Northern and Leith MSP Ben Macpherson has gained widespread support from animal welfare organisations for his calls to ban the sale and use of shock collars and electronic “training aids” capable of causing pain or distress to dogs. Continue reading Animal welfare groups back Macpherson campaign
Tag: Ben Macpherson MSP
Tackling the scourge of loneliness
SNP MSP Ben Macpherson is calling on people across Edinburgh to contribute to the Scottish Government’s new consultation looking at the causes of social isolation and loneliness and how they can be addressed. Continue reading Tackling the scourge of loneliness
Puppy Love: Ben signs up to SSPCA campaign
Local MSP Ben Macpherson supports #SayNoToPuppyDealers campaign
The Scottish SPCA is delighted to have the support of local MSP Ben Macpherson for their #SayNoToPuppyDealers campaign. Scotland’s animal welfare charity continues to suffer first-hand the devastating effects of puppy farming and are more determined than ever to raise public awareness and tackle the issue once and for all. Continue reading Puppy Love: Ben signs up to SSPCA campaign
3834 Lothian newborns have received Baby Boxes
Latest figures from the Scottish Government have revealed that the transformative Baby Box policy has already benefitted 3834 newborns across NHS Lothian since they were introduced last summer – and over 22,000 have so far been delivered across Scotland. Continue reading 3834 Lothian newborns have received Baby Boxes
Local MSP calls for action to improve maintenance of tenement properties
SNP MSP Ben Macpherson has led a Holyrood debate calling for greater action to encourage owners to repair and maintain the condition of tenement properties across Scotland, including stairwells, roofs, masonry and external walls. Continue reading Local MSP calls for action to improve maintenance of tenement properties
Tonight: talk about young people and crime in West Pilton
Local MSP praises healthy Edinburgh Leisure figures
The number of gym goers using Edinburgh Leisure fitness facilities has increased by 10.1% since the 2014 Commonwealth Games, new Freedom of Information data has revealed – and the organisation has seen a 70% increase in take up over ten years. Continue reading Local MSP praises healthy Edinburgh Leisure figures
Ben Macpherson welcomes campaigning schoolboy to Holyrood
Continue reading Ben Macpherson welcomes campaigning schoolboy to Holyrood
Ben Macpherson supports Corra Foundation report
Ben Macpherson SNP MSP for Edinburgh Northern and Leith showed his support for the work of Corra Foundation when they shared their groundbreaking Everyone Has a Story report at a reception in the Scottish Parliament on 6th December. Continue reading Ben Macpherson supports Corra Foundation report
‘Tie-gate’ takes a new twist for charity
Adam gets knotted and Ben’s on the run for Forth’s Cash for Kids!
The leader of Edinburgh City Council hit the headlines earlier this year for not wearing a tie at official events, but that’s all set to change after he agreed to transform his wardrobe for a local charity. Councillor Adam McVey has pledged to wear a tie at council engagements – if council colleagues agree to support his efforts to raise money for Radio Forth’s Cash for Kids! Continue reading ‘Tie-gate’ takes a new twist for charity