CAMRA: Pints of View Summer issue

The latest issue of our CAMRA branch magazine Pints of View (number 82, summer 2024) is now being distributed around pubs in South East Scotland.

It contains news of pubs and breweries in SE Scotland along with general articles that may be of interest 

The magazine is available on line via the Issue reader.


Can be downloaded NOW as a PDF (10MB) from

This round’s on us – First Minister invited to local to discuss the future of Scottish pubs

Campaign for Real Ale invites John Swinney for a drink

The newly appointed Scottish First Minister, John Swinney, is invited to a pub of his choice to discuss the issues surrounding the Scottish pub and beer industry, such as pub business rates, alcohol advertising, planning laws and the Scottish Pubs Code.

The First Minister’s appointment arrives soon after Scottish Government’s decision to implement a new statutory Scottish Pubs Code and Adjudicator. CAMRA would hope to build on this long-awaited, but welcome, news in a meeting with Mr Swinney to make sure there is a robust Pubs Code to protect tied pub tenants and to secure pubs at the heart of Scottish communities.

CAMRA represents thousands of beer and cider consumers all across Scotland, who are worried about the future of their locals, unless action is taken in the near future.

CAMRA’s Scotland Director Stuart McMahon – representing Scotland’s CAMRA members – is inviting the First Minister for a chat at his local about the importance of fairer business rates on pubs in Scotland, in order help secure the future of community pubs and slow the rise of the price of a pint.

McMahon also wants the new First Minister to close a planning loophole that allows pubs to be demolished without planning permission.

Campaigners also want to see a commitment from the Scottish Government not to bring back draconian plans to ban all alcohol advertisement and sponsorship.

Commenting, CAMRA’s Scotland Director Stuart McMahon said: “We would like to congratulate John Swinney on becoming the First Minister of Scotland. While we are sure he has a lot on his plate, urgent discussions must be had to ensure a successful future for Scottish pubs.

“This is why we invite the First Minister to a pub of his choice to discuss the various ways in which pub, brewing and cider making industries can be improved to ameliorate the pub-going experience for beer and cider consumers.

“Our priorities for this meeting, and for the Scottish government, will be fairer business rates for pubs, confirmation of a decision to allow alcohol advertising in Scotland, a more secure planning law system and a muscular, robust Scottish Pubs Code.”

Letter to First Minister:

Dear John Swinney, 

Join CAMRA to discuss the future of Scottish pubs 

We are writing on behalf of CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale. We are a consumer organisation with thousands of members across Scotland. We campaign for great quality cask beer, real cider, and perry and thriving community pubs in all of our communities. 

We would like to congratulate you on becoming the First Minister of Scotland. While we are sure you have a lot on your plate, urgent discussions must be had to ensure a successful future for Scottish pubs.  

This is why we invite you to a pub of your choice to discuss the various ways in which the pub, brewing and cider making industry can be improved to ameliorate the pub-going experience for beer and cider consumers.  

We know that you understand that beer and pubs are not only important to local economies, but also to our communities, culture and heritage. Our pubs are a vital part of our social fabric – playing a pivotal role in communities across the country, providing a space for local people to meet, helping to tackle loneliness, and having a positive impact on the personal wellbeing of pub-goers. 

The pub-going experience, however, is changing with the prices of pints continually on the rise, potentially pricing out consumers, and the widespread closures of pubs becoming commonplace.  

CAMRA members and pub-goers across Scotland are worried that this trend of pub closures will continue, and that their community local might be next.  

Pub-goers up and down the country want to see a fairer business rates system for pubs, a sensible re-think on alcohol advertising and sponsorship plans, more secure planning laws to save community locals and a robust Scottish Pubs Code to protect tied pub tenants and consumer choice at the bar. 

We would like to invite you to a pub of your choice to meet and have a drink (on us!) to discuss the issues facing consumers, licensees, pubs and breweries in Scotland, and how CAMRA members can work together with you to promote and protect great Scottish beer and pubs. 

Yours sincerely, 

Stuart McMahon  

CAMRA Scotland Director 

Film Screening at CAMRA’s Members’ Weekend

An exclusive screening of ‘Desi: A Pub Story’ directed by Zaki Solosho will take place Friday 26 April at the Campaign for Real Ale’s (CAMRA) Members’ Weekend, AGM & Conference 2024

Desi: A Pub Story, a new documentary film directed by Zaki Solosho, made for CAMRA’s educational Learn & Discover platform, will make its debut at CAMRA’s Members’ Weekend for a special viewing.

