£150 Disability Cost of Living Payments begin this month

From today (20 September) around six million disabled people in the UK will start to receive their one-off £150 Disability Cost of Living payment

  • Six million people who are paid certain disability benefits will begin to receive a one-off payment of £150 from today
  • Payments are part of the government’s wider £37 billion support package, including the Energy Price Guarantee and cost of living payments totalling £650

Those who had confirmed payment of their disability benefit for 25 May will receive the £150 automatically, with the vast majority to be paid by early October.

The payment will help disabled people with the rising cost of living, acknowledging the higher disability-related costs they often face, such as for care and mobility needs.

The cost of living payments from the government are part of a £37 billion package of support, which will see millions of households receive at least £1,200 this year to help cover rising costs, and follows the Prime Minister’s announcement of a new Energy Price Guarantee for the next two winters saving households on average £1,000 a year on their energy bills.

Work and Pensions Secretary Chloe Smith said: “We know disabled people face additional costs and this government is listening and taking decisive action to protect the most vulnerable in our society.

“In addition to the £150 Disability Cost of Living payment, households will save an average of £1,000 a year through our new Energy Price Guarantee and the lowest-income households will receive at least £1,200 to help with the rising cost of living this year.

“This multi-billion-pound package of support reinforces our commitment to help UK households, particularly those with disability challenges, through the tough times ahead.”

UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng said: “The government is providing vital support to shield the most vulnerable from rising prices caused by global economic challenges.

“From today, a one-off £150 payment will automatically land in over six million disabled peoples’ accounts. This is in addition to the decisive action we took last week to hold down energy bills over the next two years, saving the average household £1,000 a year.

“The government is standing behind people this winter, and in the longer term we are focusing on driving economic growth – the only way to permanently boost everyone’s living standards.”

Adult Disability Payment now open for new applications across Scotland

Adult Disability Payment is now open for new applications across Scotland. The national rollout follows successful pilots in 13 local authority areas, which began in March.

It is the twelfth and most complex benefit to be delivered by the Scottish Government. It replaces the UK Government’s Personal Independence Payment.

The benefit provides financial support to people aged between 16 and state pension age who are disabled, have a long-term health condition or have a terminal illness.

People already receiving the UK Government’s Personal Independence Payment and Disability Living Allowance do not need to apply for Adult Disability Payment.

These existing awards will transfer automatically from the DWP to Social Security Scotland. Cases will transfer in stages starting from this summer and this process is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.

Minister for Social Security Ben Macpherson said: “The national launch of Adult Disability Payment is a significant milestone in the development of our new social security system, that will treat everyone with dignity, fairness and respect.

“This is the twelfth and most complex devolved benefit to be introduced and, once all the awards have transferred from the DWP, this new payment will be supporting more than 300,000 people.

“We are offering a range of ways to make an application, including online, by post, over the phone or face-to-face. Social Security Scotland local delivery teams are also available to provide assistance in communities across the country.

“In creating our new system, we have worked extensively and collaboratively with people who will use this service. Their input, and their direct experience of the DWP system, has significantly informed our policy development and resulted in the number of improvements that we are making to the way in which we are delivering our new service.

“The Scottish Government is focused on providing a positive and compassionate experience for people applying for and receiving our Adult Disability Payment. 

 “In our Scottish system no one will be subject to DWP style assessments or degrading functional examinations, and we will never use the private sector to carry out health examinations.

“People will only be invited to a consultation on occasions when we require more information so we can make a decision. This will be a conversation with a health and social care professional to understand how a person’s disability or health condition impacts them.

“Social security is a shared investment in building a fairer Scotland. It is a human right and we encourage those who may be eligible for support to apply.”

Moira Tasker, Chief Executive of Inclusion Scotland said: “Inclusion Scotland warmly welcomes today’s launch of the Adult Disability Payment. Many disabled people are being disproportionately hard hit by the UK economic crisis and are deeply worried about just surviving this winter.

“The Adult Disability Payment will offer much needed support to eligible disabled people. It ushers in further progress towards upholding the values of dignity and respect in Scottish society, which were entirely lacking in the Department of Work and Pensions approach to disability benefits.  

“We are proud of the part that disabled people, our members and Inclusion Scotland played in engaging with the Scottish Government to make a new system for Scottish disability benefits fair and accessible.  

“The Adult Disability Payment is a leap forward. It has the potential to enable disabled people and Scots with long-term health conditions to participate in their communities and wider Scottish society – whether that is through work, education, family life, or simply a life lived without fear of phone calls or letters demanding repeated assessments and sanctions.”

You can apply if you are between 16 years old and state pension age, need help with the extra costs of being disabled or having a long term health condition.

