Join Stenhouse Squadron Air Training Corps this month!

The squadron is hosting its first annual Squadron Association Meeting on Wednesday 23 November at 7pm on Stevenson Drive .

All friends and ex members of the squadron are invited to attend along with current friends and family members of our cadets and staff.

We aim to review squadron activity and achievements from the last 12 months and look ahead to what we are planning for the next 12 months.

We’d love to have you along to help shape our direction and future. We will also be looking at our Civilian Committee and how you can support the squadron.

Edinburgh business wins top environment award at VIBES 2022

Kenoteq, a building materials supplier based in Edinburgh, has been recognised for its efforts to reduce the energy required to produce bricks at the 2022 VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards. 

The company scooped the Circular Scotland Award and was one of 12 winners at the annual event in Glasgow on Tuesday 1 November, whittled down from 45 finalists from a record breaking 422 entrants across Scotland.  

Kenoteq, has created the K-briq®, which contains more than 90% recycled construction and demolition waste, uses a tenth of the energy in its production compared to a traditional brick and has a 90% lower carbon footprint. It is also now targeting becoming a net carbon neutral business.

Sam Chapman, Managing Director of Kenoteq, said: “We are proud to have been recognised at this year’s VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards as the winner of the Circular Scotland awards. It is a real testament to the hard work and commitment from everyone at Kenoteq. 

“The Awards are a fantastic way to find out about what other businesses are doing. You are able to share best practice amongst a like-minded community, who also want to improve their operations whilst benefitting the environment. It is a great opportunity to inspire others to follow suit.”
VIBES is a partnership between the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), The Scottish Government, Energy Saving Trust, Highland & Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise, South of Scotland Enterprise, Scottish Water, Zero Waste Scotland and NatureScot. 

Richard Lochhead, Scottish Government Minister for Just Transition, Employment and Fair Work, addressed the award ceremony and said: “The VIBES awards are a fantastic demonstration of the work that businesses all across Scotland are doing to protect our environment and tackle the climate crisis.

“I would like to congratulate all the winners and I hope they will offer inspiration and ideas to other businesses looking to make their work more sustainable.”

Iain Gulland, Chief Executive of Zero Waste Scotland, said: “As a nation we need to do things differently to end our contribution to the climate crisis, and businesses play a vital role in helping to deliver that change

“I hope the VIBES 2022 awards will inspire businesses with innovative ideas to lead change in their industry, strengthen Scotland’s growing circular economy, and help shape the sustainable approach to consumption that we must evolve. Congratulations to all of the winners.”

Since 1999, VIBES has recognised more than 270 businesses championing sustainability and taking steps to protect the resources of our planet. Their dedication and action, from increasing recycling to supporting active travel, has been at the forefront of tackling climate change.  

Franceska van Dijk, Deputy Chair of SEPA and judge of this year’s awards commented: “Scotland is famous for its culture of innovation, making it ideally positioned to play a leading role in the journey to a more sustainable, low carbon future.

“We all have a role to play in tackling climate challenges, and it’s particularly significant for businesses. From creating innovative services and products to partnering with suppliers and supporting customers, all our entrants demonstrated a commitment to making the environment a key factor in decision making.”  

Gillian Bruce, Chair of VIBES, added:  “Every year, we see more and more businesses and organisations who are working towards net zero carbon emissions, which is a challenging but necessary journey.   
“This year’s VIBES winners are clearly demonstrating business cases for reducing their environmental footprint – highlighting the social benefits, as well as the positive economic impacts. We hope the efforts of our winners will encourage and inspire others to develop their environmental practices.”  

More information is available on the VIBES website.  

The winners of the VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards 2022 are:  