The film is a fascinating guide to British-Indian pubs and a celebration of our modern multi-cultural country. A poignant and human story of pubs becoming the heart of their communities, the documentary tackles the ugly history of racial segregation in British pubs and the story of resistance which led to the rise of the desi pub. 

Desi: A Pub Story features interviews with publicans, pubgoers and very special guests including radio DJ and TV presenter Bobby Friction, plus lots of food, history and culture.

Desi: A Pub Story expands upon CAMRA’s award-winning Desi Pubs book by beer writer David Jesudason. 

The screening will start at 7pm this Friday and will be followed by a Q&A with the director himself. This session is free to attend, and the audience can bring a drink down from the Members’ Bar to enjoy during the film.

Register to attend CAMRA’s Members’ Weekend here and book your spot at this exclusive screening here.

Along with the private showing at Members’ Weekend, public premieres in both Birmingham and London will feature later in the year. More news about these events will follow shortly.

Zaki Solosho is an award-winning filmmaker and founder of London-based creative video production company Element Move. You can view his showreel and portfolio here:

To celebrate 50 years of CAMRA in Scotland, the Campaign group is returning to the beautiful Caird Hall in Dundee for its Members’ Weekend, AGM & Conference 2024 between 26-28 April.

CAMRA’s Members’ Weekend, AGM & Conference is held annually in April and is open to all CAMRA members. Not only is it a chance to discuss motions at Conference, but it also gives members the opportunity to socialise in the onsite bar, attend information sessions and explore the beer scene of the host city.

Alongside the screening of Desi: A Pub Story, there a many more organised trips and fringe events, including presentations and brewery tours.

New deal for pub tenants

Scottish Pubs Code will empower tenants of tied pubs

The Scottish Government is taking action to improve the rights of tied pub tenants across the country.

A new Scottish Pubs Code will enable eligible tied pub tenants to sell a guest beer from brands that have small production levels or switch to a market rate lease under which they could purchase products from any supplier.

Ministers will lay secondary legislation in Parliament next week which, if approved, would see the Code come into force on 7 October 2024. It will be overseen by an Adjudicator who is expected to be appointed next month, subject to parliamentary approval.

A tied lease involves tenants buying some or all of their alcohol and other products and services from the pub-owning business.

Ministers expect the legislation will deliver a fairer tied pubs sector, with risks and rewards being more equally shared between tenants and their landlords. In 2023, it was estimated that there were just under 700 tied pubs in Scotland.

Small Business Minister Richard Lochhead said: “We need to do all we can to protect pubs, bars and licensed clubs in Scotland, which in 2022 supported 34,000 jobs throughout the country and play an important role in our communities.

“I am pleased that we are now free to introduce measures contained in the Tied Pubs Act and give tenants more freedom to choose the lease which best suits their needs and diversify the number of products they can sell.

“It’s in everyone’s interest that the sector prospers and I look forward to working with tenants, pub-owning businesses and the new Scottish Pubs Code Adjudicator to deliver these important changes.”


Welcoming the Scottish Government’s announcement, CAMRA’s Scotland Director Stuart McMahon said: “Today’s announcement that the Scottish Government recognise the importance of protecting pubs, the role they play in our communities and are now introducing a new, legal Pubs Code for Scotland, is fantastic news for licensees and pubgoers. 

“As well as making sure tied tenants can earn a decent living, the new Pubs Code looks set to make it easier for tied tenants to sell more locally brewed beers, increasing choice at the bar for customers of tasty and distinctive products from small, local and independent breweries – particularly cask ale. 

“These new protections in law are vital so tied tenants can make a long-term success of their pubs and shape the unique character of their businesses to become an integral part of their community. 

“This requires a balanced relationship between licensees and pub companies, preventing any unfair practices like pub companies taking more than is fair or sustainable from tied licensees’ profits – or making it harder to sell a range of locally-brewed products. 

“This fair deal for tied pub tenants to protect pubs at the heart of communities can only be achieved by a robust and long-overdue statutory Scottish Pubs Code and the new Pubs Code Adjudicator to enforce it.”   

