At Last: Two-way traffic to return to Leith Walk

Two-way traffic will return to Leith Walk this month, as preparations for tram testing begin.

North- and southbound traffic along the length of Leith Walk will be reintroduced during the week commencing 13 February, followed by the electrification of the full line.

Energisation of the line will allow for testing and commissioning to begin, with the first test trams expected on the route at the beginning of March. Final track preparations will also take place in the lead up to the first test tram running.

All tram track, overhead line poles and communications and power ducting has been installed, 93% of the overhead lines are in place and the final section at Picardy Place is being installed over the next two weeks. 

Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener, said: “In just a matter of weeks we’ll see test trams running the length of the Trams to Newhaven route, which is really exciting. Energising the overhead lines and buffering of the tram tracks are the final steps before this happens.

“Reopening Leith Walk to two-way traffic is a key moment for the project too and, I’m sure, for all those who live and work in the area. I’d like to thank residents and businesses for their patience and support while we’ve carried out these works.

Once fully complete, this project will be transformative for Leith Walk and the rest of the route, while benefitting the wider city economy and helping to cut congestion. Not only will it provide reliable, high-capacity connections to the north of the city but has significantly improved and enhanced public spaces and active travel links along the line.”

The Trams to Newhaven project remains on schedule for completion by spring 2023 and within the £207.3m budget, with all major construction now complete ahead of the testing and commissioning period.

This TtN budget does not take into account the massive cost overrun during the original tram project, the failures of which are subject to an ongoing public inquiry under Lord Hardie.

Due to industry wide challenges with the availability of materials and skilled labour, impacted by Brexit and the war in Ukraine along with significant demand for labour in the UK and overseas, there are small pockets of public realm works that will now be completed over the coming months. 

Full details of the updated programme are available on the Trams to Newhaven website.

A communications campaign has been carried out to remind residents, businesses and stakeholders about the electrification of overhead lines, including safety requirements and permits needed to carry out any work. This work was originally scheduled to take place in October but was re-programmed to allow key infrastructure works to be completed.

To allow for work to connect the lines to take place, Edinburgh Trams services from the airport will terminate at the West End between 13 and 19 February. 

Further information is available on Edinburgh Trams website.

Find out more about Trams to Newhaven, including landscape plans and timelines, online.

Heart of Newhaven Community: January News

Happy New Year and Welcome to your January newsletter

We’d like to start this month’s newsletter with a little boasting:

“We just celebrated our daughter’s first birthday at the Heart of Newhaven! What a joy!

The hall was perfect and the team (particularly Kim) couldn’t have been more helpful and accommodating. The building is historic and quirky and we are so privileged to be able to use the facility in our community. If you’re looking for a quaint and wholesome venue to celebrate, the Heart of Newhaven is the perfect spot.”

That is a genuine review left on Google after a successful event held at the Heart. Why not consider it for your special event?  Book here

There are also several regular classes now being held in the Heart. We have Zayna Dance Academy who are running nursery ballet and jazz, jazz and musical theatre classes for ages 5-8 and 8-11, and also some classes for adults. For more info contact or Whatsapp: 07487450778.

If you have young children or are expecting, you might be interested in the regular Pregnancy Cafe events, run by Stepping Stones North Edinburgh. Check out their website at Home – Stepping Stones North Edinburgh

If you enjoy singing, then there is also Newhaven Community Choir  – who practise in the Heart every week.

Some of our tenants are now up and operating as well. Our very own potter, Borja Moronta is beavering away in his top floor studio getting ready for a special exhibition (check out his own website at, and the History of Education Centre on the first floor is taking bookings for visits to their newly refurbished Victorian Schoolroom (check their website at

Their very first visitors came this month, of course, from Victoria Primary School, who were thrilled to be back on home turf and amazed at the changes that had been made since they left.

There is also a drop-in hand-sewing group being started by Lorna at Ink on Mesh. This is in association with the ‘Stitch an Acorn’ Campaign for Louise Gardiner’s Cape of Courage exhibition at Marchmont House, Duns, later this year.

The sessions will take place at the Heart on Tuesdays from Tuesday 7th February until Tuesday March 28th, 6.15pm – 8.15pm. Just come to the main door.

You can find out more about the project here:

Lorna is also on the look-out for spare material scraps, sewing kit of any kind or even sewing machines that can be reused, repurposed and re-loved. If you have any such donations, please drop them off at the Heart for her attention or contact her on blessedunrest@aasfour601983


Repair Café                  

Saturday 28th January, 10am-1pm

At The Men of Leith Men’s Shed, Creel Building, Heart of Newhaven Community
Something broken? Why not bring it along to our Repair Café where our volunteers will help you to attempt a repair. The event is free; our goals are to help people to learn repair skills and to save waste and cost.

We can look at any small objects including small electrical items, toys, small furniture, ornaments, indeed anything you value which is broken – come along and give us a challenge!


