Events & Info from North Edinburgh’s Response & Recovery Group

Play Rangers Farewell sessions
Friday 8 September
12:30pm – 2pm at West Pilton Park
3:15pm – 5pm at Muirhouse Park
After a fun-filled summer, our Play Rangers sessions are taking a break. We want to thank everyone who joined us for these outdoor play sessions in the local parks. We had a wonderful time.
To celebrate all the fantastic times we’ve had, we’re hosting special farewell sessions on Friday 8 September (West Pilton Park: 12:30pm- 2:00pm and Muirhouse Park: 3:15pm – 5:00pm). Come & join us!
Rest assured, Play Rangers will make a return in the future, so stay tuned for updates!
!! Dean Campbell, 10, who was last seen in the Pilton area has been traced safe !!
Original message:
POLICE are appealing for your help to trace Dean Campbell aged 10 who was last seen at Forthview Primary School, West Pilton Place, Edinburgh, around 10am yesterday (Wednesday 23 August 2023).
Dean is described as white, 4ft tall, slim build with short blond hair.
When last seen he was wearing black tracksuit bottoms with yellow markings, a white polo shirt and black trainers.
Sergeant Michael Thomson said: “There are growing concerns for Dean’s welfare. Anyone who may have seen Dean since this time, or who has any information on his whereabouts, is urged to contact Police Scotland via 101 quoting incident number 1065 of 23 August 2023.”
In collaboration with North Edinburgh Arts, JACK ARTS SCOTLAND is bringing a wee taste of the Fringe to North Edinburgh!
Looking for some summer fun? Next week, join us at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre for a short programme of FREE creative workshops led by Scottish stars of the 2023 Fringe. Fun and memorable workshops for children and young people living in Muirhouse, Pilton, Granton and Drylaw.
No previous experience needed; all abilities welcome!
Find our more and sign up for FREE here:…/north-edinburgh-arts…
Fancy a BBQ? If you’re a man living in the local area (Muirhouse, Drylaw, Pilton, Granton, Royston and Wardieburn) why not join Jules next Tuesday (25th July) at Wardie Bay Beach. We’ll be meeting on the beach at 1pm.
This will be an informal event where you can meet new people, connect with nature and enjoy some food.
All local men welcome – Please let me know if you’re coming so we can confirm numbers.
To book a spot contact Jules:
e –
m – 07517109319 (call/text/whatsapp
Hope to see you there!
It’s the summer holidays! Woohoo!
We’ve got lots of fun wee events on to keep yous busy, so come down to the college and see us or catch us out and about at our Bookbug sessions.
See below for the different events on throughout the week. All events are completely free and run as a drop in so come along whenever suits!
West Pilton Park Development Meeting
Tuesday 13th June, 5.30 – 7pm at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre
West Pilton Park has received significant funding for development. We need your help to guide issues such as paths & access, play & leisure, nature & wildlife, and security.
Come along, get involved, and help guide the development of your local greenspace.