‘Competitive’ new pay offer for Scotland’s council workforce

COSLA has made a new pay offer for the Scottish Joint Council (SJC) Workforce. The offer, a 3.2% uplift on all Spinal Column Points, covers the period 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025.

This ‘competitive’ offer is:

  • Worth more than the first year of the Scottish Government’s current Public Sector Pay Policy.
  • Higher than current inflation (CPI).
  • At the very limit of affordability for councils in the current challenging financial circumstances.
  • Is a strong, fair and credible pay offer, reflecting the high value council Leaders place on the Local Government workforce and the invaluable work they do every day serving communities across Scotland.

COSLA has requested that our trade unions seek their members’ views on this improved offer and that they suspend plans for industrial action whilst this is considered.

COSLA’s Resources Spokesperson, Councillor Katie Hagmann, said: “Following ongoing and constructive engagement with our Scottish Joint Council (SJC) Trade Unions, COSLA has today (18th July) written formally to the Trade Unions with a revised pay offer for the SJC Local Government workforce.

“This is for a 3.2% pay uplift at all pay points, for a one-year period of 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025, in line with the current SJC pay year. After listening to our Trade Union colleagues, the offer does not propose a change in the pay settlement date, which featured in our earlier offer. It is important to stress that this revised, fair offer is at the absolute limit of affordability for councils, given the severe financial constraints Local Government is facing.

“This strong offer is worth more than the first year of the Scottish Government’s current Public Sector Pay Policy. It is a strong, fair and credible pay offer, reflecting the high value council Leaders place on the Local Government workforce and the invaluable work they do every day serving communities across Scotland.

“We value the collective bargaining process with our Trade Union partners and remain committed to reaching a speedy and mutually agreeable resolution to pay discussions.  We request that our Trade Union colleagues seek their members’ views on this improved offer and that they suspend any plans for industrial action whilst this is considered.”

Youth arrested and charged following city centre chase

Around 7.50pm on Wednesday, 17 July, 2024, police officers observed a stolen vehicle being driven in the West Port area.

It failed to stop, and a short pursuit took place on Lady Lawson Street towards Lothian Road where it was cancelled for safety reasons.

Shortly afterwards, the same vehicle then struck a female pedestrian on Princes Street, before continuing onto South Saint David Street where it crashed into another vehicle.

A 17-year-old male was arrested on Market Street by officers following a short foot chase. He has been charged in connection with road traffic offences and released on an undertaking to appear in court at a later date.

Emergency services attended, and the female pedestrian was taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh for treatment to minor injuries. The driver of the other vehicle wasn’t injured.

One lane of Princes Street was closed near the Scott Monument for around three hours as enquiries were carried out, which caused some disruption to public transport.

Police would like to thank members of the public who assisted officers in tracing the male.

LINDA GARCIA: An Appreciation

We were incredibly saddened to learn about the death of our dear friend Linda Garcia (writes GILLEAN PATERSON, Chair of Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden)

Linda was one of the founder members of the campaign to save the Walled Garden back in 2013. She played a crucial role with her knowledge of Granton and the various local organisations in which she was active.

She was always determined, cheerful and very well informed despite all the setbacks we faced over the 4 years it took to come to an agreement with Edinburgh Council, whereby the Friends group would officially look after the garden.

She brandished petitions, approached shoppers in Morrisons and passersby on the waterfront path, lobbied the council and always brought along snacks and drinks to our regular meetings.

Once we were in the garden Linda played a crucial role as a volunteer gardener and trustee. She always had wise counsel regarding how we planned to involve the community in the Walled Garden project, particularly older and isolated local residents.

She was also up to the minute with other great ideas such as getting funding for outdoor exercise equipment and vertical wind turbine generators.

She also enjoyed the practical side of rescuing the garden from wilderness and managed to be elegantly dressed even when pulling up endless weeds.

Gillean Paterson (Chair of Granton Castle Walled Garden)

Prime Minister to host President Zelenskyy at Downing Street


  • President Zelenskyy will be hosted by the Prime Minister at an extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet this morning

President Zelenskyy will be hosted by the Prime Minister at an extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet tomorrow morning, as the UK spearheads a major initiative to crack down on Russia’s ‘shadow fleet’. 