Apply at https://bit.ly/ApplyForAdultDisabilityPayment

Over one million families claiming tax credits to receive first Cost of Living Payment from 2 September

Around 1.1 million claimant families receiving tax credits will get their first Cost of Living Payment from Friday 2 September 2022, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has confirmed.

This £326 UK Government payment will be paid automatically into eligible tax credit-only customers’ bank accounts between 2 and 7 September 2022. The first HMRC payments will total around £360 million.

Nadhim Zahawi, Chancellor of the Exchequer, said: “I know people are really concerned by rising prices so I’m glad that over a million more low earners will shortly receive their first Cost of Living Payment. We are also preparing options for further support so the new Prime Minister can hit the ground running.

“Alongside £400 off most people’s energy bills, tax cuts and the Household Support Fund, these direct payments are a very important part of our £37 billion package of help for households, which is targeted at those who need it most.”

Angela MacDonald, HMRC’s Deputy Chief Executive and Second Permanent Secretary, said: “This first Cost of Living Payment will provide vital financial support for eligible tax credit-only claimants across the UK. A second payment will be made to eligible customers from the winter.

“The money will be paid automatically into bank accounts, so people don’t need to do anything to get this extra help.”

These latest payments mean that more than eight million eligible households in receipt of a means-tested benefit will have received the first of two automatic Cost of Living payments of £326 from 14 July.

The second means-tested payment of £324 will be issued later this year – from the autumn for DWP benefit claimants, and from the winter for tax credit-only customers.

Tax credit claimants who also receive benefits from the Department for Work and Pensions will have already received their first Cost of Living Payment from July 2022.

The Cost of Living payments from the UK Government are part of a £37 billion package of support, which will see millions of low-income households receive at least £1,200 this year to help cover rising costs.

As well as the Cost of Living Payment, other UK Government support includes:

  • £400 discount from the government to help with the cost of energy bills from October onwards    
  • £300 Pensioner Cost of Living Payment that will be paid alongside Winter Fuel Payments  
  • £150 Disability Cost of Living Payment from 20 September for those receiving an eligible UK disability benefit.

This is all in addition to changes to the Universal Credit taper rate and work allowances worth £1,000 a year on average for 1.7 million working claimants; a rise in the National Living Wage to £9.50 an hour; and a tax cut for around 30 million workers through a rise in National Insurance contribution thresholds.

The UK Government is offering help for households. Customers should check GOV.UK to find out what cost of living support they could be eligible for. 

Social Security Scotland: Early Bank Holiday payment dates

Due to the Bank Holiday on 29th August, some payments for Scottish Child Payment, Child Disability Payment and Adult Disability Payment will be paid into accounts early.

All payments will return to normal from 3rd September

6 million disabled people to get Cost of Living payment from 20 September

  • £150 disability Cost of Living payments to be made from 20 September 2022
  • 6 million people who are paid certain disability benefits will benefit
  • Automatic support part of wider package of help with the rising Cost of Living, including other cost of living payments totalling £650

Those being paid a qualifying disability benefit will be paid automatically from 20 September, with the vast majority of those eligible expected to receive their one-off payment within a couple of weeks by the beginning of October.

The payment will help disabled people with the rising Cost of Living acknowledging the higher disability-related costs they often face, such as care and mobility needs.

For those disabled people on low-incomes, this payment comes on top of other Cost of Living payments totalling £650, £400 for all households to help with energy bills, and an extra £150 for properties in Council Tax bands A-D in England.

Over eight million eligible households in receipt of a means-tested benefit received the first of two automatic Cost of Living payments of £326 from 14 July. The second means-tested payment of £324 will be issued later this year.

Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work Chloe Smith said: “We know disabled people can face additional costs, which is why we are acting to help reduce the financial pressures on the most vulnerable.

“This £150 disability payment is on top of the £1,200 most low income benefit claimants will also receive and alongside wider support targeted at disabled people, including help with transport and prescription costs.

“We know it’s a worrying time for some people and I’d urge them to check they are getting all the support on offer by searching Help for Households.”

The Cost of Living payments from the government are part of a £37 billion package of support, which will see millions of households receive at least £1,200 this year to help cover rising costs.

The government has also expanded support for the Household Support Fund in England – which helps people with food and energy bills – with an extra £421 million – for October 2022 to March 2023, and topped up funding by £79 million for devolved nations; the total value of this support now stands at £1.5 billion.

This is all in addition to changes to the Universal Credit taper rate and work allowances worth £1,000 a year on average for 1.7 million working claimants, a rise in the National Living Wage to £9.50 an hour, and a tax cut for around 30 million workers through a rise in National Insurance contribution thresholds.

UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Nadhim Zahawi said: “We know that rising prices faced by many countries around the world are a significant worry for many people here in the UK, especially those most vulnerable to additional costs.

“Today’s announcement that disabled people will begin to receive an additional £150 payment from the end of September reinforces our commitment to help UK households through the challenging times ahead.

