Best city in the world? ‘Well-loved’ Edinburgh council report published

Recently crowned the best city in the world by Time Out magazine, Edinburgh’s reputation as a great place to live, work, invest in and visit remains well intact. That’s according to the 16th annual Edinburgh by Numbers report, published by the city council last week.

The report reveals that residents’ lives are not only enriched by a vibrant cultural scene and more top-rated parks than any other comparable UK city – but on average Edinburgh people can expect to live longer, healthier lives.

Highlighting the city’s economic resilience, the findings also reveal that it’s not just residents who are in good health. Edinburgh has recorded the strongest local business survival rates and above average wages, retaining its position as the UK’s most economically productive city outside of London. Plus, all signs point to a post-pandemic rebound – with Edinburgh by Numbers demonstrating a bounce back in airport passenger numbers.

In summary, the stats reveal that:  

  • Edinburgh has the highest life expectancy of the UK’s 8 major cities
  • And the highest proportion of life spent in good health (80%) 
  • Boasts the most ‘green flag’ parks (35), twice as many as runner up Birmingham 
  • With a greater number of ultra-low emission vehicles compared to elsewhere in Scotland (2.32% of vehicles) 
  • More Michelin starred restaurants than any comparable city 
  • And audiences eager to return to the city’s top rated visitor attractions and festivals  
  • Strong recovery for the airport, with 11.3m passengers in 2022 vs 3m in 2021
  • The highest GVA per capita, the sign of a healthy economy
  • With above average wages and big decline in unemployment, down 50% in a decade 
  • A highly educated workforce, with more people working at degree level or above 
  • One of the highest student populations, behind Manchester and Bristol 
  • Plus a population increase in the last decade of over 10% across all age groups, bucking national trends 
  • While hard to believe, Edinburgh was also less rainy in 2022 than in the 5 years previous. 

Council Leader Cammy Day said: “Edinburgh by Numbers is one of our most well-loved and well used pieces of research, providing a handy resource for everyone from school pupils to professors. This latest edition doesn’t disappoint and provides yet another unique overview of life in Scotland’s capital.

“It may be small but not many capital cities can boast the unique blend of greenspaces, beaches or indeed ancient volcanoes Edinburgh can – not to mention the most famous festivals on the planet. It’s no surprise, then, that Edinburgh is often cited as one of the most incredible places to live. But perhaps all of this culture and outdoor space is actually good for our wellbeing, too?

“With Edinburgh by Numbers revealing evidence of people living well and living longer compared to similar cities, plus good survival rates for local businesses, Edinburgh’s outlook is certainly healthy. All of this shouldn’t be taken for granted, especially following the hardship of Covid. Thankfully, the latest Edinburgh by Numbers points to a great level of business resilience in our city and now the gradual and welcome return of tourism.

“The ‘Team Edinburgh’ approach to economic recovery involved over 60 organisations coming together to set out what was needed for the city to bounce back from the pandemic. Clearly, this dedicated work to build Edinburgh back after lockdown has been a success. 

While all of this good news is to be welcomed, however, there is a flip side to the reputation Edinburgh has coined. Our population has risen faster over the last decade than other cities and we’re living longer, leading to increased demand for homes and some of the most expensive rents in Europe.

Wages are higher than average, but so too are costs and many residents continue to struggle with the cost of living crisis. In just three years, we’ve seen a 191% rise in the number of people who are in work claiming Universal Credit.

“For the council, Government and all city partners, it’s important that we use the findings of Edinburgh by Numbers and address these challenges. Future generations should be able to reap the benefits of ‘the best city in the world’ too.

“This involves planning for the future in line with our 2050 City Vision and projects like the tram to Newhaven, Granton’s regeneration and affordable housebuilding will be key to a more sustainable city, alongside our ambitious net zero carbon by 2030 goal.”

Emergency: Lib-Dem calls to stop sewage dumping in the Water of Leith

The Water of Leith deserves better. It’s been a freshwater resource for centuries – ebbing and flowing across Edinburgh, connecting the Pentlands to Colinton, Saughton, Roseburn, Stockbridge, Canonmills, Bonnington and Leith. Our communities were literally built around it’s clean, fresh flowing water (writes Lib-Dem Cllr JACK CALDWELL).

