Lammermuir Festival faces future challenge head-on as Creative Scotland turns it down for funding

Lammermuir Festival has been turned down by Creative Scotland’s Open Fund for funding towards this year’s festival.

Over a period of 40 weeks the festival lodged three applications having been strongly encouraged by Creative Scotland officials to re-apply twice. 

Each application was strongly recommended for funding by the Music Department at Creative Scotland, particularly as a key part of a network of festivals across the country including East Neuk, Paxton, Cumnock Tryst and St Magnus.

Each application has been turned down by assessment panels, the last notification being on 22 August, just 16 days before the 2023 festival opened.

Statement on the future of the Lammermuir Festival from the Chair and Trustees:

The Chair and Trustees of the Lammermuir Festival are appalled and saddened at the lack of investment in the 2023 festival by Creative Scotland. The Times described the Lammermuir Festival as “an indispensable part of Scotland’s musical culture”.

It has indisputably been a huge success over the past 14 years, giving pleasure to audiences from East Lothian and further afield, transformative experiences for people young and old through our community engagement, and presenting Scottish and international performers with worldwide reputations in beautiful and intimate settings across the county. 

Presenting the Festival in its current form has relied on a strong, supportive audience; our loyal Friends, Benefactors, sponsors and other generous funders; and investment from public funds, mainly Creative Scotland but also contributions from EventScotland and East Lothian Council. 

In previous years ticket revenues, private sector funders and public support have contributed about one third each of the cost of the Festival enabling us to keep ticket prices at a level to allow the widest audience to attend the performances.

If Creative Scotland had invested the sum requested in 2023 it would have represented 23% of the Festival budget. This is crucial investment in an area of Scotland which does not have regular high-quality cultural events drawing audiences to the area. In 2022 the Lammermuir Festival generated £780,000 of economic benefit for East Lothian (Source: MKA Economics, November 2022).

Public support has in addition allowed children and young people from across the county to discover and develop musical skills and benefit socially from participation in music. Most recently this brought almost 700 people together in our community opera and engagement work, giving them the experience of every aspect of production as well as performing.

This year Creative Scotland has declined to support the festival despite having encouraged us to re-apply twice over the last nine months.

Reasons given were first: prioritising applications with activity earlier in the year; second: Fair Work; third: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. This third application was refused on a criterion which the Music Department assessor judged to be fully met. We are urgently seeking clarification on how this could be. 

The artistic ambition and quality of the festival has been consistently recognised in Music Department assessments.

In particular there has been no recognition that what has emerged is effectively a decision by Creative Scotland to give no priority to a festival as significant as Lammermuir, despite its record of achievement and its obvious appeal to audiences and performers; and no attempt is made to justify this. 

This flies in the face of the expressions of support for culture in Scotland, and in particular for festivals, that have been made in recent days by the First Minister, Neil Gray and Angus Robertson.

To deliver this year’s Festival as planned – with what is already being acclaimed as an outstanding artistic programme – we shall be obliged to use a significant proportion of our reserves which we have judiciously built up over many years. 

Thankfully on this one occasion we were in a position to do this, allowing audiences to once again enjoy beautiful music in beautiful places as in previous festivals, and meet our commitment to artists.

Without Creative Scotland support the Lammermuir Festival’s future is under threat.

We urge Creative Scotland to reconsider their decision and secure the future of Lammermuir Festival. In order to make plans and commitments for 2024 and beyond we need the financial stability which Creative Scotland has provided over the past 13 years. 

We are determined to save the Lammermuir Festival for the future.

From the Chair and trustees of Lammermuir Festival

Out of the Blue helps support Edinburgh’s unpaid carers through the arts

  • The Creative Carers programme returns to Out of the Blue this Autumn
  • Now in its second year, the Creative Carers programme of arts workshops supports over 40 people each year with a programme of free arts workshops
  • The programme is a collaboration between Out of the Blue and VOCAL (Voice of Carers Across Lothian)

This September sees the launch of the Creative Carers programme at Out of the Blue Drill Hall. First set up in 2022, Out of the Blue will be working with several resident arts organisations to deliver a series of free creative classes for unpaid carers. The classes will take place over two months this Autumn at Out of the Blue Drill Hall and Abbeymount Studios.

The project is being delivered in partnership with local charity VOCAL (Voice of Carers Across Lothian) to help reach unpaid carers.

According to VOCAL’s most recent carer survey, 79% report an impact on their mental wellbeing after beginning caring and 48% don’t believe they have a good balance between caring and other things in their life.

