Green, growing and successful?


Edinburgh remains one of the most prosperous and green places to live in the UK, according to findings collated by the City of Edinburgh Council. 

The 18th annual Edinburgh by Numbers is based on data from a variety of sources including the ONS, National Records of Scotland and the Scottish Household Survey.

Looked at together, the figures reveal that residents in the Scottish capital are 1.5 times more likely to take up cycling and running – with most (74%) able to enjoy local green spaces within a five minute walk from home.

With 144 parks making up almost half of the city (49%), 92% of people surveyed are satisfied with local green spaces and Edinburgh has almost halved greenhouse gas emissions over the last decade (by 40.9% since 2012).

Highlighting the city’s economic resilience, Edinburgh has retained its position as the UK’s most economically productive city outside of London with some of the highest wages, skilled workers and employment.

Tourism continues to recover from the pandemic, with hotel occupancy rates at their highest in 6 years (81.4%) and 5 million visitors staying overnight in Edinburgh, and air and travel also rebounding.

The city is growing almost three times faster than the rest of Scotland and house prices are valued at the highest in the country. In 10 years, our population has grown by 8.4% to 523,250 people but for the first time, fewer babies are being born.

Further statistics reveal:  

  • Edinburgh’s weather is changing, with April to June now the wettest months
  • Finance leads Edinburgh’s local economy, generating £7.2 billion – that’s as much as the next three largest sectors combined
  • Satisfaction with public transport is very high at 86% of those surveyed, well above Scotland’s 64% average
  • There are more university students in Edinburgh than school pupils (together, they make up 161,000 of the population)
  • 75.8% of workers have a degree, which is far higher than other UK cities
  • Audiences are eager to return to top rated visitor attractions and events with visitors flocking to Edinburgh Castle (1.9m visitors) the National Museum of Scotland (2.19 million visitors) and the festivals (4.59 million in person and online attendees).

Council Leader Jane Meagher said: “This edition of Edinburgh by Numbers reminds us of the strength and success of our capital city, which continues to punch far above its weight as a place to live, work, invest in and visit.

“Thanks to our fantastic parks and air quality, ‘Auld Reekie’ is no more. We’re leading the way in climate consciousness and outdoor living – with the data pointing to more of us cycling and running, high satisfaction rates with public transport and positive scores for wellbeing.

“We know that the results of Edinburgh by Numbers are hotly anticipated by professionals from across the tourism sector at home and abroad, and the outlook for hospitality is healthy – people are flocking back to the city’s main attractions and festivals and 5 million visitors are staying overnight. That’s 40% of Scotland’s total overnight tourism with hotel occupancy rates their highest in six years (81.4%).

“So, we’re getting outdoors and we’re enjoying our city and, in this report, there is much to celebrate. That said, these numbers also speak to the challenges Edinburgh faces. Drawn by good jobs and a good quality of life, migration means our population is growing three times faster than other Scottish cities. We’re living longer, but the birth rate has dropped. Many residents are struggling with the cost of living – meaning poverty and homelessness remain two of the biggest challenges of our time

“All of this leads to unprecedented demand for homes and public services. Initiatives such as our affordable housebuilding programme, Visitor Levy, climate adaptation and better connectivity around the city will give us more resources and solutions for sustainably managing Edinburgh’s continued economic success and growth.”

Denise Hamilton, Head of Communications at Cycling Scotland, commented:It’s really encouraging to see 68% of short trips now being made on foot or by bike in Edinburgh. New dedicated cycle routes, like the City Centre West to East Link and Leith Walk, are showing big increases in the proportion of journeys being cycled, compared with other transport.  

“As Edinburgh continues to build its planned citywide network of safe, on-street cycle lanes, it’s likely more and more people will choose to get around by bike and benefit from being active, saving money and getting to their destination quickly. And everyone living in or visiting Edinburgh can enjoy cleaner air and less congestion.”


ICO takes action to improve access to personal information from local authorities across Scotland

  • Reprimands issued to Glasgow City Council and City of Edinburgh Council for failing to respond to requests for personal information on time   
  • Action follows ICO engagement with local authorities across Scotland to improve right of access, including for people with care experience and those applying for redress after suffering abuse while in care   
  • Those who were let down in the past are being let down again, this time by poor SAR compliance.” 

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is taking action to tackle significant delays for people who are trying to access copies of their personal information held by local authorities across Scotland.  

