All together now

‘Inspirational’ new course coming to North Edinburgh

everyon togther


Big changes are happening in Scotland about how families who need support are offered it. This is called Self Directed Support. The idea is that families and communities can have more say and control over the types of support they are offered. 

Total Craigroyston and Muirhouse Link Up are working with Diversity Matters to run ‘Everyone Together’, a  course for everyone involved with children and families in Pilton and Muirhouse – social workers, community workers, support workers,  people who need support, families, friends, neighbours, local community leaders and others.

We know that there is a huge variety of skills amongst us: families, communities and workers. By sharing skills and working together we can help families live well. Come and find out how the new changes can help us do things better.

The course will run from 9.30am to 2pm  in

North Edinburgh Arts Centre on the following dates:

Wednesday 29 April – Building the right kind of relationships 

Wednesday 6 May – What do we need? Identifying local services

Wednesday 13 May – Creating local networks to help us work together.

Interested? Contact Tracey Devenney at Total Craigroyston for more info and to book a place:call 529 5073 or email 


Everyone Together has been developed by Diversity Matters and is funded by the Scottish Government to help develop the use of Self Directed Support.

We have run 12 events in the last year in different parts of Scotland – read more at

North Edinburgh Arts AGM next week



Annual General Meeting

To be held at North Edinburgh Arts, 15a Pennywell Court

Wednesday 22 April at 12 noon

Soup and sandwiches will be served at 12.30

Creche available on request

Come and hear about the work of NEA and plans for the next three years, followed by the opportunity to put your ideas forward.

To RSVP and reserve a creche space call Sandra on 315 2151 or email by Wednesday 15 April.

Live Well in Later Life

Drop-in event for older people at Broughton High School next week

live well

Come along to our free drop-in event between

11am -3pm on Thursday 16 April

at Broughton High School, East Fettes Avenue. 

Tea, coffee and cake will be served.

Free transport is available if booked in advance.

Call 0131 529 6552 or email

Live Well Inverleith Flyer

Show them you care: public meeting to discuss Granton Marina plans

‘We are fed up being ignored’ – Granton & District Community Council

granton marina

Following the last community council meeting that was well attended by groups and residents in the area we were asked to organise a public meeting to get our views heard on this development.

We are fed up being ignored. Our wishes discarded. No longer. We have an opportunity to really make a noise about this. Please come along and make your voice heard.

The meeting is on Thursday 9 April

at Royston & Wardieburn Community Centre – 7pm.

Please tell as many people as you know. The developer was invited and said no. Show them you do care!

Granton & District Community Council

Walled garden friends set meeting date


The next meeting of the Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden

will be held on Thursday 23 April from 6 -7.30 pm

at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre 

Agenda so far:

  • Community ideas and aspirations – new additions to our list like the solar powered cycletrack to light up at night, recreation of a bit of the medieval castle!
  • Funding to make things happen – priorities?
  • Awareness raising, membership and voting rights.
  • EDI/WEL meeting
  • Planning committee meeting & Local Development Plan

Seating for 20, so please get in touch if you want to come along or put forward suggestions or questions for the meeting.

PS: Feedback from the exhibition at North Edinburgh Arts café has been very positive with many people surprised and glad to hear about the Friends Group campaign to safeguard and restore the walled garden.

Looking forward to seeing the film Sophia is making!

Kirsty Sutherland

Science hits the streets this Easter

Scifest busking on the farm in 2014Spectacular street science is expected to attract large crowds to locations across Edinburgh during the Easter holidays.

The ‘Busking Bikes’ project is part of the Edinburgh International Science Festival and the City of Edinburgh Council is supporting six performances from 4-14 April.

Each trike carries a box full to the brim with impressive, explosive, messy, and down-right weird science experiments. From the power of water to finding out how carbon capture could save the planet, each demo will explain some of the most interesting science happening today.

As well as watching expert performers do some unforgettable demonstrations, the audience can get stuck in too and learn their own science tricks, from skewering a balloon to launching a rocket.

Councillor Frank Ross, the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “This is a really exciting project as we expect the bikes to draw large crowds to each area creating a vibrant atmosphere, colour and life where ever they go. The ‘Busking Bikes’ project is being funded as part of the Council’s Town Centre Strategy to build stronger town centres by driving up footfall to support local businesses.”


Saturday April 4 – Portobello Market

Sunday April 5 – Gorgie City Farm

Friday April 10 – Stockbridge Library

Friday April 10 – Morningside Library

Friday April 10 – Costorphine Library

Tuesday April 14 – McDonald Road Library


Easter Holiday Programme

PrintWith the holidays almost upon us the Total Craigroyston team has produced a useful guide to what’s on for children and families across North Edinburgh during the Easter break.