The Ukrainian leader, who will be the first official visitor to Downing Street during Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s tenure, is expected to meet and brief the new Cabinet about the situation on the battlefield in Ukraine, and the need to ramp up Europe’s defence industrial base to outpace the Russian threat. The last foreign leader to address the Cabinet in person was President Clinton in 1997. 

The meeting comes after the launch of a ‘Call to Action’ to disrupt the Russian fleet – which is enabling Russia to evade international sanctions – at the European Political Community summit yesterday.  

Spearheaded by the UK, 44 European countries plus the European Union have agreed to work together to tackle the use of illegitimate vessels, which also pose significant security and environmental threats to European waterways. 

The shadow fleet is made up of around 600 vessels and represents approximately 10% of the global “wet cargo” fleet. It carries approximately 1.7 million barrels of oil per day, generating significant funds to fuel Russia’s war machine.

Some of the ships are also alleged to double as Russian listening stations, while others are believed to be transporting weaponry to Russia.

The Prime Minister is expected to tell President Zelenskyy today that the UK will go further in the coming months to place a greater stranglehold on Putin’s war machine. 

The two leaders are also expected to agree a Defence Export Support Treaty, which will be signed by defence ministers, to fire up both the UK’s and Ukraine’s defence industrial bases and increase military hardware and weaponry production.

The treaty will enable Ukraine to draw on £3.5 billion of export finance, to support its armed forces. It will also allow Ukrainian and UK defence companies to invest in further military capabilities and continue to rapidly innovate on new and novel military hardware. 

The boost follows the opening of a major UK repair and overhaul facility in Ukraine to help sustain the war effort. BAE Systems opened the facility to allow Ukraine to return overhauled land vehicles back to the front line quicker. 

The export finance is in addition to the £3 billion a year of UK support, announced by the Prime Minister at NATO, to support Ukraine’s defence for as long as it takes. 

Prime Minister Keir Starmer said: “Ukraine is, and always will be, at the heart of this government’s agenda and so it is only fitting that President Zelenskyy will make a historic address to my Cabinet.

“Russia’s incremental gains on the battlefield are nothing compared with the collective international support for Ukraine, or the strength of ties between our people.

“And alongside our European partners, we have sent a clear message to those enabling Putin’s attempts to evade sanctions: we will not allow Russia’s shadow fleet, and the dirty money it generates, to flow freely through European waters and put our security at risk.”

The UK has also sanctioned a host of oil tankers today, which transport Russian oil. Among the new ships targeted are the ROCKY RUNNER (IMO 9288899), which sought to escape previous UK action by changing its operator.

This follows after UK action last month that halted tankers collectively responsible for transporting approximately 13 million barrels of Russian crude and oil products since January 2023, worth approximately $930 million.

The ‘shadow fleet’, also known as the ‘dark fleet’, poses serious maritime security and environmental risks. The vessels are often old and unsafe, and engage in dangerous and deceptive shipping practices, such as turning off location tracking systems, which flouts international maritime standards, and increases the likelihood of catastrophic incidents. 

EPC states govern some of the world’s busiest and most important waterways, and dozens of incidents are known to have already taken place, such as onboard fires, engine failures, oil spills and collisions, and many of the vessels lack the appropriate insurance. 

The UK has already taken robust action to restrict Russian revenues, including implementing the most severe package of sanctions ever imposed on a major economy – sanctioning more than 2,000 individuals and entities since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, including 29 banks with global assets worth £1 trillion, more than 131 oligarchs with a combined net worth of more than £147 billion at the time of the invasion, and more than £20 billion worth of UK-Russia bilateral trade.   

Action to disrupt and deter the shadow fleet comes after the UK contributed £40 million to NATO’s Comprehensive Assistance Package for Ukraine last week, ensuring Ukraine can access vital assistance for counter drone protection, demining of recaptured land and the medical rehabilitation of its injured military personnel. That followed the UK-administered International Fund for Ukraine placing new orders, worth £300 million, for 120,000 rounds of 152mm Soviet-era ammunition to bolster Ukraine’s defences against Russia. 

The leaders are also expected to discuss the conclusion of UK – Ukraine negotiations to provide £181 million of support to Energoatom for the supply of nuclear fuel from Urenco.

Governments ‘failed citizens’ with flawed pandemic planning

Inquiry publishes first report and 10 recommendations focused on pandemic resilience and preparedness

The Chair of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry, Baroness Heather Hallett, is urging the new UK government and the governments of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to implement promptly her 10 key recommendations following publication of the Inquiry’s report of its first investigation into the nation’s resilience and preparedness for the pandemic.

These recommendations, made public on Thursday 18 July 2024, include a major overhaul of how the UK government prepares for civil emergencies such as the Covid-19 pandemic.

Key recommendations include a radical simplification of civil emergency preparedness and resilience systems, holding a UK-wide pandemic response exercise at least every three years and the creation of a single, independent statutory body responsible for whole system preparedness and response.

It is the first of several reports setting out the Inquiry’s recommendations and findings.

Today the Inquiry has published its first report after examining the resilience and preparedness of the United Kingdom to respond to a pandemic. My report recommends fundamental reform of the way in which the UK government and the devolved administrations prepare for whole-system civil emergencies.

If the reforms I recommend are implemented, the nation will be more resilient and better able to avoid the terrible losses and costs to society that the Covid-19 pandemic brought.

I expect all my recommendations to be acted on, with a timetable to be agreed with the respective administrations. I, and my team, will be monitoring this closely.

Baroness Hallett, Chair of the Inquiry

Module 1 examined the state of the UK’s structures and the procedures in place to prepare for and respond to a pandemic.

Hearings for Module 1 were held in London in June and July 2023 and the Chair heard from current and former politicians as well as key scientists, experts, civil servants and bereaved family members.

Following these hearings, the Inquiry’s findings and recommendations are set out in the report published today. The publication of the first report has been welcomed by some of those who lost loved ones during the pandemic. Dr Alan Wightman from North Yorkshire, lost his mother in early-May 2020 to Covid-19 that she had acquired in her care home in Fife, Scotland.

My Mum was an 88-year-old widow, a dementia sufferer and a cancer survivor. She had been settled and looked after in her well-run home for 11 months before Covid got in, despite the best efforts of the staff. A number of the home’s residents were taken by Covid.

I congratulate Baroness Hallett and her Inquiry team for reaching this substantive milestone of issuing findings and recommendations from Module 1. To be at this point a mere 13 months after witnesses started giving evidence in this Module is very impressive. To have achieved that whilst simultaneously completing Module 2 and its three satellite Modules, plus having Module 3 ready to launch within the next three months, is truly exemplary.

Dr Wightman

In her findings, the Chair concludes that the UK’s system of building preparedness for the pandemic suffered from several significant flaws.

These include a flawed approach to risk assessment, a failure to fully learn from past civil emergency exercises and outbreaks of disease, and Ministers not receiving a broad enough range of scientific advice and failing to challenge the advice they did get.

Baroness Hallett acknowledges the pressure on politicians and others to make tough decisions about how resources should be used. However, she also stresses that if the UK had been better prepared, the nation could have avoided some of the significant and long-lasting financial, economic and human costs of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In summary her recommendations are:

  • A radical simplification of the civil emergency preparedness and resilience systems. This includes rationalising and streamlining the current bureaucracy and providing better, simpler Ministerial and official structures and leadership;
  • A new approach to risk assessment that provides for a better and more comprehensive evaluation of a wider range of actual risks;
  • A new UK-wide approach to the development of strategy, which learns lessons from the past and from regular civil emergency exercises and takes proper account of existing inequalities and vulnerabilities;
    Better systems of data collection and sharing in advance of future pandemics, and the commissioning of a wider range of research projects;
  • Holding a UK-wide pandemic response exercise at least every three years and publishing the outcome;
    Bringing in external expertise from outside government and the Civil Service to challenge and guard against the known problem of ‘groupthink’;
  • Publication of regular reports on the system of civil emergency preparedness and resilience;
  • Lastly and most importantly, the creation of a single, independent statutory body responsible for whole system preparedness and response. It will consult widely, for example with experts in the field of preparedness and resilience and the voluntary, community and social sector, and provide strategic advice to government and make recommendations.

The Chair believes that all 10 recommendations are reasonable and deliverable and all must be implemented in a timely manner. The Inquiry and the Chair will be monitoring the implementation of the recommendations and will hold those in power to account.

The Chair has today restated her aim to conclude all public hearings by summer 2026, and to publish reports with findings and recommendations as the Inquiry progresses.

The Inquiry’s next report – focusing on Core UK decision-making and political governance – including in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (Modules 2, 2A, 2B and 2C) – is expected to be published in 2025.

Future reports will focus on specific areas, including:

  • Modules 2, 2A, 2B, 2C: Core UK decision-making and political governance – including Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
  • Module 3: Healthcare systems
  • Module 4: Vaccines and therapeutics
  • Module 5: Procurement – procurement and distribution of key equipment and supplies
  • Module 6: The care sector
  • Module 7: Test, trace, and isolate programmes
  • Module 8: Children and young people
  • Module 9: Economic response to the pandemic

For more details of these modules visit the Inquiry’s website.

The Chair is also examining the best way to fulfil her Terms of Reference and investigate the impact of the pandemic on the population of the UK. This will cover a wide range of those affected and include the impact on mental health.

TUC: Covid Inquiry Report is a “moment of truth for the country” as report confirms impact of austerity on UK preparedness and resilience

Report confirms that public services were under huge strain even before Covid struck

  • Baroness Hallett says public health, NHS and social care sector’s capacity to respond to pandemic was “constrained” by funding and negatively impacted by “severe staff shortages” and infrastructure “not fit for purpose”
  • Report warns that not investing “in systems of protection” will impact on the UK’s “preparedness and resilience” in a future pandemic 

Responding to the UK Covid-19 Inquiry Module 1 report today (Thursday), TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak said:  “This is a moment of truth and reflection for the country. 

“Baroness Hallett’s report confirms that austerity left the UK underprepared for the pandemic. 

“Faced with the biggest crisis since the Second World War our defences were down as a result of severe spending cuts. 

“We owe it to those who lost their lives – and to those workers who put their lives at risk – to make sure this never happens again. 

“Strong public services – and a properly supported workforce – are vital for the nation’s health. As Baroness Hallett rightly points out the cost of investing in ‘systems for our protection’ is ‘vastly outweighed’ by the cost of not doing so.”  

Commenting on the report’s finding that inequality put certain communities at disproportionate risk during the pandemic, Paul added: 

“This report lays bare how inequality fuelled the spread of Covid-19.  Low-income, disabled and BME people were far more likely to be infected and die from the virus.  As Baroness Hallett warns inequality is a huge risk to the whole of the UK.” 

Impact of austerity 

Baroness Hallett writes on page 2 of her report: ‘Public services, particularly health and social care, were running close to, if not beyond, capacity in normal times. 

[…] in the area of preparedness and resilience, money spent on systems for our protection is vital and will be vastly outweighed by the cost of not doing so.’ 

Baroness Hallett writes on page 122 of her report: ‘The Inquiry also heard that there were severe staff shortages and that a significant amount of the hospital infrastructure was not fit for purpose. England’s social care sector faced similar issues. This combination of factors had a directly negative impact on infection control measures and on the ability of the NHS and the care sector to ‘surge up’ during a pandemic.’ 

Baroness Hallett writes on page 123 of her report: ‘Issues of funding are political decisions that properly fall to elected politicians. However, it remains the case that the surge capacity of the four nations’ public health and healthcare systems to respond to the pandemic was constrained by their funding.’ 

Baroness Hallett writes on page 127 of her report: ‘Some witnesses to the Inquiry described the prioritisation and reprioritisation of limited resources as a cause of inaction. This is a widely recurring theme in the evidence.’ 

Impact of inequality 

Baroness Hallett writes on page 70 of her report: ‘Resilience depends on having a resilient population. The existence and persistence of vulnerability in the population is a long-term risk to the UK.’ 

‘[…] as the UK entered the Covid-19 pandemic, there were “substantial systematic health inequalities by socio-economic status, ethnicity, area-level deprivation, region, social excluded minority groups and inclusion health groups.”’ 

Baroness Hallett writes on page 71 of her report: ‘Covid-19 was not an ‘equality opportunity virus’. It resulted in a higher a likelihood of sickness and death for people who are most vulnerable in society. It was the views of Professors Bambra and Marmot that: 

“In short, the UK entered the pandemic with its public services depleted, health improvement stalled, health inequalities increased and health among the poorest people in a state of decline.”’ 

Exclusively for Scotland: M & S launches free sandwich campaign

  • From 17th July – 17th October, Scottish shoppers get their 7th sandwich FREE when they buy 6 – available with Sparks
  • THIS IS NOT JUST A SANDWICH: New offer in Scotland follows a host of award wins for M&S sandwiches – including the coveted Multiple Retailer of the Year Award at The Sammies Awards

From 17th July – 17th October, shoppers in Scotland can get their seventh sandwich on us when they buy six in a new 3 month campaign.

The offer is open to EVERYONE who is a member of Sparks in Scotland. Simply activate your offer in the M&S App and scan your digital Sparks card every time you buy a sandwich, wrap or roll. Collect six stamps and your seventh sandwich is free! If you don’t have the offer in your Sparks account, you can scan the QR code in an M&S Foodhall to get started.

When you’ve redeemed your free sandwich, you can start collecting all over again!

How to get your seventh sandwich on us in four easy steps:

  1. Download the M&S app
  2. Activate the offer in your Sparks account or add the offer by scanning the QR code in store
  3. Choose any delicious sandwich, wrap or roll
  4. Scan your Sparks card at checkout

Available for a limited time in 53 M&S stores and 15 Franchise stores in Scotland.

Sharry Cramond, M&S Director of Food Marketing and M&S Loyalty, said: “We’re delighted to introduce the seven for six sandwich campaign for Scottish shoppers this summer.

“With our loyalty scheme Sparks, we aim to give back to our customers with personalised offers and rewards they’ll love. I hope they’ll be delighted when they get their 7th (award winning) sandwich free! These are not just any sandwiches, and this is not just any campaign!” 

When you’re a member of Sparks, good things happen every time you shop! Sign up for personalised offers and rewards you’ll love, including money off, free treats and charity donations.

And never queue again with the time saving Scan & Shop. Simply use the Scan & Shop feature on the M&S app to scan and bag items as you go. Then pay for your food shop directly from the M&S App – no need to visit a checkout.

Download the M&S App to scan your Sparks card straight from your phone and keep track of offers and rewards.


The new Sparks sandwich offer in Scotland follows an incredible haul of wins at this year’s Sammies Awards – the ULTIMATE awards for sandwiches and food to go.

Multiple Retailer of the Year AwardThat’s right – we’re THE go-to destination for your next lunch. With 61 sandwiches, wraps and rolls to choose from, there’s something for everyone with vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options.

Healthy Eating Award: High Protein Korean Egg WrapWith a whopping 23g of protein, you won’t want to miss this one. Fiery Marinated British chicken, pickled slaw, red pepper and chilli mayo and spinach, all in a carb clever egg wrap. 
WHAT ELSE IS NEW? Be one of the first to wrap your jaws around the latest sandwiches to join our stellar line up:

Roast Chicken & Chorizo Sandwich

This is not just a Roast Chicken & Chorizo sandwich.

Generously filled with British chicken and chorizo, packed with a lemon and paprika dressing on thick cut bread.

Cheddar Cheese New Yorker Sandwich
Farmhouse Cheddar cheese, gherkins, soft cheese mustard dressing, pickled onions and cabbage with spinach, on soft seeded rye bread. 

Want a gluten-free version? We’ve got you covered!

Our Made Without Cheddar Cheese New Yorker Sandwich won GOLD at the Free From Food Awards 2024 and was developed using our award-winning Made Without New York Deli Sandwich’s soft gluten-free seeded rye bread as a base.

Cheese & Marmite® Sandwich

Your favourite Marmite® spread with cream cheese and farmhouse mature Cheddar in soft vitamin-D enriched white bread. Under 400kcals, with one sold every 20 seconds in first two weeks of launch!

Natalie Tate, M&S Food Product Development Manager for sandwiches, salads and on-the-go options, said:At M&S, we are iconic for our sandwich quality, and we have been busy coming up with more products to add to our amazing range of products.

“Our Cheddar & Marmite® sandwich is a collaboration made in heaven (for some!) and I assure you that more people love it than hate it, as it’s packed full of farmhouse cheddar and marmite cream cheese.

“The Roast Chicken & Chorizo is selling quicker than most other sandwiches in the range, and I can see why, as it’s packed full of British chicken, chorizo, and a delicious lemon & paprika dressing on thick-cut malted bread.

“Lastly, we have reintroduced our very popular Made Without Cheddar New Yorker which also just won GOLD at the Free From Awards 2024.”

SSE AGM protest calls out fossil fuel ‘greenwash’

Energy giant SSE faced protests outside its AGM in Perth today from people concerned about the company’s role in driving climate breakdown and fuel poverty.

The protests were prompted by SSE’s plans to build a new gas burning power station at Peterhead, despite the existing plant at that site already being Scotland’s biggest climate polluter.  Friends of the Earth Scotland highlighted the fact that, despite the company’s marketing and green image, it owns 14 fossil fuel power stations and 60% of SSE’s energy generation capacity comes from burning fossil fuels.

Free to use, press quality photos will be available shortly at https://scot.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b5ad0d61b2a67d22c68bf7d8d&id=2a3d8e7b56&e=195fc3d780

Protesters spoke to shareholders attending the AGM urging them to challenge the company’s plans to build new fossil fuel power stations and force prepayment meters into homes.

Fuel Poverty Action, who also organised the demonstration, focused on the energy giant’s £2.4billion in profits last year whilst a third of households were forced into fuel poverty in Scotland. SSE continues to force-fit pre-payment meters on people in energy debt which ultimately causes people who use the least amount of energy to pay the most for it.

Other activists disrupted the AGM from the inside, interrupting the Board’s address and imploring SSE to drop their plans for more gas burning developments.

Over 40 climate groups recently wrote to the Scottish Government urging them to reject SSE’s planning application to build a new gas power station at Peterhead.

Friends of the Earth Scotland Oil and Gas Activism Organiser Freya Aitchison commented: “SSE are getting rich from burning gas to make electricity, and the company is plotting even more climate damage with its plans for a new gas power station at Peterhead. We’re at their AGM to tell the company’s shareholders that there is no future in fossil fuels.

“The Peterhead proposals would guarantee demand for gas, meaning that Scottish homes will spend the next 25 years paying sky high energy bills which are set by the international price of fossil fuels. Building new gas infrastructure would be a terrible deal for the Scottish public, lock in climate pollution and undermine the transition to renewable energy.

“SSE cannot continue to try and greenwash the fact that the majority of its energy generation capacity comes from fossil fuels. The climate movement has stopped big polluters in their tracks before – from the fracking industry, to the Cambo oil field and the Hunterston power station.”

Lucia Harrington, Organising Lead at Fuel Poverty Action, said: “SSE is a company that continues to profit from people’s poverty and continues to force-fit prepayment meters onto people in energy debt.

“This behaviour is what has led to hundreds of preventable deaths in Scotland and we are here to hold them to account.”

DFN celebrates decade of improving disability employment in Edinburgh

The DFN Charitable Foundation (DFN Foundation) is celebrating 10 years of tackling complex societal problems and delivering transformative outcomes for unheard voices in the UK and further afield. 

The DFN Foundation was set up in 2014 by David Forbes-Nixon OBE with a focus on working across four key pillars: education, employability, healthcare and wildlife conservation.  

Over the past decade, DFN Foundation has achieved incredible results in all these areas including setting up a school for pupils with special educational needs at Undershaw and establishing an employability charity, DFN Project SEARCH, which helps get young people with a learning disability and/or autism into jobs. 

Further work across the pillars has seen the UK charity supporting a Myeloma Research Programme improving survival rates in myeloma patients with high-risk myeloma and ensuring the survival of the British butterfly, through its work with the Big Butterfly Count.  

Founder and Chairman, David Forbes-Nixon said: “I was inspired to set up the DFN Foundation, to honour two of my personal heroes: my son Charlie who has learning and physical disabilities; and my mother who died of multiple myeloma. Over the past decade, our work has strived to create a better world in their legacy and for generations to come.

The DFN Foundation has achieved a milestone of 10 years’ operating as an industry leading Strategic Commissioning Charity, partnering with the best-in-class charities or setting up its own to deliver the best results for some of the most pressing challenges facing society.  

Founded in 2014, the DFN Foundation has strived to make a difference by bringing together the right talent, operating with a business mindset, and staying laser focused on specific goals. 

The DFN Foundation was initially focused on improving Disability Employment, Special Needs Education and Healthcare, with these issues all affecting Founder and Chairman, David Forbes-Nixon on a personal level.  

David said: “At the start, I wanted the DFN Foundation to focus on the two main causes that I was passionate about: supporting education and employment opportunities for young disabled people; and finding a cure for multiple myeloma.  

“However, as we grew, we broadened our scope and we looked to take on some of the most pressing social challenges that often struggle to attract mainstream support because they are viewed as risky, difficult or simply impossible. 

“In order to achieve this, I assembled a high-quality board of trustees for the DFN Foundation and we agreed to focus on education, employment, healthcare and wildlife conservation alongside establishing four main goals for the first 10 years. “ 

Highlights for the DFN Foundation over the past decade include establishing a world class special needs school at Undershaw, and positively influencing best practice around disability employment through a separate employability charity, DFN Project SEARCH. 

DFN Project SEARCH was founded in 2018 by David Forbes-Nixon to ensure that young people with special educational needs and learning disabilities receive high quality work-related learning and improved access to long-term paid employment.  

70% of DFN Project SEARCH graduates achieve jobs, and 60% achieve full-time permanent roles, compared to the national average of 4.8% of people with a learning disability who are known to local authorities. Moreover, DFN Project SEARCH has got 2,200 young adults with a learning disability and/or autism into jobs so far. 

DFN Foundation’s work in healthcare has looked to improve survival rates of myeloma and advance cures through strategic funding of high-quality research which will benefit patients to live longer lives.  

As part of this funding, clinical trials of Optimum MUK9 saw 75% of the sample group in the trials still in remission 36 months after starting treatment: this makes it the most successful privately funded UK myeloma clinical trials ever. 

The DFN Foundation’s effort to improve wildlife conservation have seen it look to ensure the survival of the British butterfly, through increasing awareness and sponsoring the Big Butterfly Count, a UK-wide citizen science survey. 

David said: “On our tenth anniversary year, I think it is important that we take stock and look back on all the incredible achievements that we have had as a Foundation but also look forward to the next stage in our growth.  

“As part of this, we want to continue to support Undershaw so it becomes a world class special needs school rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted across all categories and commit additional financial support to DFN Project SEARCH to help get 20,000 young disabled people into jobs by 2034.  

“We also want to support securing a route to market for OPTIMUM (MUKnine) clinical trials so that as many myeloma patients as possible can benefit from this pioneering set of drug therapies and share results globally through publications and presentations by Dr Kaiser.  

“The DFN Foundation will continue our work in partnership with The Pangolin Project to ensure survival of the Giant Ground Pangolin in the Nyekweri Ecosystem in Kenya.   

“Finally, we want to make sure that the DFN Foundation has a lasting impact and as part of our policy work we will launch the DFN Scholars programme and continue to work with Disability Employment Charter and the Centre of Social Justice and lobby policymakers in Parliament with a goal of reducing the disability employment gap.” 

Vintage Vibes launches wellbeing prize draw!


Edinburgh-based charity project, Vintage Vibes has launched its new Wellbeing Prize Draw, encouraging Edinburgh locals to donate and enter the draw to win fabulous prizes that support their wellbeing while helping the charity project to tackle the loneliness crisis among older people in the city.

The multi award-winning charitable partnership brings people together through friendship matches, groups, and events to tackle social isolation and loneliness in the over the 60s across Edinburgh – which has been named as one of the loneliest cities in the UK for older people.

Prize draw tickets are now available online at Vintagevibes.org.uk, with local businesses going the extra mile to support the cause by donating a wide range of fabulous prizes to encourage wellbeing and fun.

From tickets to shows at The Edinburgh Playhouse and The Cameo Picturehouse, to feel good treatments for your hair, body, mind and soul, a family photography session, and experiences such as a family day out at Edinburgh Zoo, or a meal at The Port of Leith Distillery Bar!

Gemma Wright, Fundraising and Communications lead at Vintage Vibes, said: “All proceeds from the prize draw go to supporting lonely and isolated older people in Edinburgh, which is one of the loneliest cities in the UK for older people.

“By supporting our new Wellbeing Prize Draw you could not only win a fabulous prize to improve your own happiness and wellbeing but know that you are in turn helping to improve the life of a lonely local older person too.”

Now in its 9th year, Vintage Vibes has helped over 1000 older people in the city to establish one-to-one friendships based on mutually shared interests from singing and musical theatre to gaming, and even, like VIP Shelia and volunteer, Nicky, Love Island! Events, and groups are also available from theatre to cinema, and singing to bring people together for fun and friendship.

Vintage Vibes VIP, Sheila said: “I was pretty depressed before I joined Vintage Vibes. I didn’t really know what to do with myself and had lost myself a bit. Then I met my volunteer, Nicky and it’s really lifted my spirits.

“We just talk and talk, and I love going out for a coffee or a trip out with her. When you get that low, you don’t know how to fix it but having a good friend in your life makes all the difference. Joining Vintage Vibes has been amazing for me”.

Vintage Vibes’ 2024 annual survey showed that 75% of their VIPs felt that being involved in the project had improved their mental health and 95% reported feeling happier and having a better quality of life. Vintage Vibes is now seeking amazing new Edinburgh-based volunteers to expand the project and offer support to even more older people across the city.

“It has been a privilege to work in partnership with, and fundraise for, Vintage Vibes since October 2023. We are proud to support their Wellbeing Prize Draw and the work they are continuously doing to help tackle loneliness in the over-60s right here in Edinburgh.” – Gordon Millar, Edinburgh Playhouse Theatre Director.

For a full details, list of prizes and to get your ticket for the Vintage Vibes Wellbeing Prize Draw, visit vintagevibes.org.uk.

New Edinburgh Futures Institute welcomes first commercial tenant

The University of Edinburgh has welcomed its first commercial tenant to the new Edinburgh Futures Institute in the capital’s historic Old Royal Infirmary in Lauriston Place.

Smart Data Foundry has moved from the nearby Bayes Centre to a state-of-the-art workspace in one of the converted Nightingale wards in the A-listed building, which dates back to 1879.

SDF’s move follows a period of sustained growth for the organisation which was founded in 2022 to unlock the power of financial data to tackle the major issues facing society. Over the past two years it has seen its workforce grow and mature and forged partnerships with clients like Sage, NatWest Group and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

The data pioneer has moved into a purpose-built ward on the 2nd floor of the historic building which housed the city’s main hospital until 2003. The Institute officially opened to the public on 3rd of June, following a multi-million-pound, seven-year refurbishment programme.  

Professor Kev Dhaliwal, Interim Director of Edinburgh Futures Institute said: “Edinburgh Futures Institute is delighted to welcome Smart Data Foundry. As one of the region’s Data Driven Innovation Hubs, we bring together staff, students and partners into an inspiring, collaborative and entrepreneurial environment.

“Co-location with our financial and public services sector hubs, alongside numerous industrial partners, researchers, and talented students, will accelerate data innovation and insights to help solve national and global challenges. We share the ambition to deliver positive social impact and build a better world using the power of data.”

The building includes teaching facilities, rooms for co-working with industry partners, business incubation areas, labs for innovation and prototyping, a public square, café, and exhibition and performance spaces.

Dame Julia Unwin, Chair of Smart Data Foundry, said: “Edinburgh Futures Institute has an unrivalled range of facilities in the heart of Edinburgh, and this strategic relocation underscores our commitment to fostering greater collaboration, innovation and productivity in our mission to unlock the power of data for good.

“It’s our aim to cultivate a dynamic ecosystem where data scientists, researchers, and industry partners can collaborate seamlessly to unlock new insights and drive forward our purpose of creating positive impact across society, the economy and the environment. Our new home at the Edinburgh Futures Institute is the perfect base for this ecosystem to flourish.”

Dougie Robb, Chief Financial Officer at Smart Data Foundry, added: “The combination of modern design, restored historic architecture and beautiful grounds at Edinburgh Futures Institute will help us to showcase our services to clients and attract the best talent to the Smart Data Foundry team.

“It’s not just a new office; it’s a place where ideas will flourish and groundbreaking work will be done.”

Smart Data Foundry currently delivers pioneering projects including a Cost-of-Living Dashboard for East Renfrewshire Council. Utilising near real-time de-identified data from NatWest Group, this dashboard integrates financial well-being indicators with contextual information, helping the council to understand better the challenges citizens face and therefore how this might impact on future policy interventions.

Other projects include the launch of the groundbreaking Income Volatility Dashboard with Joseph Rowntree Foundation. This innovative platform provides a comprehensive and unique view of income volatility and insecurity on consumers throughout the United Kingdom as a research and policy platform.