Operation Quarterlight: cracking down on car crime

Quarterlight update: six arrests last week


Operation Quarterlight is a Police Scotland initiative aimed at tackling motor vehicle crime in hotspot areas. Since the start of the initiative in January 2015, local officers involved in the operation have made 24 arrests and solved 68 crimes related to motor vehicle offences.

In the last week officers in Edinburgh have arrested five men and one woman for various offences related to motor vehicles crimes. Of those arrested a 22-year-old man has been remanded in custody on multiple charges.

Additionally in the last week there has been 15 stop searches in hotspot areas and 41 bail curfew checks completed on some of Edinburgh’s most prolific offenders.

Police have also charged a 41-year-old woman with the theft of a pedal cycle. This had previously been advertised as for sale on a website. The bike has now been recovered and returned to its owner.

PS Tom Mallinson, who runs the Quarterlight team, said: “We have solved almost seventy crimes since Quarterlight began and well over half of these relate to vehicle crime. We are quite clear with offenders – we will continue to investigate all crimes linked to vehicles across the city.

“Many of these individuals will be involved in assaults, hate crimes, vandalisms and serious driving offences while in the commission of motor vehicle offences and our team has prioritised access to forensic services, CCTV and national vehicle crime experts to combat the challenge of autocrime.”

Chief Superintendent Mark Williams, who oversees Operation Quarterlight locally, pressed home the point about car security and improving results. He said: “We have seen a week on week increase in detection rates, as well as a driving down of car crime as the message gets out.

“We have increased preventative night time patrols in hot spot areas and officers have conducted over a hundred searches resulting in numerous arrests.

“We still want car owners to be careful – secure their vehicles, park in well-lit and overlooked spots and ensure valuable items are removed or at least not on show in their vehicles.”

Spartans: be the twelfth man!

spartansLocal club The Spartans play Berwick Rangers this Saturday (7 February) at Ainslie Park in the fifth round of the Scottish Cup.  If we win we will make history as the first non-league team to play in the quarter-finals of the Scottish Cup for 55 years! 

This Cross-Border clash sees the Lowland League title holders take on their third SPFL opponents on the Road to Hampden. We have already beaten Clyde and Morton and in both games the bumper home support has made all the difference.

Can you be the twelfth man on 7 February?  We are making a big plea for everyone in the North Edinburgh community to come along and back their local team as we aim to make history! 

The TV cameras will be along, “Pulse of the Place” our local Samba band will provide the pre match entertainment and hundreds of local youngsters will be bringing a real family atmosphere.  It promises to be a magical afternoon.

Our Ainslie Park arena holds 3500 people, with 500 seats in our covered stand.  Kick-off is at 3pm so please come down early if you want a seat. 

Admission is £12 for adults, £8 for concessions and Under 12 s are free (pay at gate) – continuing our commitment to offer affordable football for all.  With a bumper crowd expected, we have entrances open on both Pilton Drive and Pilton Avenue.

You can keep up to date with the pre-match news, previews and interviews on our hat-trick of social media sources:

website: www.spartansfc.com,

twitter: @spartansfc and Facebook: Spartans FC

The Spartans Football Club

| Live together, Play together, Win together

Total-ly delighted!

£84,000 will establish a Community Leadership College

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The STV Appeal is the fund that just keeps on giving to projects in North Edinburgh – Total Craigroyston became the latest local beneficiary when it received almost £84,000 from the charity programme.

STV CEO and trustee of the STV Appeal Rob Woodward and Chris Wilson managing director, Retail and Private Banking, RBS, presented the cheque for £83, 980 to Total Craigroyston manager Christine Mackay yesterday.

The STV Appeal raised £2.6million in 2014 – £305,689 of this was raised by RBS branches.

Total Craigroyston is an initiative set up by the Edinburgh Partnership to improve outcomes for children and families in the neighbourhood around Craigroyston Community High School. The project is doing this by taking a three pronged approach –

  • strengthening services that are open to all like health, early years and schools;
  • strengthening support for families;
  • supporting local people to organise their own activities.

Now, working in partnership with charities Circle Scotland and the Link-up Muirhouse project, an idea has been developed to establish a Community Leadership College. This will help Total Craigroyston expand leadership capability amongst local residents.

Julie Crawford, Muirhouse Link Up development worker, said: “We are really excited about the opportunity that the STV Appeal has given us to turn our idea into reality. This project will help us work with local people to build on the excellent local leadership that exists at the moment and take it to the next level.”