Mixed response as 2024-25 Scottish Budget unveiled

‘Targeted funding for people and public services’

A £6.3 billion investment in social security and more than £19.5 billion for health and social care form the heart of the Scottish Budget for next year, alongside record funding for local authorities and frontline police and fire services.

With targeted funding to invest in public services and protect the most vulnerable, the Budget underpins the social contract with the people of Scotland, Deputy First Minister and Finance Secretary Shona Robison told Parliament. She also outlined policies to grow the economy and progress the commitment to deliver a just transition to net zero.

Difficult decisions have been required to prioritise funding for the services people rely on in the face of a deeply challenging financial situation, Ms Robison added.

The 2024-25 Scottish Budget includes:

  • £6.3 billion for social security benefits, which will all be increased in line with inflation. This is £1.1 billion more than the funding received from the UK Government for devolved benefits in 2024-25
  • £13.2 billion for frontline NHS boards, with additional investment of more than half a billion – an uplift of over 4%
  • record funding of more than £14 billion for local government, including £144 million to enable local authorities to freeze Council Tax rates at their current levels
  • more than £1.5 billion for policing to support frontline services and key priorities such as body-worn cameras
  • almost £400 million to support the fire service
  • £200 million to help tackle the poverty-related attainment gap, almost £390 million to protect teacher numbers and fund the teacher pay deal, and up to £1.5 million to cancel school meal debt
  • almost £2.5 billion for public transport to provide viable alternatives to car use, and increased investment of £220 million in active travel to promote walking, wheeling and cycling

The Finance Secretary said: “It is an enormous privilege to present my first Budget. A Budget setting out, in tough times, to protect people, sustain public services, support a growing, sustainable economy, and address the climate and nature emergencies.

“At its heart is our social contract with the people of Scotland, where those with the broadest shoulders are asked to contribute a little more. Where everyone can have access to universal services and entitlements, and those in need of an extra helping hand will receive targeted additional support.

“This Budget is set in turbulent circumstances. At the global level the impacts of inflation, the war in Ukraine, and the after-effects of the pandemic continue to create instability. In the UK the combined effects of Brexit and disastrous Westminster policies mean that we are uniquely vulnerable to these international shocks.

“We cannot mitigate every cut made by the UK Government. But through the choices we have made, we have been true to our values and rigorous in prioritising our investment where it will have the most impact.

“We choose investment in our people and public services. This is a Budget that reflects our shared values as a nation and speaks to the kind of Scotland that we want to be.”


Responding to the Scottish Budget, STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “With Westminster induced pressure on public spending in Scotland, we’re pleased that the Scottish Government has listened to the STUC and introduced a higher rate of tax for those on higher incomes.

“This represents a markedly positive approach which should be recognised. Equally, taking a more proportionate approach to rebates for business speaks to a Government which recognises the importance of the public sector to growing the economy.

“However, the Scottish Government’s Council Tax freeze and its unwillingness to countenance more ambitious tax reform has left a hole it was never going to be able to fill. High-quality, fully funded public services must be at the heart of a well-being economy and we cannot countenance any cuts – spun and packaged up as ‘reforms’ – which act as a barrier to that goal. Government should be under no illusions on this. The continuation of the regressive council tax simply damages our ability to support local government and those most in need.

“It is disappointing to see opposition parties failing to make any demands of government save for calling, impossibly, for more services but lower taxes. To this extent the whole of the Parliament is letting people down. We have to start of using the full powers of our Parliament to deliver tax reforms aimed at wealth and property, reforms which if implemented could raise £3.7 billion tax.”

Responding to the 2024/25 draft Budget, SCVO Chief Executive Anna Fowlie. said: “The draft Budget represents a missed opportunity to set out vital support for Scotland’s voluntary sector – at a time when it is being squeezed by the cost-of-living and running costs crises.  

“While we welcome the Scottish Government’s commitments to move towards Fair Funding for Scotland’s voluntary sector by 2026, there was little evidence of that today.  

“The UK Government delivered a modest but welcome package of running costs support for voluntary organisations in England – as part of the Spring Statement. Today, at the very least, the Scottish Government could have committed to doing the same here in Scotland. The sector is still waiting on any such commitment. 

“While we recognise the challenging financial environment, the sector needs more than warm words and missed opportunities. Just last month the First Minister told assembled voluntary organisations at the Gathering that he’ll move beyond warm words and put money where his mouth is. Today we didn’t see that.  