To help combat these challenges, the project aims to offer unpaid carers a number of creative and inspiring workshops that carers can enjoy to take time away from their caring role, try something new and connect with others.

The free creative workshops include aerial dance, pottery, dressmaking, jewellery, printmaking and drama. The workshops are open for beginners as well as those who have some prior experience. The workshops will take place at Out of the Blue Drill Hall at 32-36 Dalmeny St and at Abbeymount Studios at the top of Easter Road.

These are:

● Aerial skills with All or Nothing
● Pottery with Edinburgh Ceramics Workshop
● Jewellery with Precious Metals Workshop
● Dressmaking with Remode Collective
● Printmaking with Out of the Blueprint

The project has been funded through the Scottish Government’s Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund which aims to support community based initiatives that promote and develop good mental health and wellbeing within the adult population.

Feedback from 2022 suggests that carers enjoyed the chance to engage with other activities offered through the classes (which they would not have done otherwise) and enjoyed the social element.

Some also suggested that they didn’t have time to pursue their own hobbies so they valued the chance to be creative alongside others in a similar caring role.

Feedback from participants in 2022:

● “It helped to focus on the course for a couple of hours and put the everyday stresses to the back of my mind.
● “Felt as if I could achieve something for myself and be creative for a change.
● “Felt very positive and excited to be doing something so different.”
● “There was a level of companionship, not just the common situation of being carers but also a shared interest.”

Out of the Blue Project Manager, Johnny Gailey, says: “We’re absolutely delighted to be able to run the Creative Carers programme again this Autumn.

“The feedback from last year’s participants was really positive – carers really valued having time to themselves away from their caring responsibilities and the chance to be creative.

“There’s estimated to be over 80,000 unpaid carers in the Lothian area so hopefully individuals who find themselves in a caring role and who think they would benefit from the programme might find out about the free programme and get in touch to sign up.”

VOCAL’s Chief Executive, Rosemary McLoughlin said: “Many carers face barriers to taking a break from caring, which is why thinking creatively and offering flexible options to short breaks across the city is so important.

“Building on the success of last year’s programme, we hope this partnership with Out of the Blue will support carers to take a much-needed break and have a positive impact on their health and wellbeing.”

The Creative Carers project takes place at the Drill Hall and Abbeymount Studios from early October. If you’re an unpaid carer and are interested in taking part please visit the VOCAL WeeBreaks website where you’ll be able to find out more.

Scottish Mosques raise money with Islamic Relief for Morocco

Islamic Relief UK launches nationwide Mosque collection this Friday (15th September) to raise money for Morocco earthquake survivors

Aid agency, Islamic Relief UK, has announced nationwide Mosque collections on Friday 15th September to raise funds for vital, life-saving aid for the survivors of the devastating earthquake in Morocco.

It is expected that this will be the charity’s largest ever Friday Mosque collection.

Participating Scottish Mosques are:

  1. Masjid Al Hikmah (Glasgow) – 15th
  2. Alloa Mosque (Aberdeen) – 15th
  3. Blackhall Mosque (Edinburgh) – 15th
  4. Aberdeen Mosque and Islamic Centre – 15th 

The earthquake hit Morocco on 8th September at 11.11pm in the High Atlas region. 2,100 people have already been reported to have been killed with the death toll likely to rise as rescue teams continue to search for survivors.

Some villages have been completely flattened and residents are using whatever equipment they can find as they struggle to help their neighbours.

Blocked roads are preventing ambulances from reaching the wounded, and while officials are scrambling to clear debris, rescue and relief efforts are difficult amid the mountainous terrain, risk of landslides, and large distances.

Islamic Relief’s team on the ground is supporting local organisations to provide relief to survivors, including food, shelter and other items. The aid agency has also launched an appeal to raise £10 million to help with relief efforts, which Friday’s collection will go a long way to help reach.

Tufail Hussain, director, Islamic Relief UK comments: “The news of the earthquake in Morocco was devastating to hear, knowing that so many lives would be lost or ruined by this natural disaster.  Islamic Relief teams were quickly deployed to Morocco to work with local partners.

“However, none of what we do in the field would be possible without the amazing generosity of our donors and the community. In times of crisis you can always count on the Muslim community to pull together to help the less fortunate.”

Crime rates rise in Edinburgh

Edinburgh Q1 Performance Data published

The total number of crimes taking place within the Capital has risen, as Police Scotland makes hard choices to maintain effective policing within the funding available:

The Q1 Management of Information data was published on Thursday, 7 September, covering the period of April to June 2023. This shows that during this time that the total number of recorded criminal incidents has risen from 7,081, to 7,136.