Chris Wilson, managing director, Retail and Private Banking, RBS, said: “It’s fantastic to see first-hand the work of projects like Total Craigroyston and understand the real impact that the money from the STV Appeal will have on them. RBS is proud to support the STV Appeal and help change the lives of vulnerable children and young people in Scotland.”

The STV Appeal is committed to making a difference in the lives of children and young people living in poverty in Scotland. Across the country, 220,000 children live in poverty and figures from the Campaign to End Child Poverty show that in the city of Edinburgh it’s actually 21.1% of children – more than one in five.

Total Craigroyston is just one of the projects the STV Appeal is supporting in North Edinburgh – Pilton Youth & Childrens Project, Changeworks and Fresh Start have all received grants from the funder.

Since launch in 2011, the STV Appeal has raised over £8.2 million with 297 big and small grants distributed to projects across all 32 local authority areas in Scotland, providing much needed support to over 37,000 children. The money raised is distributed to provide practical help like food and warm clothes; create opportunities for training and employability; and enable social and emotional support for those who need it most.

Rob Woodward, STV CEO and trustee of the STV Appeal, said: “The money donated to the STV Appeal remains in Scotland and will help bring about a positive change to the lives of vulnerable children and young people on our doorstep.  With the help of the extraordinary fundraising efforts taking place in communities across the country we have raised an incredible £2.6m in 2014 allowing us to make grants to 297 projects.  We are extremely grateful to everyone who supported the Appeal.”


Community Regeneration: what is it all about?

Blue sky thinking: Granton Improvement Society calls for real community planning


The idea of  “community regeneration” certainly is not new but at this time in Scotland, with new Scottish government legislation on Community Empowerment, the time is now better than ever before for communities to take more control of assets. We can shape our community involving all who live, work and play within it. Now that would be real community regeneration! 

Politicians talk about regeneration but do they deliver? What does that mean for the residents of North Edinburgh? We have a badly needed housing development in Muirhouse but without complementary services. The rest of the locality is left to decay with budget cuts making it harder for politicians (the council) to regenerate the larger area.

The people of the area know what is needed to regenerate their environment and it is not just housing. The Granton on Sea project can be the corner stone of such development. A project that provides benefits across a wide spectrum of issues that have been unresolved over the past 20 years – even though the area was designated as a major regeneration area within the City of Edinburgh.

A community regeneration project requires the assets of the community to be in total, outright ownership of that community: this is not in place.

Why then, when Scottish government policy is to transfer assets to communities have EDI, chaired by Councillor Frank Ross who is also convenor of the Economic Development committee, denied the project Granton on Sea the opportunity to begin one of Scotland’s largest and most ambitious regeneration plans?

The EDI Finance Director and Waterfront manager both recommended that Granton Improvement Society be given a two year period where it would fully develop the project with the Lottery’s Growing Community Assets unit. After eighteen months it would begin to provide employment, training, tourism opportunities, visitors and more economic benefits to North Edinburgh.


How will the project bring benefit?

The acquisition of the land by the Granton Improvement Society will see the development of 54 luxury houses stopped and replaced with an International Garden Festival and create artisan studios in green space on the adjoining plot of land.

The proposal will provide upwards of 100 permanent full time and part-time jobs, training and education in horticulture and other professions and trades. It will be an opportunity for local people to start up business in affordable workspaces. The unique visitor attraction of the International Garden Festival where each year it is different will ensure returning visitors to the project. That influx of tourists both national and international will see their spending retained in the local economy.

The real main benefit that the Granton on Sea project will bring is a local charity The Granton Improvement Society, whose main objective is the regeneration of the North Edinburgh area. It will manage the income from the artisan village and the Garden Festival for the benefit of other projects throughout the North Edinburgh area.

 What do we need from you, the community?

This community has waited for regeneration benefits for decades with the community being told that the benefits are coming, this has clearly not happened. We are not giving up! We are asking you to join the Granton Improvement Society and create a place for people to live work and play!

Application forms for the Granton Improvement Society can be downloaded at


and are available from the secretary, email 




Citizens have their say on council budget

Five-fold increase in public response to budget proposals – but only 3500 take the opportunity to have their say


es more responses than last year have been received through the City of Edinburgouncil’s budget engagement and consultation exercise.

The results are detailed in a report which will be considered by the Finance and Resources Committee on Tuesday, 3 February. The Council received comments on topics such as allotments, early years and adult education, Edinburgh Leisure, library opening hours, public toilets, homelessness and third party grants.

