COSLA is clear that the proposed funding from Scottish Government won’t cover additional Employers National Insurance costs, and councils still face an extremely challenging financial position as they set their budgets.
COSLA Resources Spokesperson, Councillor Katie Hagmann, commented: “We note that the Scottish Government has announced it will fund £144m of the additional direct staffing costs that will result from the UK Government’s policy decision rise to Employers National Insurance. However, this leaves a gap of £96 million Councils will still need to fill within their budgets.
“While we acknowledge that the UK government is still to announce additional resources, it is important to note that there has been no additional funding for commissioned services, the biggest of these being adult social care, which are also vital services and will see significant impacts.
“Given the mounting challenges for local government, this additional funding will not solve the crises councils and communities are facing, which are exacerbated by the Employers National Insurance increase.
“Difficult decisions will still need to be made as councils look to protect essential frontline services.”
Finance Secretary calls for clarity as local authorities set their budgets
The employer National Insurance increase must be fully funded to ensure local authorities have the resources they need to serve their communities, Finance Secretary Shona Robison has said.
Ahead of an appearance before the local government committee next week, Ms Robison again called on the UK Government to provide urgent clarity over the funding to help the Scottish Government and local authorities finalise their budgets.
The Finance Secretary said: “Scotland’s public services face a bill of more than £700 million as a result of the UK Government’s increase in employer National Insurance Contributions.
“There have been indications of likely funding reported in the media, but these fail to take account of the fact that we have a larger public sector per person than other parts of the UK, leaving us some £300 million short.
“It feels like Scotland is now being punished for having decided to employ more people in the public sector and to invest in key public services.
“We know local authorities are already under significant financial pressure. This will only continue to build unless the UK Government reimburses us in full for their tax increase. Councils are in the process of setting their Budgets now, so the sooner we have clarity over this issue the better – this is needed urgently.
“The Scottish Government will continue to work closely with COSLA to press the UK Government to provide the funding needed to support public services in Scotland.”
The First Minister and President of COSLA wrote to the Chancellor on 3 January, supported by 48 public and voluntary sector organisations to raise concerns at the impact of the increase to employer National Insurance contributions and to seek clarity on funding.
An Open Letter from Pamela Tulloch, chief executive officer of the Scottish Library and Information Council (SLIC)
It’s no secret that Scotland’s libraries, along with the rest of our world-class culture sector, are currently embroiled in a perfect storm: budget pressures, reduced income generation, and rising costs have created a potent force for our services to contend with.
That’s why we’ve written to councillors across the City of Edinburgh, ahead of final decisions being taken on 2024/25 public spending, to not only remind them of the vast benefits a thriving public library service can provide, but to highlight those who stand to lose the most if our services are cut even further – communities across Edinburgh.
The Scottish Library and Information Council (SLIC) is the advocacy body for Scotland’s network of over 500 public libraries – celebrating the creativity, commitment, and value that libraries offer the communities they serve. A lifeline of support for so many.
Our latest research, Scotland’s Public Library Survey, helps to demonstrate the immense value, trust, and appreciation that people across Edinburgh place in their library service. With over 93 per cent of respondents agreeing that using the library improves their quality of life, the pivotal role they play is clear.
This is best evidenced by:
Closing the attainment gap by supporting children’s development, education and improving literacy through adulthood;
Combatting social isolation and helping those struggling with mental health;
Bridging the digital divide through free e-learning opportunities;
Connecting rural and remote communities through mobile library provision; and
Providing free IT equipment, employability sessions and activities to alleviate the impact of the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.
This is supported by the poignant feedback shared by library users across Edinburgh. When asked about the positive impact library use had had on their life, one local commented:
“The library is a busy meeting place for groups, acting as a hub for all sorts of activities, including groups of parents and children who meet here to play. Staff at the library are very helpful in recommending books that suit my tastes.
“The library is a very social place with a lovely atmosphere and is welcoming place to go. It always cheers me up.”
This sentiment is common and is underpinned by a strong economic case: for every £1 invested into our libraries, there’s a return on investment of £6.95 for the local economy.