Under data protection law, people have the right to ask an organisation if it holds their personal information and receive a copy of any personal information held within a month, unless an extension is applied – this is known as a subject access request (SAR).  

The regulator has now reprimanded both Glasgow City Council and City of Edinburgh Council for repeatedly failing to respond to SARs within the legal timeframe, leading to a significant backlog of requests.  

The reprimands follow the ICO’s proactive engagement with all 32 local authorities in Scotland after it became aware of delays in responses to SARs, amounting to years in some cases.  

Many local authorities have seen an increase in SARs received, many in relation to the Redress Scotland scheme where people who suffered abuse while in care can apply for redress using supporting documents such as their care records.  

Jenny Brotchie, Acting Head of Scottish Affairs at the ICO, said: “Those who were let down in the past are being let down again, this time by poor SAR compliance.

“We have heard how undue delays and lack of communication from local authorities can cause further distress for people, including those with care experience and those trying to claim redress in Scotland.

“Local authorities must get this right despite the rising numbers of requests, which is why we have been offering support and monitoring those with poor compliance until we are satisfied that improvements have been made.”  

Following the ICO’s scrutiny and support to put action plans in place, many local authorities have significantly reduced their backlog of requests and improved their response times.  

Despite a 67% overall increase in the total number of SARs to local authorities in Scotland between 2021 and 2024, 75% of local authorities improved their SAR compliance, with 13 local authorities reporting a compliance rate of 90% in 2023/24. 

However, the regulator launched investigations into two local authorities, Glasgow City Council and City of Edinburgh Council, after it did not see any tangible improvements over 12 months.  

The ICO’s recent compulsory audit of Glasgow City Council found that the council has good policies and procedures in place to handle SARs. However, lack of resource and budget remains an issue, with the council still unable to respond to many SARs within the legal timeframe.   

Following its reprimand, City of Edinburgh Council has now reported some improvement in its response times.   

Jenny Brotchie added: “While I’m pleased to see significant improvements from most of the local authorities that we engaged with, SAR compliance in Scotland remains a concern and we must ensure people can exercise their information rights effectively and without further harm.

“We expect all local authorities to have sufficient resources in place to handle the volume and complexity of SARs, and to keep people updated on the progress of their request.  

“We are taking a proportionate approach to monitoring local authorities, but these reprimands show that we will not hesitate to take enforcement action where necessary.”  

Looking forward, the ICO continues to engage with local authorities and other key stakeholders to drive further improvements and ensure that people can access their own personal information. 

The ICO has committed to improving the support it provides to both people who grew up in the care system across the UK and the organisations that hold their information. It has been gathering evidence of the challenges facing both people and organisations when it comes to accessing care records and will share its findings and next steps over the coming months.  

Read more detail about the ICO’s work with local authorities in Scotland here

Find out more about your information rights here, including the right of access.  

UNISON protest against catastrophic cuts to Lothian third sector

Largest health union protest against £4.5m cuts to Lothian’s third sector services

Activists from Scotland biggest health union, UNISON will gather outside Edinburgh City Chambers this morning to lobby against proposed £4.5m cuts to 64 third sector organisations in the city.

These cuts, including a £1 million reduction in welfare rights services, will strip vital support from low-income families, disabled people, carers and contradicting the Edinburgh Council’s anti-poverty strategy, says UNISON

Unions and community organisations are warning that the consequences could be catastrophic for service users and staff.

The removal of these preventative services will also increase pressure on NHS services, A&E, and crisis care, shifting costs rather than delivering real savings, says the union

UNISON is calling on the City of Edinburgh Council to allocate £4.5 million in next year’s budget to keep these essential services running.

UNISON Lothian health branch secretary Tracy-Anne Miller said: “Slashing funding to third sector organisations will devastate communities and cost more in the long run.

“These cuts will push more people into NHS services at a time when hospitals and GPs are already overstretched. We need investment in care, not a crisis. We are calling on the council to step up, protect these services, and prevent these cuts.”

UNISON activists will gather outside Edinburgh City Chambers from 8.30 am this morning (Thursday 20th February) to lobby the City of Edinburgh Council to protect funding for 64 third sector organisations facing cuts following the announcement by the Edinburgh Integrated Joint Board (which directs the health and social care partnership) to cut its £4.5million third sector grants programme from June 2025. 

