Brick Beach Litter Pick

FRIDAY 9 AUGUST from 3 – 5pm

We are very excited to be organising another rubbish picking event at the Brick Beach ( this is the Beach across the road from Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden) next Friday 9 August between 3 and 5 PM💚💚💚.

We will have enough rubbish pickers for everyone and a picnic with some delicious food provided. Huge THANK YOU to R2 for supporting this event and enabling us to buy more rubbish pickers.

Really happy to have some colleagues from Communities’ Reduce Reuse & Recyclejoining us on the day.

Any questions-email:

Heart of Newhaven: August newsletter

Welcome to your August Newsletter

Hear About…

We’re very pleased to be able to announce our new series of Autumn Talks. Those of you who enjoyed our Spring series of Hear About, will be pleased to hear that we have listened, and more of your requests have been followed up.

We will be hearing about everything from the famous Hill and Adamson portraits of fishwives straight from an expert at the National Portrait Gallery, to mythical Scottish sea creatures.

Talks will take place on Friday afternoons as before and will run from 20th September to the beginning of December. There are still a very few slots to be confirmed, so if you have any more requests, please get in touch with either Gillian or Christine.

Calling all potential Heart guides

Could you help guide visitors round the Heart? We’ll be open for Doors Open Days at the end of September and would really appreciate it if more volunteers could come forward and help on the day.

We’ll be open both Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th, from 10am till 4pm, so if you could help for either or both of those days, for just a few hours or even all day, please get in touch. We’ll make sure you know what’s what before you venture forth.

Please get in touch as soon as you can, at

And if you’re thinking of popping in for Doors Open Days to see what’s happening, remember that there will be two classroom sessions in the Victorian Schoolroom, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, run by the costumed role-play teachers of the History of Education Centre.

Sign up when you arrive but remember to be on your best behaviour!

Look out for other partner activities and an exciting reveal on the DOD weekend (28th / 29th September) keep an eye on our socials and of course the September News.

The Ukrainian Spiders are back

Our Spiders are back and setting up their camouflage net looms again. They’ll be netting in the Anchor building on Friday afternoons from 2 – 9 pm, and everyone interested is invited to stop by and try their hand at weaving or simply watch the process.

Here is their new website!

Art That Saves Lives | Spiders for Ukraine (

Tattie Fest

Join us on 21 September for a celebration of potatoes and the garden at The Heart of Newhaven! Tattie Fest is going to be a day of making, learning and of course eating, here at The Heart of Newhaven’s garden. If you’ve got your own homegrowns in your garden or on the balcony, make sure you save your most interesting looking tatties for the potato beauty contest… 

Before then, you can of course come on down and get involved in the garden, either to help out or to see what’s growing – you’ll find us just past the Men’s Shed at our drop-in on Thursday mornings, 10.30am-12.30pm,

If that time doesn’t work for you but you’re still interested in getting involved, get in touch and we can arrange a time to meet up. 

We’re also looking for potato enthusiasts to help organise and help out at Tattie Fest! If you’re keen, send an email to Hayley. We’d love to hear from you.


2024 AGM

Who would have believed we could come so far in such a short time? Well, we did for a start. We’ve now reached the time for our third AGM, which this year will be held on 9th October at 6pm Remember to check whether you’re a member and so allowed to vote at the meeting.

A few words from our Chair in the meantime:

 A recap on what we have done since becoming constituted in 2019

●      August 2022 We completed the Community Asset Transfer of Victoria Primary School by purchasing the school with funding from The Scottish Land Fund

●      January 2023 We opened the buildings, now known as The Heart, for community uses in support of our vision,

●      Year 1 of operation, 2023, we focused on the buildings and their spaces, to ensure that even with our meanwhile use approach they functioned safely and as efficiently as possible to meet the needs of partners and users

2024 we completed emergency repairs to the fabric of The Victoria Building, The Grade B listed, heart of The Heart, and we have increased our footfall threefold. 