It’s home to over 11 species of fish, thousands of plant species and is absolutely vital to Edinburgh’s local ecosystem, providing a biodiverse habitat for birds, otters and ducks.

So why have we let it fill up with untreated human waste?

There are 65 Combined Sewage Overflow Stations (CSOs) on the Water of Leith, 14 of which are between the Leith Shore and Warriston, a stretch of the river where you can typically find ducks nesting, or people simply enjoying public “green and blue space” as many of us escape from our gardenless flats.

As of January, none of these CSOs currently retain any data of how much sewage they pump out of them when the drains are overwhelmed by harsher weather, which is becoming more and more common due to climate change.

However 24 of Scottish Water’s 108 highest priority assets for urgent upgrade across the country are located here. New screens have been fitted on several CSOs in the past few years with varying anecdotal results, but the issue ultimately lies with sewage flowing into our precious river in the first place. But how much?

When the ‘Sewage Scandal’ broke last in 2021, data was published across the UK. Sadly Not in Scotland though. We know Sewage is being dumped in the Water of Leith, but we don’t know the extent. We also know that extreme weather led to a 40% increase of raw sewage dumping across Scotland in 2021.

The data we do have in nearby rivers is concerning. In December 2019, the Newbridge CSO, which is monitored, spilled sewage water into the River Almond 13 times discharging over 2,100 litres of water in one month (source: SEPA FOI).

Lots of volunteer-led organisations are doing fabulous work trying to get more information or trying to help clean it up themselves. SOS Leith and the Water of Leith Conservation Trust, among others, both remove tonnes of litter every month from the river and surrounding paths. However, they can’t, nor shouldn’t have to, remove excrement and wet wipes.

Scottish Lib Dem MSP Liam McArthur has been pressing Holyrood Ministers to fund and fix the issues, but locally the new Edinburgh and Lothians Drain Partnership must work with Scottish Water and SEPA (the Scottish Environment Protection Agency) to start collecting data before we can even begin to seriously tackle the issue.

With several Scottish Government officials quoted saying Scotland is “way behind” England in terms of solving the raw sewage spill problem, our country, city and communities deserve better.

We need to stop taking Edinburgh’s natural environment for granted. The Council recently declared a nature and biodiversity emergency.

This is why Lib Dem councillors have tabled a motion at this Thursday’s Council meeting to get a public meeting of the Edinburgh and Lothians Drain Partnership as agencies working together and collecting data is a key and urgent part of ultimately stopping the discharge of human waste into Edinburgh’s longest river.

It’s a pity there aren’t more in Holyrood who see the urgency of this issue, but I hope that Councillors can back our plan to move this forward;–

The Lib-Dem motion:

“Council –


1)    That there are a large number of Combined Sewer Overflow (CSOs) outputs in Edinburgh’s waterways, such as along the Water of Leith, the River Almond and the Figgate Burn.

2)    That many CSOs are not actively monitored, despite promises from Scottish Water and SEPA that a number of monitors would be installed by the end of 2022.

3)    That although plans have come forward Scottish Water to reduce the amount of CSOs in total, action is still to be taken outwith ‘upgrading’ a small percentage of CSOs.


1)    The important benefits that our rivers and coastline plays for our community, and that many voluntary organisations clean up our waterways, and thanks them for their ongoing service.

2)    The current situation is contradictory to the City of Edinburgh Council’s declaration of a Nature and Climate Emergency.

3)    The City of Edinburgh Council is a member of the Edinburgh and Lothians Drain Partnership along with Scottish Water, SEPA and others.


1)    The Edinburgh and Lothians Drains Partnership holds an extraordinary meeting to draft a publicly accessible plan of action and invites key stakeholders and campaign groups including (but not exclusive to) The Water of Leith Conservation Trust, River Almond Action Group, Figgate Friends, Forth Rivers Trust and SOS Leith with Full Minutes published on the Council website alongside a map of all river-based CSOs within the City of Edinburgh.

2)    That Transport and Environment Committee is:

provided six-monthly updates on the installation of sewage monitoring to the business bulletin.
provided ongoing data when this monitoring is live

3)    The Council Leader write to the Scottish Government, Scottish Water and SEPA, outlining the Council’s major concern that no-one knows how much sewage is being dumped in Edinburgh’s biodiverse waterways.


that the ambition should be that Edinburgh’s waterways are free from the discharge of human waste.”