UNITE City of Edinburgh Branch will also be making their voices heard in the quadrangle today. A demo will take place outside the City Chambers on the High Street from 8.30am to 9.30am,

The unions will send deputations to the meeting to speak on behalf of their members. In all, ELEVEN deputations will be heard today. Among them are Oaklands School Parents Council and LIFT Muirhouse Millennium Centre from North Edinburgh.

Labour nominally runs Edinburgh, propped up by Lib Dem and Tory support. Last year, under the leadership of now-suspended Cammy Day, the administration controversially adopted a Lib-Dem budget.

Labour, and the City of Edinburgh Council, is now under new leadership, but the perennial challenge of meeting an increasing demand for services with never quite enough financial resources remains as tough as ever.

As councils try to balance the books a painful Council Tax increase is inevitable.

Earlier this week COSLA’s Resource Spokesperson, Councillor Katie Hagmann, warned: “Councils are working hard to deliver every day for our communities. However, budget cuts, inflation, higher costs such as the increase to employers’ national insurance contributions, and the previous freezes on council tax mean councils have unfortunately had to make difficult decisions to avoid reducing or cutting essential services.

“Council tax is one of the few options councils have to raise money to invest in local improvements such as roads; community halls and leisure centres; and public transport. These are services that benefit us all, but especially the people in our communities who might need extra support – such as children and young people, parents with young children, elderly people, or those with disabilities. With this in mind, councils are carefully considering what increase is necessary and appropriate for them locally.

“Reform of council tax is overdue and COSLA wishes to see a Council Tax that is fair and proportionate for all householders.

“Councils have advice and support services in place to help people who are struggling to pay their council tax or having financial difficulties. We recommend speaking to the council tax and benefits department in your council to find out more.”

Today, National Leadership Day incidentally, we’ll hear the respective political parties put forward their vision for Scotland’s capital city. Just what kind of city does Edinburgh want to be?

Tough choices? Of course, but it’s also an opportunity to begin to restore Edinburgh’s battered reputation.

It’s time for real leadership.

The council budget debate starts at 10am and is also broadcast live on the City of Edinburgh Council webcast site

PAPERS for this morning’s budget meeting can be found on the council website.

Deja Vu: Nominations open for Colinton Fairmilehead by-election

Nominations opened on Friday (6 December) for candidates to stand in the forthcoming Colinton/Fairmilehead by-election.

The by-election is being held following the resignations of Councillor Marco Biagi (SNP) and Councillor Louise Spence (Lib Dems) last month.  

On Thursday 23 January 2025, Colinton/Fairmilehead residents will go to the polls to elect two new councillors to represent the ward which also includes Bonaly, Dreghorn, Oxgangs and Swanston.

The current electorate is 19,907 and turnout at the most recent by-election was 37.4%.

A Formal Notice of Election was also published today explaining how to stand as a candidate, who is eligible to vote and how to make sure you are on the Electoral Register. 

Voters have a range of options for casting their ballot – in person, by post or by appointing someone they trust to vote in their place, known as a proxy vote.

In order to stand as a candidate, individuals must submit nomination papers, which are available on the Council website, by 4pm on Tuesday 17 December.

Returning Officer for the City of Edinburgh, Paul Lawrence said:The Notice of Election signifies the official start of the election period for the Colinton / Fairmilehead ward.

“I would urge all residents in the ward to make sure they are registered and have their details or preference of how they would like to vote up to date in plenty of time.

“Anyone unsure about how to register, where to vote or how to vote by post can find more information on the Council website.”

Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm on 23 January 2025. Details of these will be announced in due course.

The election will use the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system where voters can rank candidates in order of preference rather than using a single cross. Voters can give a rank to as many or as few candidates as they like.

People aged 16 and over and all those legally resident – including foreign citizens – can register to vote in this election. Find out more about elections in Edinburgh and how to register to vote on the Council website.

The deadline to register to vote is Tuesday 7 January 2025, to apply for a postal vote the deadline is Wednesday 8 January 2025, and for a proxy vote the deadline is Wednesday 15 January 2025.

Social Care Direct workers to strike

Senior Practitioners will take industrial action in a dispute over failure to deal with workers’ issues and imposition of changes

Unite members within Social Care Direct (Children’s Services) are set to strike from 16 to 18 April in a dispute about imposed changes at work, continued mistreatment from management and the failure to deal with issues raised by workers.

