Infected blood scandal: £100,000 interim compensation payments to be made this month

Compensation will not be taxed or be subject to NI deductions and will be made UK-wide, delivering on the government’s commitment to meet interim recommendations of the inquiry.

Thousands of victims of the historic infected blood scandal, which occurred in the 70’s and 80’s, are being contacted this week to confirm that interim compensation payments will be made by the end of October.

The payments deliver the government’s commitment to meet, in full, the recommendations set out by infected blood inquiry chairman Sir Brian Langstaff in his interim report.

Infected individuals and bereaved partners who are registered with any of the four UK infected blood support schemes will receive letters this week confirming the £100,000 alongside details of how the money will be paid.

This follows confirmation that payments will not be subject to any tax or national insurance deductions. Neither will they affect any financial benefits support an individual is receiving.

Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Nadhim Zahawi, said: “I know from my own discussions with constituents who are victims of the infected blood scandal just how traumatic their heart-breaking experiences have been and I was proud to campaign as an MP on their behalf and continue that work as a government minister.

“No level of compensation will ever make up for the appalling treatment and circumstances that those affected by this scandal and their families have had to endure, but I hope that these interim payments go some way to demonstrate that we are, and always will be, on their side.”

Minister of State for Health, Will Quince, said: “The infected blood tragedy should never have happened. That’s why we’ve accepted Sir Brian Langstaff’s interim recommendations in full to help right this historic wrong for the thousands of people infected and bereaved partners left behind.

It’s right these interim compensation payments are being made as quickly as possible and I want to thank NHSBSA and the other UK scheme administrators for their relentless work on this. We’re continuing to listen and will be looking closely at any further recommendations as the Inquiry concludes.

The interim compensation payments will build on the support to those affected by the scandal already provided by the four UK infected blood support schemes.

The Government will respond to any further recommendations made by the Infected Blood Inquiry and its Chair Sir Brian Langstaff when the Inquiry concludes next year.

These interim compensation payments are expected to reach around £400 million for the whole UK, with agreement also reached for payments to be made through schemes in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as well as those in England.

Helping people facing homelessness

Councillor Jane Meagher, Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Convener, highlights help for people facing homelessness in Edinburgh:

It takes a whole society to work together to help people who face homelessness and prevent families from losing their homes. This autumn and winter, we must all look out for those around us.

With the lowest proportion of social housing in the country and the biggest, most expensive, private rented sector, the current economic climate is worrying for Edinburgh. This is a rapidly growing city and we already face housing pressures like nowhere else in Scotland.

Our fundamental problem is that, in spite of all the council’s efforts to build new affordable homes, we simply do not have enough to fulfil the demand and we are calling on the Scottish Government to support Scotland’s capital city by providing the funding that will allow us to unlock the means to build warm and affordable homes like those we’re building in West Granton.

The cost of living crisis gives me grave concern that even more households in Edinburgh could be forced into debt, financial insecurity and ultimately feel unable to afford their own home. No one should have to experience the stress of not having a safe and permanent home and the daily pressures facing people experiencing homelessness are unimaginable for most.

Sadly, after the pandemic we’re starting to see numbers of homeless cases gradually rise again – highlighting just how important and urgent it is that people understand the help which exists.

We are focusing our efforts on prevention and helping people to stay in their current homes, putting plans in place to help those at risk of fuel poverty and creating a dedicated cost of living directory, and we’re working with Changeworks as we do every year to make homes warmer and more energy efficient.

Our Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan steps up activity to prevent homelessness, maximises our supply of and access to settled housing options, reduces the time people spend as homeless – especially in temporary accommodation – and helps us to provide tailored support as and when people need it. It is a five-year plan which prioritises prevention and directs every decision we make.

Council tenants’ rents have been frozen for two years running and we’re considering extending this for another year.

A dedicated team has been tasked with reducing the number of people who become homeless from the private rented sector, and I urge landlords to extend the freeze on their rents when government rules lift next year.

Landlords, including those with short-term lets, can also sign over to Private Sector Leasing – receiving market rates and guaranteed tenancies through the council and providing an essential home for someone in need.

We’re developing pathways to avoid homelessness for people at key transition points in their life – such as leaving hospital or prison or fleeing domestic abuse – and have specialist support in place for anyone at these junctures.

In 2020 we adopted a new Domestic Abuse Housing Policy which aims to give people affected by domestic abuse access a range of housing options. It prioritises, where possible, those subjected to abuse safely staying where they are or moving quickly and with strong support into a safer space.