Moved by: Councillor Jack Caldwell
Seconded by: Councillor Hal Osler

Coronation to be screened live in Princes Street Gardens

West Princes Street Gardens will host a special free screening in the Capital to mark the Coronation of HM The King.

On Saturday 6 May, Edinburgh’s screening will coincide with celebrations taking place around the country as the nation marks the crowning of the King alongside Camilla, the Queen Consort, with a special extended bank holiday weekend.

The ceremony, which is taking place at Westminster Abbey in London, is scheduled to begin at 11am but access to the screening area will open from 10am. Entry is free and un-ticketed.

On Sunday 7 May, the screen will remain in place and broadcast The Coronation Concert at Windsor Castle to spectators in the Gardens. The Coronation Concert will bring global music icons and contemporary stars together in celebration of the historic occasion.

As a new Royal era begins, residents are also invited to share their memories and record well wishes for the new sovereign from Tuesday 2 May in the online Book of Congratulations. Physical books will also be available at the City Chambers and Central Library from Tuesday 2 May until Tuesday 9 May from 10am until 5pm. 

In his role as His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant, Edinburgh’s Lord Provost Robert Aldridge will be representing the City of Edinburgh at the proceedings in London.

Lord Provost Robert Aldridge said: “The Coronation of King Charles is a truly historic event and we’re proud to be joining in with screenings and services in towns and cities across the United Kingdom for those who wish to come together and celebrate the occasion.

“Watching the ceremony and celebrations on the big screen will be a great way for people to be involved and soak up the atmosphere of the extraordinary weekend.”

The big screen has been supported by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. 

People are encouraged to bring their own picnics, however the Scott’s café will be open and can provide take-away food and beverages.

The screening will take place outdoors, so we are advising those wishing to attend to plan ahead, dress for the weather, and bring plenty of water. Toilet facilities will be available and there will be limited seats so we advise bringing blankets or chairs. Extra litter bins will be in place and BBQs will not be permitted.  

To mark HM The King’s Coronation, communities and citizens have applied for street closures to celebrate this historic event.

Ross bandstand

National activities
There are also number of national initiatives taking place with residents encouraged to gather and it’s hoped Coronation Big Lunches and The Big Help Out will bring communities together over the weekend.

Coronation Big Lunch

The Coronation Big Lunch on 7 May is designed to bring neighbours and communities together to share friendship, food and fun and be part of history.

More detail on getting involved is available on the Coronation Big Lunch website.

The Big Help Out

Bank holiday Monday 8 May will see a nationwide initiative to raise awareness of the value and impact of volunteering.

It is an opportunity to explore how rewarding volunteering can be. You can get involved and find out how you can make a difference in your community.

There will be lots of different kinds of opportunities, with many of the UK’s leading volunteer charities supporting the initiative. More detail is available on The Big Help Out website

Have your say on parks in Leith

Come along and talk about plans for parks in Leith! 🌿

We have events coming up looking at how to make six of our parks in Leith better for people and nature. This is part of the #EdinburghNatureNetwork

📧Booking is essential: email the team at

“A City where you Don’t Need a Car”

Spokes public meeting, Wednesday 24 May


  • Cllr Scott Arthur, Edinburgh City Transport Convener – the Council’s plans
  • Phil Noble, Strategy Manager for Active Travel and Streetspace – more detail on the policy delivery documents, including ATA, the Active Travel Action Plan
  • Adrian Davis, Professor of Transport & Health at Napier Transport Research Unit – he will critique the policies – are they sufficiently ambitious? will they work?
  • … followed by our one-hour panel QA, chaired by Dr Caroline Brown, Spokes member, Transform Scotland policy adviser, transport academic – your chance to interrogate and challenge the speakers


  • Where Augustine United Church 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EL
  • Date Wednesday 24 May
  • Time Starts 7.30, Ends 9.30. Doors open 6.45 for coffee, stalls and chat
  • Queries & Questions Queries, or questions for the speakers, can be emailed to However, questions in person from audience members are likely to have greatest priority on the night
  • Online We hope to live broadcast on our youtube channel – details nearer the time on Spokes website. We also intend to make the recording available a few days later.