Adapting Scotland Award – Highlands Rewilding Ltd, based in Drumnodrochit, aims to help rewild, re-people and upskill the Scottish Highlands. It has increased carbon capture and storage, biodiversity, and green jobs through work at its two estates – Bunloit and Beldorney.
Circular Scotland Award – Kenoteq, based in Edinburgh, is a building materials supplier and has created the K-briq®, which contains more than 90% recycled construction and demolition waste, uses a tenth of the energy in its production compared to a traditional brick and has a 90% lower carbon footprint. It is also now targeting becoming a net carbon neutral business.
Engaging Scotland Award – The Highland Council. After declaring a climate emergency in 2019, the local authority developed the Hydro Ness project to use historical infrastructure to create renewable energy, a STEM learning hub and tourist destination. It has also reused waste materials to landscape and create community spaces.
Hydro Nation Scotland Award – Green Action Trust, based in Shotts, is an environmental regeneration charity and is responsible for the Central Scotland Green Network, the largest green infrastructure project in Europe. It is undertakingwork on derelict land, helping to show what is possible in areas facing socio-economic challenges.Initiatives include promoting the development of 10,000 rain gardens across Scotland, specially designed features in our urban landscape which capture and store rainfall. It also aims to become Net Zero by 2030.
Innovating Scotland Award – Innovatium Group is a micro business in Glasgow developing technology solutions for industrial decarbonisation and energy resilience. Its primary project, PRISMA, provides a 20.5% improvement on energy storage, leading to significant carbon savings.
Leadership Scotland Award – Bruichladdich Distillery Co Ltd is a whisky and gin distiller based on the Isle of Islay. The company monitors environmental impacts across all aspects of the business, having already switched to 100% green electricity and making additional packaging optional for customers. It also aims to decarbonise distillation by 2025 and be Net Zero by 2050.
Moving Scotland Award – Arran Dairies Ltd is a family run business supplying food and drink products across the island. It is carbon neutral and managed to cut 10,000 food miles through use of local production and transport logistics. It has also achieved significant reductions in water use and plastic waste.
Partnership Scotland Award – Renfrewshire Council worked on a project to develop a low-carbon energy network. The first of its kind in Scotland, it converts treated wastewater to provide heating and hot water to nearby facilities.
Product or Service Scotland Award – ThermaFY Eco, based in Kelso, is a company identifying innovative ways to maximise energy efficiency of homes, producing a service using thermal imaging and a mobile app to empower homeowners to begin their own Net Zero journey. 
Energy Transition Scotland Award – Multiplex Construction Europe recently completed work on the University of Glasgow’s Advance Research Centre. The building project outperformed the building regulations CO2 emission rate by around 40%, saving 1,300 tCO2 over the next decade.
Nature Rich Scotland Award – SRUC Elmwood Golf in Cupar, Fife, has used innovative greenkeeping practices to create a high-quality golf course, rich in biodiversity. The number of moth species at the course has increased, the use of pesticides has seen a 100% reduction, along with reductions in landfill, paper and cardboard waste.
Small Business Scotland Award – EGG Lighting, based in Glasgow, helps businesses plan and install LED lighting and sensors, aiming to make lighting circular by using a remanufacturing model to save money and energy whilst providing sustainable, long-term lighting solutions, reducing client lighting costs as well as CO2 emissions.

The following businesses were commended at the VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards 2022:

Commended – Product or Service Scotland – Trade Right International – Redeem Exchange, based in Greenock, offers an innovative, cost-saving and environmentally friendly solution to reduce plastic waste going to landfill through a collect, wash, refill, and return service for plastic hand sanitiser bottles. By introducing a circular economy approach, they can extend the life cycle of the plastic bottles by up to 50 times.
Commended – Moving Scotland – Recycke-a-Bike, based in Stirling, is a bicycling and training organisation focused on helping people by repairing old bikes and selling them. 50,000 bikes have been saved from landfill and 1,300 pre-loved and repurposed sold in the last year.

About VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards 

  • VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards is further supported by CBI Scotland, the Institute of Directors (IoD), Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), Bright Green Business, Scottish Council for Development and Industry and the Scotch Whisky Association. 
  • The VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards reward and recognise organisations that have demonstrated significant business benefits from good environmental practice. 
  • Entries are open to all Scottish-based businesses including private sector businesses, social enterprises and community businesses but excluding VIBES partners, supporters and current sponsors. If the entry focuses on a collaboration or partnership approach, there must be at least one private sector business, social enterprise or community business involved. Other partners can include public sector organisations and charities. 
  • A panel of experts from VIBES partner organisations assessed applications to choose a shortlist of finalists. Finalists received site visits from a team of judges from across VIBES partner organisations for a further detailed assessment. Feedback from these visits helped inform the Head Judging Panel, comprised of Franceska van Dijk, Deputy Chair of SEPA, Jane Morrison Ross, CEO of South of Scotland Enterprise and Professor Elise Cartmell, Chief Scientist at Scottish Water. 

The VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards 2022 sponsors are Chivas Brothers and the University of Stirling Management School. 

The main aims of the awards: 

  • Encourage the efficient use of resources 
  • Enhance the competitiveness of businesses 
  • Improve environmental performance
  • Support the wider goals of sustainable development 

The nights are fair drawin’ in: Free events to highlight support available

In partnership with @BigHearts & @HibsinCommunity Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership will be running two free-to-attend events on the east and west of the city, next week (10 Nov).

The events will be a chance to discover a range of support available to help individuals and families this winter.

