Call for volunteers to support newsletter distribution

ONE OFF TASK from Wednesday 3 June to Sunday 7 June.

This will get you fit and help the residents of North West Edinburgh access services!

Newsletter Distribution in NW Edinburgh

This is a one off opportunity managed by NW Edinburgh Team who will take responsibility for managing all the volunteers to deliver a informative newsletter to Drylaw, Salvesan, Pilton, Royston Wardieburn, Boswall and Granton.

We envisage you distributing for about one hour in total.

There is a route map that you will follow and will be handed out at the distribution point along with hand sanitiser and gloves and a contact number of the person offering the instructions at the beginning so you can contact them if there are any incidents or you are not sure.


Wednesday 3rd June – Sunday 7th June 11am

Meet at Fresh Start, 22-24 Ferry Rd Drive, EH4 4BR

Phone: Willie Black : 07515686421



Wednesday 3rd June – Friday 5th June: 11am

Meet at Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre, 67B Groathill Road North, EH4 2SA

Phone: Roy Douglas: 07801971892



Wednesday 3rd June – Friday 5th June: 11am:

Meet at Pilton Community Health Project, 73 Boswall Parkway, EH5 2PW

Phone: Helen Scammell: 07847476612



Wednesday 3rd June – Sunday 7th June: 2pm:

Meet at Spartans, Address: Ainslie Park, 94 Pilton Drive, EH5 2HF

Phone: Willie Black: 07515686421

If you wish to deliver in your own time. Please make contact with Lesley or Willie to determine where to deliver to.

Phone: Lesley Hinds: 07778413792 or Willie Black: 07515686421

This will require a minimum of 6 volunteers for each session working in pairs on each side of the street to put newsletters through people’s letter boxes in stairs that are accessible.

At the end please report back to the contact detailed for your distribution point.

Please wear comfortable shoes and appropriate clothing and bring a bag that is suitable for holding 100-150 leaflets.

Thank you for your interest in this and your contribution is invaluable.

Please contact Lesley or Willie if you have any further questions.

Heather Yang

Core Services Manager, Volunteer Edinburgh


Free School Meals: It’s not too late to claim


information for parents and carers


Families of children from P4 to S6 who receive Free School Meals, and those in P1 to P3 who are entitled to clothing grants, will receive a fortnightly electronic payment during term time and the Easter Holidays equivalent to the cost of a school meal.

Payments are £22.50 per child every fortnight until further notice from 23 March.

All children in primary 1 to 3 receive free school meals if they are attending school, but not free milk or a clothing grant.   In the present circumstances, those families won’t receive the £22.50 fortnightly payment unless they are eligible to get the clothing grant and free milk due to low income.

The criteria is the same as for P4-7s.


Parents may still apply for the current academic year and, if eligible, awards will be backdated to 23 March, the start of school closures. 

The eligibility for free school meals and/or substitute payment (including P1-3s) depends on the family’s income and they need to be in receipt of one of the following benefits:

  • Universal credit (with monthly earnings up to £610)
  • Income Support and Income Based Job seekers Allowance or Employment and Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credits only with gross income up to £16105
  • Child and Working Tax Credits with gross income up to £6900
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

Some families will get an automatic award for 2020-21 but others will have to apply when the time comes (they are not receiving applications yet).

Clothing grants applications closed on 31 March but will reopen for the next academic year later.

For more information and keep up to date with possible changes please visit

Missing man appeal: THOMAS FOUND

UPDATE: Thomas has since been found safe and well

Police are appealing for information from the public to trace a man from the local area. Thomas Foley Smith (29) was last seen at the Cairn Hotel, Windsor Street around 12 noon on Friday (8 May).

He is described as being white with short brown hair. He has links to the Muirhouse and Abbeyhill areas

Members of the public are asked not to approach Mr Smith however Police Scotland would like to reassure people that considerable and extensive efforts are being put into locating him.

Anyone with information or sightings should contact Police Scotland immediately on 101.

Port of Leith’s Covid Response Fund supports local community organisations

Port of Leith Housing Association’s (PoLHA) £50,000 Covid Response Fund has provided 18 awards of between £500 and £2,500 to local charities and social enterprises that are rising to the challenge of alleviating the effects of the coronavirus epidemic on people living in the community.