Edinburgh City Council is consulting on a new Active Travel Action Plan (ATAP) and a series of other Mobility Plan ‘delivery documents’ all aimed to support Edinburgh NetZero 2030, and a 30% reduction in car-km by 2030.

Our public meeting will hear from the Council, followed by an expert critique, and then there’s a full hour panel discussion – your opportunity to challenge the speakers.

Do the delivery plans live up to the Council’s ambition to cut car-km 30% by 2030, alongside greatly increased travel by foot, bike and public transport? Will they enable more people to live car-free? Will they lead to speedy implementation? Our meeting is your opportunity to find out!

The ambition “to create a city where you don’t need to own a car to get around,” mentioned in several of the documents (e.g. Parking Action Plan, p8) is very welcome, for reasons of climate, public health, congestion and equalities. Such an ambition is also essential if the Council is to achieve its ultra-tough target to reduce car-km 30% by 2030.

A top cycling takeaway from the draft ATAP is the new focus on main road segregated routes. It says [chap 5],

The (off road) traffic-free routes will continue to play a vital role, and we will seek to improve their comfort,safety and security. However, we now plan to develop a joined-up network of routes that feel safe to everyone at all times of day. This network will need to use segregated cycle tracks on main roads, as well as unsegregated on-street routes that have low volumes of motor traffic.

The three highlighted phrases above [our emphases] neatly summarise important major developments, which we strongly welcome, in the Council’s approach to cycling policy, and we urge determined implementation.–

** Spokes:

Foysol Choudhury MSP: “Too many Scots live in dangerous housing”

Speaking after his Members’ Business Debate on Damp Housing in Scotland at the Scottish Parliament last week (20/04/23), Foysol Choudhury MSP said: “The tragic death of two-year-old Awaab Ishak, who died after exposure to extensive mould in his home in England, was a stark warning of the dangers that mould can cause when not dealt with properly.  

“That’s why it was so important for me to bring this Members’ Business Debate to the Scottish Parliament, to highlight that we must act now to stop preventable deaths like Awaab’s from occurring in Scotland. 

“Unfortunately, too many Scottish residents today live in dangerous housing.  

“The Scottish Government’s recent House Condition Survey supposedly found that 40,000 homes in our nation fall below tolerable standards, with a third of these being due to rising or penetrating damp.  

“Given there are on average two people per household, that’s 80,000 Scottish residents living in homes that their own Government considers to be intolerable, with 27,000 of these due to damp.  

“One of my constituents lives with their partner and four children in a council house in Edinburgh.  

“Two of the children have asthma, which has gotten worse, and another has developed a constant hacking cough as a result of damp and mould.  

“My constituent has told me they fear for their children because of their prolonged exposure to mould and has even had to call an ambulance at one point due to their child having severe chest pains. 

“The ambulance report actually cited mould as an environmental factor at their property.  

“Another of my constituents has been living in a mould infested house for 16 months with their 21-month-old son, leading to a disastrous effect on their mental health.  

“Many constituents are left feeling helpless and like nothing is being done to ensure they have permanent, safe accommodation.

Negligent behaviour of private landlords must be tackled, especially as almost half of private-sector-rented homes in Scotland supposedly failed the Scottish Housing Quality Standards. 

“The experience of my constituents, who have had to move out of their privately rented accommodation because of fears the effects of damp and mould would have on their very young child, speaks for itself.  

“Letting agents and private landlords must ensure tenants are aware of the ways in which mould and damp occurs and how to prevent it.

“In addition, landlords should not be renting out houses or flats that need structural repairs to avoid mould forming.  

“Ultimately, housing providers should be held responsible for ensuring that the accommodation they provide is clean and safe for every resident or tenant that moves in there.  

“The Scottish Government need to do more to help them and hold them accountable when crucial repair work is not being done properly.  

“How many trips to the hospital, long-term illnesses, or deaths caused by damp housing is it going to take for the Scottish Government to take this seriously?  

“I am asking for the Scottish Government to consider setting up a grant scheme to tackle dampness problems in council, housing association and private sector properties. We need to address both the long and short-term problems with damp housing and consider extra investment for a whole house retrofitting programme, across Scotland.

“Too many of our citizens are living in dangerous accommodation and landlords are getting away with doing nothing about it.  