“We need to see meaningful support for the sector, with urgent progress on Fair Funding to safeguard essential services. We stand ready to support the Scottish Government to deliver that progress.” 

Joanna Elson CBE, Chief Executive at Independent Age: “We welcome the Scottish Government’s greater focus on older people in poverty in today’s Budget. The news that all devolved social security payments, including the Winter Heating Payment, have been uprated by inflation and that the fund for Discretionary Housing Payment has been increased will be a welcome relief to those struggling financially in later life.  

“However, these measures do not go far enough for the 150,000 older people now living in poverty in Scotland, a figure that has risen by a quarter in the last decade alone, now affecting 1 in 7. Today they really needed the Scottish Government to announce a clear, long-term strategy with legally binding targets and ambitions action to tackle pensioner poverty and reverse this frightening trend.  

“Older people in Scotland, including those in financial hardship, urgently need greater representation. We were disappointed that the Scottish Government didn’t use today’s announcement as an opportunity to announce funding for an Older People’s Commissioner.

“A Commissioner would give better representation across policy making and provide a crucial independent voice for people in later life. With 1 in 4 of us projected to be over 65 by 2040, there’s no time to waste. 

“While we welcome the measures announced today that will improve life for older people on low incomes, the Scottish Government need to go further and faster to address rising pensioner poverty in Scotland. Both a long-term solution to financial hardship in later life and an end to older people feeling ignored by those in power is needed. The time is now for Scotland to have a pensioner poverty strategy and an Older People’s Commissioner.” 

Jonathan Carr-West, Chief Executive, LGIU Scotland, said: “With one in four Scottish councils warning that they may be unable to balance their books next year, today’s budget will not offer much reassurance.

“The Verity House Agreement promised early budget engagement, and it promised ‘no surprises.’ This financial settlement does not meet either of those promises or provide councils with the funding they have told us they need. 

“A council tax freeze funded as though council tax were increased by 5% is equivalent to the rises that councils were planning for this year, but it denies them the increase in their tax base and thus undermines their finances next year and for years to come.

“The “additional support” promised all appears to be ring fenced to Scottish Government priorities rather than enabling democratically elected councils to make decisions about priorities in their areas. Again, this goes against the Verity House agreement.

“Before the budget, every council told us they were planning cuts to services, 97% that they were planning to increase charges, and 89% that they would have to spend their reserves. The funding announced in the settlement will not alleviate the need for these biting budget measures.

“The council tax freeze this year will not help residents affected by councils’ inevitable spending cuts and it will not help residents next year, when councils’ spending power is reduced further because their council tax base can’t increase in line with the amount they need. 

“Our recent survey shows just how strong the concerns are across local government. Only one respondent to our survey said they were confident in the sustainability of council finances. Not a single person said they were happy with the progress that had been made on delivering a sustainable finance system.

“Senior council figures widely condemned how limited their involvement in the pre-budget process was, and this funding settlement confirms the suspicions that led to only 8% of respondents believing the Scottish Government considers local government in wider policy decisions. 

Most worryingly, 8 separate councils (25% of all local authorities) warned us that they could be unable to fund their statutory services – the services they have to provide by law. The funding announced today will be no comfort to these struggling councils, who will now have to make even more difficult choices to make up for their funding shortfall. 

For the average resident, this means their life will get more expensive and their services will get worse. For some of the most vulnerable members of society, as councils warned us, it may mean that if nothing changes then there is not enough money to fund the services they rely on. 

“The funding settlement is not enough for councils to provide the services that millions of people across Scotland rely on. More than that though, it demonstrates that annual funding settlements of this type are not the right way to fund councils or to empower councils to tackle their long-term challenges.

“Councils should be given more powers over how they raise and spend their own money. This means ring-fencing and directed spending need to be reduced, as agreed at Verity House, and councils need to be free to set their own council tax.” 

Commenting on the budget, UNISON’s Scottish Secretary Lilian Macer, said: “Today’s budget is a bad day for local services and deals a further financial blow to local councils who are already struggling to balance the books and to deliver the vital services our communities rely on.

“Our public services are on their knees due to years of underinvestment and the Scottish government’s council tax freeze will be a disaster for local services. We need to see investment in public services and a council tax freeze stops investment in public services, in schools and in the NHS.