I’m so grateful to the many officers, third sector organisations, partners and volunteers in our city who work day and night to help people in desperate need. As a Bethany soup kitchen volunteer I have seen first-hand the difference charity workers and local residents can make to improve – even save – lives.

Streetwork is a charity that supports people who are homeless in Edinburgh – please do contact them on 0808 178 2323 if you are worried about someone you think is homeless. We also have an emergency out of hours service which can be contacted at any time on 0800 032 5968.

For more information, advice and support on homelessness or helping someone in need, visit

Record pay offer for NHS staff – but it’s not enough, say nurses

All NHS workers offered £2,205 pay rise but nurses to go ahead with strike ballot

NHS staff in Scotland are set to receive a record pay rise of £2,205 – an average 7% pay uplift – to help tackle the cost of living crisis and retain staff during the tougher winter months. 

This increased offer was made after constructive negotiations between the Scottish Government and NHS Unions, which lasted into the early hours of Friday morning (21 October).

The offer would mean the lowest paid seeing a rise of more than 11%, with qualified nursing staff receiving up to 8.45%, helping the lowest paid staff through the cost of living crisis. 

If agreed, the pay uplift, which amounts to almost half a billion pounds (£480m), will benefit more than 160,000 employees including nurses, paramedics, allied health professionals and healthcare support staff.  

This is the largest pay offer given to NHS Scotland Agenda for Change staff since devolution and will mean they remain the best paid in the UK. If accepted, the offer will be backdated to 1 April 2022, and could be added to pay cheques in time for Christmas.

Health Secretary Humza Yousaf said: “I am grateful to trade union colleagues and NHS employers for constructive discussions on pay.

“This has been another exceptionally challenging year for our health service and we have a difficult winter ahead, but I am pleased that we are able to recognise the service and dedication of our healthcare and support staff with this pay offer.

“We owe NHS staff a debt of gratitude for leading us through the greatest public health crisis in recent history.

“This improved pay offer – which is the largest of its kind since devolution – reflects their hard work and will go a long way to help them through the cost of living crisis. We are rightly focussing the biggest increases for those who are the lowest paid, as we know the cost crisis is impacting them disproportionately.”

However the Scottish government’s latest pay offer remains a real terms pay cut for the majority of nursing staff, according to the Royal College of Nursing.

The offer comes after discussions with the health trade unions, Cabinet Secretary, Deputy First Minister, Scottish government officials and employers.

Scottish government failed to take the opportunity to recognise the clinical skill, expertise and leadership of registered nurses.

When compared to the previous offer from May 2022, this offer sees a lower percentage increase for those higher up the Agenda for Change bandings. The RCN has called for an across the board pay increase that is 5% above inflation.

Julie Lamberth said: “Nurse staffing levels are dangerously low. We need fair pay to attract more people into nursing and to keep the skilled nurses we already have. 

“We want to be able to provide the best possible care for our patients but too often, the lack of staff and demand on services is standing in our way. Too many of us are making the decision to walk away from the profession. The Scottish Government has the power to stop this. The people of Scotland deserve better, so do we. Please post you ballot back today.”

RCN Scotland Director Colin Poolman said: “Yet again the Scottish Government has failed to listen to our members concerns for the safety of their patients. They have failed to recognise the safety critical role of nursing staff and their essential contribution to our NHS and our nation’s health.

“Under this proposal, registered nurses continue to face a significant real terms pay cut. This is even more stark with the news that inflation reached a 40 year high. Many are making difficult decisions about how to heat their homes, feed their families and travel to work while carrying the burden of being unable to do the best for their patients due to severe staff shortages.

Our ballot for strike action continues. Today’s offer will make our members more determined to have their voice heard. I would urge members to vote in favour of strike and to post back their ballot papers now.”

Bed Head launches ‘Stay Headstrong’ campaign that encourages individuals to let their creativity rule

A projection by street artist Pegasus appeared across Scottish Cities this week.

Pegasus, who was close friends with Amy Winehouse, is renowned for his distinctive artwork that can be found across the capital.

Speaking on the project he said, “This campaign struck a chord with me as you need to be headstrong as an artist. It’s important to have integrity and honour your true self – by being bold with your personal style or expressing your creativity in other mediums – and not to fear what anyone else says.”

The projections of three headstrong icons – Harry Styles, Mylie Cyrus, and Munroe Bergdorf – could be seen across the city of Edinburgh with the message ‘Let Your Creativity Rule’ which encourages people to be unapologetically themselves in response to research that shows one in five Brits are told they’re not good enough.