Economic report reveals Amazon’s £1.9bn investment in East of Scotland

Amazon has launched its latest analysis of the company’s regional investment across the UK. The 2022 Amazon UK Economic Impact Hub shows that the company has invested more than £1.9 billion in Eastern Scotland since 2010.

The Amazon UK Economic Impact Hub provides regional data on jobs created by Amazon locally, the number of regional independent small businesses supported by the company, the level of economic activity driven by Amazon’s investments and the export sales recorded last year by small businesses in Eastern Scotland selling on Amazon.

If you click on the Eastern Scotland section of this interactive map, you will see a breakdown of Amazon’s investments and export sales figures for SMEs in Devon.

Below are the key stats covering your region and a quote from the general manager at the Amazon fulfilment centre in Dunfermline.

  • Since 2010, Amazon has invested over £1.9 billion in Eastern Scotland.
  • This investment led to the production of goods and services that contributed an estimated £2 billion to the region’s GDP since 2010.
  • To date, Amazon has created around 2,500 full and part-time jobs in Scotland.
  • More than 50 apprentices in Scotland have qualified from the Amazon Apprenticeship programme since 2010.
  • In Eastern Scotland, there are more than 1,000 small and medium-sized businesses selling on Amazon as independent selling partners.
  • Small businesses from the region selling on Amazon recorded over £30 million of export sales in 2021.

Jamie Strain, General Manager at the Amazon Fulfilment Centre in Dunfermline, said: “Amazon is a proud member of the community in Eastern Scotland, investing over £1.9 billion in the region since 2010 to support local businesses, create jobs and make a positive contribution to the regional economy,  

“We help more than 1,000 small businesses across West Central Scotland sell on Amazon and reach customers around the world, and we also continue to support community organisations across the region through donations and volunteering. Recently, we have donated to a range of good causes including Children’s Hospice Across Scotland (CHAS).”

More details about Amazon’s economic impact in the UK can be found here:

Heart of Newhaven: November news

Welcome to your November Newsletter

Come and coorie-in
Work continues to bring the Heart up to the state where it can open fully to the public, but in the meantime, those of you who missed our Enliven event recently, need not worry.
We’re holding another taster event on Saturday 26th November, from 2 to 4pm.
This is a Coorie-In as winter approaches, where you’ll be able to take part in all sorts of craft activities and visit different parts of the site – the Anchor Building, The Creel Building and the Victoria Building. Different activities will be taking place in each.
Some of our recently trained volunteers will be ready to welcome you to a reminiscence session in the Atrium; The History of Education Centre will invite you to visit the transformed classroom on the first floor which will be the new home of the Victorian Schoolroom; The Men of Leith’s Shed will welcome you to their workshop in the Creel Building and tell you about their new Repair Shop, while the Anchor Building and the old gym hall will host numerous physical activities and craft sessions.

Do come along and see what’s on offer. There will even be food tastings!

Don’t miss it.

Can you help?

If you’ve visited the blog page on the website, you will have seen that there are various questions being posed of you. If you haven’t visited, check it out.

We’re searching for the families of two men who taught at VPS during the First World War. Please do have a look and see if you can help.

The latest blog also features an intriguing find in the Victoria Building. Do you recognise it? It is burned into the floor on the first floor.

Any information about it would be welcome

C&H Blog

Volunteer Day
Those of you who have volunteered to help out at the Heart are being invited to a chat with our Volunteer Coordinator, Bryan, a tour of the site with our Manager, Roger, and maybe even a sandwich or a coffee and cake, on Saturday 19th November, from 11 till 2.

Please register to volunteer via the volunteering page on the website and let us now what activities you would be interested in helping with.

We would like to know by Tuesday 22nd if you will attend the event so that we can get the catering right.


 Finally, we are pleased to welcome the Edinburgh-based youth theatre group Lyra to present our very first public performance in the Heart.

This will be Snowstorm, a charming winter’s tale for children aged 5-8. It will take place on Monday 21st November at 6pm.

Tickets are free but are strictly limited and must be booked in advance.

Email with Snowstorm in the title, to enquire about availability, and pass the word along to those who might not otherwise have heard about it.
See you soon.

COP27 Climate Talks: UK & Scottish Governments must ‘set an end date for fossil fuels’ to meet goals

 + UN warns world on track for catastrophic 2.8C of heating
 + Call for Scotland to finally join global Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance
 + UK Gov’t urged to ‘Free Alaa’ from Egyptian prison
 + Scottish Climate March planned for Edinburgh

Ahead of the UN climate talks in Egypt, campaigners have issued a warning to the UK and Scottish Governments that they must ‘set an end date’ for oil and gas if the world is to stay within agreed climate limits.