We’re about to start a new venture at the Heart as well.

The Warm & Welcoming events on Wednesday and Saturday mornings 9 -12 , beginning Wednesday 1st February, will be open with tea, coffee and at very least biscuits. We will be hosting several pop-up events staffed by our partners and Heart residents. Just turn up, have a cuppa and meet them. 

ACE IT will  be running 1:1 advice if you need support with your laptop, phone or tablet: use the free Wifi and get any problems sorted out.

You will also be able to find out more about what’s happening the Heart in the coming months.


Now back to more mundane but very important matters.

We’re currently hiring.

We’re looking for a part-time Buildings Maintenance Officer.

If you’re interested in being part of our small but very important team, read more about it on the website and if you’d like to apply, please send a copy of your CV, a supporting statement describing how you meet the person specification, and a short covering letter to

We’re also looking for more volunteers to help with specific tasks.

We need volunteers to help at reception on Wednesday and Saturday mornings when we will be holding our multi-purpose Warm & Welcoming events.

We’d also like to hear from anyone with event organising and/or community fund raising experience.

If you’d like to volunteer in any of those areas, then contact us via the volunteer form on the website.


Finally, make a date to come and visit the Heart on the evening of Thursday 23rd February when we will be holding our second Coorie-In from 7 till 8.30 pm.

Come and meet some of our tenants and partners  and see what the Heart has to offer.

More details in the next Newsletter.

The Heart of Newhaven Community

December Newsletter

Welcome to your December Newsletter and Season’s Greetings from the Heart

It’s been a memorable year, has it not, and just look where we are now: the community is finally installed in the Heart, which is going from strength to strength; members of the community have been welcomed in to the first events as work progresses towards opening the whole site; several community groups are holding regular sessions at the Heart, while tenants and partners continue to prepare their various premises.

Coorie-In for winter

We held our Coorie-In event on Saturday 26th November, attended by around 300 people keen to see what was happening. Various partners and users took the opportunity to let people see what to expect as we move forward and the afternoon was voted a great success.

Asked what they had enjoyed about the event, a common answer was “Everything!” Particularly noted was the warm welcome, the variety of workshops and people, the Ukranian crafts, the Victorian Schoolroom and the heritage displays. One special reply was this: Seeing the school “come alive” with voices of all ages. On the negative side, several people felt there should have been more signage, so we’ll work on that for next time.

And talking about the next time, watch out for our next such event, already in the diary for Thursday 23rd February, to be held in the evening this time, from 7- 8.30pm.


Trained Heart reminiscence volunteers were among the groups taking part in the Coorie-In and were kept busy all afternoon.

They hope to organise regular reminiscence events once the building is up and running and the stories and memories shared at these events will eventually be shared with the whole community.

In the meantime, they are happy to go out into the community and gather memories that way.

If you’d like to get involved, contact

Volunteer Information session

Before the Coorie-In, those who had signed up to volunteer had been invited to an introductory event on Saturday November 19th. It was the Heart’s first volunteer information session and had a tremendous turn out.

Prospective volunteers were given a tour around the building and a presentation on upcoming volunteer opportunities. It was a great opportunity for like-minded people to come together and there was a lot of friendly chat over a bowl of hot soup.

We hope to run these sessions regularly, so please register your interest by completing the volunteer form on the website


Christmas events coming up? Book here!

Bookings at the Heart have been increasing but if you have a one-off event you’re planning, or if you plan to hold regular meetings, then come along and see what we have to offer. If you’re interested in renting a space, whether by the hour or regularly, do fill in the form on the website. In particular we can offer evening spaces in the comfortable, modern Anchor Building or for larger events, perhaps the old school assembly hall might suit you. You only have to ask.


Bits & Bobs

1) Do you know of anyone who would appreciate receiving our newsletters? Spread the word and let us know.

2) Is there anyone with an electric keyboard/piano who would donate it for the Anchor building?

3) We’re still on the hunt for someone with some HR experience who might be able to help us. If you would like to get involved, then get in touch via the admin@ address or contact our Chair, Judy Crabb at

Finally, in other news, the Heart is proud to report that It’s Your Neighbourhood, part of the Keep Scotland Beautiful charity has marked us up to Level 3, Advancing, so thank you to everyone who has helped plant bulbs and other plants both around the Heart itself and elsewhere in the neighbourhood.

Stop Press

Save Our Ponds
You may be interested in this petition.
The aim is to save wildlife habitat on unused building plots near Western Harbour, which are currently up for sale for further development.
More information on the Community Council Website:

Season’s greetings, however you celebrate it.

We’ll see you in the New Year.

