CAN you handle it? Double-header this weekend!

It’s all happening in Muirhouse this weekend with a Shopping Centre event on Friday followed by the North Edinburgh Community Conference this Saturday!

All welcome – both events are FREE!

wishingcomm conference

Active Kids time again

ellie simmons.2

It’s that time of year again when Sainsburys Blackhall are launching our active kids vouchers (writes Gail Wilson).

This year we launched our Active Kids campaign at the Scottish parliament. Our store manager George Paton, Customer Service Manager Louisa Higgins and I had the great pleasure of meeting paralympic champion Ellie Simmonds, along with a group of children from Blackhall Primary school.

The children had a great time and showed that being active can be fun as they all bounced around on space hoppers they were given!

Make sure you collect your vouchers in store now as you shop!



Community ‘the key’ to tackling crime

Chief Constable praises local residents who ‘make a difference’

Police at shops Drylaw

Recently-appointed Chief Constable Phil Gormley said community is they key to tackling crime during a visit to Leith with Justice Secretary Michael Mathieson last week. The visit coincided with news that reported crime in the North Edinburgh area has dropped by almost a quarter, with over 1700 fewer crimes reported in the last nine months. Continue reading Community ‘the key’ to tackling crime

Jasper’s back!

Guide dog Jasper returns to his roots! 

guide dog jasper

Sainsburys Blackhall have been sponsoring Guide dogs for the blind for four years now (writes Gail ). One of the first puppies we sponsored was Jasper.

After fulfilling his year in Edinburgh with Diane Hare, his puppy walker, Jasper then went to Forfar to do his formal training. Of course he passed with flying colours and is now the official Guide dog for Robert Blackwood, who lives in Irving.

Robert found out that Sainsburys Blackhall had sponsored Jasper from birth and wanted to come along to our store and meet the colleagues who had helped him get his guide dog. The colleagues were thrilled to see Jasper back!

Community cash in Inverleith!

Inverleith small grant fund

INPlogo (2)

Did you know that any local constituted group, with a bank account needing at least two signatures, can apply for the Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership’s Community Grants Fund for projects that benefit the local community and help progress one of our local community plan priorities?

We have a balance of £6,272 to allocate this financial year, so please download the application form and guidance and get your completed form to me asap!

Elaine Lennon, Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership

Talking youth in Inverleith

Two events of interest to young people living in the Inverleith Neighbouhood Partnership area:

INPlogo (2)YOU(th) DECIDE!’ is an opportunity for young people aged between 11 and 18 to tell us what they think needs to happen in Inverleith to make it better for young people, and have a say on how local funds are spend.

Councillor Gavin Barrie, Champion of the Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership’s Young People’s Action Group, is asking young people to send us your ideas, and then voted for your favourites. Poster and proposal form here. Please pass on and help us get young people aware of this.01 JAN INP youth decide

YOUth Decide poster and proposal form 2016 final (1)


Friday 11 March 12.30 – 3pm, St Stephen’s Stockbridge

Youth Talk 2016

Inverleith Youth Talk is a chance for organisations and service providers in Inverleith to chat to young people about your services, to network with other service providers and to explore potentials for new collaborative working with young people at the heart of this. We are bringing together young people and key adults to understand the outcomes to date and help shape any future actions for improving Inverleith area for our young people. The YouthTalk event will take place on Friday 11 March from 12.30 til 3pm in Saint Stephen’s Stockbridge

SOS – Save Our Services!


Members of the Power to the People group are calling on local groups and individuals from North Edinburgh to  join them at a lobby of the full council meeting on Thursday 21 January to protest against what Unison describe as the “worst cuts in living memory”.   Continue reading SOS – Save Our Services!

Inverleith: YOUth decides!

It’s here! ‘YOU(th) DECIDE!’01 JAN INP youth decide

You(th) Decide! is an opportunity for young people aged between 11 and 18 to tell us what they think needs to happen in Inverleith to make it better for young people, and have a say on how local funds are spent (writes INP’s Elaine Lennon).

Councillor Gavin Barrie, Champion of Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership’s Young People’s Action Group, is asking young people to send us your ideas, and then, once young people have voted on their favourites, three projects costing around £1000 each will be implemented. Poster and proposal form here. Please pass on and help us get young people aware of this.

Spread the word! You can link to either the pdf (foot of page) or directly to the poster or form as jpeg on our noticeboard here:

Please tweet the info too to help us get the info out, and proposals in, by the end of the month. I’ll watch out for them and retweet them, and please use @north_team and hashtag #inverleithnp if possible.

Finally, as you’d expect, there are a few guidelines that we’ll need to follow to ensure that we are spending public money on appropriate projects. These are also shown on the proposal form, but are that projects must be:

  • be located within Inverleith
  • be of benefit to a large number of people
  • not have any ongoing costs
  • be open to all
  • be able to be completed by September 2016

It would be great if you can remind young people of this when they are thinking of projects to apply for, or when you are encouraging them to apply.

YOUth Decide poster and proposal form 2016 final


Sainsbury’s Christmas Story competition

Your story could be seen in the Museum of Childhood!

short story comp

Short story Poster

Sainsburys are running a Christmas story competition, open to all Edinburgh schoolchildren. We would love as many children as possible to take part!

The story must be no more than 500 words telling us your “Christmas Memories”.

The competition closes on Friday 18 December and all entries can be submitted to any Sainsburys in Edinburgh.

The competition will be judged by a colleague from Sainsburys and a representative from the City of Edinburgh council. The winning entries will then be displayed in the Museum of Childhood.

Remember to include your name, age and address or telephone number. Good luck!