Grants to six additional organisations are also being processed.

With a remit to fast track flexible access to grants where they will have the quickest benefits, the Fund has already helped provide emergency food provision for isolated or vulnerable people, purchased vital equipment to allow third sector staff to carry on supporting service users from home and helped a wide range of people (from older adults to school-age children) access vital online services and education during lock down.

PoLHA Group Chief Executive, Heather Kiteley, said: “Organisations across Leith and North Edinburgh seem to have adjusted to the new challenges created by lockdown astonishingly quickly. 

“They’ve been able to change both the ways they are working as well as the nature of the services they deliver in a few short weeks or even days.

“We’re thrilled to be able to support the life-changing work of community organisations through our Covid Response Fund which is helping organisations to create and develop crucial new services, from emergency food packages for vulnerable people isolating at home, to helping older adults bridge the digital divide and keep in touch with people.

“We hope to secure more funding to support even more organisations in the weeks ahead.”

Elaine Brown from the Edinburgh Remakery, which received a £2,000 grant from the Fund to provide refurbished laptop computers for vulnerable people in Leith to help them access digital services and keep in touch with loved ones, said: “Thank you so much for supporting the Edinburgh Remakery.

“This grant will not only support us in these challenging times, it will allow us to help vulnerable people within Leith and north Edinburgh to stay connected.”

The Milan Senior Welfare Organisation, which provides a range of services for older people from South Asian communities in Edinburgh and Lothian to meet their social, cultural, recreational, language and care needs, received a grant to buy laptops and phones to help staff work remotely, issue newsletters to keep in touch with service users and also buy bags and containers for hot food deliveries.

Sophia Latif from Milan Senior Welfare Organisation commented: “Funding like this is a lifeline to charities like us, especially when processed in such a timely manner.” 

West Pilton-based Fresh Start, which helps people who have been homeless to get set up in their new homes and settle in their community, received funding to support the most vulnerable individuals and families across Edinburgh by providing them with emergency packs of essential food, toiletries and cleaning products.

Freh Start’s Jen McQuistan said: “This funding will make a big difference to the people we are supporting, especially during these challenging times.”

All funds have now been allocated but PoLHA are very hopeful of securing more funding to distribute soon – keep an eye on and on Twitter @PortofLeithHA /Facebook

North Edinburgh charities unite to deliver over 11,000 free meals during lockdown

Charity and community groups in North Edinburgh have joined forces to deliver over 11,000 free, healthy meals, toiletries and cleaning supplies to vulnerable individuals and families during four weeks of lockdown.

More than a dozen organisations have come together to form the North Edinburgh Covid-19 Foodshare Group, supporting those in food poverty or experiencing hardship as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Despite launching only four weeks ago, the group has already coordinated community groups and volunteers to safely deliver a record number of healthy meals to those who need them most. It now aims to deliver over 15,000 meals each week, thanks to support from funders, donors and members of the public.

In just one week, more than 10,000 ready-meals and sandwich packs were delivered to residents in Muirhouse, Salvesen, Pilton, Granton, Drylaw and Telford, as well as more than 1,000 essential food, toiletry and cleaning supply kits.

A phoneline has also been launched to handle requests for assistance.  Local residents in Muirhouse, Salvesen, Pilton, Granton, Drylaw and Telford can call 0131 356 0220, with the hotline open Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm.

Due to high demand, the group is asking funders and members of the public to help them reach more people living in food poverty by funds. All money raised will go towards supporting vulnerable people living in Edinburgh during the pandemic crisis.

To ensure deliveries were made safely, 100 charity and voluntary sector volunteers and keyworkers were trained in Covid-19 safety protocols by Scran Academy to ensure everyone adhered to government guidance on physical distancing.

Willie Black, Chair of West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre, said: “This is a truly remarkable effort. It’s a great demonstration of the power of communities pulling together, working in partnership to build a new future for north Edinburgh. 

“It’s an extremely difficult time for vulnerable families and individuals across the city. They may have experienced homelessness, be elderly or socially isolated.