And it is to the credit of our public libraries that this is the case, despite budgets having been hollowed out over the past 14 years which has resulted in reduced opening hours and staffing levels.
Indeed, Scotland’s libraries remained the most frequently visited cultural places in 2022, and also enjoy the highest customer satisfaction rate of any local authority cultural service, at 89 per cent.
Now is the time for the City of Edinburgh Council’s elected members to give libraries the financial backing that they need – that they deserve – to continue delivering the public services which have become vital to communities across the country.
This is more than a bid for culture funding – it’s a plea to prioritise community wellbeing. We hope that all elected members will consider both the financial and social cost of not maintaining these essential services and use the upcoming budget period to protect the services that matter most to their constituents by ensuring continued investment in our libraries.
Pamela Tulloch,
Chief executive officer of the Scottish Library and Information Council (SLIC)
Holyrood and Scotland’s councils on collision course
Measures to ensure that teacher and pupil support staff numbers as well as school hours are protected have been announced by Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville.
The Scottish Government has committed to increasing teacher numbers by 3,500 during this Parliament.
Since 2017/18 local authorities have received funding to protect the pupil-teacher ratio, teacher numbers and to provide places for all probationers who need one.
Additional annual funding of £145.5 million is also being provided to maintain increased teacher numbers and support staff. In the year ahead (2023/24), if this is not delivered by a local authority, the Scottish Government will withhold or recoup funding allocated for these purposes.
Regulations will also be introduced under legislation passed by the Scottish Parliament in 2016 to enshrine a statutory minimum number of school hours.
Ms Somerville said: “The measures I have outlined today demonstrate our unyielding commitment to closing the attainment gap and making Scotland the best place in the world to grow up.
“We are committed to recruiting more teachers and support staff, and we have already provided significant additional funding to Local Authorities to help ensure this happens.
“The Scottish Government recognises the challenging budgetary decisions facing councils and that is why the Deputy First Minister has committed to delivering a new deal for local government. However, this Government has a clear commitment to improving education – and maintaining both teacher and support staff numbers and learning hours is crucial to that.
“I recognise the importance of strong partnership working between local government, central government and Education Scotland to achieve our ambitions.
“I will be writing to COSLA today, and each individual council in the coming days, to set out the details on protecting teacher and support staff numbers, and next steps on learning hours.”
COSLA yesterday (Tuesday) highlighted to the Scottish Government a massive contradiction in relation to Scottish Education and council funding.This followed an emergency meeting of Council Leaders on Friday and ahead of Ms Somerville’s Parliamentary statement.
At Friday’s meeting Council Leaders reacted with great disappointment to the Scottish Government’s cutting of Local Government’s funding on the one hand whilst at the same time legislating/intervening to prevent headlines showing the unpalatable consequences of those cuts.
Councils are unanimous that attainment is not just about teacher numbers, especially in areas where school rolls are declining, and depends also on a wide range of other council services and support staff.
Accordingly, councils must be left with the flexibility to manage their inadequate budgets to minimise the impact on attainment and the other services the public depend upon. To do more than this will require the Scottish Government to provide additional funding, not more restriction.
Council leaders were clear that Local Government wants to protect education. Councils want to continue to improve the attainment and achievement of children and young people, whilst also retaining the teachers and support staff that are required to do this. It’s the Budget which is putting these things at risk, not Local Government.
COSLA said that the reality is that Scottish Government Budgets over a decade have left us with a funding crisis in Local Government the likes of which have never been seen before.
Commenting yesterday in a joint statement, COSLA’s Presidential Team said: “The timing and approach of the Scottish Government’s latest move undermines the democratic mandate of Local Government and is a U-turn on previously agreed flexibilities for councils over their budgets.
“It is not the case that Local Government wants to cut any of our services; we have to work with the budgets we have and unless there is more funding, we are forced to make democratic decisions on priorities for the communities we serve.
