Anguish as fire crews prepare for busiest night of the year

AN experienced firefighter has told how he feared for his crew’s safety after being confronted by a baying mob in a “warzone” last Bonfire Night. Continue reading Anguish as fire crews prepare for busiest night of the year

NW Locality Committee to meet on 14th November

The next meeting of the North West Locality Committee will take place on Wednesday 14th November from 6.30 – 8.30pm in the Dean of Guilds Room, City Chambers. The meeting is open to the public. Continue reading NW Locality Committee to meet on 14th November

North Edinburgh dispersal zone set for fireworks period

Four dispersal zones are being set up in Edinburgh to combat anti-social behaviour and disorder over the Bonfire weekend. Continue reading North Edinburgh dispersal zone set for fireworks period

West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre: let’s stick together

West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre is urging user groups to stick with the Centre ahead of a key meeting with police later today. Some groups have talked about leaving the Neighbourhood Centre following youth disorder there last week. Continue reading West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre: let’s stick together