“The Scottish government had the chance to make big choices to raise more money for Scotland’s public services but while the measures on income tax are welcome, much more could and should have been done. We still have a government boasting of low business taxes at the same time that they are delaying urgent improvements to public services.

“The Deputy First Minister spoke of cutting the public service workforce – people need to be aware that job cuts mean service cuts. What communities across Scotland need is investment, not abandonment.

“While we welcome investment in the NHS, the Scottish government failed to say how this would be targeted to tackling the staffing crisis and ensuring proper funding so the safe staffing act can make the improvements the NHS so desperately needs.

“Given the Scottish government’s commitment to become a fair work nation by 2025, it’s concerning that there was no mention of fair work anywhere in the budget statement, particularly in social care, a sector in crisis.”

Responding to the Scottish Government’s Budget Stuart McMahon, Scotland Director of consumer group CAMRA whose members had been lobbying MSPs asking for a 75% business rates discount to help save pubs and breweries, said: 

“Pubgoers will be deeply disappointed by the lack of help for most of our locals today. Whilst 100% rates relief for hospitality businesses in island communities will be welcomed, failing to pass on extra money from the UK Government to help with business rates for the rest of our hospitality businesses is undoubtedly a blow and puts many of our pubs at risk of permanent closure.  

“Yet again it seems that the Scottish Government just doesn’t understand the importance of our pubs, social clubs and breweries as a vital part of our social fabric – bringing communities together and providing a safe, regulated environment to enjoy a drink with friends and family. Our locals are community hubs that need and deserve help to make sure that they survive and thrive.  

“With reports that pubs are closing at a faster rate here than elsewhere in the UK, Scottish Government ministers urgently need to re-think the decision not to give our locals the 75% discount with business rates bills that pubs south of the border are receiving. The Scottish Government also needs to support consumers, pubs and breweries in the new year by ditching any plans to bring back restrictive bans on alcohol advertising.” 

In response to the Scottish Budget, Stephen Montgomery, Director of the Scottish Hospitality Group said:We are sorely disappointed that the Scottish Government has not delivered new emergency support for Scottish hospitality.

“Unless a hospitality business is located on the islands, this Budget offers no new support to Scottish hospitality to survive the unprecedented challenge of rising costs, inflation, and the legacy of the pandemic.

“The very real implication is that many Scottish hospitality businesses will struggle to survive, and customers will see prices increase. This will be a bitter pill to swallow for thousands of Scottish hospitality businesses, given English hospitality businesses will be benefitting from a 75% business rates discount for the next year. Our attention will now be focused on helping those hospitality businesses survive what will be a very challenging year to come.

“However, we welcome the Scottish Government’s commitment to exploring a long-term, fairer deal for hospitality on business rates. It is a ray of hope in an otherwise disappointing day for Scottish hospitality.

“This is a golden opportunity to deliver a fairer deal for Scottish hospitality once and for all. We have been engaged with the New Deal for Business Group for a number of months and it is time that the Scottish Government’s actions matched their words.

“The Finance Secretary has committed to introducing a long-term, fairer deal for Scottish hospitality at next year’s Budget. We will hold her feet to the fire to make sure she delivers on this promise.”

Scottish Budget 2024-25

Summary of UK Economic and Fiscal Outlook from Office of the Chief Economic Adviser

CAMRA Guide highlights pubs and brewery numbers across Scotland

The Campaign for Real Ale’s (CAMRA) Good Beer Guide – the UK’s best-selling beer and pub guide – is celebrating its 51st edition with a striking cover and a foreword supplied by Iron Maiden’s Bruce Dickinson.

The Guide, which surveys 4,500 of the best pubs across the UK, is the definitive beer drinker’s guide for those seeking the best pints in the nation’s pubs.

Dickinson’s foreword shines a spotlight on the cultural tradition of pubs within the United Kingdom, the importance of protecting the heritage, charm and welcoming nature of pubs and clubs, and not taking them for granted.

The Good Beer Guide, which is published annually by CAMRA, helps beer lovers take a barometer of the local beer scene.

As well as covering 306 of the very best pubs across Aberdeen and Grampian, Argyll and the Isles, Ayrshire and Arran, Borders, Dumfries and Galloway, Edinburgh and the Lothians, Greater Glasgow and Clyde Valley, Highlands and the Western Isles, Kingdom of Fife, Loch Lomond, Stirling, the Trossachs, the Northern Isles and Tayside, it keeps track of brewery numbers, and notes a net loss of four breweries across the counties.

