Full speed ahead for Martina’s low-carbon dream!

Edinburgh Napier graduate on fast track to success after funding boost

An Edinburgh Napier graduate is paving the way for low-carbon innovation after being accepted into a prestigious Europe-wide programme. Martina Zupan, who studied product design at the University before setting up her own business aimed at reducing plastic pollution, was delighted to discover her start-up made it on to the Climate-KIC Accelerator scheme. Continue reading Full speed ahead for Martina’s low-carbon dream!

Scottish businesses plan jobs boost as confidence rises, says Business Barometer report

Bank of Scotland’s Business Barometer for February 2018 shows:

  • Overall confidence for firms in Scotland rose 17 points during February to 35 per cent
  • Economic optimism in the region stood at 33 per cent, 20 points above last month
  • Job creation increased by 23 points to 27 per cent compared to January

Continue reading Scottish businesses plan jobs boost as confidence rises, says Business Barometer report

Small businesses to capitalise on energy efficiency with launch of ‘cashback’ scheme

Small businesses in Scotland could save up to £8,000 on average each year simply by making energy efficiency improvements – and cut their annual energy consumption by a quarter. That’s the message from Zero Waste Scotland and the Scottish Government, who have announced a new ‘cashback’ scheme to help businesses in Scotland tackle rising energy costs and reduce their carbon footprint.

For a limited time only, eligible small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) applying for an interest-free, unsecured Scottish Government loan can receive 30% cashback on the value. That’s up to £10,000 in cashback on completion of their energy efficiency improvements.

Minister for Business, Innovation and Energy, Paul Wheelhouse, announced the cashback incentive today during a visit to Goldenacre Mini Market in Edinburgh. The convenience store is among more than 300 businesses in Scotland to have benefitted from an SME Loan in the past five years.

The SME Loan scheme has seen nearly £10million invested in the Scottish small business community since 2013.

Paul Wheelhouse MSP, Scottish Government Minister for Business, Innovation and Energy, said: “Improving energy efficiency is one of the smartest ways that businesses in Scotland can hold onto their hard-earned profits and make a real difference to the bottom line.

“In addition to benefits for individual businesses, reducing the environmental impact of Scotland’s energy needs will bring us closer to the low carbon energy future set out in Scotland’s Energy Strategy – generating benefits for Scotland’s economy as well as the environment.

“This fund is part of Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme (SEEP), which will support buildings across Scotland – both domestic and non-domestic – to improve their energy efficiency rating over a 15-20 year period.

“We will be publishing a SEEP Routemap, later in 2018, to set out our long-term ambition for the Programme and make our commitment to this agenda clear, given the more than £500 million we have which earmarked to the programme over this term of Parliament.”

The SME Loan 30% Cashback incentive is open to applications from SMEs with energy efficiency projects that demonstrate cost and carbon savings. These include, but are not limited to:

·         investing in LED lighting,

·         installing more efficient heating systems,

·         improving the insulation of a building or investing in more energy efficient equipment, such as a state of the art oven or a more efficient refrigeration unit.

Eligible applicants will receive a dedicated expert advisor from Zero Waste Scotland’s Resource Efficient Scotland service, which is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), to guide them through the process at no cost, helping them identify efficiency improvements with the greatest benefit to the bottom line.

Iain Gulland, Chief Executive, Zero Waste Scotland, said: “Our work with small businesses in Scotland tells us that companies want to do their bit for the environment – indeed, our advisors have already supported organisations in Scotland to identify over £42million worth of savings.

“We understand that with small businesses, the need to see fast return on investment and the time needed to complete lengthy application processes can preclude positive action. That’s why the SME Loan and associated support is designed with busy Scottish SMEs in mind – and with up to £10,000 cashback now available there’s even more reason to act and secure a more sustainable, cost-effective future for your business.”

Small business owner Aleem Farooqi runs the Goldenacre Mini Market on Edinburgh’s Inverleith Row. His successful application for the SME Loan in 2016, to upgrade the store’s lighting and refrigeration, has generated annual electricity savings worth almost £1,800.

Mr Farooqi said: “As a small business, keeping my energy bills to a minimum while also ensuring an excellent customer experience is paramount. Having operated Goldenacre Mini Market in Edinburgh for 15 years, I was delighted to have the chance to upgrade some of my older lighting and refrigeration equipment to more energy efficient models that are now saving me about 30% on my electricity bills. That’s money that I can put back into my business and continue to serve the community.

“I would recommend the SME Loan to any small business owner – and with an additional cashback element now available it’s a great opportunity for retailers to invest in the future of their business.”

To find out more about the SME Loan 30% Cashback incentive, and to apply, call Zero Waste Scotland’s Resource Efficient Scotland service on 0808 808 2268, or visit www.resourceefficientscotland.com/SMEloan 

Zero Waste Scotland leads on delivery of the £73million Resource Efficient Circular Economy Accelerator Programme, which aims to improve the economic performance of SMEs while at the same time reducing the impact of economic activity on the natural environment, supporting Scottish Government and EU policies.