While serious assaults have fallen from 80, to 69, and there have also been seven fewer attempted murders, there have been three murders recorded within the division – two more than the same period last year.

While there has been an increase in the number of robberies recorded, the detection rate for these offences has also risen, with 19 more incidents solved.

Sexual crime has also risen, with an additional 32 incidents reported, including two more reports of rape or assault with intent to rape. Indecent and sexual assaults have, however, decreased from 143, to 119.

In addition, the detection rate for sexual crime has also increased by over nine percentage points.

Another area that has seen a rise in reported offending is acquisitive crime, which is up from 3,806, to 3,946.

However, the total number of housebreaking, including attempted break-ins has fallen from 293, to 249. Motor vehicle crime has also reduced from 586 reports, to 514.

The city has also seen a significant reduction in the number of road casualties, which have more than halved, when compared with the same period of 2022.

In total there have been zero fatalities – three fewer than last year, as well as 26 fewer serious injury collisions and 67 fewer slight injury collisions.

Overall motoring offences have also fallen from 2,380, to 2,232.

Chief Superintendent Sean Scott, Divisional Commander for Edinburgh, said: “I acknowledge and accept that the current quarterly data, which shows a rise in recorded crime for the Capital, may be of concern to our communities and I want to reiterate my commitment to ensuring we dedicate our policing resources appropriately to address developing crime trends and provide the best level of service we can to the public.

“However, as T/Deputy Chief Constable Speirs has stated, Police Scotland is facing sustained levels of demand, with over 600,000 calls received from the public in the first quarter of 2023 and over 420,000 incidents recorded.

“This, coupled with the reduction in personnel numbers and budget restraints, means the service must make hard choices and Edinburgh is not immune to this. We must look closely at the resource we have and how it can be best utilised to address developing crime trends and support the needs of Edinburgh’s public.

“The public have an important role to play in helping us shape policing priorities by taking our Your Police Survey which is available on the Police Scotland website at”

The 2023-24 Quarter 1 Performance Report was presented at the Scottish Police Authority Policing Performance Committee yesterday.

The report and associated Management Information is available here.

Auditor General: Access to mental health services ‘slow and complicated’

Accessing adult mental health services in Scotland remains slow and complicated for many people. In particular, ethnic minority groups, people living in rural areas and those in poverty all face additional barriers.

There have been big funding increases for services since 2017, but a lack of data makes it hard for the Scottish Government to see the impact of that spending. Waiting times for psychological therapies have improved. But ministers do not measure the quality of wider mental healthcare services, or whether they are improving people’s health.

The mental healthcare system is fragmented. The Scottish Government, NHS boards, councils, Integration Joint Boards, Health and Social Care Partnerships and the third sector are all involved in funding, planning or providing services. This makes accountability complex. And it causes complications and delays in developing care focused on the needs of individuals.

The Scottish Government plans to increase its Mental Health Directorate budget by 25 per cent and ensure that ten per cent of the front-line NHS budget is spent on mental health by 2026.

They have also committed to giving all GP practices access to community based mental health and wellbeing services. These commitments are essential to improving access to services and relieving pressure on the mental health workforce. But ministers’ plans are not on track.

Stephen Boyle, Auditor General for Scotland, said: “The Scottish Government needs much more information to understand the difference its investment in mental health services is making, from specialist services to community-based support.

“That planning must include moving beyond using waiting times as the sole measure of whether services are improving the lives of those in need. And it needs to include a costed delivery plan for the care that people can expect in their communities.”

Ronnie Hinds, Interim Chair of the Accounts Commission, said: “Councils and Integration Joint Boards have a vital role to play in improving the availability
and quality of data needed to plan services and get the right levels of staffing in place.

“They also need urgently to develop shared goals and targets to improve how housing, welfare and other services work together in order to address and prevent the root causes of poor mental health.”

The Larky Belters all set to take on Edinburgh Kiltwalk for SSAFA

An eleven-strong team based in and around Larkhall, South Lancashire is set to step off for SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity on the last Kiltwalk of the 2023 season.

Wearing their finest red SSAFA T-shirts and striking red tartankiltsthe team – led by former WO2 Karen Macdonald – will make their colourful way around Edinburgh on September 17.