Bed Head launches ‘Stay Headstrong’ campaign that encourages individuals to let their creativity rule

  • Two fifths of Brits wish they could have been braver with their hair growing up and believe their hair is the most important part of personal appearance
  • One in 10 look up to Miley Cyrus, Harry Styles and Vivienne Westwood as headstrong role models
  • Over half of Brits think their hair is an extension of their personality
  • The campaign has just launched a new web series fronted by FFSYTHOLily Phillips and Lucia Blayke to coincide with its first nationwide consumer retail launch at Boots
  • This year, Bed Head is supporting STONEWALL to drive awareness and help create safe and equal opportunities for the LGBTQ+ community
A wall with posters on it

Description automatically generated with low confidence

Posters have appeared across the UK in all major cities 

Original rebel hair brand, Bed Head, has launched ‘Stay Headstrong’, a campaign celebrating fearless self-expression and encouraging experimentation.

The ‘Stay Headstrong’ campaign is a response to new research that shows that one in five (19%) Brits admit they’ve been told they’re not good enough, with one third (30%) being made to feel inadequate at some point in their lives with regards to how they look. Of those surveyed, more than half (60%) rely on their hair to give them confidence, with two fifths (40%) claiming their hair-do is the most important part of their appearance. 

As part of Bed Head’s campaign, the brand has launched ‘Chats from the Chair’, a web content series on its native platform, that features interviews from headstrong queer Grime artist FFSYTHO, cutthroat comedian Lily Phillips, and trans pride activist and creator Lucia Blayke. The interviews shed light on why the ‘stay headstrong’ attitude is so important to each of the stars and illustrates the integral role products play as tools for self-expression, enabling people to be true unapologetic versions of themselves.

When it comes to role models, the consumer research revealed people admire creative challengers Miley Cyrus,Harry Styles and Vivienne Westwood for their bold fearless nature (42%), integrity (47%) and courage to stand up for what they believe in (44%).

The results also showed that half (51%) of Brits think their hair is an extension of their personality, changing their style on average every two or three years (32%).

Of those surveyed, adopting a headstrong attitude has helped people with:

  • Improved confidence – 29%
  • To take more risks in their personal lives – 21%
  • To persevere after rejection – 20%

Katie Westerby, Senior Marketing Manager at Bed Head, said: “At Bed Head, our purpose has always been to champion creativity by equipping artists with elevated professional hair care products and encouraging all consumers to push the boundaries of what they can do.

“Being headstrong is not only something we embody as a brand, but a belief we want to instil in everyone who buys our products. We hope that this campaign will spark conversation and motivate new and existing Bed Head devotees, and we can’t wait to see it.” 

This year, Bed Head is supporting and donating to STONEWALL a charity that stands for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning and ace (LGBTQ+) people everywhere. In the UK, more than a third of employees don’t believe it’s appropriate for their LGBTQ+ colleagues to be out in the workplace.

In response to this, Bed Head and STONEWALL want to help create more equal opportunities in society so LGBTQ+ people feel safer in our modern society.

For more information about Bed Head’s ‘Stay Headstrong’ campaign, please visit

Cost of car insurance in Scotland increases by 18% in the last 12 months

Drivers currently paying £463 on average following a recent spike

  • Drivers in central Scotland have seen the biggest increase to their car insurance premium over the past 12 months. The current cost stands at £505, on average, following a £73 (17%) rise.
  • Drivers in the Scottish borders are currently paying the cheapest rates for their car insurance. Premiums are £391, on average, despite a 20% price increase in the past 12 months.
  • Although FCA changes to regulation have made pricing fairer to customers at renewal, further research highlights that this does not necessarily protect customers from price increases. More than 2 in 5 (41%) UK drivers who received a renewal quote in the past 3 months said that they saw an increase of £38, on average(1).
  • However, those who shopped around using a price comparison website were able to save £50 on their car insurance, on average.
  • With the current cost-of-living crisis affecting millions across the UK, recently launched its money saving hub to support consumers and give advice on how to manage recent price hikes.
  • In light of the recent price increases, Louise O’Shea, CEO at emphasises the importance of shopping around for the best deals and why drivers shouldn’t settle for auto-renewal.

That means motorists are seeing a £69 increase compared to this time last year. That’s according to the latest car insurance price index (Q3 2022) from, powered by WTW. Based on 6 million quotes a quarter, it’s the most comprehensive car insurance price index in the UK. 