The UN recently warned that the world was on course for a catastrophic 2.8C of climate warming by the end of this century, saying that emissions must fall significantly by 2030 if we are to stay within agreed climate limits. However the UK Government is opening new oil and gas fields, encouraging companies to explore for more fossil fuels and briefly tried to bring back fracking. 

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who will join the talks in Egypt, said at COP26 that Scotland would work towards becoming part of the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance – a group of nations who have committed to a managed phase out of oil and gas in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

One year on this commitment has not been made. The forthcoming Scottish Energy Strategy must establish a phase out of oil and gas for any chance of meeting our climate targets. 

Demonstrations are all but banned in Egypt, which has a dire track record on human rights. Consequently there will not be any mass protests during the talks but instead Egyptian activists along with allies across African countries and the Arab world, have called for a global mobilisation to draw attention to demands for climate justice and human rights.

Edinburgh will host a Climate Justice March on Saturday 12 November as part of this Global Day of Action during COP27.  

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s head of campaigns Mary Church said: “In the 12 months since COP26 ended we’ve seen yet again the devastating impacts of global heating at only 1.1C of warming – 30 million people flooded in Pakistan, famine across east Africa, wildfire and drought in the UK during the summer heatwave, and thousands of premature deaths from that same heatwave. 

“Politicians did a lot of backslapping at COP26 with the UK presidency claiming to have kept the goal of 1.5C alive but these are empty words without the action to deliver on them. Over the last year the UK Government has actively made the climate crisis worse as it opened up new oil fields, tried to bring back fracking and is still considering opening a new coal mine. 

“The UK and the Scottish Governments need to set an end date for fossil fuels well within the decade and redouble efforts for a fair transition away to a renewable powered economy, with affordable heat and transport for all.

“For COP27 to have any chance of success the talks need to see rich historical polluters like the UK come to the table willing to deliver their fair share of climate action, which means deep and rapid cuts to climate emissions in line with our responsibility for causing the crisis. A fair outcome would also include paying our climate debt to those nations who have done the least to cause the crisis and yet find themselves on the sharpest ends of its extreme impacts. 

“Yet none of the big historical polluters including the UK is committing to anything near what is needed or owed. Instead, governments and corporations are greenwashing business as usual and relying on fantasy techno-fixes like carbon capture and storage and hydrogen to save the day.”

Commenting on the human rights situation in Egypt, and the ongoing hunger strike of British-Egyptian blogger and activist Alaa Abd El Fattah, one of Egypt’s highest profile prisoners of conscience who has been in prison for most of the last 8 years,  Church continued: “The human rights situation in Egypt is atrocious, and we stand in solidarity with Egyptians and call for the release of all political prisoners and the opening up of civic space.

“There can be no climate justice without human rights and without public participation in shaping the transition to a world freed from fossil fuels. 

“The UK Government must not return from Egypt without British citizen and human rights defender Abdel Abd El Fattah who is currently on hunger strike in an Egyptian jail for the so-called crime of sharing a Facebook post.”

FoES Head of Campaigns Mary Church will be attending the second week of COP27.

The First Minister will today call on world leaders to deliver on the commitments they made in the Glasgow Climate Pact, as she attends the first full day of the COP27 climate conference in Egypt. 

The First Minister will take part in an all-female panel discussion on financing decarbonisation with government leaders, including the Prime Minister of Barbados. 

The First Minister will also meet representatives of countries from the Global South to hear their experiences of the climate crisis and what they want to see delivered at the climate talks.  

Ahead of the formal opening of COP27 the First Minister met on Sunday with the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC Simon Stiell, Director General of the International Organization for Migration Antonio Vitorino and Prime Minister Mia Mottley of Barbados. 

The First Minister said: “COP26 in Glasgow delivered real progress on tackling the climate crisis, with strengthened commitments to curb emissions, build resilience to climate change, and provide the finance needed to reach net zero. World leaders must use the next two weeks to take meaningful steps to deliver on the promises made in the Glasgow Climate Pact. 

“We are gathering against a tense backdrop and the geopolitical landscape has changed significantly in the last year, not least as a result of Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine. However the climate crisis has not gone away and the answer to many of the global crises we face, such as energy security and food shortages, lies in going faster.  

“For many countries, particularly in the global south, this must be the COP where the global north not only delivers on our promises to finance adaptation and mitigation, but recognises the need to address the loss and damage experienced by countries already impacted by climate change. 

“Last year, Scotland became the first developed nation to pledge finance to address loss and damage and others have now followed suit, including Wallonia and Denmark. This shows just how important the action of smaller governments can be, and I know many countries and campaigners hope to see other countries, particularly in the north, step up and make COP in Egypt the loss and damage COP.” 