It is not, however, Karen’s – or the Larky Belters’ – first Kiltwalk. Karen organised a smaller team for last year’s Kiltwalk and has expanded her fundraising team for 2023, which comprises her, another Karen, Fliss, Jen, Caterina, Fiona, Rosie, Sharon, Claire, Debbie, and Lisa.

Karen enjoyed a long and varied career in the Army, which she joined in 1989 with WRAC (Women’s Royal Army Corps, which became the Adjutant-General Corps in 2002).

Leaving in 2004, she served in – deep breath – the MoD, 4 Signal Group Germany, Headquarters Northern Ireland (where she was awarded the Queen’s Commendation for Valuable Service), 1st Battalion Queen’s Lancashire Regiment, 7 Parachute Regiment, the Army Training Regiment, and finished with 1st Bn The Highlanders in Edinburgh. She completed three operational tours in Bosnia.

Now a civil servant, Karen has been a fitness fan since joining the Army, and says: “I spend many Sundays putting in the miles encouraging others to join as feel walking is good for the soul and head space especially during these difficult times.”

“The atmosphere is tremendous, and you get to talk to so many people on the way round from all walks of life supporting their chosen charities.

“For us it’s SSAFA, which we support so proudly. The charity – it’s the UK’s oldest tri-service charity – does amazing by supporting serving military personnel and their families, older veterans, those who might need some help with their mental wellbeing, as well as its transitional mentoring for service leavers.

“All of these aspects are so important to individuals and their families, and really, it’s like SSAFA’s part of your family, always there to support you.”

The Larky Belters enthusiasm for and belief in SSAFA is perhaps all the more remarkable as Karen is the only member of this year’s team with personal military service.

Karen concludes: “So, if you see us on the 17th in Edinburgh, give us a wave and if you can’t make it to the Kiltwalk, then drop us a donation so that SSAFA can carry on its life-changing and sometimes life-saving work, just as it has since 1885.”

Donations can be made to the Larky Belters at

For more information, visit

Healthy Heart Tip: Do you know your numbers?

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: Do you know your numbers?

This week is Know Your Numbers Week which encourages everyone to take ownership of their heart health numbers.

Cholesterol levels and blood pressure are two key markers to understanding your risk of heart disease. In this week’s healthy tip, we explain what these two markers are, give you the healthy ranges you should be aiming for and explain how you can get yours tested.


There are two main types of cholesterol, LDL, sometimes called ‘bad’ cholesterol, and HDL, sometimes called ‘good cholesterol’. We need some of both types of cholesterol, but the incorrect balance can be harmful.

When LDL cholesterol builds up in the arteries, it can contribute to plaque formation, whilst HDL cholesterol removes harmful cholesterol from the bloodstream. Simply consuming more fibre can have a positive impact on your cholesterol reading.

See our previous healthytip for more ways to reduce bad cholesterol.

Blood pressure

Blood pressure is the measure of the force that your heart uses to pump blood around your body. It is measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg) and is given as two figures: 1) Systolic pressure – the pressure when your heart pumps blood out, 2) Diastolic pressure – the pressure when your heart is at rest, between pumps.

Systolic pressure is always shown on top, and diastolic pressure is always shown on the bottom. A simple lifestyle step like reducing your salt intake can help reduce your blood pressure.

Get a test

The only way to know if your blood pressure or cholesterol is high is to have it checked. Checks are quick and easy, and it could be lifesaving. Adults aged 40 years or over should aim to have their blood pressure checked at least every five years.

You can ask your GP to check your blood pressure, or you may be able to have your blood pressure checked with your local pharmacy or gym.

You could also consider investing in a home blood pressure monitor to keep track of your numbers – check out our ‘How to take your Bp video’ for a guide on measuring your blood pressure at home.

For more tips on how to stay healthy, sign up for weekly healthy tips at

Blind woman left traumatised after she feared falling in front of speeding train

A blind woman footballer from Edinburgh was left traumatised after she feared falling in front of a speeding train when rail staff never showed up to help her.

Samantha Gough – who plays blind football for England despite being a Scot – booked assistance before starting her journey at Edinburgh Waverley, but when she got to Doncaster station en-route to a competition, no-one was there to help.

The station also did not have tactile paving – a system of textured ground surface indicators on platforms to assist the visually impaired.

Samantha, 20, from Lasswade, (pictured, in glasses) who attended the Royal Blind School in Edinburgh, said: “It was a nightmare, a really horrendous situation to be in. People have died falling on the tracks before and I thought it was about to happen to me.