However, some drivers in Scotland could be paying more than the national average, depending on the region in which they live. The latest data shows that drivers in central Scotland are currently paying the most for car insurance.

Their current premium is £505, following a £73 (17%) year-on-year increase. Despite facing an annual increase of £64 (20%), drivers living in the Scottish Borders pay the cheapest rates for their car insurance, with an average premium of £391. 

Meanwhile, drivers in East and North East Scotland are paying £431, on average, for their car insurance. That’s as drivers faced a £69 (19%) increase in the past 12 months. And as for drivers in the Scottish Highlands and Islands, the current car insurance premium is £420, on average, following an increase of £61 (17%).

RegionAverage PremiumYOY £YOY %
Scottish Borders£391£6420%
Central Scotland£505£7317%
East & North East Scotland£431£6919%
Scottish Highlands & Islands£420£6117%

It’s a similar picture across the rest of the UK, where prices continue to rise. In fact, premiums have risen by £72 (14%) in the past 12 months alone.

The current UK premium stands at £586, on average, and is the highest annual increase in the past 5 years. 

Q3 2022 - PI graph for publishers

With the latest data revealing that premiums are on the rise, some drivers might think that they’re better off sticking with the same insurer when it comes to renewal. But further research conducted by finds that some insurers don’t seem to be doing enough to protect their existing customers.

In a survey of 2,000 UK drivers, data reveals that more than 2 in 5 (41%) drivers who considered sticking with their current insurer received renewal quotes £38 more expensive than the previous year, on average(1). That’s despite the fact that more than a quarter (28%) of drivers who have renewed so far this year thought that their insurance quote would be cheaper this time around. 

However, some motorists are taking action after receiving a more expensive renewal and are really seeing the benefits of switching. More than a quarter (27%) of drivers who chose to shop around using a price comparison site were able to save £50, on average. In fact, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is actively advising consumers to shop around when it comes to buying insurance for this very reason. 

Earlier this year, the FCA made important changes to stop ‘price walking’ and ensure all customers were treated fairly, but it seems some motorists remain complacent as a result. One in 5 (20%) drivers told that they were less inclined to shop around because of these changes.

However, these new regulations don’t mean that better deals still can’t be found elsewhere and, as research shows, consumers are saving money by switching.

While the cost of car insurance premiums is on the up, there’s no ignoring the fact that the general cost of living is increasing, too. That’s why it’s more important than ever to shop around for the best deals. And as we head into the colder months, it’s clear that money will be tight for many.

With difficult months ahead, has launched a money saving hub to help people understand where they can save money on bills to balance out price hikes. The hub focuses on a variety of insurance options, but also includes advice on how to be more fuel efficient and keep car costs down.

Its aim is to provide useful and digestible information that will help customers save money, without necessarily having to compromise and give up essentials. 

Louise O’Shea, CEO at, comments: “With costs currently rising all around us, I’m sure it comes as no surprise that the cost of car insurance is increasing, too.

“However, the pace at which it’s rising will be a real worry for many. The latest figures reveal a true example of how volatile the market currently is, which is why I need to stress just how important it is to shop around when it comes to renewing any insurance policy. 

“As we head into winter, money is going to be tight. With concerns over the rising costs of energy, fuel and even food, millions of us will be looking for new ways to number-crunch and save money where we can. In recent months, the FCA have really amplified the importance of shopping around to help find some of the best deals out there during this time. 

“Research shows that customer loyalty doesn’t always pay off, which is why it’s always encouraged to shop around and see what else is out there. If you switch insurers using, there’s some fantastic rewards available that could help during a difficult time.

“A £20 voucher could pay towards a food shop in Lidl or even go towards an MOT or service in Halfords. And we even guarantee to beat your renewal(5). If we can’t, we’ll give you £20, plus the difference. Either way, you’re better off just by using a price comparison service. 

“I cannot emphasise enough just how important it is to take time, do your research and compare insurance prices. You might be missing out on fantastic deals and it will really help in the long run.”

Paws in the Park at Inverleith

RNIB Scotland’s Paws In The Park group is a social group for visually impaired people and their guide dogs.

They meet fortnightly at Inverleith Park to let the dogs have some off-duty fun!

The group is open to other guide dog owners who wish to join.

The group meets fortnightly on Wednesdays, promptly at 11am until 1pm at the corner of Raeburn Place and Portgower Place (opposite the Raeburn Hotel) to walk to Inverleith Park. The meeting will be 2nd November.