Please come to our AGM to find out so much more – and what we aim to do next


‘This is not protest. It is organised, violent thuggery’

Prime Minister Keir Starmer delivered a statement from Downing Street yesterday:

I utterly condemn the far-right thuggery we have seen this weekend.

Be in no doubt: those who have participated in this violence will face the full force of the law. 

The police will be making arrests. 

Individuals will be held on remand. 

Charges will follow. And convictions will follow. 

I guarantee you will regret taking part in this disorder.

Whether directly or those whipping up this action online, and then running away themselves.

This is not protest. It is organised, violent thuggery. 

And it has no place on our street or online.

Right now, there are attacks happening on a hotel in Rotherham. 

Marauding gangs intent on law breaking. Or worse.

Windows smashed. 

Fires set ablaze.

Residents and staff in absolute fear. 

There is no justification – none – for taking this action. And all right-minded people should be condemning this sort of violence. 

People in this country have a right to be safe. 

And yet, we’ve seen Muslim communities targeted. 

Attacks on Mosques. 

Other minority communities singled out. 

Nazi salutes in the street. 

Attacks on the police.

Wanton violence alongside racist rhetoric. 

So, no, I won’t shy away from calling this what it is: Far-right thuggery.

To those who feel targeted because of the colour of your skin…

Or your faith…

I know how frightening this must be.

I want you to know this violent mob do not represent our country. 

And we will bring them to justice. 

Our police deserve our support, as they tackle any and all violent disorder that flares up. 

Whatever the apparent cause or motivation we make no distinction. 

Crime is crime.

And this government will tackle it. 

Thank you.

The Prime Minister will hold an emergency COBRA meeting this morning.

Mosques to be offered new emergency security

Mosques are being offered greater protection with new emergency security that can be rapidly deployed

The new rapid response process means mosques at risk of violent disorder can be offered additional security personnel, providing communities with vital support and reassurance. This will boost the work already being done by local police forces to protect these important places of worship.  

Under the new process now in place, the police, local authorities and mosques can ask for rapid security to be deployed, protecting communities and allowing for a return to worship as quickly as possible. 

This announcement will build on the existing Protective Security for Mosques Scheme, with up to £29.4 million already available this year to fund security at mosques and Muslim faith schools. 

Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper said: “Britain is a proud and tolerant country, and nobody should make any excuses for the shameful actions of the hooligans, thugs and extremist groups who have been attacking police officers, looting local shops or attacking people based on the colour of their skin. 

“In light of the disgraceful threats and attacks that local mosques have also faced in many communities, the government is providing rapid additional support through the Protective Security for Mosques Scheme, alongside the support from local police forces and we repeat that anyone involved in this disorder and violence will face the full force of the law. 

“As a nation we will not tolerate criminal behaviour, dangerous extremism, and racist attacks that go against everything our country stands for.”

The Government has made clear that targeted attacks on Muslim communities will not be tolerated. All those involved in violent disorder, including attacks on the police, local communities, arson and looting should expect to face the full force of the law. 

The new arrangements have been deployed and are already providing additional security for mosques across the country this weekend. The scheme also remains open for general applications and all those eligible are encouraged to apply.


We stand together in peace and solidarity with the people of Southport following the horrific events that took place on Monday 29th July have left us all in shock.

Our thoughts are with the families and loved ones of those who have died and are receiving treatment for their injuries. They should be the priority for everyone who cares about what has happened

Instead some have sought to use the tragic event in Southport to divide and spread hate – based on mistruths and false information. Far right thugs have taken to the streets of Southport, Hartlepool and London to attack Police and emergency service workers, to target Muslim communities with xenophobic hatred and to despoil the memories of those whose lives were so tragically cut short.

We must not let them get away with their lies and division. Trade unions have always been at the heart of efforts to unite communities and stand against hate. But the challenge feels even more urgent now.