“I was in full panic mode and there was not one person there to help despite me booking assistance before I set out. I waited for about five minutes and then really began to panic. I had no idea how close I was to the platform edge as there was no tactile paving.

“Fast trains were screaming past with the wind hitting me and despite screaming on the platform for help, no one heard. I called my mum at home in Scotland and she had to phone the police. A few trains later, a guard got off and asked if I was ok and took me to station staff. They said my assistance request was not on the system but I had been told at Edinburgh that staff were phoning Doncaster to inform them that I was on the way.”

The news comes as train operators are preparing to cut 2,000 staff in line with plans to close almost every train station ticket office in Britain.

Rail companies have already outlined proposals to make thousands of job cuts by October – even though the UK government is yet to approve the planned ticket office closures. 

Plans to close 974 out of 1,007 railway station ticket offices were first announced by industry body Railway Delivery Group in July. Scotland’s busiest station Glasgow Central, which serves 15.3 million passengers each year, could also lose its ticket office. 

EDINBURGH, UK – 21st June 2022: Royal Blind School pupils and families take part in a fun filled Fiesta Day at the school. (Photograph: MAVERICK PHOTO AGENCY)

Samantha added: “I was travelling on to an event in Conisbrough. I was just left outside Doncaster station in a distressed state and had to wait for someone to come and get me from Conisbrough.

“It is a disgrace and has really knocked my confidence. It has really made me think twice about going anywhere without support.”

Samantha has been visually impaired from birth due to cerebral visual impairment (CVI) – a condition which means the eyes are healthy but the brain’s visual pathways do not work, resulting in sight loss. 

She competes in a number of sports and plays for the England women’s blind football side as Scotland does not have a team in the sport.

Last year, Samantha, who is severely sight impaired, competed in the European Para Youth Games and was the only Scot representing her country at goalball. She scooped bronze with Team. The para sport consists of three players on each side of the court, with 18 metres wide goals at either end. Players use a blue ball with bells in it which is thrown by hand and never kicked.

Samantha said: “We complained about this situation and we were offered two first class tickets as compensation. But I don’t want to go near their trains after my experience so it completely misses the point.

“This is the most extreme situation I have faced on the train. Sports people need to use the rail network all the time to get to training and events. There is a real issue here about accessibility and fairness. It really is a disgrace.”

Midlothian MP Owen Thompson has written to LNER demanding action. He said: “I was extremely concerned to hear about this constituent’s traumatic experiences. It is simply unacceptable. I find it hard to comprehend how something like this can happen in this country in the 21st century.

“There is a real issue about accessibility, equality and fairness here. Blind and partially sighted people should be able to travel safely and comfortably at all times. I wrote to LNER a couple of weeks ago and have still to receive a response. I am concerned that tactile paving is not an essential at every station in the UK.

“I do not think that the Secretary of State for Transport’s statement that tactile paving will appear in all mainline railway stations in Britain by the end of 2025 at the latest is good enough. Samantha has my full support. We have already met with Samantha and her mum to hear their concerns and I will stay in touch as we battle to get this resolved.”

Craig Spalding, chief executive of Sight Scotland, said: “We’re deeply concerned at Sam’s experience and the dangerous situation she was left in.

“Being left without any assistance and on a platform with no tactile paving highlights just how inaccessible travelling can be for people with visual impairments. Sadly, train journeys like this are not uncommon for blind and partially sighted people.

“We’ve heard first hand of other cases where people have waited for assistance to arrive and nobody turn up. This has a knock-on effect on someone’s confidence to travel independently and being able to safely get from A to B.

“Urgent action is needed now to ensure all train stations have tactile paving, in person ticket booths and assistance to ensure rail travel is accessible for all.”

£12.4 million to help change choices about work

  • £12.4 million awarded to six innovative new projects to understand barriers to getting into work.
  • Projects include investigating the impact of endometriosis on women’s work choices and how programmes to reduce obesity and type 2 diabetes can improve workforce participation.
  • Funding will help overcome barriers facing those who need the most support getting into work    

Six ground-breaking projects including an investigation looking at how endometriosis impacts women in the workplace have been awarded £12.4 million, the UK Government has announced today (Tuesday 12 September).

The projects comprise the first round of the Labour Market Evaluation and Pilots Fund, and take place over the next two years. The results will help to transform the government’s approach to the jobs market and drive forward research into best practice in employment.

While the UK’s employment rate is higher than a number of other advanced economies, the government is committed to ensure that those who most need help getting into the workplace are supported.