One in five Scots have NO savings

·        Overall, nearly a third of adults in Scotland have less than £100 put away. 

·        Almost half of people who use credit are anxious about how much they owe. 

·        Over a third are anxious about the number of credit products they have. 

·        Free help is available, but six in seven people still struggle to talk about money.

Almost a million people across Scotland have no savings and another 450,000 have less than £100, according to new research from the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS). 

The survey of 301 adults, carried out for Talk Money Week (November 7-11), shows that one in five (20%) have nothing put away and another one in ten (10%) have £100 or less. 

This leaves almost a third of adults living without a financial safety net to cope with the rising cost of living or unexpected bills, meaning some may have to use credit. 

MaPS says although credit is an important tool when used and managed well, it’s crucial that people understand what they can afford and have a plan to pay it off. 

However, the figures also reveal that many people are already finding this difficult. Among the 82% of Scotland residents who use credit, two in five (43%) are now anxious about how much they owe. Two in five (40%) are worried about the number of different products they have. 

As cost of living pressures start to hit home, MaPS says it’s more important than ever to talk about money before problems set in. However, the survey also reveals that 85% of people still avoid discussing their finances. 

Asked why, the most common responses were ‘not wanting to be judged’ (24%), ‘shame or embarrassment’ (20%) and ‘fear of burdening others’ (17%). 

During Talk Money Week, MaPS is encouraging everyone to open up about money, plan for their financial future and take free debt advice as soon as they need it. 

The organisation says its MoneyHelper service can be people’s first port of call, offering free guidance on topics like everyday money, savings and where to find free debt advice. 

It also provides a range of information on dealing with money issues, including step-by-step guides on how to talk to your creditors or discuss money with family and friends

Allison Barnes, Scotland Manager at the Money and Pensions Service, said: “Over a million people across Scotland find it a challenge to save and this leaves them vulnerable when sudden expenditure items arise. When you add in the anxiety that they feel with their credit commitments, the weight of that worry can quickly become overwhelming.  

“This Talk Money Week, we want everyone to start the conversation with family or friends and share the burden of any money worries. By dealing with the problem head on, people can discover just how helpful free debt advice can be and see the importance of talking to their creditors early. They can also begin to find a way forward, no matter how difficult their situation might feel. 

“Free help and guidance on how to do all of this is available via our MoneyHelper service and I’d urge everyone who needs it to get in touch today.” 

About Talk Money Week 

The week is an opportunity for everyone to get involved with events and activities across the UK which help people have more open conversations about their money – from pocket money to pensions – and continue these conversations year-round. 

This year’s Talk Money Week will focus on the theme of ‘credit’ – to help demystify some of the jargon, build people’s understanding of credit products, and what their options are, including other forms of support that might be suitable. However, we encourage people to use the week as an opportunity to talk about any aspect of money. 

More information is available at 

The second Golden Age of Cocktails: New cocktail list launched at Hawksmoor Edinburgh

Hawksmoor Edinburgh is launching the latest edition of their multi-award-winning cocktail list, which has been in the making for three years. The menu has been designed to celebrate the second golden age of cocktails, 1995-2005, a period credited with the revival of cocktail culture around the world. 

From modern takes on classic steakhouse cocktails, to sub-zero martinis, all the way through to digestifs and dessert-inspired night caps, this menu combines the comfort of recognisable drinks mixed with the tongue in cheek irreverence, artistry and skill that Hawksmoor is known for.  

Head of Bars, Liam Davy, has overseen a list which, as ever, is replete with deceptively simple drinks that belie the hours of research and technique that have gone into them. 

Credited with creating the ‘Coldest Martini in the World’ (Punch), Hawksmoor’s Martini section is dedicated to honouring the king of the cocktail, each one chilled to a bracing -12c. 

The Pink Gibson is a tantalising mix of sweet and savoury, with Boatyard Vodka, Audemus Umami Gin, Aperitivo Co. Dry Vermouth and pink pickled onion whilst the The Ultimate Gin Martini, made with Hepple gin, Aperitivo Co. Dry Vermouth and Filicudi lemon oil, is bright and punchy,  

Steakhouse Sharpeners is a deep dive into the classic aperitifs of the American steakhouse, with drinks such as the Classic Champagne Cocktail made with champagne, cognac, verjus, pineau de charente, all poured over a sugar cube saturated with bitters. The Ranch Water pays homage to a popular US drink originating from West Texas; mineral and fresh with a gentle agave hum, it’s a carbonated mix of tequila, mezcal, pineapple soda, hopped kombucha, jalapeño salt and agave syrup. 