Scottish business confidence low but ‘modest’ job creation on horizon, according to new Business Barometer

Bank of Scotland’s Business Barometer for January 2018 shows:

  • Overall confidence for firms in Scotland is at 18 per cent
  • Firms’ confidence in their own business prospects is 22 per cent
  • Some job creation on the horizon, with a net balance of four per cent of businesses looking to employ more staff in 2018

Business confidence in Scotland stands at 18 per cent in January, according to the latest Business Barometer from Bank of Scotland. Continue reading Scottish business confidence low but ‘modest’ job creation on horizon, according to new Business Barometer

Edinburgh’s economy: A tale of two cities

“The time has come to take a good look at why there are still people living in Edinburgh who are not sharing in this prosperity” – Councillor Gavin Barrie, Housing & Economy convener 

An Economy Strategy to tackle inequality and poverty in the Capital has been published by the city council. The draft strategy which will be considered by councillors at the Housing and Economy Committee on Thursday, recognises that although Edinburgh remains the second most prosperous UK city outside London, jobs growth alone has not been sufficient to tackle poverty and deliver sustained improvements in living standards for everyone. 

Consultation carried out with all political parties and businesses, as well as local communities and the third sector, revealed a consensus of opinion that Edinburgh’s economy should aim to create jobs and inspire innovation but that it should also do much more to ensure that the benefits of that prosperity are accessible to all residents across the city.

It has been created around three themes – innovation, inclusion and collaboration and includes ten steps to achieve this goal. The council alone cannot achieve this and needs ownership and leadership from other city partners such as the Edinburgh Partnership and Edinburgh Business Forum.

Cllr Gavin Barrie, Housing and Economy Convener, said: “Our Economy Strategy sees an important shift in the focus of our work to help Edinburgh’s economy to grow. It is going from strength to strength and has shown great resilience during tough economic times. The time has come, however, to take a good look at why there are still people living in Edinburgh who are not sharing in this prosperity. 

“We need to grow our economy so that it is fair in terms of wages, opportunity, access to housing, education and good careers. Much of that work has already started through our commitment to build 20,000 new affordable homes in the city and the £1.1b Edinburgh and South-East Scotland City Region deal, which will provide £300m for world leading data innovation centres, £25m for regional skills programme to support improved career opportunities for disadvantaged groups and £65m of new funding for housing to unlock strategic development sites.

“The strategy also fits in well with the most recent Scottish Government Economic Strategy and UK Industrial Strategy, both of which have placed increasing emphasis on the need for inclusive growth for our economy.

“Locally, the strategy also represents one of the first major practical steps towards achieving the City Vision for 2050 that we have been developing with contributions from people across the city since September 2016.”

Hugh Rutherford, Chair of the Edinburgh Business Forum, said: “To stay ahead of our global competitors, Edinburgh needs a laser focus on our world leading sectors – financial services, tech, life sciences, creative industries and tourism.

“But we need more than sectoral growth – we need responsible and sustainable ‘good growth’, making sure everyone benefits in a way that’s not happened before. Crucial to the success of this will be the private sector, all levels of education, and the third and public sectors working together to achieve this common goal.”

Ella Simpson, Chief Executive, Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations’ Council, said: “I am pleased the Strategy explicitly acknowledges poverty and inequality in the City and highlights actions which aim to reduce the impact on people’s lives.  The strategy needs to recognise the existing communities and people as the bedrock for fair growth in the city and it is important that we provide support to business, from all sectors, to be the best employers they can be.” 

The Strategy’s ten steps, which all have their own actions plans.

  • Establish Edinburgh as the data capital of Europe.

  • Develop Edinburgh as a city of resilient businesses with the space to grow.

  • Create a step change in the growth of green and socially responsible business in Edinburgh.

  • Deliver new approaches to tackling the barriers that reinforce worklessness, poverty and inequality.

  • Reform Edinburgh’s education and skills landscape to meet the needs of our changing economy.

  • Deepen our relationships with employers to unlock good career opportunities.

  • Create a transformational city centre fit to power Scotland’s economy.

  • Build a world class Waterfront, and deliver business and residential growth in West Edinburgh.

  • Build affordable places for people to live and work.

  • Deliver sustainable and inclusive growth in our world leading culture and tourism sectors.

Scottish business confidence steady … but among lowest in UK 


  • Business confidence in Scotland drops slightly from July but remains among lowest in UK
  • Investment intentions remain level for second year running
  • More businesses expect to cut jobs during the next six months than expect to create them
  • Economic uncertainty remains greatest risk to firms

Scottish businesses have reported the second lowest confidence rates in the country amid market uncertainty and concern over weak domestic demand, according to the latest Business in Britain report from Bank of Scotland. Continue reading Scottish business confidence steady … but among lowest in UK 

National award proves Cheeky Chompers pair are no dummies!

Julie Wilson and Amy Livingstone of Edinburgh’s Cheeky Chompers have won a prestigious national award for their ‘inspirational’ business. The women designed and developed an idea for teething babies – and with their product now being sold in major retailers they’re clearly no dummies! Continue reading National award proves Cheeky Chompers pair are no dummies!