Pioneering advice project helps boost low-income household budgets

“Poverty has a huge impact on health and wellbeing, including damp housing, hunger, lack of access to healthy food, and stress and depression.” – Graham Mackenzie, Consultant in Public Health, NHS Lothian

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Two Lothian projects that began with a midwife helping mums improve their nutrition have evolved into a support network ensuring low income families access thousands of pounds of unclaimed entitlements.

The projects in Leith and West Lothian have each had a welfare rights adviser working since March with a team of NHS Lothian, council and voluntary sector workers.

The welfare rights advisers are funded by the Scottish Legal Aid Board (SLAB) as part of its Tackling Money Worries programme.

In Leith, Granton Information Centre (GIC) has provided money and welfare rights advice to 89 families referred by midwives, health visitors, Dr Bell’s Family Centre, Citadel Youth Centre, nurseries and early years centres, and working with Edinburgh Community Food.

For these families the total financial gain during 2015-16 is projected to be £404,000, or an average of £4,500 per client. The maximum financial gain for one client so far has been £15,000.

This is in addition to the support GIC (pictured below) has already provided to the most vulnerable families in the North Edinburgh area, who are not included in these figures.


Citizens Advice Bureau West Lothian has been supporting families in West Lothian in a similar project, also funded by SLAB. In that project around 200 clients have gained £300,000, an average of almost £5,000 per client.

Over half of those accessing support for the first time have been in work, and were not aware of their unclaimed entitlements (e.g. tax credits, benefits) and other help available (e.g. advice about debt, access to hardship funds).

The figures have been released during Challenge Poverty Week 2015 which aims to raise awareness of poverty and to highlight the great work that community organisations are doing to help those in crisis.

Graham Mackenzie, Consultant in Public Health, NHS Lothian, said the success of the advice projects illustrated the importance of the NHS and other services working with welfare rights advisers, and could be repeated in many other parts of the UK.

“This work, which started with a single midwife focusing on ensuring families were claiming food vouchers they were entitled to, has expanded into a sophisticated package of support that we are aiming to offer to hundreds of families over the coming year.

“Poverty has a huge impact on health and wellbeing, including damp housing, hunger, lack of access to healthy food, and stress and depression.

“With hundreds of thousands of pounds secured for families, and more to come, we are taking practical steps to help families tackle the consequences of poverty.”

The Lothian projects were formed following work started with Healthy Start​ food and vitamin vouchers, a UK-wide scheme designed to improve nutrition for low income families. Across the UK around a quarter of eligible families miss out on these valuable vouchers, with the number of pregnant women and children under four years old in receipt of vouchers falling over recent years. In Lothian, however, after concentrated work with NHS Lothian staff and families, the number of pregnant women in receipt of vouchers increased from 294 in March 2014 to 368 in July 2015.

The work started with simple insights from a single midwife about how to make the application process more reliable, and secure vouchers for women earlier in pregnancy.

From 10 weeks of pregnancy to the child’s fourth birthday Healthy Start vouchers are worth up to £899 in total.

With 76 more women benefitting across Lothian as a result, this work has boosted family budgets by tens of thousands of pounds; this in addition to the hundreds of thousands secured through the Tackling Money Worries work. Vouchers can be spent on fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables, milk and formula feed. Vitamin vouchers are provided separately.

This work, part of the Scottish Government Early Years Collaborative, provided insights that have now been applied to much greater effect through the Lothian Tackling Money Worries projects by providing families with money and welfare rights advice.

What can we do to make Scotland fairer?

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There’s another opportunity to have your say on creating a fairer Scotland this week. Pilton Community Health Project will be hosting a session at their office on Boswall Parkway this Thursday from 10 – 11.30am.

All welcome – come along and share your views!


Credit Union merger: Special General Meeting on Thursday

North Edinburgh Credit Union announces merger plan


North Edinburgh Credit Union is to merge with Castle Credit Union and Water of Leith CU, doubling the existing membership and giving the new organisation a stronger financial base.

In a letter to members, North Edinburgh Credit Union Chair Ron Carthy explained: “The Board of North Edinburgh Credit Union is committed to maintaining a strong CU presence in North Edinbyrgh and to offer the range of services our members expect. Therefore, the Board has agreed to merge with Castle Cedit Union and the Water of Leith CU study group as a major step in this process. This wiill not only double the size of our existing member base but also gives us a stronger financial base upon which to expand and sustain a viable credit union.

He continues: “The new Head Office for the merged credit union will be in our exisiting office in Wardieburn Drive. As part of our palans for the new merged credit union we will extending (sic) our opening times and be introducing access 24/7 via a new website for members to check balances, apply for loans and see how their savings are growing. We will also be offering a wider range of savings and loan products.”

NECU is holding a meeting at the Wardieburn office this Thurday at 6.30pm (business starts 7pm) to share information about the ‘exciting new plans’. All members welcome.

For further information call 0131 466 5006

or email


Immigration: Film screening and discussion at North Edinburgh Arts

East meets West to talk human rights tomorrow night

Glasgow Girls

It couldn’t be more topical …

Pupils from Broughton and Craigroyston High Schools will be among those taking part in a Q & A session and discussion with original ‘Glasgow Girl’ Roza Salih following the screening of the film at North Edinburgh Arts tomorrow night.

All welcome.


Power to the People: autumn update

The Power to the People group has been busy …

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Power to the People is a group for adults  in North Edinburgh who are interested in social history, current affairs and the arts.

We have been meeting together since 2012 and  enjoy getting together to learn about  things we are interested in and getting involved  in issues which concern us.  The group is friendly, informal and free and new members can join any time.

Over the last year, we have been learning about North Edinburgh’s early history through studying archive material, visiting exhibitions, watching films and inviting guest speakers to our group.

