A new 38degrees petition, “NorthEdinburgh#saveourservices” is now available online. Continue reading North Edinburgh Save our Services: sign the petition!
Category: West Pilton
Community Council cancelled: activists speaking at tonight’s Localities meeting
Tonight’s Drylaw Telford Community Council meeting has been cancelled as all Inverleith councillors will be attending another meeting – North West Locality Committee is meeting tonight at 6.30pm in the Dean of Guilds Room at the City Chambers.
Two local activists representing Save Our Services North Edinburgh will be speaking about the impact of the Health and Social Care cuts in a deputation to the Localities Committee.
The meeting is open to the public: go along and support local services if you can!
New PEEP group starting at Pilton Community Health Project
Women Supporting Women will be starting our next peep group, for mums/carers and babies on Thursday 31st January, 10 – 11am. Continue reading New PEEP group starting at Pilton Community Health Project
NW Localities committee meets on Wednesday
The next meeting of North West Locality Committee will take place this Wednesday (30th January) from 6.30 – 8.30pm in the Dean of Guilds Room at the City Chambers. Continue reading NW Localities committee meets on Wednesday
Save our Services campaign meeting tomorrow
The next Community Campaign Meeting will take place tomorrow – Monday 28th January 2019 at the Prentice Centre, from 6pm. Continue reading Save our Services campaign meeting tomorrow
Save our Services: campaign meeting on Monday
Fight goes on to save vital local services
The fight to save local services goes on with a series of action group meetings and demonstrations planned over the next few weeks. Continue reading Save our Services: campaign meeting on Monday
Play Together on Pedals in Pilton!
Raising Children with Confidence: new group at Forthview
Kids clubs restart at West Pilton
Saving Our Services: campaign meeting
Wednesday 16 January from 6 – 8pm
Muirhouse Millennium Centre Continue reading Saving Our Services: campaign meeting