“This payment is in addition to further help households can expect over the coming months – including a second cost of living payment of £324 for households on means-tested benefits, £300 for pensioners this winter and £400 discount on energy bills for every household. This is all part of our significant £37 billion support package.”

  • Those who receive the following disability benefits may be eligible for the one-off payment of £150 in September: Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payment, Attendance Allowance, Scottish Disability Benefits (Adult Disability Payment and Child Disability Payment), Armed Forces Independence Payment, Constant Attendance Allowance and War Pension Mobility Supplement.
  •  Armed Forces Independence Payment, Constant Attendance Allowance and War Pension Mobility Supplement.
  • Those who had confirmed payment of their disability benefit for 25 May are expected to be paid shortly after the payment window opens. For those awaiting confirmation of their disability benefits on 25 May, or who are waiting to be assessed for eligibility to receive disability benefits, the process may take longer but payments will still be automatic.
  • You must have received a payment (or later receive a payment) of one of these qualifying benefits for 25 May 2022 to get the payment.
  • You can read more about the government’s Cost of Living support on the Help with the cost of living page.

Child Disability Payment pays out more that £17 million since launch

More than £17.1 million has been paid to support children and young people since Child Disability Payment launched.

These payments are designed to mitigate some of the additional costs of caring for a disabled or terminally ill child or young person.

It is estimated that as of 30 June 2022, 13,200 children and young people are in receipt of Child Disability Payment.

£11.3 million was issued to new applicants and a further £5.8 million was issued to children and young people who have had their payment transferred to Child Disability Payment.

The total number of people receiving payments includes 7,230 who had their Disability Living Allowance for children transferred from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to Social Security Scotland.

Figures for 26 July 2021 to 30 June 2022 include an initial pilot period where Child Disability Payment was only available in Dundee City, Perth and Kinross and the Western Isles local authority areas.

Child Disability Payment became available to people making new applications across Scotland in November 2021. Payments for children and young people whose awards transferred from DWP began in February this year.

Almost three quarters (74%) of applications were made online, with 16% by phone.

Child Disability Payment replaces the UK Government’s Disability Living Allowance for children.

Those already receiving Disability Living Allowance for children from the DWP do not need to make a new application for Child Disability Payment as Social Security Scotland will contact them ahead of their award being automatically transferred.

Social Security & Local Government Minister Ben Macpherson said: “I’m proud to be working to further develop our Scottish social security system rooted in dignity, fairness and respect.

“We want people to get the support they need and are entitled to”.

Social Security Scotland’s Local Delivery team hits 10,000 appointments milestone

Minister praises impact of specially-trained advisers

A team dedicated to providing support to people applying for benefits has marked its 10,000th appointment in its first year of operation.

Social Security Scotland’s Local Delivery service was launched to offer support to people in their homes, at a convenient place within communities, by videocall or by phone.

Minister for Social Security, Ben Macpherson, said the milestone reached showed how Scotland was “doing things differently” in its approach to supporting people applying for benefits.

He hailed the success of the Local Delivery service as a source of pride during a visit to Parkhead Pantry in the East End of Glasgow.

Local Delivery representatives host a community stall at the Pantry – one of many ways they provide support for people who visit the venue.

Ben Macpherson said: “During its first year of operation, Social Security Scotland’s Local Delivery service has already made a very positive impact by helping thousands of people to access support they are entitled to.

“The Local Delivery service is a great example of how Social Security Scotland is doing things differently in how we deliver devolved benefits – by pro-actively offering people face-to-face support in communities across Scotland.

“Our specially-trained client support advisers can be proud of what they have achieved so far, in establishing a service that has already made an important difference and will help thousands of more people in the years ahead.”

The Local Delivery service, launched in November last year, provides face-to-face support from staff in all 32 Scottish Local Authority areas.

People can book in-person meetings with an adviser at home, in their local community or on either video or phone calls. They can answer queries and help clients with form filling.

During the visit Mr Macpherson met Aileen McGuire, the chief executive of Parkhead Housing Association which hosts the pantry at its Parkhead Schoolhouse building.

Ms McGuire said: “Having direct access to this Social Security Scotland has made such a positive difference to our tenants and residents in Parkhead, we are seeing the real benefits of partnership and collaborative working.

“There’s always an advantage to having face-to-face contact. A lot of our tenants feel more comfortable having direct contact, having somebody in person to explain things really does helps.”

Bridge the Gap!

Charities appeal to First Minister to double Scottish Child Payment bridging payments NOW

We can turn compassion and justice into action to support children in low-income households.

120 charities and community organisations are calling on the Scottish Government @scotgov to continue to do the right thing by doubling Scottish Child Payment bridging payments.