“We, as the Scottish Parliament, have to do more. “

Connecting Communites: Council partners with community councils to seek views on regenerating Seafield

A six-week consultation is asking residents, businesses and other interested groups how they think Seafield could be transformed and regenerated into a vibrant new 20-minute neighbourhood.

The consultation is being run by the City of Edinburgh Council and Seafield: Connecting Coastal Communities*.

The local community is being invited to attend two events where they can give their views in person. Those attending will be asked what they like best about the area just now, what kind of housing they would like built there in the future and how the existing promenade could be improved.

The consultation is also seeking to get views from the local community on what other facilities they would like in the area such as health centres, schools and shops as well as how public transport could be improved. 

There is an online consultation survey for those who are unable to attend the following events – 

Thursday, 27 April between 3pm – 8pm at The Ripple Project Cafe, 198 Restalrig Road South, Craigentinny. 

Saturday, 29 April Between 12:30pm – 3:30pm Bellfield (Celebration Foyer) 16B Bellfield Street, Portobello.

Cllr James Dalgleish Planning Convener said:This part of our precious coast in Edinburgh has been highlighted as an area which can be greatly improved and regenerated in our draft City Plan 2030, currently with Scottish Ministers for approval. 

“We’re at an early stage looking at how we can use sustainable 20-minute neighbourhood principles at Seafield, a new way of thinking for us in Edinburgh. We want to make Seafield more sustainable, with improved access to quality services.

“This is the start of a conversation with the local community to empower them to help us to make this happen. A 20-minute neighbourhood in Edinburgh is about living well locally, giving residents the ability to meet most of their daily needs by walking, cycling, wheeling or taking public transport. Residents will be able to live, shop, work and travel more easily and enjoy well-connected spaces with and improved greener public transport. 

“I’d encourage everyone with a link to Seafield to come along and tell us how what kind of homes and other facilities they would like to see built at Seafield for future generations to come. If you can’t make the events please do fill out our short survey as it’s really important we hear from as many people as possible about this important regeneration project for the city.

“The next stage is for the Council to share a draft vision for feedback before consulting on a draft masterplan for Seafield this summer. This will then be presented to the Council’s Planning Committee for approval.”

*Seafield: Connecting Coastal Communities is a group made up of the following community councils:

  • Craigentinny and Meadowbank
  • Portobello
  • Leith Links
  • Leith Harbour & Newhaven

Foster carers needed for children from minority ethnic backgrounds

Foster with Edinburgh is launching a new a recruitment campaign to find more foster carers for children from minority ethnic backgrounds.

The organisation is looking for host family foster carers for unaccompanied young people arriving in Edinburgh escaping the trauma of war and persecution.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of the need for foster carers who have the skills, knowledge and cultural awareness to support them.

As well as a digital advertising and radio campaign, the foster team will be linking in with mosques, universities, cultural and voluntary overseas organisations to spread the word.

A series of events will start with a stall at the Asda superstore in Chesser tomorrow (Thursday 20 April) where anyone who wants to find out more can pop along from 11am until 2pm and meet the team.

Edinburgh has a number of children from minority ethnic backgrounds and unaccompanied migrants between 16 – 21 who require support. 

Research highlights where possible children who require foster care should be matched with families who can reflect and promote their ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic identities, as well as navigate discrimination. 

There is currently a national shortage of approved foster carers, so matching children with carers who will best suit their needs is an ongoing challenge. 

We are therefore keen to recruit foster carers from a range of diverse groups. As our host family foster carers support unaccompanied migrants age 16 plus, they can still work.  A large part of their role is supporting our young people in coming to terms with their experiences, promoting their learning within a new country and helping prepare them for independence.

Cllr Joan Griffiths, Education, Children and Families Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, explains more about the campaign and its importance. She said: “We have a number of children and young people from minority ethnic backgrounds who desperately need homes as they are unaccompanied migrants seeking asylum in the UK or may have been trafficked.

“We urgently need foster carers who can support these young people to feel safe, nurtured and cared for.  

“Our foster carers come from all different backgrounds, but we know that young people from minority ethnic backgrounds face additional challenges and need understanding in relation to the impact of racism and of growing up in a society where their culture and heritage is different.