Second Golden Age is a tribute to the era that resurrected cocktail craft, with much loved favourites tweaked after hundreds of tiny iterations across Hawksmoor’s bars.  Tommy Verde, which uses tequila, mezcal, cucumber agave, olive brine, green tabasco, and green tomato juice, is complex and vegetal, with a hint of smoke. 

The Sacred Six section of the menu, where the MVPs of the Hawksmoor cocktail list sit. These timeless classics include Shaky Pete’s Ginger Brew, the Reformed Pornstar, and the rich and buttery Fuller Fat Old Fashioned.  

Nightcaps are the ultimate after-dinner drinks, a silly and serious mix of sweet pudding-style cocktails and sultry dark and bitter digestifs. For a sweeter treat, The Spiced Plum Sazerac is neat and subtle with a bright bitterness, with plum distillate, Calvados, plum syrup with star anise and Absinthe. 

For those looking for drinks with all the flair and flavour but none of the alcohol, the Temperates section of the menu has a delicious range of 0% ABV drinks, from non-alcoholic cocktails to a selection of brewed and fermented delights. The menu includes L.A Brewery Kombucha and Saicho Sparkling Teas, and to harness the luxury of sparkling wines and champagnes, try Blurred Vines 0% Wine – effervescent and sharp with bright floral and fruity notes. 

About Hawksmoor Edinburgh  

A short walk from Waverley station, Princes Street and just off St. Andrew Square, Hawksmoor Edinburgh is located in the beautiful former National Bank of Scotland Banking Hall, a Grade A listed ‘building of national importance’. 

The restaurant has been sensitively refurbished to celebrate the building’s original features, and boasts two private dining rooms, seating up to 12 guests and up to 48 guests, serving our sharing style menus to ensure you get a taste of our wide range of cuts and sides 

In Edinburgh, Hawksmoor draws on the amazing produce that Scotland has to offer, featuring seafood from around the Scottish coast and beef from grass-fed native breed cattle from both sides of the border. Hawksmoor serves some of the best steak in Edinburgh, as well as snacks at the bar alongside cocktails created by our award-winning bartenders.  

Hawksmoor has always taken its bars and cocktails every bit as seriously as its restaurants and steaks, believing as they do that a night out at Hawksmoor should be fun as well as special.  They have developed a reputation over the years for being amongst the best bars in the world (having won multiple awards at the Oscars of the cocktail world, Tales of the Cocktail, including taking home the Best International Restaurant Bar twice), with some of the great British bartenders currently or previously working for the group. 

One staple of the Hawksmoor cocktail menu is the signature Bloody Mary, a smoky-yet-spicy amalgamation, blending lemon juice, vodka, Tongue in Peat tomato juice, and expertly paired with our bespoke Bloody Mary Paste.

Paired alongside The Hawksmoor Sunday Roast, this is more than a hangover cure or Sunday staple but a delightful end of week treat. And the Roast is famous for good reason: two-time winner of ‘Best Sunday Roast in the UK’, this iconic dish proves why a classic done right will never go out of style.  

On Mondays, corkage is £5 all day and on Sundays, there are roasts that Observer Food Monthly named amongst the best in the UK. Our Express menu is available lunch and early evenings every Monday – Saturday. 

Heriot-Watt ranks as Scotland’s best university for landing a Big Four Accounting job

These Scottish universities give you the best chance of working for a Big Four Accounting Firm

  • Heriot-Watt University ranks as the best Scottish university for landing a job at a Big Four Accountancy Firm, with 991 graduates working for PwC, Deloitte, EY or KPMG.
  • University of St. Andrews and The University of Edinburgh rank second and third respectively in Scotland.
  • London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) ranks as the best university in the UK for landing a Big Four job.

Heriot-Watt University ranks as the best Scottish university for landing a role at a Big Four Accounting Firm (PwC, Deloitte, EY and KPMG) according to a new analysis of LinkedIn data.

As undergraduates return for their final year of university this Autumn, many will have their mind set on a career with some of the UK’s largest and most reputable graduate employers.

However, as places for these graduate roles become more competitive, many will be wondering how their university stacks up in terms of career prospects.

Online trading platform and broker CMC Markets, analysed LinkedIn data for the Big Four Accounting Firms, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Deloitte, Ernst & Young (EY) and KPMG, to see where their current employees most commonly attended university.

The analysis looked at the UK’s top 60 universities, including all 24 that are members of the Russell Group, to see which universities have the most graduates working for a Big Four Accounting Firm. The figures were also calculated as a proportion of each university’s enrolment size, based on student enrolment for the 2020/21 academic year according to the Higher Education Statistics Agency.

