The Power of the Haggis!


  • Energy used across Scotland to cook St Andrews Day feast could power Stirling homes for three weeks
  • Preparing one dinner uses the same amount of energy as powering an LCD TV for six weeks
  • Haggis is the most energy-intensive ingredient to cook, using enough energy to power a games console for almost four days

Continue reading The Power of the Haggis!

Fan Power!

  • Fans at the Wales v Scotland match will burn enough energy to power an electric car from Glasgow to Fort William
  • A rendition of Flower of Scotland will burn enough energy to power a TV for nearly half an hour
  • Scottish Gas research looks at how many calories fans watching the rugby match would use and the equivalent energy output

Continue reading Fan Power!

Game of Thrones-loving Scots go gaga for gadgets

The launch of Game of Thrones yesterday means that people across Scotland will once again be glued to their TV screens, waiting to see if Khaleesi makes it to Kings Landing. This comes as research from Scottish Gas finds that Scottish people are spending more than four hours a day binging on their favourite box sets. Continue reading Game of Thrones-loving Scots go gaga for gadgets

Scottish Gas hires thirty Smart Meter apprentices

  • British Gas is set to recruit up to 200 Smart Energy Experts taking the total recruited up to 1,000 this year
  • Scottish Gas will recruit around 30 apprentices into roles across Scotland
  • 1.5 million smart meters have been installed in homes by British Gas – they are now being fitted at a rate of one every sixty seconds!


British Gas will hire up to 200 apprentices in smart metering across Britain, taking the total recruited to approximately 1,000 this year, it’s been announced. Of those new roles, around 30 will be with Scottish Gas.

The apprentices will join the 1,400 British Gas Smart Energy Experts already installing smart meters in homes across Britain. British Gas expects to continue recruiting in smart metering to complete the nationwide roll-out by 2020.

The apprentices will install smart meters, explain to customers how to use the smart meter in-home display, which shows how much energy is being used in pounds and pence, and provide energy efficiency advice.

Customers will benefit from an end to estimated bills, accurate meter readings and the ability to better understand their energy usage, resulting in potential savings on bills. British Gas is currently trialling Smart Pay As You Go with customers who have prepayment meters. The company is also creating new apps that give smart meter customers information about their energy use on their phone.


British Gas has installed over 1.5 million smart meters in homes across Britain, and is now fitting them at an average rate of one every sixty seconds. More than 117,000 smart meters have been installed by Scottish Gas in Scottish households.

John Craig, Director of Smart Operations, British Gas, based in Edinburgh, said: “This year, we will recruit around 1,000 apprentices in smart metering. We’ve taken the lead in giving our customers more control and insight into their energy use through smart meters. The new recruits will mean we can help even more people benefit from smart meters.”

The new Scottish Gas recruits will receive technical training and will study for the City & Guilds Level 2 QCF Diploma in Smart Metering Dual Fuel. Once they have qualified, they will be ready to go into customers’ homes across Scotland to install smart meters. They will each have their own fully-equipped van, and be supported by the latest tablet and mobile phone technology.

Pictured: Smart meter apprentice, Sam Gibb from Edinburgh – who recently started training as part of this new recruitment drive in the initial 70 Scottish Gas roles.

Pictures by Chris Watt