Read on to understand the impact and how you can help your colleagues in dispute:

Front door to social work

Social Care Direct is the ‘front door’ to social work for children and families in Edinburgh, therefore the strike will have a significant impact. However, the Council have chosen to ignore workers in this area, knowing that this would result in industrial action that creates risks.

The workers are long-standing council workers and senior professionals. They have dedicated their lives to protecting children’s welfare and are committed to safeguarding and helping families in Edinburgh. All along Unite members have been ready to engage with management to find a resolution. However, members have been forced to take action as a last resort as management refuse to take their concerns seriously or engage in a meaningful way.

How we got here

Unite members raised concerns in January 2023 and are still awaiting a response. All the while chances were impose on the service, without consulting with workers or including them in the process.

Unite members are welcoming of changes—in fact, have been calling for them for some time—but we are clear that all changes must be done with workers not to them.

All too familiar

The Council’s failures here come in the context of the Council having allegedly improved how they deal with employee concerns following the Tanner Inquiry and last year’s Stanyte vs Edinburgh Council employment tribunal, which ruled that the council failed to appropriately handle a grievance.

How you can support your colleagues

Donate to the strike fund to support striking Unite members.

Councils on the brink of collapse

Nearly a quarter of Scottish councils warn of effective bankruptcy

  • EVERY SINGLE COUNCIL plans cuts to services, affecting millions of residents

New research out today from Local Government Information Unit (LGIU) Scotland reveals that nearly a quarter of Scottish councils fear they will not be able to balance their budgets in the 2024/25 financial year.

This is despite the fact that every single council in Scotland plans to cut spending on services in the next financial year, with around two-thirds of respondents cutting spending on education, parks and leisure, and business support.

Alongside planned cuts, nearly all (97%) said that they would be increasing fees and charges, and nine in ten (89%) that they would be spending reserves. 

The first annual LGIU State of Local Government Finance in Scotland survey, found more than three quarters of respondents (76%) believe these cuts will be evident to the public.

Had it not been for the Scottish Government decision to unilaterally declare a council tax freeze, every council would have raised council tax, most often by a significant amount. The proposed council tax freeze has contributed to an increasingly poor relationship between Scottish Government and local government.

The current state of the economy, manifested in high rates of inflation, affects wages, utilities and food, thus making service provision even more expensive for councils and was considered to be a problem by every respondent who answered. The associated cost of living crisis – which puts additional demand on services – was also considered to be a problem by over 90% of respondents. 

There was widespread agreement on the most pressing issues in council finances: in addition to inflation, ring-fencing, staff recruitment, cost of living crisis and pressures linked to demographic change were all considered to be problems by more than 90% of respondents. 

Adult social care and children’s services were considered the greatest shortest-term pressures on council finances, and adult social care by far the greatest long-term pressure. 

Jonathan Carr-West, Chief Executive, LGIU Scotland, said: “Councils in Scotland are raising a red flag that council finances are completely unsustainable. With nearly a quarter of councils warning they may be unable to fulfil their statutory duties, it is only a matter of time before we see the first council in Scotland declare effective bankruptcy. 

“Councils are pulling every lever available to them to balance their books. Every respondent said they were cutting spending on services, 97% that they would be increasing fees and charges, 89% that they would be spending reserves. But it is not enough. Councils have little to no confidence in local government finance and the issues behind the crisis are not going away.

“Scottish Government must work productively with councils to restore trust, remove ring fencing, identify revenue streams and reform core funding for councils to ensure residents, and particularly the most vulnerable in communities, are able to access the services they need and pay for.”

Council Rent Consultation: Edinburgh Tenants Federation support sessions

Edinburgh Tenants Federation are holding in-person and online support sessions for any Edinburgh Council tenants who want to respond to the city council’s Rent Consultation.

Please contact Shona Agnew – / telephone 07399584282 if you wish to book on one of the dates listed.

Annual Cllr Awards shortlist unveiled

Just ONE Edinburgh Councillor makes the cut

  • 14th annual Cllr Awards shortlist unveiled
  • Local councillors from Cornwall to the Orkney Islands shortlisted for national awards

49 local councillors from across England, Wales and Scotland have been shortlisted for the 2023 LGIU and CCLA Cllr Awards, showcasing the vital contributions of councillors for the 14th year running. 