“On the one hand our budgets have been cut in real terms, and on the other hand the Scottish Government is intervening with additional policies which means significant cuts will have to be made in other areas that support children, young people, families and our communities.
“We have been clear about the limited options facing Local Government because of the Scottish Government’s Budget for 2023/24, a view which is shared by the independent body Accounts Commission.
“We have also highlighted the impact of the initial proposed interventions on other Local Government services, including those which directly support the attainment, health and wellbeing of children and young people.
“These latest asks and the Government’s narrative demonstrates a Government who does not fully value and respect Local Government’s role. Asks of this nature are addressing a symptom, not the cause.”
With the cost of living and climate change weighing heavily on the minds of many this festive season, it’s the little things that can make a difference – tackling both budgetary and sustainability concerns in one go, whilst keeping the Christmas spirit sparkling.
Remake Scotland, a social enterprise based in Crieff, and recently announced as one of Royal London’s sustainability Changemakers for 2022, has these tips for households on how to save while being kind to the environment this holiday season:
1. Try sustainable Christmas wrapping
Remake Scotland recently ran a workshop on how to master traditional Japanese fabric techniques. This is something you can try out yourself at home with old fabrics – the method is called Furoshiki, and there are plenty of tutorials on YouTube where you can follow along. Reduce the tonnes of wrapping paper thrown in the bin each year, and breathe new life into your old scarves and fabrics.
2. Send digital Christmas cards instead of paper ones
We go out and buy Christmas cards each year, only for them to end up in the bin! Why not try sending e-cards instead – there are dozens of providers out there. You can send a Christmas card digitally via Moonpig for only 99p. You could even get creative and design your own for free on a site like Canva.
3. Recycle your Christmas tree
Hundreds of thousands of Christmas trees ending up in landfill come January is costly to the environment and the taxpayer, and just not necessary. If you’ve bought a Christmas tree with roots, you can extend its lifetime by re-potting it in your garden, or a friend’s. If you’ve bought a tree which is cut, find out if your local council has a special tree recycling scheme in place, and if not, you can drop it off at your nearest recycling centre. If you don’t want to buy a real tree, there are artificial options that are made from recycled or recyclable materials you might consider.
4. Get creative with gifts
If you’re creatively blessed, why not put your skills to use and give a unique gift that you’ve made yourself? Not only will the gift feel more personalised and special, it will save you money. Or, consider browsing local charity shops to seek out some vintage gems at a bargain price – you never know what you might find.
5. Memories with loved ones are the best gifts
Step away from the concept of ‘things’ entirely, and give the gift of an experience, such as cinema tickets, afternoon tea, or a cookery class. Even something as simple as a promise to host a home cooked dinner can mean a lot to your nearest and dearest.
The way in which local governments plan and spend their budgets is to be scrutinised by a Holyrood Committee. The Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Communities Committee has today announced its review into local government spending ahead of its scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s draft budget 2018/19, which should be revealed towards the end of this year.Continue reading Council budget spending priorities to be scrutinised by Holyrood committee
Cuts in funding local authority services are happening again this year and will affect every person in varying degrees and add to the contraction in public services: services that are necessary and needed.
There are also other services provided daily by other organisations, mostly run by volunteers with some financial help from the council: these too are facing drastic cuts. Day Care clubs, lifelong learning and literacy classes, mentla health support,, befriending, support and information services, classes of all kinds and -very importantly – community transport to and from activities.
Hundreds, if not thousands, of people are helped out of isolation every week with all the benefit – both mental and physical – stemming from these services. Curtailing existing funding to these organisations is not only false economy but will see a deterioration in the health of those people affected, causing a far greater expenditure in other health and care costs.
The councils must rethink their attitude to these services – and, above all, their attitude to PEOPLE.
Leith Neighbourhood Partnership will soon invite local community projects to apply for funding from a pot of more than £22,000 as part of one of the longest running participatory budgeting projects in the UK.
Now in its sixth year, £eith Decides allows groups to apply for grants of up to £1,000 each, to be spent on projects that benefit the local community.