“I would encourage anyone who might be interested in taking up this amazing opportunity to change a young person’s life for the better to come along to one of our public events or contact us at”

Foster carers are supported by way of a fostering fee to reflect the care they are providing, along with a maintenance allowance to cover a child or young person’s expenses while in their care. They also get full training and ongoing support from an allocated social worker to develop the skills and knowledge needed to foster.  

Foster carers need time, space (physical and emotional), a sense of fun, patience, and commitment. They also need to have a spare room, be able to work confidently with others and take part in meetings in English. It’s also important to be able to support children and young people becoming part of a new culture who may have issues relating to their immigration status.

There are two further events planned at Asda Chesser on Tuesday 16 May and Friday 26 May which both tie in with Foster Care Fortnight.

Fringe Society wants South Bridge Resource Centre to become new Fringe Community Hub

NEXT Tuesday (25th April), the City Council’s Finance and Resource Committee will consider Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society’s request for approval to progress to formal discussions for a long-term lease of the South Bridge Resource Centre as the preferred location for a new Fringe Community Hub. 

The building in Infirmary Street has been identified for a variety of reasons, with its proximity to the existing footprint of the Fringe a key consideration.  

Canongate Youth community group who reside there have been receptive to the idea of the Fringe Society working to improve the building and make it more accessible; by securing and maintaining the space for community and cultural use.  

It is proposed that Canongate Youth remain a tenant of the building, and other small arts and cultural organisations may also be offered the opportunity to co-exist, creating a vibrant, mixed use community space for all and a hub for the Fringe Society’s services and team during August and year-round.

South Bridge Resource Centre is also a popular central location for adult education classes.

First identified within the 2017 Fringe Blueprint, the proposed development of a new, year-round space for artists and creatives across the Fringe landscape, has been made possible due to funding from the UK Government, announced during the 2023 Spring Budget. 

The announcement followed many meetings with Ministers and officials from various departments, during which the Fringe Society advocated for a range of support across several key areas. 

The Fringe Society continue to use their convening power to lobby for additional financial support for artists and venues, with funding for the new community hub fully ringfenced against a capital investment to meet the Levelling Up agenda.  

Since the announcement, Fringe Society Chief Executive, and Chair, have asked whether some of this fund might be apportioned to other areas of the Fringe in crucial need of support; such as direct to participants via the new Keep it Fringe Fund. 

To date there has been no indication that this investment can be allocated to something outwith the capital investment project.

If approved by the Council to enter into formal discussions, the Fringe Society will produce a detailed business case to present to UK Government, with full costings on development of the proposed hub. 

These elements will include any structural changes required to maximise the space, a detailed breakdown of what facilities may be available, and what will be required to make the building fully accessible and sustainable for the long term.

All current services and usage of the Resource Centre will continue ‘as-is’ while this work is progressing and there will be no interruption to the Fringe 2023 operations for Greenside Venues.  

In order to ensure the new hub meets the needs of its many user groups and all those within the Fringe community, consultation will be undertaken over the coming months and during this year’s festival with artists, producers, educators, community groups and industry bodies.

Shona McCarthy, Chief Executive of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society, said: Following the UK Budget announcement of funding for this project, there has been understandable interest and comment on where, when and how the new Fringe community hub will be created. 

“Next week marks the next step in this process, with an ask to the City of Edinburgh Council that we enter into formal discussions about the space on Infirmary Street.  This is very much a long-term project and one that will take a few years to establish.

“We are excited at the prospect of revitalising an important city centre space that has such an established history with the Fringe through Greenside, and a vital hub for the excellent work with young people and communities that has been the hallmark of Canongate Youth.

“The conversion of this space into a year-round Fringe community hub will allow local cultural organisation, artists and our community partners, the opportunity to utilise this space too. 

“In the long-term it will allow a permanent home for our August participants hub, known as Fringe Central, for whom artists, arts industry, media and international delegates access each summer for a range of workshops, networking and industry events. 

“We look forward to working with colleagues at the Council as plans for this space evolve as well as deepening existing and building new relationships with community groups in the City’.

Tara and Darren, Greenside Venue Directors, said: ‘The possibility of losing Infirmary Street has loomed over us for some time as when we started our journey, we were told that it was not a permanent option, and while its reality is undeniably bittersweet, we find solace in knowing that this beautiful, historic building will remain an integral part of the Fringe landscape for many years to come. 

