St Catherine’s win 20mph Schools Video competition

As stars of the Big Screen flock to the Capital for the 72nd Edinburgh Film Festival, a group of fledgling film-makers from local schools had their own red carpet moment.

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Best Bar None: Edinburgh’s licensed venues encouraged to sign up

Licensed premises in Edinburgh are being encouraged to take part in Best Bar None, which launched this month. The national accreditation and award scheme aims to raise standards amongst licensed venues, recognising positive management helping to facilitate safe and enjoyable nights out for the public. Continue reading Best Bar None: Edinburgh’s licensed venues encouraged to sign up

Transport convener: “Edinburgh does not need to be dominated by vehicles”

City Council Transport Convener Lesley Macinnes has announced plans to work toward regular, vehicle-free days in the capital’s city centre. Continue reading Transport convener: “Edinburgh does not need to be dominated by vehicles”

“Real Vision”: have your say on Meadows to George Street improvements

Views are being sought from the public as part of a project to improve key streets between the Meadows and George Street. Meadows to George Street: Streets for People is a Community Links PLUS initiative to transform the transport corridor, significantly enhancing the quality of walking, cycling and public space.

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Get the party started: St Augustine’s crowned coding champions

A team of pupils from St Augustine’s RC High School in Edinburgh have been crowned winners of a battle of robots competition, Marty’s Coding Party 2018. Teams from Leith Academy and Dalry Primary School also received recognition for their efforts at the event at Forrester High School yesterday.

Continue reading Get the party started: St Augustine’s crowned coding champions

Registration for controversial new brown bin service opens on Monday

Registration for garden waste collections will open next week ahead of the introduction of a controversial new service in October. From Monday (18th June), Edinburgh residents must sign up on the Council website or at one of five local offices.if they wish to continue receiving brown bin collections. The annual brown bin collection service will cost residents £25.

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W. S. Graham joins Edinburgh’s literary walk of fame

It has been described as Scotland’s answer to Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey, with the words of the country’s finest writers preserved in stone for posterity. Now Makars’ Court, the tribute to Scottish writers in the heart of Edinburgh’s Old Town, has welcomed another wordsmith to its illustrious ranks with the unveiling of a memorial to poet W. S. Graham (1918–1986).

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Vassals of the Muir: Minister opens new Boroughmuir

The new Boroughmuir High School was officially opened at a special ceremony by the Minister for Higher and Further Education and Science Shirley-Anne Somerville yesterday. Ms Somerville was joined by Councillor Adam McVey, Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council, Deputy Leader Councillor Cammy Day, Education Vice Convener Councillor Alison Dickie and Head Teacher David Dempster.

New Boroughmuir High School
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Aileen Campbell to open new Carers’ Hub in Leith

EDINBURGH carer organisation, VOCAL (Voice of Carers Across Lothian), is to celebrate the opening of a new Carers’ Hub during National Carers’ Week 2018 and coinciding with the implementation of the Carers (Scotland) Act. Continue reading Aileen Campbell to open new Carers’ Hub in Leith