Local schools sign up for ParkSmart

Pupils and teachers across Edinburgh have joined a campaign to discourage inconsiderate parking at school gates. Granton, Flora Stevenson (above), Wardie and Ferryhill are among the local primary schools to sign up for the initiative.

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Outgoing council leader has the last word

City of Edinburgh Council Leader Andrew Burns has issued his final Leader’s Report. Cllr Burns is one of a number of experienced city councillors who will not be seeking re-election next month.

He said: “As you may be aware, many councillors, including myself, have chosen not to stand on 4 May. I haven’t done the maths, but the cumulative experience leaving the Council must add up to many hundreds of years.

“As current Council Leader, and on behalf of all the Group Leaders, I’d like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to all the retiring councillors who have given dedicated public service to their local communities over so many years.

“I’d also like to wish all remaining councillors, and new candidates, all the very best of luck. It really is a privilege to serve your local community – and you never know how long that privilege will last – so please do enjoy it while you can.

“Huge thanks also to our dedicated workforce, who have shown nothing but enormous understanding, adaptability, and sheer dedication to public service, over recent years. It’s been my pleasure to work with you all.

“And finally, many thanks to the people that matter most: the residents of Edinburgh. You have given us the chance to make a contribution to the ongoing evolution of this most beautiful city; one which I’ve had the good fortune to call my family home for the last 24 years.”

Never give up: Power to the People group challenges council cuts

While it seems the political fight against massive council cuts has been lost, one local community group at least has continued to fight to retain essential council services. Royston Wardieburn’s Power to the People group say the cuts – and the ongoing council ‘transformation’ – will damage services and hit poorer communities particularly hard. Continue reading Never give up: Power to the People group challenges council cuts

Inverleith hustings at Blackhall St Columba’s



Craigleith and Blachkhall Community Council are hosting a local council election hustings on Thursday 20 April at 7pm in St Columba’s Parsih Church. All welcome. Continue reading Inverleith hustings at Blackhall St Columba’s

Organisers blazing mad at threat to Fire Festival

Fire Festival faces winter washout

Beltane Fire Society (BFS) have urged its supporters to respond to a consultation by The City of Edinburgh Council on changes to rules around processions in public spaces. The open consultation on ‘Proposed Policy and Code of Conduct for Public Processions’ runs until 31 March so there is a need to act fast. Continue reading Organisers blazing mad at threat to Fire Festival

Youth Work: make your choice

Continue reading Youth Work: make your choice