Competition was extremely tight with more than 300 nominations received across five categories that celebrate the wide-ranging work of councillors. The categories up for grabs this year include Community ChampionLeader of the YearYoung Councillor of the YearResilience Champion and Lifetime Legend 

Only one City of Edinburgh councillor has made the shortlist. Leith Labour councillor James Dalgleish (above) is in the running for the Young Councillor of the Year Award.

The winners in England & Wales will be announced at the Guildhall in London at 7pm on 16 November 2023. The winners in Scotland will be announced at the City Chambers in Edinburgh at 7pm on 21 November 2023. 

RSVP here to secure your place

The Cllr Awards judging panels are made up of senior councillors and leading stakeholders from across the sector. These are the only national awards to celebrate and showcase the work of individual councillors. This year’s awards are made possible thanks to the generous support of founding partners CCLA.

Jonathan Carr-West, Chief Executive, LGIU said: “In the face of unprecedented domestic and global challenges over the last year, councillors nationwide have once again exhibited unwavering dedication to serving their constituents.

“The shortlist for the 2023 Cllr Awards represents some of the most devoted elected representatives in England, Wales and Scotland. 

“As councils continue to deliver essential services like social care and housing amid a cost of living crisis, these Awards are a hugely important way to champion what councillors do locally. Their work, all too often, goes unrecognised and we take great pride in featuring their stories in this year’s shortlist.

“Congratulations to all the councillors nominated and shortlisted and I look forward to announcing the winners in November.”

2023 Shortlist – Scotland

Community Champion

Cllr Geva Blackett – Aberdeenshire Council

Cllr Duncan Cumming – East Dunbartonshire Council

Cllr Ruairi Kelly – Glasgow City Council

Cllr Alastair Redman – Argyll and Bute Council

Cllr Kirsten Robb – South Lanarkshire Council

Leader of the Year

Cllr John Alexander – Dundee City Council

Cllr Stephen McCabe – Inverclyde Council

Cllr Cecil Meiklejohn – Falkirk Council

Cllr James Stockan – Orkney Islands Council

Lifetime Legend

Cllr Jim Logue – North Lanarkshire Council

Cllr Ross Vettraino – Fife Council

Cllr Martha Wardrop – Glasgow City Council

Cllr David Watson – South Lanarkshire Council

Cllr Helen Wright – Dundee City Council

Resilience Champion

Cllr Chris Lunday – East Renfrewshire Council

Cllr Nairn McDonald – North Ayrshire Council

Cllr Angus Millar – Glasgow City Council

Cllr Samuel Payne – Aberdeenshire Council

Cllr Heather Woodbridge – Orkney Islands Council

Young Councillor of the Year

Cllr James Dalgleish – Edinburgh Council

Cllr Scott Hamilton – Scottish Borders Council

Cllr Dan Hutchison – Glasgow City Council

Cllr Kristopher Leask – Orkney Islands Council

Cllr Lana Reid-McConnell – Glasgow City Council

Fountainbridge set for new council housing

Over 100 new council homes have been approved as part of Edinburgh’s major regeneration of Fountainbridge.

Formerly the site of the Fountain Brewery, the huge number of new homes for social rent will feature in a 49,000 square metre redevelopment overlooking the Union Canal.

The area will be transformed as part of a development called Leamington Square – a joint venture between the City of Edinburgh Council as landowner and a partnership between Cruden Homes (East) Ltd and Buccleuch Property. They will deliver around 464 homes alongside landscaping and infrastructure improvements, over 2,700 square metres of retail space supporting the creation of a 20-minute neighbourhood approach and new local jobs.

The Council will own 115 homes for social rent and 71 homes for mid market rent as part of the plans and support the delivery of additional, affordable new homes. It will also spearhead the creation of a community growing space and new integrated cycle ways. Over 1,000 cycle parking spaces are planned for the development in total.

The Union Canal is a Local Nature Conservation Site and landscaping is planned to create a biodiverse area in harmony with the character of the waterway. Generous use of trees of varying species is also planned while the development will be designed to minimise greenhouse gas emissions and incorporate low carbon technologies, in line with Edinburgh’s ambitious net zero aims. Historic elements of the adjacent North British Rubber Factory will also be preserved and incorporated into the designs.

It is envisaged that work will begin in 2024 and be fully built-out by 2027.

