Inverleith: YOUth decides!

It’s here! ‘YOU(th) DECIDE!’01 JAN INP youth decide

You(th) Decide! is an opportunity for young people aged between 11 and 18 to tell us what they think needs to happen in Inverleith to make it better for young people, and have a say on how local funds are spent (writes INP’s Elaine Lennon).

Councillor Gavin Barrie, Champion of Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership’s Young People’s Action Group, is asking young people to send us your ideas, and then, once young people have voted on their favourites, three projects costing around £1000 each will be implemented. Poster and proposal form here. Please pass on and help us get young people aware of this.

Spread the word! You can link to either the pdf (foot of page) or directly to the poster or form as jpeg on our noticeboard here:

Please tweet the info too to help us get the info out, and proposals in, by the end of the month. I’ll watch out for them and retweet them, and please use @north_team and hashtag #inverleithnp if possible.

Finally, as you’d expect, there are a few guidelines that we’ll need to follow to ensure that we are spending public money on appropriate projects. These are also shown on the proposal form, but are that projects must be:

  • be located within Inverleith
  • be of benefit to a large number of people
  • not have any ongoing costs
  • be open to all
  • be able to be completed by September 2016

It would be great if you can remind young people of this when they are thinking of projects to apply for, or when you are encouraging them to apply.

YOUth Decide poster and proposal form 2016 final


Meet your local Labour team

Drop-in sessions in Northern and Leith

Labour Leith

Saturday 21st November
1pm – 2pm at OOTB, 36 Dalmeny Street, EH6 8RG

Saturday 28th November
12 -1pm Royston/Wardieburn Community Centre,11 Pilton Drive North, EH5 1N

Room for optimism? Reported crime down in North Edinburgh

‘I’m fortunate to have a team brimming with talent and enthusiasm, making North Edinburgh a safer place to live, work and visit’ – Chief Inspector Richard Horan Continue reading Room for optimism? Reported crime down in North Edinburgh

Fare play to Spartans Connections!

Central Taxis to sponsor Spartans Connections


Taxi for Spartans! Edinburgh’s Central Taxis are to sponsor local community club Spartans Connections. The Connections squad are delighted with the sponsorship deal and the new partnership is a great result for the Ainslie Park footballers.  Continue reading Fare play to Spartans Connections!

Help protect your community from bonfire tragedy

Choosing to attend only organised displays is the best way to keep yourself, your family and your community safe. Continue reading Help protect your community from bonfire tragedy

Then play on … City of Edinburgh Music School Open Day

The City of Edinburgh Music School is holding on Open Day at Broughton High School on Saturday 7 November from 11am – 2pm.

music open day


Hold Me Dear: Four Cities, [Extra]ordinary Places

It’s Here + Now! Outdoor exhibition, Rodney Street Tunnel

Here + Now launch event: Sunday 27 September, 12 noon – 2pm


An open air photography exhibition, featuring unique pictures and stories of treasured city spaces taken by local people living in Edinburgh, Copenhagen, Hamburg and Istanbul, opens in the Rodney Street railway tunnel in Canonmills this Sunday. 

Curated by HERE + NOW, the exhibition provides a unique and exciting opportunity for people to share the places that matter most to them, building up a very personal insight into a residents’ view of their Edinburgh the places that actually matter personally to local people ­beyond the usual tourist landmarks.

Visit the ‘City Link’ section of to see the submissions.

PUBLIC LAUNCH PARTY- Sunday 27 September 12 noon

the exhibition will formally launch with a picnic event, talks, music performances and art-themed cycle tours around city.

The exhibition is created by HERE + NOW and supported by Sustrans, Edinburgh City Council, Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership and the Friends of King George V Park. The exhibition is free and runs until 20 October.

Hold Me Dear: Four cities, (Extra)ordinary Places

What’s your favourite place in Edinburgh?


Fancy joining in some walking/cycling route mapping or a DIY exhibition-building day?

You may have heard about the upcoming Hold Me Dear: Four Cities, [Extra]Ordinary Places photography exhibition taking place in the Rodney St tunnel next to King George V Park in Canonmills.

This co-created community exhibition will feature photographs of people’s favourite personal places in their city, and has invited submissions from people across Edinburgh until the 17 September deadline.

Send us your photo and place in Edinburgh that means the most to you here! Get involved in one of our volunteer workshops! A great way to meet other people, explore the area and contribute to making this unique exhibition!

WEDNESDAY 2 SEPTEMBER – Join us from 10am-12noon to explore the local area around Rodney St tunnel in Canonmills and record your favourite walking or cycle routes and places along them. We’ll be turning these into a locally-loved community map to explore the local area from the exhibition in September!

FRIDAY 18 SEPTEMBER– Join us from 10am to help us DIY build the exhibition! Come prepared to get your hands dirty assembling exhibition boards and painting. You’ll get the chance to see your finished work at the exhibition launch event 12noon on Sunday 27th!

For more info or to sign up to join us, email

It’s Power of Food Festival weekend!


It’s here! Edinburgh’s community gardeners take centre stage this weekend as The Power of Food Festival takes place at venues and locations across the city.

PoF Programme

 For further info visit