Scotland Universities ranked for Big Four Accounting Jobs

1. Heriot-Watt University – 991 graduates (8.8% of enrolment size)

Heriot-Watt University ranks as the best Scottish university to attend if you want to pursue a career at the Big Four, with a total of 991 university graduates currently employed across these firms. When accounting for the number of students enrolled in a typical academic year at Heriot-Watt, this works out at 8.8% of the total enrolment size placing it top of any Scottish university in the list and 10th overall in the UK.

2. University of St. Andrews – 927 graduates (8.1% of enrolment size)

University of St. Andrews ranks the second-best Scottish university to attend if you want to pursue a career at the Big Four. The university has a total of 927 graduates currently employed across these firms, which works out at 8.1% of the total enrolment size. St. Andrews ranks 12th overall in the UK in terms of graduates in Big Four Accounting roles.

3. The University of Edinburgh – 1,983 graduates (5.2% of enrolment size)

The University of Edinburgh ranks as Scotland’s third best university to attend if you want to pursue a career at the Big Four. The university has a larger total of 1,983 graduates currently employed across these firms, which works out at 5.2% of the total enrolment size. Edinburgh ranks 33rd overall in the UK in terms of graduates in Big Four Accounting roles.

4. University of Strathclyde – 1,202 graduates (4.9% of enrolment size)

University of Strathclyde ranks as Scotland’s fourth best university to attend if you want to pursue a career at the Big Four. The university has a total of 1,202 graduates currently employed across these firms, working out at 4.9% of the total enrolment size. Strathclyde ranks three spots behind at 36th overall in the UK.

5. University of Aberdeen – 580 graduates (3.6% of enrolment size)

University of Aberdeen ranks as Scotland’s fifth best university to attend if you want to pursue a career at the Big Four. The university has a total of 580 graduates currently employed across these firms, working out at 3.6% of the total enrolment size. Aberdeen ranks 40th overall in the UK.

6. University of Glasgow – 1,339 graduates (3.6% of enrolment size)

University of Glasgow ranks as Scotland’s sixth best university to attend if you want to pursue a career at the Big Four. The university has a total of 1,339 graduates currently employed across these firms, also working out at 3.6% of the total enrolment size. Glasgow ranks 41st overall in the UK.

7. University of Stirling – 293 graduates (2.0% of enrolment size)

University of Stirling ranks as Scotland’s seventh best university to attend if you want to pursue a career at the Big Four. The university has a total of 293 graduates currently employed across these firms, working out at 2.0% of the total enrolment size. Stirling ranks 51st overall in the UK.

8. University of Dundee – 279 graduates (1.7% of enrolment size)

University of Dundee ranks as Scotland’s eight best university to attend if you want to pursue a career at the Big Four. The university has a total of 279 graduates currently employed across these firms, working out at 1.7% of the total enrolment size. Dundee ranks 53rd overall in the UK, nearing the bottom of the list.

Top UK Universities for Big Four Accounting Jobs

1. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) – 5,776 graduates (42.9% of enrolment size)

2. University of Cambridge – 3,401 graduates (15.4% of enrolment size)

3. Oxford Brookes University – 2,355 graduates (13.2% of enrolment size)

4. Durham University – 2,702 graduates (13.1% of enrolment size)

5. University of Lancaster – 1,732 graduates (9.9% of enrolment size)

University ranking by percentage of alumni who list themselves on LinkedIn as working for a Big Four firm

RankUK UniversityPwC EmployeesDeloitte EmployeesEY EmployeesKPMG EmployeesTotalTotal student enrolment (for the 20/21 academic year)Number of alumni working at The Big Four as a percentage of current enrolment size
1.London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)1,4941,7981,4771,0075,77613,45542.9%
2.University of Cambridge8931,0578446073,40122,15515.4%
3.Oxford Brookes University5635598094242,35517,79513.2%
4.Durham University7547945885662,70220,64513.1%
5.University of Lancaster4664354973341,73217,4709.9%
6.University of Warwick7618106145272,71228,1109.6%
7.University of Oxford6618565465042,56727,1509.5%
8.Queen’s University Belfast1,1494884162862,33925,3659.2%
9.University of Bath4805004063221,70818,5559.2%
10.Heriot-Watt University25527327019399111,2008.8%
11.University of Nottingham9198496256503,04335,7858.5%
12.University of St. Andrews28327620216692711,4858.1%
13.Imperial College London4575453713321,70521,3708.0%
14.University of Bristol7176555154762,36329,7857.9%
15.The University of Manchester9871,0017707293,48744,6357.8%
16.University of Birmingham8587965766672,89737,7507.7%
17.SOAS University of London116138951014505,8657.7%
18.University of Southampton4235293373081,59721,3957.5%
19.University of Leeds8817175685442,71036,8407.4%
20.Loughborough University4113792902601,34018,3357.3%
21.University of Exeter6206324674722,19130,2507.2%
22.Queen Mary University of London4155263763481,66523,8707.0%
23.University College London (UCL)8619997035443,10745,7156.8%
24.Newcastle University6604763663111,81327,7756.5%
25.University of Leicester2723252341811,01216,1006.3%
26.Royal Holloway, University of London21023716512773912,2956.0%
27.King’s College London5766995544702,29938,4456.0%
28.Ulster University