To find out what’s on, where and when, click on the link below:




MYDG takes the plunge!


MYDG young people, staff, colleagues, partners & community are going to swim for 24 hours in order to raise money for the groups & activities and the work they do with young people in North Edinburgh. 


Please support MYDG by donating through “just giving”

PLEASE TEXT MYDG97 followed by your amount (£1-£10) to 70070


Or visit


Thank you for your support and contributions


You can keep posted on the lengths covered: @MuirhouseYouth on twitter!

Joanne Stewart

Three assaulted by knife-wielding robbers

Police seek witnesses to Ferry Road Drive knife attack but say #StrongerNorth initiative is producing ‘significant results’

cleanupPolice are appealing for witnesses following an aggravated burglary in a Ferry Road Drive flat this morning. The attack comes just two days after community safety leaders hailed ‘significant results’ in the battle against crime and antisocial behaviour in the area.

Two intruders, both brandishing knives, broke into the property at around 6am and threatened and assaulted three male occupants before making off with cash, phones and other items. The victims were take to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary for treatment but their injuries are not thought to be serious.

The first suspect is described as white, skinny build, malnourished appearance, 18 – 20 years old, 5ft 3 – 5ft 4in tall. He has short, dirty blonde hair and was wearing a light grey cotton Adidas tracksuit with blue stripes.

The second suspect is described as white, 24 – 26 years old and a heavier build. This man has a round face with short dark hair that is receding at the front. He has a Scottish accent and he was wearing a black Superdry style jacket with dark jeans.

Police are appealing for the local community to come forward with information to assist their investigation into a terrifying incident.

Detective Constable Ryan Lee said: “This was a very distressing incident for the victims, who were assaulted by the two suspects within their home. We are appealing for anyone who saw any suspicious behaviour in the area of Ferry Road Drive at around 6am this morning to contact Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Police at shops DrylawThis morning’s incident is the latest in a series of acts of violence and antisocial behaviour that have blighted the area over recent months. It’s a setback to the #StrongerNorth initiative, which was established last October following the attempted murder of local takeaway restaurant owner Jie Yu during a car robbery.

The perpetrators of that vicious attack were jailed last week and on Friday it was announced that senior law officers will be invited to visit the area to see first-hand the effects of what many local residents see as ‘soft sentencing’.

Last Friday, the agencies behind #StrongerNorth – Police Scotland, the city council and local community organisations – said the initiative is making progress but more needs to be done. 

In a statement, Police Scotland said: “Preventing crime and bringing those responsible to justice remains a top priority for Police Scotland. There have been significant results with violent crimes 16% lower than the five-year average which means that in North Edinburgh, 130 fewer people have been victims of violent crimes.

Additional CCTV has been added to the area with further plans to bring more cameras to West Pilton. There has also been a sustained drop in the level of anti-social behaviour in the local community.”

Community Safety Leader, Councillor Cammy Day – who is also a councillor in the Forth ward – said: “#StrongerNorth is making real progress and I continue to be very grateful to the local community, who have rallied round to help make the north of the city a safer place.

“Information from local residents is helping us, along with Police Scotland, to combat antisocial behaviour and they have led the way on community clear ups to create a more positive environment.

“I am confident that, based on the positive reaction so far from residents, we will reach our goal of reducing crime to build stronger, safer communities.”

National resources from Police Scotland continue to assist North Edinburgh officers, with additional support from local Violence Reduction Units and the police helicoptor. Police horses have also been frequently deployed.

Inspector David Happs said: “The message from Stronger North remains clear – criminality in the local community will not be tolerated. While we have made significant steps tackling crime, we accept that there is still more work to be done.

“Our aim remains the same as it was six months ago: to create a better community for the people of North Edinburgh.”

A sporting first at Trinity Academy


trinity winnerThe inaugural Trinity Academy Sports Awards that took place on 25 March can be labelled a resounding success with over 170 pupils and parents turning out to celebrate sporting achievements at Trinity (writes S6 student Ryan Crombie).

Guests enjoyed a captivating evening during which a whole range of sports were recognised, ranging from Tae Kwon Do to Sailing! Those who attended were also treated to musical performances from Hayley Scott and Charlie West throughout the night.

arthurA special thanks has to go to our guest, former boxer Alex Arthur MBE, (above) who was kind enough to present all of the awards to the respective winners and made what was already a great night that bit more special.

Carol Graham, Depute Head Teacher and Allan Spencer, Curriculum Leader for PE were also individually rewarded on the night for their many years of hard work and dedication to Hockey and Rugby respectively.

Congratulations goes to all of the winners for the various awards, the nominees and of course the winner of the Trinity Academy Sports Personality of the Year, Eartha Cummings for her achievements with the U-17 Scotland Football team (pictured top).

Article by Ryan Crombie (S6)