The Chancellor announced a range of interventions to address this at Spring Budget 2023 – including a significant expansion of childcare support, making 30 hours of free childcare a week available to parents from children aged 9 months.

The Labour Market Evaluation and Pilots Fund is part of that and will be used to test new approaches and generate better evidence to help specific groups back into work or to work longer hours.

Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Victoria Atkins, said: “Our jobs record is incredibly strong, with high employment that means millions of people are benefiting from work. But for some, that’s not happening.

“We need to look for solutions that are tailored to help people thrive in the jobs market. This analysis is the first step towards that – looking at specific health conditions or living arrangements to find out what works to help people work.”

Minister for Social Mobility, Youth and Progression Mims Davies MP said: “The vital opportunities and confidence employment gives, helps to transform lives. This is why we are determined to support all those who want to progress to do so, while also driving down inactivity and importantly growing the economy.

“This key new funding for our pilots will enable us to support even more people to move forward in work, including vitally those in supported accommodation and more disadvantaged communities, to help people to break down any barriers to work, so more people can fulfil their employment potential.”

National Statistician, Sir Ian Diamond, said: “The ONS welcomes the opportunity to shine light on this important area with these projects.

“This new analysis will provide crucial insight for decision makers in helping to understand how health conditions impact on people’s working lives and what interventions can help people stay in work.”

One of the projects includes a first-of-its-kind Office for National Statistics (ONS) evaluation which will investigate the impact of endometriosis on women’s participation and progression in the workforce.

Endometriosis can affect around 1 in 10 women, with symptoms including chronic pain and fatigue which can disrupt daily routines, fertility and mental health and time off work may be needed for coping with symptoms.

Previous work has shown that women with the condition often take this into consideration when making career choices, including the likelihood they will need to take significantly more sick leave. This project will improve understanding and help inform government plans to support women with the condition in their careers.

A second project by the ONS will evaluate whether programmes to reduce the risk of developing type two diabetes and obesity improve people’s ability to join the labour market. 

Around 3.8 million people in the UK have type 2 diabetes and 2.4 million are at high risk of developing the disease which can have a strong effect on quality of life, including the ability to workThe evaluation will include reviewing the impact of the Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (DPP), a large scale nine-month, evidence-based lifestyle change programme aimed at people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

There will also be a new pilot to address barriers to work faced by those aged 18-24 living in supported housing, which is accommodation provided alongside care, support or supervision to help people live as independently as possible in the community and can act as a pathway to transitioning into work.

To support young people in making that transition, DWP and the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) have developed a Proof of Concept that will test financial support and simplification of the benefits system for 18-24 year olds living in supported housing who move into work or increase their working hours.

This will help them to build their employment prospects further, work towards becoming financially independent and progress into move on accommodation in a planned way. 

Funding will also be allocated to two HMRC projects to evaluate the impact of Tax-Free Childcare on parents’ work choices and women’s return to work after maternity leave. In addition, funding will be provided to DWP to trial employment support and rent incentives to move people out of work or on low earnings into work or onto higher earnings.

Techscaler programme creating entrepreneurs and innovators

Hundreds of start-ups supported in first year of programme

Almost 400 of Scotland’s tech start-up businesses have been supported during the first year of the Techscaler programme.

A total of 387 fledgling firms received assistance from the £42 million Scottish Government project – the most comprehensive of its kind in Europe – which provides free mentoring and advice to early stage business owners.

The seventh Techscaler hub will open in Dumfries during this financial year, joining others already operating around the country and underlining the Scottish Government’s commitment to innovative businesses.

The 2023-24 Programme for Government includes an additional £15 million to support entrepreneurs from all walks of life.

First Minister Humza Yousaf visited the Techscaler hub in Stirling to meet start up business owners and learn more about the programme.

The First Minister said: “Growing businesses are fundamental to a thriving Scotland, and the Scottish Government I lead is committed to doing whatever we can to help businesses unleash the enormous economic potential of accelerating a fair, green and growing economy. 

“That is why our Programme for Government is investing in the entrepreneurs of the future, building on the valuable work already taking place within Techscalers.

“Tech start-ups right across Scotland now have access to world-class education and mentoring and opportunities for peer learning and networking through the Techscalers – a hugely impressive programme which has made Scotland one of the most tech start-up friendly places in the world.

“We are taking action now, in partnership with business, to help stimulate sustainable and fair economic growth across Scotland.”

Inspiring a new generation of tech entrepreneurs – (

Supporting a start-up nation – (

Kickstarting new businesses – (