Anyone wishing to join should contact RNIB’s Dan Meikle to arrange this:


Nationwide survey shows drop in confidence across business leaders as economic turbulence bites

A major new survey of small and medium-sized businesses across the UK has shown a dramatic dip in confidence amidst rising inflation and wider economic turbulence.

The Be the Business Productive Business Index (PBI), now in its fifth edition, shows business owners and directors forecasting a negative shift in their prospects over the next three months due to the difficult economic environment.

The Productive Business Index, unique amongst UK business surveys, tracks changes in five key areas of business activity shown to impact on productivity. Management capability; Technology adoption; Training, Development and HR; Operating efficiency; and Innovation.

Key findings include:

  • The first-ever negative change in headline figure since the Index launched;
  • Two in five businesses are seeking efficiencies as a direct result of inflation;
  • Business leaders feel less confident that they have the management skills to handle the current economic situation, but are fighting back with plans to improve

Anthony Impey MBE, CEO of Be the Business, said: “These findings tell a stark story – following two years of unprecedented challenge, many businesses are struggling to cope with the latest turbulence in the UK economy.

“For the first time ever, our Productive Business Index shows a decrease in the optimism and outlooks of business leaders. Having been through the challenges of the pandemic and the ongoing supply chain and workforce issues, it highlights how heavily the economic situation is weighing on them.

“The headline figures are concerning, but it’s encouraging to see more leaders digging deep and looking for ways to improve themselves and their business to help navigate the next year. Business owners are tired, but they’re being forced to pedal harder in response to the difficult conditions they’re facing. It’s vitally important that they’re given all the support they need so that improving their business and boosting productivity is as easy as possible.”

The Be the Business’ Productive Business Index’s headline score, running from 0 to 200, decreased for the first time this quarter, from 121.1 to 115.6, indicating a fall in the productivity of firms.

In response to inflation, two-fifths (38%) of business leaders are planning to respond by finding efficiencies, one quarter (26%) will prioritise growth opportunities, and about one in six (15%) are considering reducing headcount to help their business survive.

Despite fighting through the previous two years of ups and downs, business outlook has fallen for the first time since Q4 2020, with half (50%) of leaders not confident in their business’ ability to respond to sustained inflation.

However, leaders are increasingly looking to improve their businesses and performance as they look to survive these new challenges.

Beneath the figures: Bruised UK firms are still looking to improve in the face of decreasing confidence

The consistent pressure on business leaders over the last several years – from the pandemic through to supply chain issues and now the escalating cost of living crisis – appears to have had a negative impact on them.

Business leaders feel less confident in their management skills as they look to navigate an increasingly challenging autumn and winter.

While belief in capabilities is down, business leaders continue to respond positively, by looking to bolster their skills as managers and invest time and money in their business over the next year:

  • Over half (56%) of UK business leaders believe their management teams have the right blend of skills, an 8% decrease from Q1 2022.
    • However, determination and the drive to improve shine through, with 45% expecting to spend more time on management and leadership activities – a 9% increase in only 6 months.
  • Just 54% of business leaders believe they have the skills and talent needed to succeed, a 10% decrease from Q1 2022
    • But 4 in 10 (40%) have plans to reassess pay, rewards and incentives to improve employee motivation, an increase of 8% on the last PBI.
  • There has been a significant drop (9%) in the number of business leaders that feel their company fosters innovation and new ideas from employees.
    • Yet, 41% of business leaders plan to develop new ideas, an increase of 7% compared to the beginning of the year.

The contrast between lower confidence and intent to improve is striking in the data on capabilities, and demonstrates the determination from business leaders to succeed in spite of the volatile economic context.

Letters: Cat-Kind neutering campaign

A group of animal charities led by Cats Protection is advocating cats be neutered from the age of four months old to prevent unwanted pregnancies. 

The Cat-Kind umbrella group recommends neutering at four months of age as that is when puberty hits. Neutering cats at four months (rather than the traditional six months of age), is an effective way to reduce the number of accidental litters, as well as having many recognised benefits to cat health and behaviour including marking of territory by spraying, fighting, wailing and roaming/getting lost.

Research has shown that neutering at four months has no increased risk and so there is no reason why neutering should be delayed until six months, by which time cats can already get pregnant. 

Cats Protection estimates there are 1.3m unneutered pet cats in the UK and over 150,000 cats already enter shelters each year. This year has seen a 46 per cent increase in cats on the waiting list to enter the charity’s adoption centres, as owners seek to relinquish their pets due to the cost-of-living crisis.