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Morrisons brings back festive hero ‘Farmer Christmas’ in TV ad

-Morrisons festive TV ad puts food, farmers and its own foodmakers at the heart of Christmas-

-Stars real Morrisons colleagues alongside Farmer Christmas who swaps sleigh for tractor-

-Launches ‘Officially Approved By Farmer Christmas’ stamp-

-Debuts on Good Morning Britain on 7th November-

Morrisons is bringing back Farmer Christmas for the second year running as part of its latest Christmas campaign.

The character was so well received by customers last year*, that Morrisons is building on that success.  Farmer Christmas has been integrated throughout the whole of this year’s campaign to highlight the great quality and value of Morrisons festive range, with his ‘seal of approval’ the common thread throughout.

The 60 second TV ad, created with Publicis•Poke showcases the other hero of Christmas as Morrisons once again illustrates the work British farmers do to help make Christmas so special.

The spotlight is also on Morrisons own colleagues – many of whom feature in the ad – who are the “real life elves” who help make more than half the fresh food that Morrisons sells.

The ad follows Farmer Christmas, who we hear speak for the first time in his rich Welsh brogue, as he travels across his fields on a tractor to his festive workshop.

There we see Morrisons ‘elves’ hard at work preparing festive dishes made by Morrisons. Farmer Christmas introduces a Morrisons baker creating puff pastry mince pies in “magic ovens” (or normal ovens, as the baker clarifies), a fishmonger showing off smoked Scottish salmon, and a butcher who passes Farmer Christmas a traditionally glazed gammon joint, which he describes as being “like a big edible Christmas present”. 

Viewers then follow Farmer Christmas as he travels on his tractor to deliver a festive feast to a family, before cheekily inviting himself to sit down and join them.

The ad finishes with Farmer Christmas proudly explaining that Morrisons is the “only supermarket to be officially approved by me” because of its commitment to British farming, its food makers and its great value Christmas products.  The ‘Officially Approved By Farmer Christmas’ stamp will be seen throughout the festive campaign in store and across paid media.

While the ad kicks off the festive season in Morrisons, some Christmas products have been on the shelves since mid-September to help customers spread the cost of this year’s festivities. 

Other recent activities that have been introduced to help customers with the cost of living include cutting and then freezing the prices of 150 of the most popular products, the introduction of exclusive offers to My Morrisons members and the continuation of the Kids Eat Free All Day initiative in Morrisons cafés. 

In the coming days, Morrisons Christmas Collector scheme will go live for eligible My Morrisons members enabling them to receive a significant money-off voucher to spend at Christmas if they meet the criteria and shop in the relevant weeks. 

Rachel Eyre, Morrisons Chief Customer and Marketing Officersaid“We know that customers are having to manage their budgets closely at the moment but they have told us they don’t want to compromise on the Christmas meal. 

“We’ve brought Farmer Christmas back this year to show them the food and great prices that, thanks to Morrisons foodmakers and farmers, will be available throughout the festive period, all stamped with his seal of approval.”

Dave Monk, Publicis•Poke Executive Creative Director, said: “Farmer Christmas is back. This year with a twinkle in his eye and a tractor to match.

“As the authority on Christmas food, with a mouth full of his own wisdom and a sack full of Morrisons mince pies, he’s here to remind us all that the most precious moments at Christmas are the ones we spend around the table with our family, and that the presents on our tables make Christmas just as special as the presents under the tree.”

The ad was directed by Frank Todaro of Moxie Pictures and will launch on TV during Good Morning Britain on Monday 7th November, followed by network TV spots that include Coronation Street, Bake Off, I’m a Celebrity and Goggle Box. It will also be shown in cinemas throughout the festive period. 

The wider campaign will run across radio, press, digital display, social media and out of home bringing Farmer Christmas to streets, as well as screens, across the UK.

This ad is the first in a series of ten Christmas TV ads showcasing Morrisons fresh food and festive deals to tie in with the World Cup as well as the Christmas period.