Whilst what took place in Southport leaves a dark shadow, we have seen some of the best of us. Our emergency service workers who rushed to danger, who provided and continue to provide life-saving care. Our public service workers providing ongoing care and support and practical help. Our teachers and support staff in the schools attended by young people affected and our community organisations who have stepped up to help and provide counselling.

So many other individuals, local businesses and organisations who are giving their time and expertise. They all deserve our gratitude. They have discharged their duty professionally, diligently and with compassion for their community.

Once again, it is a diverse range of front-line workers and community activists who have stepped up to repair the damage – material, physical and emotional.

Southport and our communities across the country do not need to meet violence with further violence. Whipping up hate and fear is not acceptable.

As trade unions, we will continue to work with our members in workplaces across the country, to provide practical support and solidarity and defeat the narrative of hate.

Our unions call for an end to the violence and intimidation, and for all those who perpetrate these acts to be brought to justice.

Unity is our strength, and we will stand firm against those that aim to pit different workers and communities against each other.

Westminster: Election of select committee Chairs

The Speaker of the House, Sir Lindsay Hoyle MP, has set out the timetable for the election of chairs of select committees following the General Election on 4 July 2024.

Since 2010, most committee chairs have been elected by the whole House by secret ballot using the alternative vote system, under which MPs rank candidates in order of preference. 

The period of nominations will run until 4pm on Monday 9 September, with the ballot scheduled for Wednesday 11 September.

How do Chair elections work?

The Speaker’s announcement follows the allocation of particular committee chairs to political parties, agreed by the House on 30 July. The number of chairs allotted to each party relates to their strength in the House of Commons. The chairs of the Committee of Public Accounts and the Committee on Standards are required to be from the Official Opposition.

The rules for the election of chairs of select committees are set out in Standing Order No. 122B. The Chair of the Backbench Business Committee will also be elected at this time although this takes place under a different Standing Order, No. 122D.  The chair of the Backbench Business Committee must be elected from a party which is not represented in the Government.

Which committees are electing a Chair?

Select committees appointed under Standing Order No. 152 (Select committees related to government departments) and their allocation: 

  • Business and Trade (Labour)
  • Culture, Media and Sport (Conservative)
  • Defence (Labour)
  • Education (Labour)
  • Energy Security and Net Zero (Labour)
  • Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Liberal Democrat)
  • Foreign Affairs (Labour)
  • Health and Social Care (Liberal Democrat)
  • Home Affairs (Conservative)
  • Housing, Communities and Local Government (Labour)
  • International Development (Labour)
  • Justice (Labour)
  • Northern Ireland Affairs (Labour)
  • Science, Innovation and Technology (Labour)
  • Scottish Affairs (Labour)
  • Transport (Labour)
  • Treasury (Labour)
  • Welsh Affairs (Labour)
  • Women and Equalities (Labour)
  • Work and Pensions (Labour)

Other specified select committees:

  • Environmental Audit (Labour)
  • Petitions (Liberal Democrat)
  • Procedure (Labour)
  • Public Accounts (Conservative)
  • Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs (Conservative)
  • Standards (Conservative)

Further information  

Reducing the environmental impact of respiratory care across NHS Lothian

NHS Lothian recently led a project to reduce waste and carbon emissions caused by incorrectly disposed inhalers.

Across Scotland, respiratory disease is common, however the treatment for this is a major carbon hotspot. Emissions caused by incorrectly disposed inhalers contribute to air pollution, potentially exacerbating respiratory conditions and affecting the overall health of our communities.

Jane Hopton, NHS Lothian Environmental Sustainability Lead said: “The carbon footprint of respiratory disease is largely due to the current propellant gases found in some inhalers. These gases have 1,430 or 3,220 times the global warming potential of CO2, depending on the brand of inhaler. 

“By disposing of used, unwanted, or expired inhalers properly, we can ensure the safe destruction of the residual propellant gases and in doing so, help to reduce their carbon footprint.”

This project, which was funded by NHS Lothian Charity as part of their Climate Challenge Grant initiative, asked participating community pharmacies to add stickers to dispensing bags containing inhalers. The stickers stated, “please return unwanted or expired inhalers to your pharmacy for environmentally safe disposal.” 