For the first time the Council used a new online tool enabling residents to have their say on how the Capital invests and saves over the next three years.e report includes feedback from around 3,525 Edinburgh residents, key stakeholders and local businesses including 1,719 people who used the online planner.

The city’s population is around 490,000.

The Council also received 782 telephone calls, emails and letters,145 budget leaflets were returned and 524 comments were made through social media.

A budget question time event was also attended by over 40 people, viewed by 200 people on the live webcast and watched another 862 times using the archive.

In order to meaningfully engage with a larger and more diverse group, the online planner allowed the Council to show where it expects to incur costs in 2017/18, to demonstrate the impacts of increasing or decreasing spending in all of its services, and to give respondents the opportunity to express what they feel the Council’s priorities should be. Impacts shown in the planner were indicative of what might happen as a result of budget changes. The Council also asked for public views on this year’s 2015/16 budget proposals.

Cllr Alasdair Rankin, Convener of the Finance and Resource Committee, said: “I would like to thank the thousands of residents and businesses who took part in this open and democratic 11-week engagement and consultation process. A broad range of channels were used to ensure that everyone had the opportunity to have their say as an individual and or as a group to influence how the Council should invest and save money.

“The Council received five times more feedback through this year’s budget engagement and consultation than last year. The online planner was extremely successful and we ensured it was promoted to all age groups and people from all walks of life to help us understand more fully where Edinburgh residents think Council money should be invested and saved. We will be taking this success and working with people right through the year to develop a more participatory process throughout the city.

“The comments and the results of the budget planner are now being carefully considered along with all the other feedback we received. This will help us to make the right decisions for our residents now and in the future when setting our budget. I would encourage people to watch councillors making these important decisions for the city live, via our website, or catch up afterwards on the webcast archive.”

The budget for 2015/16 will be set at a meeting, which will be webcast, on Thursday 12 February.

Positive parenting: the Teen Triple P programme

Raising a teenager? Teen Triple P parenting programme


What is Group Teen Triple P?

Group Teen Triple P is a parenting programme which can help parents and carers cope positively with some of the common issues associated with raising a teenager.

The group and telephone/ individual consultation sessions give parents an opportunity to explore ways they can build a stronger relationship with their teenager, reduce conflict, manage problem behaviours and help their teen stay safe.

Group Teen Triple P helps parents make small changes in the way they handle things which can make big differences to the whole family.

Teen Triple P is suitable for parents, step parents and carers of pre-teen and teenagers aged approximately 11-16 years. Groups for kinship carers and dads also run.

What does it involve?

It is natural to feel nervous when attending a group and meeting new people. The facilitators will try to meet each parent before the group starts, either during a home visit or at the venue. They will do what they can to make everyone feel welcome. Teen Triple P groups are run by two facilitators with up to 12 parents in each group. Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided. Each parent will be given a parent workbook which is theirs to keep.
Each group usually runs for 9 weeks with:

 Five group sessions which last for 2 hours
 Followed by three phone or individual sessions
 Then a final group session

During group sessions, parents learn from DVD clips, discussions and activities.

Parents choose which strategies to try each week at home. The facilitators will chat with parents during telephone or individual sessions to offer additional support.

Outline of Sessions

Introductory Session: Getting to know you. Parents are given a brief overview of the programme and get a chance to meet the facilitators and other parents in the group.

Session 1: Positive parenting. This session provides parents with an introduction to positive parenting, explore factors that influence teenage behaviour, and set goals for change.

Session 2: Encouraging appropriate behaviour. During this session, ways of improving positive relationships with teenagers are considered. Strategies to increase desirable behaviour and holding family meetings are also covered.

Session 3: Managing problem behaviour. In this session, parents learn how to develop family rules, deal with noncooperation and acknowledging and managing teenage emotions

Session 4: Dealing with risky behaviour. This session helps to identify risky situations, explores routines to deal with risky behaviour, and discusses family survival tips.

Session 5-7: Implementing parenting strategies. During telephone or individual consultation sessions, facilitators assist parents to review their chosen parenting strategies.

Session 8: Programme close. Parents return for a final group session to review progress, look at ways to maintain changes and problem-solve for the future. Information on additional available supports is provided.

Where does Group Teen Triple P run?

The City of Edinburgh Council runs Group Teen Triple P in each area of the city. They run in venues such as Community Centres, Schools and Libraries. Programmes run during the day and in the evenings.

How do I apply to attend Group Teen Triple P?

Applications can be made at any time as we operate a waiting list system. We welcome applications directly from parents or practitioners may apply for a place for a family they are working with.