This year’s application period is open from 11am this Saturday (24 October) until 5pm on Wednesday 18 November. A Steering Group made up of local people considers all applications to make sure that they meet the criteria.
A special event will then take place in February 2016, at which members of the public will get the chance to talk to applicants and learn about their projects. Local people aged eight and over who live, work, study or volunteer in Leith are then invited to vote on which projects they would most like to see receive the money.
The Citadel Arts Group, a charity which works with older people to express their creativity through living memory and drama projects has had repeat success with £eith Decides and is a great example of what the funding can do for community groups. They first approached £eith Decides in 2012 for funding to help four pupils from St Mary’s Primary perform a community play on healthy eating written by one of the their older members.
Liz Hare from Citadel Arts Group said: “We have benefited greatly from £eith Decides, both in terms of the funding and also the networking on the voting days which has created two great projects. We have twice successfully applied to £eith Decides for funding to continue the club and enable the young people to perform at Leith Festival in 2014 and 2015. We are thankful to £eith Decides and the people of Leith, not just for the money but also for the chances to network and grow our group in exciting new directions.”
Potential applicants are invited to an information session at 11am on Saturday 24 October at McDonald Road Library, where advice will be available on eligibility criteria and how to apply.
Councillor Maureen Child, Convener of the Communities and Neighbourhoods Committee at the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “£eith Decides continues to be exceedingly popular. Twenty five projects received awards in 2015 supporting a range of activities including English classes, art workshops, purchase of sports equipment, and the delivery of outdoor activities.
“As it is now in its sixth year, it has been fantastic to see the results from past recipients. All these worthwhile projects that have benefited from the scheme have made a difference to people in the community.
“February’s public event, which will be held as part of the process, will give community groups the opportunity to raise awareness about their work too. Neighbourhood Partnership events like this are valued by people who welcome the opportunity to make decisions about the area in which they live.”
With Christmas just around the corner new research from Clydesdale Bank has shown that the nation is divided over the very thing that makes Christmas sparkle – this country’s love affair with outdoor festive lights!
Almost half of us (47%) said we love seeing lots of brightly lit Santas, snowmen and reindeers outside of houses at this time of year. However, almost a third have a more ‘bah humbug’ approach to lighting up the festive season.
The survey revealed that 14% of us think they are a waste of money and a further 11% actually wishing their neighbours wouldn’t decorate the outside of their homes. Nearly one in ten (8%) of those surveyed said they simply don’t like Christmas decorations while a sixth (15%) said they would like to put lights outside their home but the cost of powering them puts them off.
But despite mixed views the majority of the nation is getting into the festive spirit with 57% of us saying we are looking forward to spending time with family and friends.
However this time of year is also proving to be stressful for some with almost a fifth of those surveyed admitting that they are worried about paying for Christmas and a further 19% stating that Christmas shopping is their least favourite part of the build-up to the big day.
Andrew Pearce, Retail Director for Clydesdale Bank, said: “Our research has shown that people either love or loathe outdoor Christmas lights. Some view them as extravagant and an unnecessary waste of money and electricity whilst others enjoy the Christmas atmosphere they bring to the community.
“Whatever decorations you opt for this year, it’s still possible to have fun this festive season without blowing the budget.”
Clydesdale Bank’s simple tips to save money this Christmas:
Set a budget – and stick to it. Work out how much you can afford to spend and don’t exceed this amount.
Remember the most expensive present is not necessarily the best. Sometimes a more thoughtful, personal gift can be more appreciated. For example, new parents may prefer the offer of babysitting rather than more perfume or aftershave.
Shop about – when you have decided what you want to buy, look for the best bargain. Many shops have sales in the run-up to Christmas, so pick your purchasing timing wisely.
Group together – rather than buying gifts for every one of your friends individually, why not hold a secret Santa where each person buys for just one friend?
Have a family feast – ask your guests to bring a course or some goodies with them so you don’t have sole responsibility for Christmas dinner. It could simply be bringing the wine or the Christmas crackers but will help you share the expense.
What’s your view – tacky or terrific? Let us kno-ho-ho!