PoPP goes North Edinburgh!

Positive Parenting Programme


The first North Incredible Years programmes are detailed below. (Flyer and application form also attached).

Please share this information widely with your colleagues and the parents and carers you work with. Please also consider carefully if any family you are working with would benefit from this support and discuss making an application with them. Please submit any application forms to helena.reid@ea.edin.sch.uk

West Pilton & North West

Circle Haven Project Craigroyston Primary School

Wednesdays, 9-11.30am from 25 February. Crèche available.

Royston Wardieburn Community Centre Pilton Drive North

Thursdays 12.30-2.30pm from 26 February. Crèche available.

Leith & North East

Craigentinny Early Years Centre, Craigentinny Primary, 4 Loganlea Drive, EH7 6LR

Thursdays 9-11.30am from 5 March. Crèche available.

For further info contact Helena Reid helena.reid@ea.edin.sch.uk or calling 07795127954. Helena would also be happy to arrange an awareness raising session with any staff team.

PoPP leaflet

PoPP for Parents Application Form

Two face Court following Pennywell drugs haul


Two men have been arrested and charged under the Misuse of Drugs Act after police in North Edinburgh recovered a large quantity of Class C drugs.

As part of Operation Quarterlight, officers conducted a search of a vehicle in Pennywell Road at around 2pm yesterday (Friday). Around 30,000 diazepam tablets were recovered and two men aged 25 and 20 were detained.

A further 400 diazepam tablets, a half kilo of cannabis and a quantity of other suspected stolen items were later recovered following a search of two addresses by police. The recovered drugs are valued at over £35,000.

Both men are scheduled to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Monday (26 January).

Inspector David Happs said: “This was a significant recovery of potentially harmful drugs, which have been seized before they could cause harm to our communities.

“Operation Quarterlight action continues across Edinburgh and in addition to identifying those responsible for vehicle crime, this initiative will assist us in targeting criminals using their vehicles for committing other crimes, such as the transportation of illegal drugs.

“Police Scotland is committed to tackling drug crime within our communities and will always act on information we receive from the public.

“Anyone wishing to report crimes of this nature in their local area can do so by calling on 101 or by making an anonymous report via the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Bowled over by a community’s Christmas spirit

bowlsVolunteers at Muirhouse Community Shop have illustrated the season of goodwill by creating hand-crafted Christmas gifts for people in need.

Muirhouse Community Shop was asked by Fiona Henderson, Community Access to Schools worker at Craigroyston Community High School, to hold a painting session to support the ‘Empty Bowls’ initiative.

bowls 0Empty Bowls, an international grassroots effort to fight hunger, was founded in the USA. The basic premise is simple: potters and other craftspeople, educators and others work with the community to create handcrafted bowls. Guests are invited to a simple meal of soup and bread. In exchange for a cash donation, guests are asked to keep a bowl as a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world. The money raised is donated to an organization working to end hunger and food insecurity – Empty Bowls has raised millions of dollars to donate to hunger-fighting organizations.

bowls 4Volunteers at Muirhouse Community Shop were delighted to support the cause and local people enthusiastically got to work to decorate bowls which were later displayed in both the Community Shop and the High School.

The Muirhouse bowls were then filled with goodies donated by the local community and they’ve now being wrapped and will be donated to people in need.

Christmas can be a very tough time when you don’t have much, so these heartwarming little gifts will bring some welcome seasonal cheer into some local homes this Christmas.


For further information on Empty Bowls visit


Pictures by TRIM




talking about regeneration

Muirhouse residents invited to take part in regeneration focus group


Ashley McDonald is a final year Geography student at the University of Edinburgh. As part of her final year study, she is undertaking research on the regeneration taking place in Muirhouse and she’d like to hear from YOU!

If you live in Muirhouse or Pennywell and you’d be interested in taking part in a small focus group to discuss your opinions on the regeneration and the area’s future, email Ashley for further details at: amcdonald1168@gmail.com

Ashley has booked Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre next Tuesday -(25th November) from 6.30pm – 8.30pm.

Winter Wellness Event in Muirhouse

Tenants and Residents In Muirhouse (TRIM) is absolutely delighted to once again work in partnership with Energy Scotland


Many residents will recall Dagmara from Energy Scotland in the community shop a few months back, giving out free advice and arranging home visits etc. For the past few months we have been in talks about bringing the advice sessions back and we want them BIGGER!

So why not pop in to North Edinburgh Arts for free advice on all things home related: how to keep your home warm the cheapest way, what are the best deals out there, can you get support for your fuel, is out of date food really that bad for you? And it is hoped that Fire Scotland will also be in attendance!

Wednesday 10 December 
10am – 2pm
FREE Refreshments provided

TRIM Poster

Robert Pearson, TRIM