Heart of Newhaven: November news

Welcome to your November Newsletter

Come and coorie-in
Work continues to bring the Heart up to the state where it can open fully to the public, but in the meantime, those of you who missed our Enliven event recently, need not worry.
We’re holding another taster event on Saturday 26th November, from 2 to 4pm.
This is a Coorie-In as winter approaches, where you’ll be able to take part in all sorts of craft activities and visit different parts of the site – the Anchor Building, The Creel Building and the Victoria Building. Different activities will be taking place in each.
Some of our recently trained volunteers will be ready to welcome you to a reminiscence session in the Atrium; The History of Education Centre will invite you to visit the transformed classroom on the first floor which will be the new home of the Victorian Schoolroom; The Men of Leith’s Shed will welcome you to their workshop in the Creel Building and tell you about their new Repair Shop, while the Anchor Building and the old gym hall will host numerous physical activities and craft sessions.

Do come along and see what’s on offer. There will even be food tastings!

Don’t miss it.

Can you help?

If you’ve visited the blog page on the website, you will have seen that there are various questions being posed of you. If you haven’t visited, check it out.

We’re searching for the families of two men who taught at VPS during the First World War. Please do have a look and see if you can help.

The latest blog also features an intriguing find in the Victoria Building. Do you recognise it? It is burned into the floor on the first floor.

Any information about it would be welcome

C&H Blog

Volunteer Day
Those of you who have volunteered to help out at the Heart are being invited to a chat with our Volunteer Coordinator, Bryan, a tour of the site with our Manager, Roger, and maybe even a sandwich or a coffee and cake, on Saturday 19th November, from 11 till 2.

Please register to volunteer via the volunteering page on the website and let us now what activities you would be interested in helping with.

We would like to know by Tuesday 22nd if you will attend the event so that we can get the catering right.


 Finally, we are pleased to welcome the Edinburgh-based youth theatre group Lyra to present our very first public performance in the Heart.

This will be Snowstorm, a charming winter’s tale for children aged 5-8. It will take place on Monday 21st November at 6pm.

Tickets are free but are strictly limited and must be booked in advance.

Email with Snowstorm in the title, to enquire about availability, and pass the word along to those who might not otherwise have heard about it.
See you soon.

Heart of Newhaven: October update

Welcome to your October Newsletter

And apologies if it seems a long one: it’s just an indicator of how much is happening!

Well, we’re open for business! All right, perhaps not fully open, but we have held our first public events in the Anchor Building and they’ve been great successes. We will build on them as we approach opening in the old Victoria Building.

Enliven was a taster event supported by the Edinburgh Wellbeing PACT, held on Saturday 24th September to allow members of the community to see what HONC and some of their partners will be offering once the whole of the Heart is open. Over 100 visitors of all ages came through the Heart’s gate to investigate.

Some of our Partners demonstrated their wares, including Ink on Mesh with screen printing and the Victorian Schoolroom with Victorian crafts and toys inside and gird and cleek races in the playground, while Men’s Shed showed off their new workshop in the Creel Building. The Newhaven Community Choir and Men’s Shed members contributed to some musical offerings.

Hannah Watt, the Learning Community teacher for the Trinity Academy cluster was also on hand to help youngsters make their own keyrings while the planters in the playground were refreshed as volunteers leant a hand with new planting.

“The weather was very kind, the biscuits all eaten and all of the partners and volunteers felt that the day had been a success and worthwhile,” reports Community Projects Coordinator and Trustee Norma Johnston.

Calling all volunteers, registered or not

Have you already volunteered to help out in some way?
Please note that we have revamped our call for volunteers on the website where there is now an updated form. If you have already volunteered you will be contacted by our Volunteer Coordinator Bryan with a link to the new form. After all, you may have moved away or found other things to do with your time since you first contacted us. If so, please let us know so that we can take you off the list.

If you would like to volunteer now, then please go to the website and follow the links. We are currently looking in particular for volunteers to help with DIY skills such as painting & decorating, pulling up carpets, cleaning windows, upholstery, as well as minute takers for sub-group meetings.
Please go to:

Volunteer Here

We are also planning a volunteer meeting some time in November so that you can meet each other. If you’re registered, you will be contacted with the details. Hope you can make it!

If you can’t volunteer your time, you may be able to contribute in kind.
Are there any local businesses out there who feel they could sponsor us in any way or contribute practical necessities?

Please contact our Transition Manager Roger Walpole at:

Photographs by Andrew Perry

ENLIVEN: Heart of Newhaven welcoming event this Saturday

Bring neighbours, friends and family together at this welcoming event at The Heart of Newhaven this Saturday afternoon.

There will be something for everyone to enjoy and I’ll have a brilliant screen printing activity running that’s easy, fun, experimental and colourful so pop in and have a taster of what Ink on Mesh and other businesses at the HEaRT have for you all.

Macmillan Coffee Morning at Starbank Park this Saturday

Don’t miss our Macmillan coffee morning next Saturday 24th September 10-12 noon.

Mini harvest show! Prizes for best jam/chutney/lemon curd, best sunflower, best courgette/marrow, prettiest dahlia, most quirky vegetable, best child grown product

