Fishkeeper Scotland support for Scottish SPCA

The Scottish SPCA was delighted to receive £2,444.20 from Fishkeeper Scotland. Fishkeeper Scotland chose to raise funds for Scotland’s animal welfare charity during their seventh anniversary fundraiser on the 4th and 5th of November across all stores in Scotland. Continue reading Fishkeeper Scotland support for Scottish SPCA

Barclays Bank’s Princes Street branch raises £2,500 for books for the blind

It wasn’t so much a run on the bank as by the bank! Staff at Barclays Bank’s branch on Princes Street have raised £2,500 to transcribe a new ‘talking’ audio-book for blind and partially sighted people. Continue reading Barclays Bank’s Princes Street branch raises £2,500 for books for the blind

Say It With A Kiss: First Minister’s Christmas Card unveiled

John Byrne painting will raise funds for charities

A painting by John Byrne has been unveiled as the First Minister’s 2017 Christmas card. ‘Say It With A Kiss!’ is an original artwork in Byrne’s celebrated trademark style. It features a couple about to share a kiss under the mistletoe. The artwork will be auctioned next year with the proceeds going to four charities – Food Train, SCIAF, Scottish Women’s Aid and Teapot Trust.

SCIAF and children’s art therapy charity the Teapot Trust were chosen by John Byrne, while Food Train, which provides a range of services, to older people including grocery shopping and befriending and Scottish Women’s Aid were selected by the First Minister.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “I’m absolutely thrilled to have such a beautiful painting by John Byrne for my Christmas card this year. He is one of our most celebrated artists and this work has a wonderful festive feel while maintaining John’s inimitable style.

“The four charities that will benefit from the sale of the painting do fantastic work on local, national and international levels and I’m very pleased that the card can support such a wide range of good causes.”

John Byrne, while best known as a playwright for his trilogy The Slab Boys, is also a renowned artist, with several of his works exhibited in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery.

He said: “I was both surprised and delighted to be commissioned by the First Minister to produce the artwork for this year’s Official Christmas Card and got to work straight away – I had a notion to paint a young couple from my boyhood days in Paisley, having a great time jiving to the music of Jimmy McCracken’s ‘Big Band’ at the Town Hall c1957 dressed in the style of the day, with a nod to the Festive Season.”

Since 2007, artwork from the First Minister’s official Christmas cards has raised around £170,000 for good causes through sales of the original paintings and limited edition prints. Proceeds from this year’s auction will go to the Archie Foundation, SiMBA, Christine Witcutt Memorial Fund and The Dixon Community.




Brave Cameron wants a new hand for Christmas

A brave Edinburgh boy has launched an online appeal in the hope that he can achieve his one Christmas wish – to be able to use both his hands. Cameron Millar was born without a right hand and has faced years of issues – but Cameron is determined to overcome the challenge with the help of a high-tech bionic limb. Continue reading Brave Cameron wants a new hand for Christmas

Children’s Hospital asks: ‘Santa, stop here one last time’

CHILDREN and young people spending their Christmas in hospital this year are set to have an extra special experience – to see snow falling on the hospital – thanks to Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity (ECHC). Continue reading Children’s Hospital asks: ‘Santa, stop here one last time’

Help to support the 1 in 4 local children living in poverty this Christmas


Please help us make Christmas special for thousands of children across Edinburgh, the Lothians and Fife this year, in partnership with B&M
Mission Christmas is well under way! We’re asking you to buy an extra gift and take it to B&M or one of our other drop off points across the region, so Cash for Kids can give it to a local child who could otherwise wake up to nothing on Christmas morning. Visit the website to find your nearest drop off point.

We’re also looking for organisations and schools to join in by becoming a drop off point, anyone who would like to donate and fundraise or take part in Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 8th December, as well as those who could benefit by receiving gifts and support from the appeal. Find out more at

Together we can make a difference to local children this Christmas


Caring in the City: New Edinburgh Hub for Family Carers


Today – 24 November 2017 – is national Carers’ Rights Day and VOCAL, a charity that supports unpaid carers, is using the day to highlight the development of a new Edinburgh Carers’ Hub and launch an appeal for £100,000 to prepare for its opening in spring of next year. Continue reading Caring in the City: New Edinburgh Hub for Family Carers

SSPCA looking for info after lizards found abandoned

The Scottish SPCA is appealing for information after two ill frilled-neck lizards were found on a street in Edinburgh. Scotland’s animal welfare charity was alerted yesterday after a member of the public discovered the lizards at the back door of their flat on Stenhouse Drive. Continue reading SSPCA looking for info after lizards found abandoned