See the letter to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon (below):



Adult Disability Payment roll out continues into seven more areas

People in Aberdeenshire, City of Aberdeen, Fife, Moray, East Ayrshire, North Ayrshire, and South Ayrshire are now able to apply for Adult Disability Payment.

This means Adult Disability Payment is now available in 13 council areas ahead of opening nationwide on 29 August.

It is the twelfth and most complex benefit to be delivered by the Scottish Government and replaces the UK Government’s Personal Independence Payment. The benefit provides financial support to people aged between 16 and state pension age, who are disabled, have a long-term health condition or have a terminal illness.

People already receiving the UK Government’s Personal Independence Payment and Disability Living Allowance do not need to make an application for Adult Disability Payment. These existing awards will transfer automatically from the DWP to Social Security Scotland. Cases will transfer in stages starting from this summer and this process is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.

Minister for Social Security Ben Macpherson said: “We are taking a positive, responsible and compassionate approach to delivering disability benefits. This is in contrast to aspects of the current UK Government system.

“The Scottish Government is committed to treating people with dignity, fairness and respect and we start from a position of trust.

“Adult Disability Payment is an important financial support to provide security and help people live well. I would encourage anyone in Scotland who could be eligible to please check and apply. We want people to get support that they’re entitled to, because social security is a shared investment to help build a fairer and better society together.

“When people apply for our disability benefits, we are focused on making the right decisions first time to reduce the need for people to go through a redetermination or appeal. When Social Security Scotland is making a decision it will only need one formal piece of supporting information from a professional, such as a social care assessment, medical report or prescription list, and if required we will obtain that information for people.

“We will never use the private sector to carry out health assessments and there won’t be any degrading functional examinations such as asking a client to ‘touch their toes’.”

Susan Burt, People First (Fife) said: “People First are pleased to see the new Adult Disability Payment. Our needs are being better understood by using face to face local delivery teams and an easier application process.

“We hope this will help people with a learning disability to have better and fairer access to their benefits.”

One in four families will receive first Cost of Living Payment from today

Almost one in four families across the UK will get £326 sent directly to them from today, with the second instalment of £324 sent later this year as part of the UK Government’s £37 billion support package.

  • £326 – the first of two cost of living payments – will automatically hit seven million bank accounts between today and 31 July 2022 as part of the government’s £37 billion support package
  • Second instalment of £324 will follow from the autumn, with separate payments for pensioners and disabled people also coming later this year
  • Tax credit claimants will receive their first cost of living instalment by autumn

Over eight million households on means-tested benefits will automatically get the first instalment of £326 from this month.

This means that, combined with other support, millions of low-income households across the UK will receive at least £1,200 from the government by Christmas to ease Cost of Living pressures.

On top of that, nearly one in ten people will get the £150 disability payment this Autumn, and over 8 million pensioner households could get an extra £300 from Winter Fuel Payments in November and December.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “Just as we looked after people during lockdown, we will help them get through these tough economic times.

“Today’s payment is the signal to millions of families that we are on their side and we have already promised more cash in the autumn, alongside other measures – including our Help for Households – to support the vulnerable and ease the burden.”

Work and Pensions Secretary, Thérèse Coffey said: “Our help for households will begin landing in bank accounts today as we make sure those on the lowest incomes get the support they need in the face of rising costs.

“This first instalment of £326 should reach all eligible low-income households by the end of July.”

Chancellor of the Exchequer, Nadhim Zahawi said: “It’s great that millions of the families who are most in need are starting to receive their Cost of Living Payments, which I know will be a massive help for people who are struggling.

“Alongside tax cuts, changes to Universal Credit and the Household Support Fund, these payments are a vital part of our £37 billion support package to help people deal with rising prices.”

Most people entitled to the first instalment of the Cost of Living payment will receive it between now and 31 July 2022. Households who are eligible because they receive tax credits and no other eligible benefits will receive their first instalment from HMRC in the autumn, and the second instalment in the winter.

DWP will administer payments for customers on all other eligible means-tested benefits, and customers do not need to contact the government or apply for the payment at any stage.

In addition to the £650 Cost of Living Payment, all domestic energy customers in the UK will receive a £400 grant to help with energy bills, and those in Council Tax bands A-D in England will get an extra £150, which has already been sent to many households. This brings support for millions to £1,200 by the end of the year.

The disability and pensioner payments come in addition to this, as does any support from the Household Support Fund, which was recently extended through to March 2023 with £421 million additional funding.

It is now worth £1.263 billion, and combined with £237 million for devolved nations, means this support package now stands at £1.5 billion. The Household Support Fund is designed to help low-income households in England with food and energy bills, and is distributed by local authorities, who know their areas best.

Total UK Government support this year for low-income families stands at £37 billion, a figure which includes a recent rise to £12,570 for the National Insurance starting thresholds. This will benefit 30 million working people and is worth £330 to a typical employee.