Application forms can be requested by emailing supportingparentsandcarers@edinburgh.gcsx.gov.uk

or by telephoning 0131 529 6700

More Information

If you would like more information about Teen Triple P or wish to discuss if it is suitable for you or a parent you are working with contact Jillian Hart, Teen Triple P Lead, Parent and Carer Support Development Officer- Tel: 07860736129 or email jillian.hart@edinburgh.gov.uk

Quotes from Edinburgh parents who have attended Teen Triple P groups:

“I have found the program very helpful and supportive, the atmosphere was very relaxed and friendly.”

“Really enjoyed this course, it helped me a lot.”

“It is reassuring to know that we are not alone, to have a better insight into what motivates our daughter, and to be able to refer to the workbook for tips and strategies.”

“Really made me think, we have a better relationship.”

“Excellent content with varied strategies which makes the program flexible and manageable for all”

“I feel stronger and more confident as a parent and a person.”

TTP flyer Kinship

PoLHA raises funds for Kinsfolk Carers

Late (or is it very early?) Christmas gift for carers group

Kinsfolk Carers

Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) held a post-Christmas raffle and raised £115 for Kinsfolk Carers.

The organisation, a drop-in centre and support group for kinship carers, is based at Leith Community Centre.

Kinship care is the raising of a child or children by relatives or close family friends because the biological parents are, for whatever reason, unwilling or unable to do so.

Keith Anderson, Chief Executive of PoLHA, said: ““Kinsfolk Carers does a fantastic job and is a lifeline for many carers. Being a Leith-based organisation, the same as us, we felt it was appropriate to donate the proceeds of our post-Christmas raffle to them.”

Has Leith armed robber struck again?

‘May be link’ to nearby petrol station robbery

police tape

Police are appealing for witnesses following an attempted armed robbery at a bookmakers in Ferry Road last night. The incident occurred at around 6.30pm at a Scotbet bookmakers.

The male suspect approached the counter with a handgun. He handed the member of staff a note, demanding they hand over money. The member of staff refused to hand over any money and the suspect ran out of the shop empty-handed.

The suspect is described as a white man in his mid 40’s, around 5ft 5″ with a slender build. He was wearing a black hat, which peaks at the top, waterproof black gloves, a khaki green jacket, dark jeans with faded patches and notable turn ups and brown ankle boots.

Police believe the incident may be linked to a previous armed robbery, which occurred at a petrol station on Ferry Road on Sunday 18 January. That robbery was successful, with a three-figure sum stolen.

Detective Sergeant Lynsey Thomson said: “While this robbery was unsuccessful, this incident was very distressing for the member of staff and we are keen to trace the suspect as soon as possible.

“We also believe that this incident may be linked to a previous incident the happened at a petrol station last week, also on Ferry Road (see below). Any witnesses who may have seen the suspect, or who recognise the description of him, are asked to come forward.”


Those with information can contact Police Scotland on 101 or through the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Excel-lent computer course at Craigroyston!

Confident Computing Course at Craigroyston

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Whether you are an absolute beginner or you just want to brush up on your computing skills, this course will give you the skills you need to progress to the next level! There will be a focus on Excel and how to improve the way you use Excel as a database or for keeping records or creating reports.

Where: Craigroyston Community High School

When: Wednesday mornings, 10.30am – 12.30pm, starting now.

More info: www.joininedinburgh.org/activity/6501/ or call 0131 477 7801

Interested in finding other Adult Education classes? Take a look at www.joininedinburgh.org/craigroyston

Witness appeal following Leith assault and robbery

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Police are appealing for witnesses following the assault and robbery of a 32-year-old man in North Junction Street.

The incident occurred last Saturday (24 January) at around 7.30pm. The man was walking home towards Ocean Terminal he was struck to the head from behind.

He was temporarily lost consciousness and awoke to find his property was scattered around him. He realised he had been attacked and sought help from a local shop, who called the Scottish Ambulance Service and he was later treated at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.

Officers are especially keen to speak to any witnesses as the victim has very little memory of the attack.

Several items were taken from the victim, including his mobile phone and his black Nike jacket. He also suffered significant facial injuries, which may require further surgery.

Detective Constable Carole Sneddon said: “This was a vicious attack, which has left the victim with significant injuries.

“Due to the nature of the assault, the victim has very little knowledge of the incident, however it took place in a busy thoroughfare and several people may have seen the incident take place.

“We are eager to speak to anyone who may have information. Any witnesses can contact Police Scotland on 101 or through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”