The story is the same across the UK, as although the Guide records 82 new breweries, 142 have closed. This net loss of 60 breweries is a worrying reminder that a lack of support from the Government means dire consequences for local businesses, in the wake of a cost-of-business crisis and the constant pressure of fuel bills.

This year’s Guide contains 910 newly featured pubs, which is a fantastic prospect for the pub trade which has been struggling to stay afloat in recent years following the pandemic and rising fuel costs.

The trade also faces an impending threat from unlawful demolitions, which CAMRA has declared a ‘national scandal’ in the wake of the demolition of the Crooked House in Himley.

CAMRA Chairman Nik Antona said: “The last few years have been an incredibly difficult time for the industry, and we need more support than ever before to keep our nation’s pubs and breweries open and thriving.

“I’d encourage everyone to use this year’s Guide to visit the very best pubs and breweries across the UK and support them for generations to come.”

The Good Beer Guide, which reviews over 4,500 pubs across the UK, is the definitive beer drinkers’ guide to the very best pints in a variety of styles of pubs to suit individual tastes. Compiled by thousands of independent volunteers, it helps identify significant trends and themes locally and nationally.

To order The Good Beer Guide 2024, visit

Cheers – Make It A Treble!


If there is one thing better than winning a CAMRA Pub of the Year award then it’s winning three at once!  The Jolly Judge, located just off Edinburgh’s Royal Mile, is the 2023 winner of CAMRA Edinburgh Pub of the Year, Overall Branch Pub of the Year and Cider Pub of the Year.

The framed certificates will handed over to licensee Adam Neil on Wednesday 26th April at 1945 hrs at the pub.  Many congratulations to Adam and all of his staff. 

Runner-up in Edinburgh was the Stockbridge Tap and in third place (jointly) were the Roseburn and the Dreadnought.

Stagg’s is Lothians Pub of the Year

Stagg’s in Musselburgh has won many CAMRA awards over the years and it’s ‘same again’ with the Award of Lothians Pub of the Year 2023.

The framed certificate will handed over to licensee Nigel Finlay on Wednesday 19th April at 1945 hrs at the pub. 

Runner-up was the Dean Tavern, Newtongrange and in third place was the Grey Horse, Balerno.

Further announcements about awards ceremonies in Edinburgh and in the Borders will be made later.

Kay’s Bar scoops CAMRA beer quality award

Kay’s Bar in Edinburgh’s New Town has a reputation for selling top quality real ale and this has resulted in Kay’s being awarded the local CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) Branch’s 2022 Real Ale Quality Award.

CAMRA’s members provided beer quality scores during 2022 when visiting real ale pubs in the Branch area (there are over 300) and Kay’s came out top for its average score – not only in Edinburgh but throughout the Lothians and Borders.

The presentation will be made by the CAMRA Branch Chair, Pat Hanson, to Simon Fisher, manager at Kay’s, at 8pm on Thursday (19th January 2023) at the pub.

On hearing the news of the award Kay’s landlord Fraser Gillespie said: “We are delighted with this recognition by CAMRA of our commitment to serving a range of  quality real ales”

Runners up in Edinburgh were the Mitre (Royal Mile) and the Dreadnought (Leith).

Same Again? CAMRA to present awards to Leith’s Dreadnought


It will be a proud moment for licensee Toby Saltonstall on Monday 23rd May (7.30pm) when he will be presented with the CAMRA local branch (Edinburgh and SE Scotland) Edinburgh Pub of the Year 2022 award.

Not only that, the Dreadnought has also been adjudged Overall Branch Pub of the Year 2022.

CAMRA Branch Chair Pat Hanson, who will be be handing over the two framed certificates, said: “In a few short years Toby and Roisin at the Dreadnought have won numerous CAMRA awards with their top quality real ale and banter and it’s now fitting that they should add the coveted Overall Branch Pub of the Year award to their collection.”

In a Facebook post, the popular North Fort Street pub announced: “The Dread is CAMRA Edinburgh Pub of the Year for the fourth consecutive time. There was no winner in 2021 but we can call it five years straight, right? Not too shabby for a single-room battlecruiser out in the sticks.

“This one is for the team, who have been nothing short of sensational over the past two years.”

The multi-award winning Dreadnought is branching out. They have just bought The Wee Leith Shop – the Dread Shed cometh!