In total, five community pharmacies took part in the pilot project. After 10 weeks of adding the stickers to bags, the number of inhalers returned was four times more than prior, representing a 300% increase. 

Jane added: “This has been an important project, and one which demonstrates how small changes can make a valuable contribution to supporting our sustainability goals.

“Our thanks go to staff within the Community Pharmacies that were involved for their support in making this pilot such a success. I look forward to seeing this work develop, as collectively we explore all opportunities to reduce our carbon footprint.”

While dry powder inhalers do not contain propellants, they are currently not recyclable due to the multiple types of plastic and components in them. Patients, however, are encouraged to dispose of these items safely and can return them to a pharmacy to do this.

The second phase of this project aims to increase effective prescribing for respiratory conditions by improving access to information that supports clinical decision making and promotes good inhaler techniques.

This is in recognition of the new Scottish Government quality prescribing strategy for respiratory conditions which recognises that the most environmentally friendly inhaler is one that patients can, will and do use correctly.

Resources have been developed to support this, including posters for healthcare staff and educational posters to support patients with their inhaler technique. These have been distributed to staff in primary and secondary care by the Respiratory Managed Clinical Network. 

Katie Johnston, Respiratory Lead, Primary Care Pharmacist, NHS Lothian said: “Lots of people use inhalers and often do not think about the environmental impact these can have. 

“Community pharmacies are ideally positioned and essential to support improved respiratory care and to help reduce the environmental impact of all medicines.

“Feedback regarding the resources has been very positive and the Managed Clinical Network plans to continue to develop and share information to ensure inhaler waste continues to be reduced, the carbon footprint from inhalers is minimised and every patient is prescribed an inhaler device that is suitable for them.” 

National Museum of Scotland: What’s On


Exhibitions & displays 
National Museum of Scotland      
Chambers Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1JF     
Open 10:00–17:00 daily    

Game On
29 Jun – 3 Nov 2024
Special Exhibition Gallery, Level 3
Tickets on sale spring 2024

Get set for Game On – the largest interactive exhibition of the history and the culture of video games. Game On, an exhibition conceived and curated by Barbican Immersive, examines the creative and technological advances that have established a new medium and artform.

From Sonic the Hedgehog to Mario, explore gaming’s rich history through over 100 playable games from the last five decades.

Find our more

Cold War Scotland
13 Jul 2024 – 26 Jan 2025
10:00 – 17:00
Special Exhibition Gallery 2, Level 3

Scotland’s unique geography and topography provided a useful base for Allied military preparations and research during the Cold War, a 40-year nuclear stand-off between the USA and the Soviet Union following the end of the Second World War.

Cold War Scotland is an output of Materialising the Cold War, a collaborative research project between National Museums Scotland and the University of Stirling.

The project explores how the Cold War heritage is represented and how museums can adapt to tell this story in future. The exhibition will explore both the visible and invisible legacies of the war in Scotland.

Find out more

Theravada Buddhism
Until 12 Jan 2025
Gallery 3, Level 1

A thought-provoking display charts the history and influence of the Theravāda Buddhist tradition across the world, including its role in Scotland today. The display includes a Buddha on loan from The Dhammapadipa Temple in Edinburgh. The Buddha was designed and made in Thailand in 2013, then later gifted to Temple where it is now used in their garden meditation room.

Find out more


National Museum of Scotland
Chambers Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1JF
Open 10:00–17:00 daily

Summer Family Fun
Until 12 Aug
Mondays & Fridays
10:30 – 15:30
Grand Gallery and spaces across the museum
Free, drop in

Join us every Monday and Friday during the holidays for a range of fun drop-in activities for all the family. Our friendly Enabler team will be bringing our favourite themes to life from dinosaurs to outer space and from ancient Egypt to Vikings. Plus, we will be powering up with brand new activities inspired by our summer exhibition Game On.

