Lottery cash boost for young people across Scotland

Young people across Scotland will be inspired to make a positive change in their lives, thanks to £474,900 of National Lottery funding awarded to 55 youth-focused projects today (THURS 6 SEPT), in celebration of Scotland’s Year of Young People.  Continue reading Lottery cash boost for young people across Scotland

Voice Your Choice: voting event in North West Edinburgh

Voice Your Choice Voting Event NW

Edinburgh’s employability themed participatory budgeting programme has moved into the voting stages and you are invited to attend the voting event in your locality where you can learn more about the employability projects on offer, and vote for those you would like to see become a reality in your locality. Continue reading Voice Your Choice: voting event in North West Edinburgh

Talking localities with community councils

Where do community councils fit in the new Localities community planning structures? That was the subject for discussion at a round table meeting of North West councillors and community council representatives last month. Continue reading Talking localities with community councils

Forth Neighbourhood Partnership to discuss community planning

Forth Neighbourhood Partnership will meet to discuss community planning tomorrow (Thursday 23rd August) from 6.30 – 8.30pm in North Local Office, West Pilton Gardens. Continue reading Forth Neighbourhood Partnership to discuss community planning

Granton Marina: community scepticism follows public meeting

Developers of the £500 million Edinburgh Marina at Granton say the project will create much-needed social housing and will provide 400 jobs in the first phase alone, but local people expressed concerns at a public meeting organised by community councils this week. Continue reading Granton Marina: community scepticism follows public meeting