm in the Dean of Guilds Room at the City Chambers.

Two local activists representing Save Our Services North Edinburgh will be  speaking about the impact of the Health and Social Care cuts in a deputation to the Localities Committee.

The meeting is open to the public: go along and support local services if you can!

‘United We Will Swim … Again’ screening at North Edinburgh Arts


I’m writing on behalf of the Power to the People group to invite you  to a screening of ‘United We Will Swim ….. Again’  on Wednesday (9 November) at 6.30 in North Edinburgh Arts (writes Lynn McCabe). Continue reading ‘United We Will Swim … Again’ screening at North Edinburgh Arts

Roberta Blaikie funeral: transport available

Call Royston Wardieburn if you need transport to Warriston


Regular readers will know that local activist Roberta Blaikie’s funeral is on Tuesday at 1pm at Warriston Crematorium.

Transport will be available for members of the local community – call Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on 552 5700 to let them know your requirements.

Immigration: Film screening and discussion at North Edinburgh Arts

East meets West to talk human rights tomorrow night

Glasgow Girls

It couldn’t be more topical …

Pupils from Broughton and Craigroyston High Schools will be among those taking part in a Q & A session and discussion with original ‘Glasgow Girl’ Roza Salih following the screening of the film at North Edinburgh Arts tomorrow night.

All welcome.


Change on the agenda at Community Council AGM



Councillor Maureen Child, Convener of the Communities and Neighbourhoods Committee, is guest speaker at West Pilton West Granton Community Council’s annual general meeting next month.

Her theme, appropriately enough, is ‘The Changing Role of Community Councils’.

The meeting will take place in West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre on Tuesday 2 June at 7pm. All welcome.

For further information contact W Black (Secretary) on 07515686421, email

Community Council agm poster note 2 6 15

Happy birthday, Roberta!

DSCF0051A very Happy Birthday to Royston Wardieburn stalwart Roberta Blaikie, who celebrates her 70th birthday today.

Roberta has been at the heart of community activities across North Edinburgh for many years and friends, family and colleagues from over the years joined Roberta for a surprise party at a packed Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on Sunday.


Your community needs YOU!

Coming soon – the Community Leadership College!

needsyouGroundwork is now underway to establish a new Community Leadership College in North Edinburgh. The initiative will build on the skills of local residents and will be designed by the community itself.

Total Craigroyston works in partnership with others to strengthen services across Pilton and Muirhouse; strengthening support for families and building on the strength of the community.

The organisation, with partners Circle Scotland and Muirhouse Link Up, recently secured funding from the STV Foundation to develop a Community Leadership College.

What’s a community college?

“Many local people have become involved in community activities and volunteering through Link Up, The North Edinburgh Time Bank and many other community projects,” explained Total Craigroyston manager Christine Mackay. “The Community Leadership College will give us the opportunity to take that involvement to the next level by providing training, support and other types of activities so that more leaders are created within the community. The development of the college will be directed by local residents themselves, initially through a series of ‘Conversation Cafes’, so that we can gather their ideas and develop the programme.”

The College will be led by the community, ensuring that local needs and aspirations are central to the college’s development.

Over the coming weeks a series of ‘community conversation cafe’ events on the subject of community leadership will be held across the area.

It’s hoped that these informal sessions will attract the widest possible range of local residents of all ages, and the ideas and suggestions generated at the conversation cafes will then be used to develop the community leadership college plan.

Look out for more information coming soon – and get involved! Be part of shaping your community!