A reduction in surprise pregnancies will stop the stress and risks to young cats who get pregnant, while reducing the number of unwanted kittens that may require rehoming in the future. 

Further information on the benefits of neutering, as well as our Kitten Neutering Database listing vets undertaking the procedure at four months, can be found at

 Cats Protection provides discounted neutering for owners on low incomes.

To find out more call our dedicated neutering helpline on 03000 1212112 Mon – Fri 9.30 – 1pm or go to 

Yours faithfully,  


Head of Neutering

Dogs Trust issues advice for owners ahead of the firework season

Firework season will soon whizz-pop into our lives and for this Halloween, Diwali and Bonfire Night, Dogs Trust West Calder is issuing advice to dog owners to help our canine companions, who might be scared by the unexpected bangs and bursts of fireworks. 

Susan Tonner, Dogs Trust West Calder Manager said: “Dogs have approximately four times more sensitive hearing than humans, so the loud cracks and bangs of fireworks can often be a terrifying and confusing experience for them.

“Fireworks tend to be sudden, unpredictable and bright. This combination can be distressing and have a lasting impact on dogs. 

“There are lots of things dog owners can do to help make fireworks less stressful including having a clear plan, ahead of time, to help their dog cope. Dogs will respond to fireworks in different ways, some will want to find a cosy hiding place, whilst others will want reassurance. It is important to recognise the individual needs of your dog, whilst also letting your dog do what makes them feel most comfortable.” 

The charity urges owners to visit its website for full guidance on how to help dogs stay safe and settled during fireworks. The top tips include: 

·       Adapt your routine – To avoid taking your dog out when fireworks have started, gradually change their routine in the weeks leading up to events. For example, it may be a good idea to start walking them earlier in the day alongside gradually changing their feeding time to allow them time to exercise, eat and toilet before dark.   

·       Plan ahead – Ensure you are aware of any local firework displays and make arrangements so your dog is not left alone. Prepare their environment in advance, close curtains, turn on the lights, and turn on the television or some music to help block the outside noise. 

·       Keep your dog safe – Make sure your house and garden are secure.  

·       Recognise the needs of your dog – Fireworks can spark varied reactions from dogs, some will appear relaxed and unbothered by the loud bangs; others will show signs of anxiety or fear. They may show subtle signs, such as panting or licking their lips, finding somewhere to hide or seeking attention from their human family. Or they may show more obvious signs, such as pacing, barking or even toileting in the house. Whilst these signs can be directly related to fear of noise, they can also indicate underlying health problems so please contact your vet as early as possible. 

·       Enable their preferred response by letting your dog do what they feel most comfortable with. Some dogs will benefit from having a safe place to retreat to should they feel worried by fireworks. Introduce this safe place well in advance and encourage them there by building up positive associations with their new ‘den’. Other dogs will cope best by seeking reassurance, so give them attention and comfort if they seek this out. Some dogs may not seem worried, and it’s best to keep them occupied with their favourite toys or activities to reduce the likelihood of them becoming anxious – experiment before the firework season begins, and slowly introduce them, to find out what they enjoy the most. It is important to remember, fear of fireworks can appear at any time and any age, so it is essential to support your dog throughout their life.   

·       Seek guidance from your vet – they can help with advice, refer you to a clinical behaviourist, and may also prescribe medication if deemed necessary to help your dog cope. Medication can be extremely useful where dogs are fearful as it can not only help them cope during the fireworks event, but also stop their fear escalating after each event. Give any prescribed medication well in advance of events starting. 

Susan adds: “We recommend noting down how your dog reacted during the fireworks and what worked well to help them cope in preparation for the next firework event.

“The following day, after an evening of fireworks, we would also advise returning to a normal routine to help dogs settle down. If they were worried during fireworks, it is a good idea to seek professional help before the next firework season starts.” 

If you are planning a firework display at home, please consider: 

·       Letting your neighbours know well in advance, so they can prepare their dogs. 

·       Limiting your display to 30 minutes or less. 

·       Opting for quieter, lower decibel fireworks.  

For those who have welcomed a puppy into their life recently, check out the free sound therapy programmes, that can help to gradually expose puppies to different noises in a positive way, so they can perceive them as normal.   

For detailed advice on preparing your dog for fireworks season visit 

Dogs Trust recommends dog owners to seek veterinary advice for any concerns. They can check if there are any contributing medical problems, and if necessary, refer you to a clinical behaviourist. Read our advice on finding a qualified behaviourist