Councillor Jane Meagher, Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Convener, said: “For years, Edinburgh has desperately needed more new social housing. This council is determined to tackle that shortfall and I’m delighted that we’ve secured space for over 100 new homes for social rent at Leamington Square.

“Just a stone’s throw away from the Union Canal, with great cycle links and amenities on the doorstep, the regeneration of the old brewery site is sure to prove a really popular place to live.

“The demand we are seeing for affordable and social homes is only going to increase as our city grows. And, while the future is challenging, together with developers and others we are doing everything within our powers to make it fairer on residents and on our environment with high quality, affordable, sustainable homes.”

 Carlo D’Emidio, Project Director of Cruden Homes, said:This is a significant milestone for this flagship new development, which will see the transformation of this former brownfield site in Fountainbridge into a vibrant new community. 

“Subject to our development agreement with City of Edinburgh Council, Cruden and Buccleuch will deliver highly sustainable, Net Zero homes which will sit amongst a wealth of new amenities and community spaces in the Capital’s newest neighbourhood.”

Ewan Anderson, Managing Director, 7N Architects, said: “7N Architects are delighted that planners have approved our latest plans for this new, mixed use, neighbourhood at Fountainbridge in Edinburgh.

“The development will provide 464 mixed-tenure homes, 30,000 sq.ft of mixed-use space and people friendly public realm which will reinvigorate this important canalside site. We now look forward to taking the project onwards with Cruden Homes, Buccleuch Property and the City of Edinburgh Council.”

Revealed: the UK local authorities where CCTV has QUADRUPLED since 2019


  • There are now 12,960 more CCTV cameras in the UK than there were three years ago
  • Almost seven in ten (69%) local authorities have increased their surveillance 
  • Gwynedd and Wokingham councils have both upped their CCTV installations by over 300% 

The number of public CCTV cameras in the UK has now risen to over 100,000, with some local authorities more than quadrupling their surveillance over the last three years. 

IronmongeryDirect, the UK’s largest supplier of specialist ironmongery, issued Freedom of Information requests to local authorities and found that almost seven in ten (69%) have increased their CCTV presence since 2019. 

Across the UK, there are now 108,533 public cameras, representing an increase of 14% (12,960 new devices). This doesn’t include privately owned equipment, such as cameras operated by businesses or members of the public, so the overall total will be even greater. 

The biggest rise in CCTV has been in Gwynedd, in north-west Wales, where the council now operates 468 cameras, compared to 101 in 2019 – an increase of 363%. A new system has recently been installed that added multiple static cameras in locations where there used to be one pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) device. 

Gwynedd Council is one of 16 local authorities that have more than doubled their CCTV over the last three years. 

The local authorities that have increased CCTV at the quickest rate since 2019 are: 

The biggest numerical increase was found in Liverpool, where there are now 741 more cameras than there were in 2019 (754 up to 1,495). 

The London Borough of Hackney, however, has the highest level of surveillance. The council controls 3,119 CCTV devices, which is 815 more than any other local authority. 

The councils with the most CCTV cameras in the UK are: 

# Local authority CCTV cameras in 2022 
London Borough of Hackney  3,119  
London Borough of Hillingdon 2,304 
South Lanarkshire Council  2,154  
City of Edinburgh  2,027  
Portsmouth 1,997 

IronmongeryDirect spoke to Grant Fulton, CMC Operations Manager at Corps Monitoring, who predicts that the number of CCTV cameras in the UK will continue to increase:  “As technology continues to advance, so too will the application of CCTV monitoring systems.

“Over the next few years, CCTV technology will improve our personal safety, the safety of our homes, businesses, assets, and far more.

“Currently, CCTV is mainly used for heatmaps and people counting but, in the future, CCTV-based facial recognition will be a significant part of our world, carrying major implications for personal device security and shopping. 

“And as this technology increases, it drives down the cost of surveillance protection, making it more affordable and accessible than ever before.” 

Dominick Sandford, Managing Director at IronmongeryDirect, said: “CCTV is an integral part of modern-day society, and cameras have grown more commonplace in recent years as technology and connectivity have improved. 

“The increases revealed in our research might raise privacy concerns, but generally CCTV benefits the safety and security of both the public and businesses, and the upwards trend is unlikely to stop anytime soon.” 

To read IronmongeryDirect’s CCTV Capitals of the UK: 2022 Report, including the CCTV figures for every UK local authority, visit: