Sky’s the limit with the capital’s latest rooftop cocktail bar

Following on from the success of their pop-up bar two years’ ago, Skyline Sips is returning to level 5, St James Quarter, Edinburgh on Tuesday 25th June 2024.

The rooftop bar is set to offer a range of drinks, including some exciting and exclusive Chambord cocktails and promises breath-taking vistas towards Edinburgh’s historic Calton Hill. 

Skyline Sips will also be offering customers hot food and snacks, in partnership with the neighbouring Everyman Cinema.

Situated between Everyman Cinema and Roomzzz Aparthotels, Skyline Sips will be open every day until 8th September 2024.

Michael Donovan, Managing Director, Sips said: “This is our second time up on the roof at St James Quarter. We were here back in 2022 and thoroughly enjoyed every minute. We’re delighted to be back and look forward to a busy summer. 

“The feedback we received in 2022 was very positive and we can’t wait to be part of Edinburgh’s bar scene once again. Whether it’s after-work drinks, groups of friends getting together or a romantic date night, we hope that Skyline Sips will become a firm favourite this summer.”

Established in 2016, Sips is an Edinburgh based pop-up bar company that has operated bars at festivals and events including the Royal Highland Show, Fly Festival, Musselburgh Racecourse and the Edinburgh International Festival.

Healthy Heart Tip: How to adapt your recipes to benefit your heart

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: How to adapt your recipes to benefit your heart

If you’re trying to eat healthier and live a healthy lifestyle, then some of the recipes that you enjoy cooking may not fit into your new way of life. By adapting your less healthy recipes to make them more nutritious, you can still enjoy these meals and look after your health.

This could be either swapping ingredients to healthier ones, removing some unhealthy ingredients or adapting the quantities of ingredients within the dish. These changes can help to reduce your blood pressure, LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and give you more energy.

Less than 50% of adults in the UK try to eat healthy most of the time, if you aren’t one of these then now is the time to change your unhealthy eating habits. Here are some tips to help you adapt your recipes.

Reduce your portion size

Overconsumption is an issue across the world, with many people not paying attention to their bodies showing signs of feeling full. Regularly people serve and consume large portions, as it is believed that you should finish your plate of food to avoid food waste.

However, if you reduce your portion size and freeze any leftovers for another day, then you can benefit your health by avoiding overeating. If you’re concerned that this might not be enough food, then reduce it gradually or add a side of vegetables to your meal.

Swap your protein

Swapping your processed or fatty protein source to a leaner version such as chicken, turkey or fish will help to reduce the amount of saturated fats you’re consuming and lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol, which is great for your heart.

You could also reduce the quantity of meat in your recipe and add in some lentils, this works great if you’re making a bolognaise or chilli con carne.

If you follow a plant-based diet or want to consume more plant-based protein, then use quinoa, tofu, pulses, nuts and seeds as your main sources. Try not to consume many plant-based meat alternatives, as these processed foods are often high in salt and saturated fats.

Add more fibre

Fibre is a great way to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Try swapping your chips for sweet potato wedges and bulk out your meals by adding fruit and vegetables. This will also help you to reach your five a day.

Another way to increase your fibre intake is by swapping your white carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, rice and cereal for wholegrain varieties.

Don’t add salt and sugar

You could remove the addition of salt and sugar in your recipes and be aware of any that are already hidden in the foods that you buy. When cooking, try using herbs and spices such as garlic, coriander, and chilli to add extra flavour without increasing your blood pressure.

If you’re cooking with sauces, gravies or stocks, then opting for low-salt and sugar versions is much better for your heart.

Always check the food labels before you buy and choose the ones with the most amount of green on their traffic light labels.

Free virtual school trip launches to support greater access to art lessons across the UK

From Walsall to Glasgow, Art UK’s ‘The Superpower of Looking’s Art Adventure’ takes children on a ‘trip’ across the UK, widening access to cultural opportunities and building essential visual literacy skills

This week, art education charity, Art UK has announced its first ever ‘virtual’ school trip – The Superpower of Looking’s Art Adventure. Taking place on Wednesday, 2nd October, the free online event is available to all primary schools across the UK and is designed to equip pupils with essential visual literacy and visual intelligence skills.

Hosted by renowned artist Sarah Graham, The Superpower of Looking’s Art Adventure will take pupils on an exciting journey to Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow, Scotland, and The New Art Gallery in Walsall, England. While at both galleries, Graham will explore different artworks and invite pupils to interpret, negotiate and make meaning from the images presented to them. 

Following the adventure, pupils will then be tasked with their own project – taking inspiration from the galleries’ artworks and the environment around them to create a collage that celebrates their local area.

By providing accessible access to art education, this initiative is designed to introduce a new vision for teaching and learning – championing the role of visual arts and media in a way that drives a paradigm shift in education. It will also empower pupils with lifelong skills and the ability to critically observe, analyse, question, interpret and empathise with the images all around them.

This inclusive educational experience comes at a critical time, with today’s young people growing up in an increasingly image-saturated world – meaning pupils need to be equipped with the knowledge, confidence and skills necessary to successfully navigate this modern world.

Additionally, the virtual event will help schools broaden the opportunities available to pupils, particularly those in rural communities who may not be able to readily access museums and galleries, while also helping with dwindling school budgets.

Artist and host of The Superpower of Looking’s Art Adventure, Sarah Graham said: “Partnering with Art UK to travel to galleries in England and Scotland has been such an exciting opportunity and privilege.

“The creative industries are vitally important, not only from a cultural and educational perspective, but also play a critical role in developing pupils’ social and emotional intelligence.

“Over recent years, access to art in schools has become increasingly prohibitive, but The Superpower of Looking’s Art Adventure makes me optimistic for the future and I’m delighted to be involved in an initiative that will nurture a love of art and learning throughout our schools.

“I look forward to seeing the potential this trip has in inspiring the next generation of artists who will make all our lives so much more colourful.”

Mike Craig, Headteacher at Arnage Primary School in Aberdeenshire, said:Teaching visual literacy to the children in my class has helped open up a whole new world for them. It helps them consider things in new ways, search for hidden meaning and appreciate different perspectives – skills that will stand them in good stead for their future.

“Many children are initially intimidated by art, but working in this way and with accessible and engaging resources has helped overcome this barrier and developed a true love of learning and appreciation for our creative subjects.”

Katie Leonard, Head of Learning at Art UK, added: “We are honoured to have such an inspiring artist in Sarah to help us empower and inspire pupils and teachers across the country with this project.

“The Superpower of Looking is transforming the visual literacy skills of children throughout the UK, and this new Art Adventure is another way we can embed art in teaching and learning and champion visual literacy as the fourth pillar of modern education.

“We are committed to making art accessible to as many people as possible and hope that this virtual school trip brings us one step closer to making art an integral part of children’s lives and education.”

To support this learning, The Superpower of Looking’s resource kit includes additional bespoke films, full lesson plans, teacher training videos and a lesson toolkit, as well as access to Art UK’s digital database, providing access to art to every child, parent and teacher across the country.

Schools can learn more about The Superpower of Looking and sign up for the Art Adventure here:

Drag Race royalty Kitty Scott-Claus brings the house down at Johnnie Walker Princes Street

Drag Race royalty Kitty Scott-Claus brought the house down at Johnnie Walker Princes Street, Edinburgh, tonight with a fabulously fierce performance at the five-star visitor attraction to celebrate Pride Edinburgh which kicks off this weekend (22nd June).

The talented queen took to the stage in an all singing, all dancing extravaganza for visitors to the Pride Edinburgh pre-show hosted in the Label Studio, one of the World’s Leading Spirit Experience’s first-class event spaces.

Head to Johnnie Walker Princes Street this Pride weekend to enjoy the best view of Edinburgh Castle in the city, cocktails, mocktails and so much more:

Pet charities unite to issue hot weather warning to cat and dog owners

Cats Protection and Dogs Trust have joined forces to help owners keep their cats and dogs safe in the sun this summer.

The two leading pet charities say that despite their different quirks and behaviours, cats and dogs are equally as vulnerable when it comes to hot weather.

Alison Richards, Head of Clinical Services for Cats Protection, said: “We’re a nation of pet lovers and whether you’re a cat person or a dog person – or maybe a bit of both – you’ll want to keep your pet safe this summer.

“Many pets love to enjoy the great outdoors, but it’s important to bear in mind that very hot weather can put them at risk of illness and injury.”

Paula Boyden, Veterinary Director of Dogs Trust, says: “The sunshine might be great for us, however hot weather can cause problems for our canine friends. 

“Dogs can’t regulate their body heat in the same way as humans, so extra care needs to be taken, especially when exercising or travelling in the car. In this weather, there is no safe amount of time to leave your dog alone in the car, even if you leave the window open.  

The good news is that steps can be taken to prevent our dogs suffering, such as only walking dogs in the coolest parts of the day, reducing their exercise, ensuring dogs have access to somewhere cool and shady to lay down and making sure they always have access to fresh water.”

The two charities have come up with a checklist to help owners keep cats and dogs safe this summer:  

  • Be sun safe: Very hot weather can cause serious injuries in both cats and dogs.  Dogs walked on tarmac can suffer painful burns to their paws, so it’s important to check the ground on warm days. You can do this by holding your hand to the ground for five seconds – if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your dog. While cats will generally find themselves a cool spot on hot days, it’s important to remember they can suffer sunburn and develop skin cancer. Cats with white ears are particularly at risk, so speak to your vet about suitable suncream.  
  • Keep cool: Heatstroke can be serious for both cats and dogs and in some cases, it can be fatal. It’s a good idea to keep your pet indoors between 10am and 3pm on hot days and wait until it’s cooler in the evening to walk dogs or let cats outside. Even in mild temperatures, the biggest cause of heatstroke in dogs is exercise. In both cats and dogs, brachycephalic breeds – those with flat faces such as pugs or Persian cats – will be at increased risk of heatstroke, as their short facial structure can cause breathing difficulties and make it harder for them to keep cool. Kittens, puppies and elderly cats and dogs will also be at higher risk, as will those which have underlying health conditions.  
  • Signs of heatstroke: Cats or dogs suffering with heatstroke will need urgent veterinary treatment, so owners should be familiar with the signs. For both cats and dogs, this can include heavy breathing or panting, excessive drooling, diarrhoea, confusion, restlessness, vomiting, being drowsy and collapsing. If you suspect your pet has been affected by heatstroke, call your vet immediately for advice.   
  • Water and shade: Just like humans, cats and dogs can easily become dehydrated in hot weather, so make sure they have plenty of fresh water. Pop an extra water bowl in the garden if your pet is outdoors a lot, and make sure pets always have access to shade.
  • Be plant aware: Some garden plants can be highly poisonous, so take a look around the garden to see if there’s anything which may pose a risk to your pet. Lilies are particularly dangerous for cats, and ingesting just a small amount of pollen can be fatal.
  • Garden hazards: Most cats and dogs love spending more time in the garden in warm weather, so take a few minutes every week to check its safe for them. Check fences for any broken panels which dogs can escape from, or any sharp edges which may catch your pet. If you keep chemicals, engine oils or antifreeze in your shed, make sure these cannot be reached by inquisitive pets, as these can be toxic.
  • Never leave pets in cars: Pets should never be left alone in cars as even just a few minutes in a hot car can prove fatal. As cats and dogs can’t cool down the same way as humans, the heat can quickly become dangerous for them.   If you see a pet in a car in distress, call 999 immediately.  

For more information on keeping cats and dogs safe this summer, visit: or

UK Political Betting Scandal: Why It’s Not Allowed

Recent events in the UK have brought to light a significant betting scandal involving political figures, underscoring the urgent need for stringent ethical standards and enforcement in public office.

As more names surface in the ongoing investigation, the scandal is set to have wide-ranging implications for political accountability and public trust.

Betting expert Andy Bell from explains all: 

The Scandal Unfolds

The controversy began when it was revealed that Craig Williams, a senior aide to Rishi Sunak, placed a bet on the timing of the next general election just days before it was announced. This has sparked a broader investigation into betting activities among political figures, with more names expected to emerge in the coming days. Williams has since faced significant scrutiny and potential legal challenges.

Ethical Implications

This scandal highlights several critical issues:

Conflict of Interest: Politicians and their aides have access to privileged information. Betting on such information compromises their ability to act impartially and can lead to decisions influenced by personal gain rather than public interest.

Public Trust: Incidents of this nature severely erode public confidence in political institutions. When political figures are seen engaging in unethical behavior, it diminishes the public’s faith in their ability to govern fairly and transparently.

Regulatory Gaps: The current regulatory framework for political conduct may be insufficient to address modern challenges such as betting and financial conflicts of interest. This scandal underscores the need for comprehensive reforms.

Current Measures and Recommendations

In light of these events, several steps should be considered to strengthen ethical oversight in politics:

Enhanced Disclosure Requirements: Politicians should be mandated to disclose all betting activities and any financial interests that could pose a conflict of interest.

Regular Audits and Monitoring: Implementing regular financial audits and monitoring the activities of politicians can help detect and deter unethical behavior.

Clear Consequences: Establishing strict penalties for breaches of ethical conduct, including betting on privileged information, can serve as a significant deterrent.

Ethics Training: Providing regular ethics training for politicians and their aides can reinforce the importance of maintaining integrity and help them navigate complex ethical dilemmas.

Moving Forward

As the investigation continues, it is crucial for political parties and regulatory bodies to take decisive action to address these issues. Strengthening ethical standards and ensuring rigorous enforcement can help restore public confidence and ensure that political decisions are made in the best interest of the public.

Andy Bell from says: “The unfolding scandal serves as a critical reminder of the importance of transparency, accountability, and integrity in public service. By addressing these challenges head-on, the UK can work towards rebuilding trust in its political institutions and ensuring that such issues are effectively managed in the future.”

Edinburgh Pride

The annual Pride Edinburgh march takes place today in what is Scotland’s longest running celebration of diversity.

Council Leader Cammy Day said: “This month is an invaluable opportunity for us to recognise the contributions made by the LGBT+ community. It’s so important to recognise the individuals who have challenged norms and pushed boundaries to create a more inclusive world for us all to enjoy.

“Edinburgh is one of the most diverse cities in the world and everyone is welcome to make our city their home, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

“That’s why it’s vital we demonstrate our support by proudly flying the rainbow flag above the City Chambers. The flag, a symbol of LGBT+ pride, represents the importance of inclusivity, tolerance, and respect for all individuals.

“I’m so proud that the Council is a member of the Stonewall Diversity Champions Programme to make sure we have a more inclusive working environment for our LGBT+ colleagues. I’m committed to upholding the rights of the community so they can live their lives as they wish, without fear of judgement or discrimination.”

See what’s on at Pride Edinburgh.

Time to honour heroes of the high street in Edinburgh and Lothians

People across Edinburgh and the Lothians are being urged to turn the spotlight on their heroes of the high street.

Nominations have opened for the 2024 Scotland Loves Local Awards, which will see the nation’s town of the year crowned, alongside other accolades.

Organised by Scotland’s Towns Partnership (STP), the awards recognise and reward the dedication, determination and innovation which is making communities fit for the future.

The categories nationally are:

  • Town of the Year
  • Most Enterprising Community
  • Place Leader of the Year

Eight High Street Hero Awards will also be presented – one in each of the Scottish Parliament electoral regions.

This will recognise a person or organisation who has gone above and beyond to support people and make their community a better place to live, work and visit.

STP Chief Officer Kimberley Guthrie said: “There are people working tirelessly across Edinburgh and throughout the Lothians whose desire to make a difference is driving a new future for their community.

“Hard work and innovation is helping people and places to manage the cost of living, tackle the climate emergency while transforming places to become better, fairer, more attractive and successful.

“The Scotland Loves Local Awards are a chance to shine a spotlight on the determination and collaboration which really is improving lives in so many ways.”

Spearheaded by STP and supported by the Scottish Government, Scotland Loves Local is the movement encouraging people to create a better future for their community by choosing local. This is the fourth year in which the awards have been held. 

Technology solutions company Vicinity, which works with councils and business improvement districts to provide data and audience insights to promote local places and economies, is sponsoring the Town of the Year category.

Chief Executive Henry Jinman said: “Our work gives us a fascinating insight into what makes places tick  and we are delighted to work alongside STP to help foster a culture of innovation and collaboration in Scotland’s Towns and Places.

“That is why we are delighted to be supporting the Town of the Year category, to shine a spotlight on fantastic work being carried out by organisations and individuals across the country, making a real difference to places and the people who live there.”

Award nominations can be made at, where full category criteria can also be found. There, you can briefly share the details of your nominee and why you would like to see them recognised.

The closing date for nominations is 5pm on Friday, August 23rd 2024. Finalists will be announced in September with presentations made to winners in October.

The achievements of finalists will also be celebrated at the Scotland’s Towns Conference in Perth on November 27th.

Holyrood’s CPG on Bangladesh calls for educational collaboration

The Scottish Parliament’s Cross-Party Group (CPG) on Bangladesh has called for action to promote educational links between Scotland and Bangladesh.

The CPG met on Wednesday 19th June 2024 and received updates from Convener Foysol Choudhury MSP and Deputy Convener Miles Briggs MSP, H.E. Saida Muna Tasneem, High Commissioner of Bangladesh to the UK, Peter Brown, Director of British Council Scotland, Dr Ibrahim Rashid, PhD Fellow from Stirling University and members of the Scottish Bangladeshi diaspora.

The High Commissioner was also joined by Mohammad Hazrat Ali Khan, Deputy High Commissioner, Tanvir Mohammad Azim, Commercial Counsellor, Wing Commander Md Saifur Rahman, Assistant Defence Adviser and Moumita Zeenat, Counsellor (Political).

The CPG meeting focused on education and followed on from a CPG visit to Dhaka last November 2023, where the CPG met with H.E. Sheikh Hasina and the Foreign Minister Dr A.K. Abdul Momen to discuss the importance of generating shared links between education institutions in Bangladesh and Scotland.

MSP Choudhury and MSP Briggs updated the CPG on Wednesday night on how they have already met with Scottish Universities to start the conversation and discuss how to move forward with opportunities for education and research collaboration, specifically around agriculture, climate change and fishing.

MSP Choudhury said: “The CPG is all about building the relationship between Scotland and Bangladesh in areas of shared importance.

“There is a definite need to bridge a gap and reinforce educational collaboration with Scottish and Bangladeshi universities, such as via creating Scottish University campuses in Dhaka and beyond.

“We have already written to H.E. Sheikh Hasina, had discussions with High Commissioner, Saida Muna Tasneem, contacted Universities Scotland’s Connected Scotland Partnership and the British Council.

“It was fantastic to hear the update from the High Commissioner and British Council at the CPG meeting this week to hear their commitment to building educational links and opportunities between Scotland and Bangladesh-as well as from some students to learn why educational collaboration is so beneficial!

“We look forward to continuing this collaboration between Scotland and Bangladesh on education and other areas such as climate change, and seeing our global partnership go from strength to strength.”

The CPG also got an update on many more areas of development between Scotland and Bangladesh, including cultural endeavours via the Edinburgh Military Tattoo.

The Scottish Parliament CPG on Bangladesh says it will continue to build these links and shared endeavours between Scotland and Bangladesh, exploring matters on the world stage and also for the domestic Bangladeshi diaspora in Scotland.

Festival of Politics programme 2024 announced

Join us in your Scottish Parliament to have your say on the issues that matter to you

The Scottish Parliament’s Festival of Politics returns this August with a five-day programme of over 30 events, taking place in the home of Scottish politics at Holyrood.

Our 20th Festival will take place between Monday 19 to Friday 23 August and will provide festivalgoers with informed debate and inspiring topics on a range of social, political, and environmental issues facing the world today.

This year we mark two significant milestones in Scotland’s political history, the 25th anniversary of the Scottish Parliament and the 20th anniversary of the Holyrood building. With several events focusing on the future of the institution in Scotland.

Benedetta Tagliabue, architect, partner and widow of the visionary creative Enric Miralles, who designed the Scottish Parliament building will join the Presiding Officer in conversation on the opening day of the Festival. 

This event will also feature excerpts from the opera ‘Mai per Atzar’ (Never by Chance) originally staged in 1997 for the opening of the Miralles Tagliabue EMBT studio in Barcelona, with lyrics by Valerio Ferrari and music by Roberto Cacciapaglia.

The excerpts from the original Opera, together with new music in honour of Enric Miralles, will be performed live by world leading composer and pianist Roberto Cacciapaglia in the Parliament’s Debating Chamber.

There will also be leading experts from the worlds of politics, the arts, business, the media, academia and the third sector who will join us for a deep dive into issues dominating the news agenda. Join in and have you say on everything from the impact of artificial intelligence to Scotland’s ambitions in the space sector, to young people and mental health.

The Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, Rt Hon Alison Johnstone MSP said: “Every year, the Festival of Politics aims to explore some of the big issues that feature in day-to-day politics, in the media and in wider civic Scotland.

“The Festival offers an opportunity to take up a seat in your Parliament, to hear from a range of experts, aiming to inspire debate and inform our thinking.

“This year as we celebrate our 25th anniversary, we present an exciting and varied programme of events, music and exhibitions.”

In association with the Edinburgh International Festival, the first day of the Festival will also feature the impressive outdoor opening celebration of Healing Arts Scotland featuring a Scottish Ballet community cast accompanied by 200 musicians including performers from Oi Musica, Samba Y Bamba, The National Youth Pipe Band of Scotland and the piping super group TRYST.

The specially curated dance piece will be performed to ‘Mackay’s Memoirs’ by the late Scottish Celtic fusion artist Martyn Bennett.  Healing Arts Scotland is a country-wide week-long activation, celebrating and advocating for improved physical, mental and social health through the arts. 

In addition, there is a lively free programme of music, choirs, dance and exhibitions in the Festival Café Bar.

Tickets can be booked now on our website:

Most events will be available to view on our YouTube channel after the Festival has finished for those unable to attend in-person.