“Today’s announcement does not affect our operations in 2023. We have been meticulously planning for this moment, ensuring a seamless transition to ensure we can continue to provide a welcoming Fringe home for almost 200 shows every year across our venues. 

“Greenside is excited about our future and we look forward to embracing the new opportunities that lie ahead. We have ambitious and exciting plans for Fringe 2024 and beyond, and we eagerly anticipate sharing more details with you in the near future’.

Clare Jamieson, Canongate Youth Manager said: “We are delighted to be involved in early-stage conversations around the future of South Bridge Resource Centre with the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society.

“The building has huge potential, and we welcome the opportunity to explore this further, and most importantly how future developments could benefit children and young people who use CY services and the wider local community”. 

The Fringe Society recognise the challenging environment that currently exists for artists and venues and are continuing to lobby and advocate for greater support across a range of areas, including the recently launched Keep it Fringe fund.   

The Fringe Society have asked DCMS for further support for Fringe participants and continue to lobby for this from non-capital funds. 

With just weeks until the launch of the full 2023 programme, the Fringe Society’s focus remains on supporting the artists and creatives coming to Edinburgh for this year’s Fringe, and in helping audiences navigate through the array of work available.

Help shape Edinburgh’s transport future – AGAIN

‘Gathering views from our communities and businesses, alongside data and technical evidence, will be critical to these decisions’ – Transport Convener Cllr Scott Arthur

A major consultation to help shape the way people move around, to and from Edinburgh is now underway.

An integrated suite of action plans designed to transform transport in Edinburgh was approved for consultation by councillors during December and February.

Together, the Active TravelPublic TransportParkingRoad Safety and Air Quality Action Plans aim to create cleaner, greener, safer, more accessible and affordable travel choices, while cutting congestion, reinforcing the Capital’s net zero 2030 goals and boosting the economy.

Each of the plans sits under the emerging Circulation Plan and its associated Streetspace Allocation Framework, which underpin the transition towards a less congested, more liveable, healthy and sustainable capital.

The city council is now seeking feedback on all the plans collectively, including via an online survey, public drop-ins, focus group and key stakeholder discussions and a toolkit to support community involvement.

The consultation will run until 9 July and outcomes will be reported to Transport and Environment Committee later this year, culminating in the finalisation of each plan.

Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener, said: “Edinburgh is a growing, evolving capital, facing the same challenges as cities around the world – from climate change and poverty to traffic congestion and poor air quality.

“We want to transform the way people move around the city, which we hope will go some way to addressing this, and we’re looking at how we can create safer, sustainable and affordable transport options. This is also about working to support economic growth and building people-friendly spaces across the city, while helping to end poverty and isolation. We’ve put people, particularly those with a disability, at the heart of these plans.

“The draft action plans set out a range of actions to achieve this, and we want to collaborate with people and businesses in Edinburgh to shape how we deliver these plans. Combining all the plans into one big citywide conversation means we can really capture the interrelated issues and ensure actions are mutually supportive of each other.

“As a city we know and agree that we must cut congestion, boost the economy and hit net zero. This consultation is a chance for people to both comment on our proposals and also make alternative suggestions for delivering these key policies. Doing nothing, however, is no longer an option as we have a duty to face these challenges.

“We need to balance different travel needs with the limited street space we have, and that’s going to involve some real dilemmas. I’m particularly pleased, however, that making public transport more accessible and reliable is at the heart of these plans.

“Gathering views from our communities and businesses, alongside data and technical evidence, will be critical to these decisions. Whether you’re interested in improved public transport links, better walking, wheeling and cycling routes or making our streets more accessible and pleasant places to spend time, I’d urge you to take part in our consultation.”

Residents and businesses can share their views on proposals and priorities in a range of areas, including making streets more accessible, improving public transport and enhancing active travel networks, as well as achieving ambitious accident reduction targets and creating people-friendly, thriving neighbourhoods and shopping streets.

These actions support Edinburgh’s City Mobility Plan and aim to help drive down the number of kilometres travelled by car in the city by 30% by 2030, reduce air pollution and improve public health.

Find out more about plans to shape Edinburgh for future generations and take part in the consultation online.