“Getting support out to them is our priority and we have been overwhelmed by the generous support of our funders and donors. But there is more to be done. We estimate that to meet the demand we need to deliver a minimum of 15,000 emergency packs per week.

“On the other hand, we are trying to manage our supplies to ensure we have enough to go around while this pandemic continues to affect us all.”

Residents who have already received packages from the Group have described the resource as vital for enabling them to feed their families:

Family from Muirhouse:

“My husband has lost his job, and we were 2093 in the queue to speak to someone at Universal credits, 14 hour wait, no money, no food. My health visitor referred us to Covid-19 Foodshare Group and they just appeared with food and packed lunches for us. I have never cried to see food to feed my kids, but I just have no money. They turn up every day with packed lunches and for the last three weeks a food parcel has appeared at our door.”

Muriel, elderly Drylaw resident.  Husband in care facility:

“Many many thanks for your kind and considerate actions. To the staff, you have no idea, how your thoughts for older isolated people impacts on our daily life.

The comfort and solace it gives to us, when you are alone and can’t reach out to touch our loved ones  is like winning the lottery, an absolute god send to me!

Thank you from the bottom of my Heart.”

Isolated resident from Pennywell:

“Please let the chef know that the mushroom soup was absolutely amazing and fandabbydozy!”

Family from Pilton:

“Both me and my partner are temporarily out of employment, with 2 kids at home. The first week we survived thanks to the kindness of a neighbour. I really appreciate the food packs and the different foods we are receiving now. It has saved us”.

Single parent from Granton:

“I want to send my appreciation first of all by sending you this message. You guys have helped my own household and my sons during this pandemic. I think we might have really struggled if it wasn’t for all the good work you guys are doing for the community, you are all amazing”.

Latest Info from North Edinburgh’s COVID-19 FoodShare Group

North Edinburgh’s COVID-19 Foodshare Group has updated their information factsheet to include more useful teleohone numbers.

The network of community groups expects hear to about funding to help meet demand in the local area later today.  The fund is being administered locally by the city council and EVOC.

Final, Final! North Edinburgh Food Network Info UPDATED 17 APRIL 2020

Goodbye, Mr. MacKenzie: Craigie’s inspirational Headteacher has died

We are extremely saddened to learn that Hugh Mackenzie, former Headteacher of Craigroyston Community High School, has passed away after a short illness (write Craigroyston Community High School).

Hugh served as Headteacher from 1972-1993 and during that time, he was a true inspiration to both staff and pupils.

Hugh was determined to ensure that school was a place to nurture, care for and encourage the pupils as well as guiding them through their academic qualifications.

Hugh was a unique man who led Craigroyston on amazing journeys, always believing dreams could be achieved. Former pupils will undoubtedly have fond memories of the annual Craigie Field Trips around the UK as well as Craigie goes to Europe in 1992.

Our deepest condolences and thoughts go out to Hugh’s wife, Joyce as well as Callum, Kirsty and the grandchildren. You’ll be forever remembered, Mr Mackenzie – rest in peace.

Alex Wood, who taught at Craigroyston and has since returned as an adult educaton tutor, wrote of Hugh:

“I started at Craigroyston in August 1973. I could not have been directed to a better place to learn how to teach. Hugh MacKenzie, the headteacher, was inspiring, committed to comprehensive education, a believer that, given the right conditions, everyone could learn.

“He occasionally wore a suit – made of blue denim. A shirt and tie were for special occasions, but a polo-neck sweater and CND badge were more normal. We learned quickly and we learned well. We reinvented the curriculum for that new age as we went along. The committed, the imaginative and the humorous survived. Fortunately, I was one of them.

“I would go onto have a friendship with Hugh long after my time at Craigroyston, a friendship that continued up until his sudden passing. Hugh’s passions were golf, jazz & rugby & I could write a book about the stories he has told me & the ones I’ve learnt over the years from his friends, colleagues & family.”

North Edinburgh Covid-19 Foodshare Group – UPDATED INFORMATION


Final 2 North Edinburgh Food Network Info UPDATED 16 APRIL v3