Find out more

Gilded Balloon at the Museum
31 Jul – 26 Aug
Tickets from £10

Start your day with a musical note, enjoy a bit of politics at lunchtime and slide into evenings filled with comedy, plus everything in-between from Friend(s), magic and musicals.

Book now

BSL Museum Tour
12 & 16 Aug
11:00 – 12:00
Meet at the Lighthouse Lens in the Grand Gallery, Level 1
Free, booking required

Join BSL tour guide Barbara Brown for a themed, guided tour of the museum. The tour will last around one hour with the chance to explore the museum independently afterwards.

Book now

Faovale Imperium
16 – 18 Aug
15:30 – 16:30
Facing the Sea gallery & Level 1
Free – sign up on the day
Limited spaces available

Join comedian James Nokise and DJ Don Luchito for a funny and thought-provoking exploration of the National Museum of Scotland’s Pacific collections through poetry and music.

Find our more:

Morning Curator Tour: Cold War Scotland
Thu 22 Aug, Wed 25 Sep, Tue 29 Oct
Meet at Tower Entrance, Level 1
£12, £10 Members & Conc.

Join our exhibition curators for an exclusive early morning tour of our Cold War Scotland exhibition. Dr Meredith Greiling, Principal Curator of Technology, and Cold War Research Fellow Dr Sarah Harper will delve deeper into stories explored within the exhibition, from the emergence of nuclear energy in Scotland to the vibrant anti-nuclear protests and political activism of the period.

Book now

Collection Centre Tours
28 Aug – 26 Mar 2025
National Museums Collection Centre

Discover the secrets of how we store our Natural Sciences, Science & Technology and Scottish History & Archaeology collections, and find out how these objects and specimens are used in international research.  This is an in-person event at the National Museums Collection Centre in Granton, for those aged 14 and over.

Book now

National Museum of Flight
East Fortune Airfield, East Lothian, EH39 5LF
Open daily 10:00 – 16:00

Second World War Satchels
2 Jul – 29 Aug
10:00 – 17:00
Concorde Hangar
Free with museum admission

Bring the history of the Second World War to life with our summer activity satchels for adults and families. Pick up one of our summer activity satchels and delve deeper into the history of the Second World War.

Separate satchels are available for adult and family visitors. The satchels are free to borrow and can be collected from The Concorde Hangar.

Find out more

Second World War Puzzle Room
24 Jul – 29 Aug
Wed – Fri, 14:00 – 16:00
Building 26
Free with museum admission

Problem solving skills and the ability to work out codes were essential skills for people working in the RAF during the Second World War.

Work together as a family in our puzzle room and see if you can produce the answers. Only by solving four different challenges will you know if you have got what it takes.

Book now

360 Fest
31 Aug

Go full circle at our brand-new big event at the National Museum of Flight. Be wowed with 360 stunts from cycle team, The Clan, plus circus displays and lots of have-a-go activities. Join a hula-hoop workshop, try some plate spinning and learn about the science of spheres with STEM science activities. Ticket price includes entry to the whole museum.

Book now

National Museum of Rural Life
Philipshill Road, East Kilbride, G76 9HR
Open 10:00–17:00 daily 

Nature Track Packs
Until 1 Sep
10:00 – 17:00
Free with museum entry and Annual Pass

Available to borrow at the museum ticket desk, each pack contains fun ideas and activities to help children use all their senses to explore the countryside on a walk to the farm.

Book now

14 & 15 Sep
11:00 – 16:00
Free with museum admission and Annual Pass

Celebrate all things cattle at the National Museum of Rural Life. We are putting our bovine friends in the spotlight at this weekend of hands-on activities, talks and family fun. Find out all about cows, bulls, milk, and meat with our experts, take part in family craft sessions and meet some of the cattle on our working farm.

Book now

Autumn Explorers
15 Oct – 18 Oct 2024
10:30 – 15:30
Free with museum admission and Annual Pass
Tickets available August 2024

Our Autumn Explorers family activities are back, with storytelling, sustainable crafts, and the chance to learn all about soil and spiders.

