North West Edinburgh Physical Activity Alliance Launch

Wednesday 18 July, 9.30 – 12.30

Physical activity can contribute massively to good physical and mental health for everyone, no matter their age or circumstances and physical activity is about so much more than playing sports or going to the gym.

No single organisation can be solely responsible for promoting physical activity and to enable us to develop opportunities effectively we need to adopt a broad based, community connected, partnership approach.

The launch event will take place at: Wed 18th July, 09:30am-12:30pm, North Edinburgh Arts Centre, 15A Pennywell Court EH4 4TZ, wE

Come along to find out what’s going on in your area to promote physical activity; tell people what you’re up to- put your service on the map; join the network and help make things happen

To book a place, please contact Ellie Eaton by email: or phone 0131 537 9351.

Continue reading North West Edinburgh Physical Activity Alliance Launch

Community Councils organise Granton Marina event


You are invited to a public meeting about future development of the Granton Marina. We’re hosting this meeting to encourage local communities to be involved in the future regeneration and development of Granton waterfront.

This meeting will be hosted in collaboration with Trinity Community Council, ), West  Pilton/West Granton CC and Muirhouse & Salvesen CC.

Granton Harbour Marina: What does this mean for Local Communities ?

Date: Monday 30 July 2018, 7:00pm

Venue: Royston Wardieburn Community Centre, 8 Pilton Drive North, Edinburgh EH5 1NF

Representatives of the company will be in attendance; Charles Price (Asset Manager), Will Gunn(Architect), Steve McGavin & John Paton (Planning Consultants), Matthew Garstang (developer’s FD) and Kevin Fawcett (owner ).

This is a free event open to public but booking is essential. We need to know how many people are attending so that we can arrange bigger room (if required) .

Please register your place online:

Find this event on fb:

Mizan Rahman
Secretary, Granton and District Community Council 
E-mail: | Tel: 07930 183352 |

Edinburgh International Festival offers free tickets to North Edinburgh’s young people

Friday 3 August: Five Telegrams opens Edinburgh International Festival

Edinburgh International Festival is encouraging young people from North Edinburgh to share in the opening night excitement of a groundbreaking perormance. Free tickets are available for ‘Five Telegrams‘ at The Usher Hall – and free transport to and from the event is available through North Edinburgh Arts too! Continue reading Edinburgh International Festival offers free tickets to North Edinburgh’s young people

Childcare Academy information sessions

We now have dates in place for our Childcare Academy Information Sessions:

Wednesday 27th June @ 1pm

Thursday 12th July @ 10am

Thursday 26th July @ 1pm

Wednesday 8th August @ 10am

Monday 20th August @ 1pm

If you would like to book a place to come along and hear more about the Academy, ask any questions and take away an application pack, please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below or Audrey O’Neill on 0131 311 6931.

Liam Moffat

Training Administrator

North Edinburgh Childcare

18b Ferry Road Avenue Edinburgh EH4 4BL

Tel:  0131 311 6929

Fax:  0131 315 4420

 Follow us on Twitter @NEChildcare

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