We are  currently working on a heritage leaflet and a short film for STV’s history programme documenting key aspects of North Edinburgh’s history which will allow us to share the area’s  fascinating history with a wider audience.

We also enjoy getting out and about and  going to different places of interest.  Last week we went on a visit to Wester Hailes to learn about  their social history project.

Over the last few years, the project has been involved in digitising  and publicising  back copies of the Wester Hailes Sentinal and have established a local blog and  Facebook page.

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The project have also been involved in developing social history walks in the area  in conjunction with Wester Hailes Health Agency and has installed  Scotland’s first digital  totem pole (above) which contains QR codes which allow people to access further information about the area’s history via a smart phone.

We have recently  developed  a  new programme of   information and discussion sessions dealing with issues we are concerned about such as fracking on the Forth, the proposed abolition of the Human Rights Act and the Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership (TTIP). 

The first of these sessions will take place  tomorrow – Tuesday 6 October, from 10am – 12.30  – in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre.

The next session will take place early in  November and will be held in the evening to allow people to attend who are unable to get to day time sessions.  A free crèche will be provided by Royston Wardieburn Community Centre to allow people with children to participate.

Glasgow Girls

We have also organised a screening of the Glasgow Girls, (see above), the true story of a group of school pupils from Drumchapel, who led a successful campaign to save their friend from deportation. The film  developed into a powerful human rights movement which resulted in changes in immigration practices in Scotland. 

Following the screening of the film, we will be joined by Roza Salih, one of the Glasgow Girls, for a discussion about the issues raised.  The screening will take place  this Thursday 8 October at 6.30 in North Edinburgh Arts.  There is no charge for attending this event  and transport and a crèche have been organised.  Please call 552 5700 to book.

For those of you who enjoy  getting out and about and enjoy the company of others, our next visit will be to the National Library of Scotland  on Tuesday 27 October.  We will be  viewing an exhibition on the life and times of  Thomas Muir,  a radical political reformer known as ‘the father of Scottish Democracy’.

Anyone wishing further information about the group or any of the activities planned this term  should call Lynn McCabe,  on  552 5700 (Tuesday – Thursday)  or email Lynn at

Mums on the run at Ainslie Park!

New group for mums starts at Ainslie Park next week







(possibly cake!! )




Getting Together, Making a Difference: focus on asylum seekers

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Womens International Group (WIG) are holding the second in a series of ‘Getting Together, Making a Difference’ events next week.

CLD worker Lynn McCabe, who supports the WIG group, said: “The event is taking place next Thursday (24th September) from 10 – 12.30 in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. This event will be addressing important issues such as home, immigration, asylum and human rights. The centre will be a drop-off point that day for anyone wishing to donate basic supplies to support Syrian refugees stranded in Calais.”

See poster (below) for further information or call Lynn on 552 5700 

WIG event 24 September


Six days to go: Collection points for EDA Syria Appeal

Thousands Of Syrian Refugees Seek Shelter In Makeshift Camps In Jordan

A final reminder of the local collection points for donations to the Edinburgh Direct Aid Syria appeal (the container leaves in SIX days):

  • Community Shop, Pennywell Road
  • Pilton Youth & Childrens Project, West Pilton Place
  • Spartans Community Football Academy, Ainslie Park
  • Edinburgh Direct Aid warehouse, West Harbour Road




Thank you, but we have been overwhelmed by the generosity of response – our container is almost bulked out. If you have already collected goods on our list – padded jackets, welly boots, etc., – do bring them in. If we can’t send them now, we’ll send them later – but please don’t organise any new collections at the moment!


(new!) underwear
toilet paper
sanitary towels

and for schools and vocational training:

notebooks, A4 paper
pens/pencils, boardwriters
sewing materials, wool


Wednesday and Saturdays until SEPTEMBER 23

11:00am to 3pm 

Contact Ann at 0781 494 9468

Community invite to strategy consultation

Craighall Centre Health & Social Care event 


The three month public consultation on the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership’s draft Strategic Plan and Joint Strategic Needs Assessment ends on 31 October and the Strategic Planning Group, which is overseeing the consultation, is keen to hear from citizens, communities and stakeholders.

The city council is inviting local community groups, organisations and individuals to participate in and give their views on the integration of health and social care services and has organised a number of events across the city to enable you to find out what’s been proposed and have your say.

The local event takes place at Craighall Centre, 210 Ferry Road on Monday 28 September from 1 – 2.30pm (note change of time).

There is a web link included in the flier so people can access to view the plan:

Police seek witnesses to walkway robbery

Cyclists may hold vital information


Police are appealing for witnesses following an assault and robbery in North Edinburgh yesterday.

The incident happened around 6am near the Boswall Place exit on the walkway behind Morrisons that runs from Crewe Road North to Pilton Drive.

A 57-year-old man was approached and assaulted by six youths, who then stole his phone. The scene was attended by the Scottish Ambulance Service and the victim was treated for minor facial injuries.

The first suspect is described as a white male, around 5ft tall, 14-years-old, with a skinny build. He had short dark hair and was wearing a black tracksuit.

The second and third suspects are described as white males, 15-16 years old, around 5ft 5inches in height with skinny builds. They were dressed all in black and one of them was in possession of a bicycle.

The remaining three suspects are all described as white males, 17-18 years old, around 5ft 9inches tall with skinny builds. All were wearing grey cotton tracksuits.

The group were last seen heading in the direction of Crewe Road.

Detective Constable Chris Harding said: “This was an unprovoked and cowardly attack on a lone man as he went about his daily business and we’re urging anyone with information which can help with our enquiries to come forward.

“In particular, we’re eager to trace two cyclists who were in the area at the time of the incident and who may be able to assist us in identifying the suspects.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.