Read more:

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For booking, opening times and location details, contact National Museums Scotland on 0300 123 6789   

Granton:hub looking for new Trustees

Are you interested in the rich history and art of Granton and the surrounding area? Granton:hub needs you!

Granton;hub is a Community Based Creative and Cultural Centre in Granton, Edinburgh. The charity is based in Granton’s historic Madelvic House.

We are a volunteer-run charitable organisation that aims to elevate Granton’s profile and provide a focus for Granton’s diverse and evolving communities.

We are looking for Trustees to work with the existing Board during this exciting time of development of the Western Harbour.

We meet for 2(ish) hours once a month at Madelvic House.

Discussions are ongoing with City of Edinburgh Council regarding the refurbishment of the beautiful, listed, Madelvic House.

Also, we are in contact with the Lar housing association who will be developing the Madelvic car factory into 28 flats.

If you think you can contribute during this exciting time, or you would like more information, do not hesitate to contact me at

Thanks – looking forward to hearing from you!

Dave Harrold

Chair, Granton:hub

QMU graduate is Employer Apprentice of the Year

Lisa Walsh, a student who graduated from Queen Margaret University (QMU) in July, has been awarded the Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) Apprentice of the Year Award.

Lisa received the accolade after four years on QMU’s Graduate Apprenticeship BA (Hons) Business Management course, which she completed while continuing to accelerate her career. 

As a result of participating in the programme, Lisa was able to enhance her business skills and in-depth knowledge and apply them in her workplace, which in turn, helped her thrive at SSE, where she continued to improve and climb the corporate ladder.

She also received this year’s Dean’s List prize for her high course achievements within the Business, Enterprise and Management division at QMU.

Lisa said: “The Graduate Apprenticeship has been a genuinely life changing opportunity for me. As an adult learner I had been out of formal education for nearly 20 years, and it was quite daunting to take the step back into learning. 

“However, the experience I have had at QMU has been amazing. Although challenging, having an employer who believed in me and the fantastic support from QMU, has made this an experience I will never forget – for all the right reasons. My confidence has grown, and I am grateful for the career opportunities this has given me. Thank you QMU and SSE!”

Fitting into work commitments, QMU’s Graduate Apprenticeship degree provides a practical and integrated way to develop expertise with a current employer, who will benefit from having a more highly skilled employee.

The programme helps apprentices learn the higher-level management skills that companies will need, and consolidates that knowledge with real-life work experience.

Now in a major role as Learning Systems and Services Manager at the multinational energy company, Lisa’s award highlights her ambition and motivation to continue her studies alongside her full-time employment. 

On the day of Lisa’s graduation from QMU, she celebrated with her family and classmates at an impressive ceremony held in Edinburgh’s beautiful Usher Hall, attended by QMU’s Chancellor and TV presenter Dame Prue Leith CBE. Lisa was one of 1300 students who graduated in person from Queen Margaret University across three ceremonies in July.

Dr Lynn Waterston, Programme Leader for BA (Hons) Business Management Graduate Apprenticeship, said: “Lisa is an outstanding student, and the award is testament to the hard work and dedication that she has shown throughout the course, as well as her employer and the teaching team who work to ensure the success of the graduates on the programme.”

The SSE Apprentice of the Year Award is presented to apprentices at Modern and Graduate levels during Scottish Apprenticeship Week each year. Lisa was awarded with her accolade in March 2024 at a formal, online event.

Judy Preece, Apprenticeship Performance & Quality Manager for SSE, said “Lisa thoroughly deserved to win the Apprentice of the Year Award.  The award not only recognised her dedication and commitment to her studies, but also how her career has developed as a result of Lisa’s continued desire to succeed.

“As a large employer, we are proud to support the Graduate Apprenticeship pathway – it is one of our key learning pathways used to develop our future workforce to support our journey to net zero.”